What Are the Seven Things God Hates

What Are the Seven Things God Hates?

What Are the Seven Things God Hates

What Are the Seven Things God Hates? In the Bible, God is often described as a loving and compassionate God. However, it is important to note that God is not only a God of love, but also a God who hates. While this concept may be difficult for some to understand, it is crucial to recognize that God’s hatred is a reflection of His perfect and righteous nature. In the book of Proverbs, there is a list of seven things that God hates. These sins are detestable to Him because they go against His nature and His commandments. Let’s explore each of these seven things in detail.

Seven Things God Hates

Proverbs 6:16-19

1. Haughty Eyes

The first thing that God hates is haughty eyes. This refers to an attitude of arrogance and pride. God desires His people to have humble hearts and to recognize that all good things come from Him. When we exalt ourselves and look down upon others, we are not aligning ourselves with God’s character. Instead, we should strive to have a humble and teachable spirit, recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God.

2. A Lying Tongue

Another sin that God hates is a lying tongue. Speaking falsehood and deceiving others goes against the very nature of God, who is the God of truth. Lying not only damages our relationships with others, but it also damages our relationship with God. As followers of Christ, we are called to be people of integrity and to speak the truth in love. We should strive to be honest in our words and actions, reflecting the character of God.

3. Hands That Shed Innocent Blood

God also hates those who shed innocent blood. This includes both physical murder and any act of violence or harm towards others. God values human life and calls us to protect and value the lives of others. Taking another person’s life unjustly is a grave sin in the eyes of God. As His followers, we should promote peace, justice, and the sanctity of life.

4. A Heart That Devises Wicked Plans

A heart that devises wicked plans is another thing that God hates. This refers to a heart that is filled with evil intentions and desires. God desires for us to have pure hearts and to seek righteousness. When our hearts are filled with wickedness, it leads us down a path of destruction and harm. Instead, we should strive to have hearts that are aligned with God’s will and His commandments.

5. Feet That Make Haste to Run to Evil

Feet that make haste to run to evil is another sin that God hates. This refers to a person who is quick to engage in sinful and harmful actions. Instead of resisting temptation and fleeing from evil, they eagerly rush towards it. God calls us to be vigilant and to resist the temptations of sin. We should strive to walk in the ways of righteousness and to flee from evil.

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6. A False Witness Who Breathes Out Lies

God also hates a false witness who breathes out lies. This refers to someone who gives false testimony or spreads lies about others. This not only damages the reputation of the person being lied about, but it also goes against God’s commandment to love our neighbors and speak the truth. As followers of Christ, we should strive to be people of integrity and to speak truthfully about others.

7. One Who Sows Discord Among Brothers

The final sin that God hates is one who sows discord among brothers. This refers to someone who causes division and strife among people, particularly within the community of believers. God desires for His people to live in unity and harmony, loving one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. When we sow discord, we go against God’s desire for His people to be united in love and purpose.

Applying the Seven Things God Hates to Our Lives

Understanding the seven things that God hates should lead us to self-reflection and examination of our own lives. It is important to recognize that we are all prone to sin and that we fall short of God’s standards. However, as followers of Christ, we are called to repentance and transformation. Here are some practical ways we can apply the seven things God hates to our lives:

  1. Cultivate Humility: Seek to have a humble attitude, recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God. Avoid pride and arrogance, and instead, value others above yourself.
  2. Speak Truthfully: Strive to be a person of integrity, speaking the truth in love. Avoid gossip and lies, and instead, speak words that build up and encourage others.
  3. Value Life: Recognize the sanctity of life and promote peace and justice. Avoid violence and harm towards others, and instead, seek to protect and value human life.
  4. Guard Your Heart: Be mindful of the intentions and desires of your heart. Avoid wickedness and evil thoughts, and instead, seek righteousness and purity of heart.
  5. Resist Temptation: Be vigilant and resist the temptations of sin. Avoid rushing towards evil and instead, flee from sin and pursue righteousness.
  6. Speak Truthfully About Others: Avoid spreading lies and false testimony about others. Instead, speak truthfully and seek to build up and encourage others.
  7. Promote Unity: Strive to live in unity and harmony with others, particularly within the community of believers. Avoid causing division and discord, and instead, seek to promote love and unity among brothers and sisters in Christ.
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By applying these principles to our lives, we can align ourselves with God’s desires and live in a way that is pleasing to Him. Let us seek to honor God by avoiding the things that He hates and embracing the things that He loves.

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