Message of the Cross Sermon

Message of the Cross Sermon

Message of the Cross Sermon

The Message of the Cross Sermon is one worth reading. We are currently leaving in times when the original message of the Church is changing. Might be we’ve exaggerated by saying so but the message of the Church is gradually being diluted to please men and not God. That is, Churches, and even whole denominations, are gradually but significantly moving away from the old Church message of salvation through Jesus Christ as they embrace that of salvation through good works. Note that social activism or good works is not what brings salvation. Only Jesus Christ, the son of God is capable of drawing men into salvation through his blood which was shed on the cross at Calvary. It is hurting to see that the old bloody message of the cross is rapidly being replaced with a bloodless one which lacks power and hope.

Today, instead of preaching the devastating but life changing message that all men are sinners and need a sincere repentance, many focus on preaching that of “I’m OK and you’re OK”. It is by taking the same stand as Apostle Paul did during his entire life of preaching that we hereby write to present the message of the Cross Sermon. On several occasions, Apostle Paul reminded his listeners that he was called for one purpose which was to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Key teachings of Jesus Christ were to be his focus and ministry. In the light of the old truthful message of Christ and his immediate Apostles, we’ll take you back to what happened the day Jesus Christ died on the Cross at Calvary. This event which took place some 2,000 years ago is what holds the key to eternal life.

Message of the Cross Sermon – Everything that you need to Know

An Old but New Story, a mystery which can’t be understood by human minds without the help of the Holy Spirit, is nothing else but the life and death of Jesus Christ for our sins. Follow us as we take you back to a little hill just outside the gates of the Holy city of Jerusalem. It was there that the beloved son of God purchased and provided salvation through his own life to all those who love and believe him to be who he says he is. It is this very event that makes up for the message of the cross sermon which we hereby write to present. As you read through our writing, open your heart for God’s will to come through. If you haven’t received Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, kindly invite him today to take over and he will as he promised.

The Preaching of the Cross

1. The Preaching of the Cross is a Strange Message

Till date, the message of the bloody cross of Jesus Christ is still a strange message to many. In addition to being strange, it is a mystery beyond the understanding of those who have never experienced the heart changing power of the Holy Spirit. To such people, it is more of “Foolishness”. Foolishness is derived from the word “Moron”. In simple words, they perceive the idea of believing in a suffering, and bleeding man on the cross for salvation as moronic (1 Corinthians 1:21-24). In other words, the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are being loss while it remains God’s power to bring salvation to those who are being saved.

The very message of the cross sounded strange with the Jews from the beginning. They were looking and waiting for a Messiah who would overthrow the Roman yoke and free them from their captors. Little did they know that the Messiah was coming to obtain a free and everlasting life for them through suffering and death on the cross. Get the support of our message from Isaiah 53:1-3. God had spoken clearly from the beginning that he would send his son to free mankind from sin but they were too deaf to hear as their ears were itching to hear their heart desires rather than those of God.

2. The Preaching of the cross is a Shocking Message

The death of Christ on the Cross was shocking one. It was surrounded by absolute torture. The Messiah experienced an awful and brutal death reserved for sinners. Although the prophets had spoken about these things, the people were still shocked as they had a different perception of the Messiah. According to them the Messiah was to be invincible. Little did they know that Jesus Christ, the Messiah was to ascend invincibility through obedience to his Father and weakness before men. Today, he lives and resigns as the supreme ruler over Heaven and Earth for his Father has given him all things.

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Have a look at the following sufferings that Jesus Christ went through in order to pay your sins: – Beating (Luke 22:63-64) – Scourging (Matthew 27:26) – Mocking (Matthew 27:26-29) – Spitted upon (Matthew 27:30) – Striped Naked (Matthew 27:35) – Beard plugged from his face (Isaiah 50:6) – Nailed to the cross (Matthew 27:38 and John 20:25) Note that the ancient Assyrians were the first to crucify their victims. They did not actually nail these victims to the cross but merely impaled them to sharp stakes and left them to die a horrible death. This horrible way of dying could take several days of suffering. When the Romans embraced such for their victims, they added the touch of actually nailing them to the cross. It was a horrible way of dying which could also take several days.

3. The preaching of the Cross is a Simple Message

The preaching of the cross is not clouded with extravagance and immoral demands but presented with clarity and simplicity unto all men and women who are being saved. One of the main challenges of the modern church is that many are unable to stick to the basic foundation of salvation. At times, we try to make salvation look complex that what it is actually in place. Such leads us into attaching so many conditions to the process of achieving salvation. Luckily enough, the Bible is clear on the matter of salvation.

By reading from Romans 10:9-10, we are made to know that salvation is obtained through a sincere repentance made by a sinner in faith based on the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ which was shed on the cross at Calvary. It is all about accepting Jesus Christ for who he says he is and putting your faith in him alone for salvation. Accepting Jesus Christ has to do with loving him and loving him has to do with obeying the Key Teachings He received from His Father.

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