Christian financial credit union

Christian financial credit union

Christian financial credit union

The best Christian financial credit union will provide you with all the assistance needed o manage and grow your wealth. It is unarguable that credit unions have a greater advantage over banks. If you are like me, then you must have experienced or heard people complaining about the high interests rates or service fees that banks impose. Luckily enough, you are not forced or obliged to remain with the traditional banking systems when you can take your finances to the next level with a credit union. These financial institutions have assisted many people and taken them to the point of financial freedom. It is still doing same today and will likely do same tomorrow. Christians are called upon to grow and manage their wealth in the righteousness of God’s light. And how can this be best done apart from integrating a Christian financial credit union.

However, are we trying to say here that credit unions do not have drawbacks? No, this is not the message that we are trying to pass. The truth is that credit unions also have little drawbacks which often turn to be negligible when compared to those from banks. Credit unions around the world make use of an efficient customer service-centric model. These financial institutions are generally more accessible than banks. In addition, they have an excellent customer service team which is always ready to guide everyone moving from newbies to financial experts on how to properly manage and grow their money.

What is Christian financial credit union?

Many people regularly ask the question of what is Christian financial credit union? Although it has been in existence for over 20 years today, not everyone knows it. The Christian financial credit union also abbreviated as CFCU is an institution which focuses on growing and maintaining your wealth. Worth noting here is that it is a religious financial institution which has been in existence since 1950. CFCU began as St. Jude’s Parish Credit Union in Detroit Michigan. Since then, it has experienced lots of changes, modifications, and tremendous growth. It was back in 1998 that a merger between the Northeast Catholic credit union and the SERF credit union gave birth to what is known today as the Christian financial credit union. Over the years, this financial institution has been merging with many other credit unions. Some of them are St. Marks Parish credit union and Father Murray Federal credit union.

Why choose Christian financial credit union?

Great customer service

With this financial institution, the customer is indeed king. They are more interested in customer satisfaction than anything else. With this in mind, you can be sure that your adventure with them is likely to be very smooth. They have a friendly and efficient customer service team which is always ready to bring solutions to all the problems that you might have. This customer service team is out to boost and take your experience with them to another level. They work towards making sure that all problems encountered by their customers are resolved.

Lower fees

If you’ve ever suffered the pains of high transaction fees with banks, this is the option for you. This is because service fees in banks are generally higher than those of credit unions. Even more interesting is that fact that unlike banks, credit unions do not charge ATM fees. Overdraft fees are also low when transacting with credit unions. Thus, we’ll say that going for a credit union will great favor your saving plan. That is, you’ll be offered the ability to spend less and save more. This is the case with this Christian credit union.

Amazing interest rate

The Christian financial credit union generally offers high saving rates than most banks. Worth noting is that they also offer a lower interest rate on loans. There is just no need to look further when we are offered better interest rates with the CFCU. Their main objective is not to make huge profits. They simply seek to meet up with the cost of operation. That is why you can expect better transactions from them. In general, credit unions are more focused on serving their members than making huge profits. In other words, they get their joy from the satisfaction of their customers.

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Helping those with bad credits

We all know that banks hardly tolerate people with bad credits. Thanks to this Christian financial institution, we can say that gone are those days when having a bad credit represented the end for you. By this, we mean to say that they are more tolerant than banks. They do not focus on your bad credit history to keep you out of the game. Rather, they give you a chance to proof your credit history wrong. In other words, they’ll assign a loan officer who will work together with you in order to find out the best loan that suits your needs. And for sure, if you meet up with payment on time, they’ll be more than happy to grant more whenever need arises.

Top services offered by Christian financial credit union

Community development

CFCU prioritizes the well-being of the community more than any other thing. In short, developing the community is one of their top priorities. They do this by helping local organizations and charities to meet up with their demands. In addition, they are highly involved in donations to schools, less privileged people, non-profit organizations and those in need. Donations could be in the form of cash, cloths, food, shelter, healthcare, and time. Thus, we can say that this institution is not only focused on making profit but also on ways to make the society a better place. This justifies its reason for being a Christian organization. They also have an online donation and sponsorship form which you can get by vising their website.

Online banking with Christian financial credit union

One of the services offered by the Christian financial credit union is online banking. With this service you are offered a 24-hour access to real-time information about your account. In addition, you have a 24-hour free access to your savings, checking, account balance, loans, and transaction history. With them, you have the ability to withdraw money from your account 24/7. And you can be sure that the withdrawal procedure is quite simple. They use the latest security means in other to assure the safety of your account’s information. Thus, you can be sure that your information won’t reach the hands of hackers and scammers. The company makes use of multiple layers of security among which are the internet firewalls, password protection. and 128-bit sophisticated encryption. Worth noting is the fact that the features on their online banking site are quite user friendly.

