Jonas Clarke Middle School

Jonas Clarke Middle School

Jonas Clarke Middle School

Jonas Clarke Middle School is an approved and top rated public school that is located in Lexington, MA. This prestigious school is named after Jonas Clark who was an American Clergyman and Political Leader. He was born on the 25th of December 1730 and passed away on the 15th of November 1805. This school was named after him due to the great impact he had on America at large. He played a great role in the American Revolution which had to do with shaping the 1780 Massachusetts. This Clergyman went as far as contributing to the United States Constitution. The Value which he added to America and the World at large in his Christian ministry and as a political leader can’t simply be ignored. The American constitution is where it is today thanks to his intervention.

Jonas Clarke carried out his studies at the Harvard University in which he graduated in the year 1752. On May 19, 1755, Clarke became the third pastor of the Church of Christ in Lexington, Massachusetts. He got married to Lucy Bowes Clarke and they lived happily in their marital home. John Hancock was his wife’s cousin. He was received as a guest in their home during the battles of Concord and Lexington in the year 1755. When Clarke died, he was buried in the Old Burying Ground in Lexington, Massachusetts. The place is now referred to as the Hancock-Clarke house. It is in honor of his great accomplishments to America that we can talk of the Jonas Clarke Middle School.

Jonas Clarke Middle School

The Jonas Clarke Middle School has about 1,000 students in grades 6 to 8. The school has a student to teacher ration of about 11 to 1 in order to create a platform for effective learning and amazing results. In this light, teachers are able to attend to the individual problems faced by each student. According to recent State Test Scores, 89% of students in this school at at least proficient in Math while the remaining 84% are proficient in reading. Over the years, this school has been credited for its top and remarkable results. It has trained many successful men and women in America.

Jonas Clarke Middle School Address


  • 17 Stedman Rd
  • Lexington, MA 02421
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  • (781) 861-2450


Jonas Clarke Middle School Site Council

This site council is a group made up of parents and teachers. This parent-teacher association is charged with the statute of assisting the principal in better identifying the educational needs of the school’s students. They do this by adopting the educational goals which are set by the school as well a reviewing the school’s annual budget and reformulating school plans. Parent representatives in this council are elected during every spring season. Once elected, they are expected to serve for a period of two years. Teacher representatives in this council are elected by the faculty. They are also expected to serve for a period of two years.

Clubs and After School Activities

Clarke’s School Newspaper

Here, students are expected to prepare articles, write, and conduct interviews. These students are also expected to provide illustrations for publication in the school newspaper.

General Information
  • Supervising Teacher:  Ms. Aldrich
  • Room: IMC
  • Day:  1 Thursday per Month
  • Grade Level:  All Grades
  • Time: 3:00 – 4:00

Math Tutoring

This is a club which usually holds after school and provides a platform where students can meet to work on their math homework. It is also a place where students can join to increase their mathematical knowledge through group studies. Here, students can also join in groups to prepare for upcoming assessments. Each working session has two math teachers who are willing and ready to assist in any mathematical concept that students are facing issues.

General Information
  • Supervising Teacher:  Ms. Isles 
  • Room: 357
  • Day: Tuesdays and Wednesdays
  • Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM 
  • Grade Level:  All Middle School Students Welcome

Home Work Club

The Home Work Club is an opened platform at Jonas Clarke Middle School for students who need help on how to go about completing their homework. It is also a suitable place for all those who need a quiet environment to complete their homework before going home. The cub is well equipped with computers and other studying materials to help students.

General Information
  • Supervising Teachers:  Ms. Jigargian
  • Room: 355
  • Day: Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM 
  • Grade Level:  All Middle School Students Welcome 
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Debate Club

This club introduces students to the world of realistic debates that can add value to the society. It will properly prepare them to compete and partake in the high school debate program. In addition, it teaches her participants on how to approach the world through a more inquisitive and questioning lens. The Debate Club at the Jonas Clarke Middle School addresses several topics. Among these topics, we can figure out how to understand an argument, how to be convincing in speech and how to generate efficient responses. It is one of the best forums through which students can better understand how the world functions.

General Information
  • Supervising Teacher:  Mr. Laxague
  • Time: 3:00 – 4:30
  • Grade Level:  All Middle School Students Welcome 
  • Day:  Every Other Wednesday beginning 10/4

Math Team

The Clark Math Team has been in existence for many years. They’ve been representing the school in different math competitions around the country. Worth noting is that in most of these competitions, they usually come out as winners. This team is made up of two major components namely MATHCOUNTS and IMLEM.

General Information
  • Supervising Teacher: Mr. Frost
  • Room: Cafeteria
  • Time: 3:00 – 4:30 PM
  • Day: Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Grade Level:  All Middle School Students Welcome

Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)

This is a welcoming, safe, and supportive platform that opens doors for frank and honest discussions which are related to family, gender equality, sexuality, and gender identity. All students in the school are encouraged to partake in this club especially those who want to properly examine issues related to lesbianism, bisexual, gay, queer experience, and transgender.

General Information
  • Supervising Teachers:  Ms. Shapiro and Mr. Capuzziello (and other staff)
  • Room: TBD
  • Day: Some WIN blocks and some after school days.
  • Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
  • Grade Level:  All Middle School Students Welcome
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Dungeons and Dragons

Unlike other clubs, this is a Lexington Community Ed Program which has a fee to be paid before joining. You can reach out to the Ed Community for more details.

General Information
  • Supervising Teacher:  Lexington Community Education
  • Room: 227
  • Time: 3:00 – 6:00PM
  • Day: Tuesdays
  • Grade Level:  All Middle School Students

Scratch Club

This club is for students who are interested in the creation of interactive art, publishing of animated stories, and learning how to design computer games. Scratch is an advanced computer programming language which can be used to create personal programs with graphics, sounds, voice, and music.

General Information
  • Supervising Teacher:  Chris Garrity
  • Room: 346 and IMC
  • Day: Tuesdays (Must sign up in advance)
  • Grade Level:  All Middle School Students Welcome 

Science Bowl

This is a club for those who are passionate about all aspects of science. It is a club that works well for hardworking students. It prepares all its students to be contenders in the U.S. Department OF Energy. It is a nationwide competition that test the level of students from different schools on topics cutting across different science topics and sections. It is no longer strange to hear that the winners are coming from the Jonas Clarke Middle School.

General Information
  • Supervising Teacher:  Ms. Grosslight
  • Room: 332
  • Day: Wednesdays
  • Grade Level:  All Middle School Students Welcome

We hereby come to the end of our article on Jonas Clark Middle School. We hope you enjoyed reading it. In the same Christian light, you can as well read that on the Key Teachings of Jesus Christ.

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