My Strength is in the Lord who is the Father of creation. In him, we find love, strength, power, and courage to keep on fighting the good fight of faith. God is our refuge, strength, and helper. Since creation, he has always shown himself as an ever present help in trouble. For this reason, we shall not fear even if the mountains fall into the hearts of the sea and the Earth gives way. Even if the waters roar and foam as we experience Earthquakes, we shall maintain our confidence in God who never fails. He is who he says he is. The whole world will come to an end but none of his word’s will come to an end without accomplishment. The righteous run into the name of the Lord which is a strong tower that gives safety to all who enter it.
Brethren, grieve not for the joy of the Lord is our strength. Because God is with us, we need not to fear, he will strengthen and help us in every aspect of life. The joy in my heart is complete because my strength is in the Lord who uses his righteous right hand to uphold me in everything that I do. He provides strength and help every time that I am in need. The king of heaven and earth is our strength and morning song. Upon waking up every morning, we realize that he has already planed and blessed our day. In his immeasurable goodness, he sets us out for heavenly favor and blessings. We are the fruits in God’s garden and that’s why we’ll never lack. God’s favor in our lives is too much. He blesses us in an immeasurable way in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
My Strength is in the Lord
Those who faithfully seek the Lord lack no good thing but dwell in the riches of his kingdom. The Lord is a refuge and a strong-tower for the oppressed. In God, we find the justice, joy, and happiness that our spirits hope for. You can trust in God because he is a stronghold in times of trouble. In the Lord God of heaven and earth, we have an everlasting rock on which we can stand firm and not even the devil nor his agents can shake us. That’s why we should continuously seek the Lord and his strength that never fails. The Lord is our hiding place and in him we are protected from the evil forces and principalities of darkness.
We should continuously seek for God’s presence in everything that we do. If we earnestly seek for his presence, it will follow us everywhere and give us true rest and peace of mind. He will be with us and go before us as he prepares the way ahead. Remember that God never fails nor forsakes his children. Having this in mind, we should not fear nor dwell in dismay. The eternal God is our refuge, and in his presence, we benefit from complete protection. The lord hears the righteous whenever they cry for help, and majestically rescues them from their worries.
Do not give up the faith
My strength is in the Lord, that’s why I refuse to give up no matter the challenges that come my way. It is easy to give into fear, worry, and despair, but in God, we can find the strength to overcome these challenges. God gives us hope and guides us into looking ahead to wonderful things. We need not to fear because God has redeemed us in the fullness of his riches. The Lord God of heaven and earth has called us by our names and we are completely his. He will protect us from all harm and keep us safe within the comfort of his arms. Dwell not in worries but bring everything to God in prayers and thanksgiving. Sincerely thank him for what he has done and he will do much more than you can imagine. God is always ready and willing to answer his children.
We ought to be strong and courageous because God is with us everywhere that we go. With God in our lives, we need not to be afraid nor dismayed. Brethren, remain faithful till the end because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. God is not far from all those who call on him in truth. He hears the cries of the faithful and saves them from the hands of the wicked. The Father of creation fulfills the heart desires of all those who love him and remain faithful in keeping his commands. Wear not yourself with anxiety but cast it all unto God who cares for you.
In God, we have been given a spirit of strength and power
Through faith in Christ, we are made God’s children and are given a spirit of faith and power. The spirit that we receive from Christ is one of love, strength, faithfulness, and power. Without entertaining any fear, we can hold onto God’s promises with certainty that he’ll bring all them to accomplishment at the right time. Our heavenly father did not give us a spirit of timidity but one of strength, self-discipline, and obedience to his commands. Because God is with us, we shall not be shaken even in the least way. The Lord our God is our fortress and refuge. He provides us with all that we need for a living on Earth. God’s faithfulness in strengthening and protecting his children is one which has been proven and found credible.
God gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless so that they might all acknowledge his supremacy over the heavens and the earth. With God going ahead of us, we do not need to fear the evil that attacks at night nor the injustice that reigns during the day. God gives us the peace that our spirits hope for. He provides us with mighty victory over the powers of darkness. Full of power and might, we can only sing praises to his name. My strength is in the lord who never fails. He did it in the past and he is still doing it these days.
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