Send Money


The Christian financial credit union makes it possible for people to send money online through Popmoney to their loved ones and business partners. All you need for this transaction is the person’s mobile number or email address and you are good to initiate the transaction. It becomes even more interesting because the recipient must not be a CFCU member before receiving. With Popmoney, transactions are quickly carried out via the CFCU mobile app or online banking.

Mobile banking

Mobile banking app

Through the CFCU’s mobile banking app, you are offered the ability to completely make your money mobile. Hence you can go along with your money everywhere and make good use of it at any time that you want. Access is granted into your account right from your smart phone. You can as well use your smartphones to make deposit checks. This updated mobile app has made the process of taking your money on the go more than ever easy. This mobile app features one of the most sophisticated and complex access mechanisms that provides top security. It is the Touch ID which grants access only after identifying your fingerprint during a scan. You can safe time by depositing a check right from your smart phone. You can access your account balance without a necessary login to the app.

Text banking

This is another pretty nice service which is offered by the Christian financial credit union. You do not necessarily need a smartphone for this purpose. Once you have a phone that receives SMS then you are good to go. Text banking renders the process of checking your account balance very easy. It also allows you to access and check your recent account transactions and history. However, for you to use this service, you must first be enrolled through online banking.

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The CFCU has rendered checking accounts more than ever easy. It has several checking accounts among which you can choose that which suits your needs. Worth noting is that all their checking accounts offer access to online banking. In addition, they also offer free use of the FAST Audio Teller, free online check images, access to over 20,000 fee-free ATMs nationwide, and a free debit card.


The Christian financial credit union makes use of E-checking to boost your experience for the best with checking in general. You are free to get an E-checking account with them. This account does not require a minimum balance or a monthly fee. With it, you are free to carryout unlimited check writes. Requirements and qualifications for this service are not complicated. You just need to signup for the free E-statements. After signing up, you can expect to receive your monthly statement in your email box. The use of E-checking is quite versatile. Here, you choose how you’ll operate your account. You can choose to use direct deposit, write checks, or use your debit card. The choice is yours. With online banking, you can easily access your account.


Classic savings

The Christian financial credit union makes the process of saving quite easy and flexible. They provide you with the classic saving account as the main saving branch with the greatest benefits that you can get from a credit union. They make it very easy and possible to quickly save for the future. And we all know the importance of saving or its role in leading us to a highly secured financial future. You can as well set goals and save for that pretty nice car or house that you have always wanted to purchase.

Christmas Club

This is a special account with CFCU which encourages and makes it possible for you to save for holiday giving. With as little as $5, you can start this account and regularly drop something in for saving. We can assure you that you’ll be amazed about the amount raised before Christmas comes. With this account, all your savings are transferred to your regular savings on the eve of the first of November. This will give you enough time to make all necessary shopping and meet up with your plans.


This is the best saving account for anyone who wants to save and realize something big. It represents one of the best choices for people who want to save for a home. NestFund operates by allowing you to be able to add your balance throughout the term. It has assisted many people to save for a down payment of their first home. Getting started with NestFund is very easy. All you need is a minimum balance of $100. Adding or fueling your NestFund account is pretty easy. In as much as you can fuel your account, your friends and loved ones can also do same for you.

Certificate of Deposit

The Christian financial credit union makes it possible for you to invest your money and allow it grow or work for you. You can do this by investing in a CFCU certificate of deposit. In order to boost your saving experience, you’ll be presented with a variety of options on the platform. Just make sure that you choose those that will meet up with you saving goals. Most of the terms and duration for these investments usually move from 6 months to 60 months. Also note that should in case you change our mind and decide to make an early withdrawal, you could experience some early withdrawal penalty.

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Budget counselling

Financial success comes thanks to the wise decisions that you make. Failing to properly plan and manage your financial life won’t lead you to reaching financial freedom. At times we are faced with conditions and problems that require decisions that will likely affect our our finances. Taking such decisions without the necessary expertise will only lead you into regrets. That’s why we’ll advice you to walk together with experts from CFCU who will guide and show you the path to real success.

Commercial loans from Christian financial credit union

If you are an entrepreneur, then you know what it means to run out of cash in business. And we know that most financial institutions do not appreciate the idea of giving out loans. And for those who do, they impose a high interest rate which can push you into breaking your bank account. Luckily, this is not the case with the Christian financial credit union. They are ready and willing to provide you with the necessary cash for your startup or established business.

Inventory loan

This is a loan offered by CFCU to those who are in need of cash to purchase new equipment and boost the efficiency of their business. You can as well go in for this if you ever thick of expanding your business and making more money.

Commercial real estate loan

A commercial real estate loan is a long term loan which is offered by CFCU. This loan is aimed at expanding and growing your business in order to maximize profit by producing more and reaching out to more people.

Accounts receivable loan

This loan is one which you request and receive enough capital to boost and grow your business for a greater profitability level. Here, you use your current account as a collateral to the money you are receiving from CFCU.

This brings us to the end of our article on Christian financial credit union. We hope you enjoyed reading it. You can as well read our articles on:

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