Anita Oyakhilome Remarried Story went viral back in the year 2016. This happened a few months after she officially divorced pastor Chris. As we all know, pastor Chris is the Founder, and General Overseer of Christ Embassy. Pastor Anita and Pastor Chris were both serving as senior pastors of Christ Embassy. Both were happily married and were living under the fruitful marital blessings of the Most High until the Devil stepped in with Divorce as an option to resolving their marital issues.
The Anita Oyakhilome remarried story popped up as a result of the strong evidence which she spark indicating a quiet or secret married. After receiving an official divorce decree from the High Court Of Justice Principal Registry Of The Family Division in UK, she introduced Schafer to her maiden name. This led many people to conclude that she celebrated a quiet wedding with Schafer in September 2016.
Schafer in question who is said to be her husband is a European gentleman who welcomed her in his arms. This happened a few months after her divorce with pastor Chris in February 2016. However, many still believe that she did not remarried. But for those who believe, it is due to the following evidences.
Anita Oyakhilome Remarried Story
Anita Oyakhilome remarried story saw the light of the day back on the 3rd of October 2016. The story was first unfolded by Dawn-To-Dusk News when they published an article with the title “Anita Oyakhilome Sparks Marriage Rumors”. This article pointed out the fact that she had introduced Schafer to her maiden name. The introduction was made on publishing her latest article entitled “A Simple Prayer”. In other words, this article was published with the name Anita Ebhodaghe Schafer.
As we could read from Dawn-To-Dusk News, there are solid indications showing the presence of a man in Anita’s life. Let’s further analyze these claims that led them to the conclusion that she is remarried.
Remarriage supportive facts
Pastor Anita runs an online christian portal which she regularly publishes articles on different subject matters. You can visit it at www.pastoranita.org. This christian website is linked to her verified or official Facebook page. Hence, comments and articles on this website are approved and published in her name. Have a look at the following screenshot which was made from this website.

Her remarriage story was confirmed by an approved comment on her website. This comment was written by Frau Glauben. He wrote congratulating pastor Anita for having taken a new step in her life. Frau further thanked her for the ceremony which he attended and found exciting. From the screenshot below, you’ll find two more approved comments congratulating pastor Anita for her remarriage.

God’s voice on Divorce and Remarriage
In Matthew 19, we hear Jesus Christ teaching about Divorce. He clearly points out the need for husbands and wives to find other means of resolving marital issues apart from divorce. Jesus further calls on men not to separate what God has joined together.
In 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, we are taught about remarriage by Apostle Paul. Apostle Paul was commanded by God to teach against divorce and remarriage. That’s why he writes commanding wives not to leave their husbands and husbands not to leave their wives else they’ll be committing adultery by remarrying.
You can as well read our full article on Pastor Chris Oyakhilome New Wife and Pastor Anita New Husband.
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