Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and Anita Reconciliation is the dream of every supportive Christian. We long to see two servants of God working hand-in-hand as couples of reference to the large flock God has given them. It is without doubt that separation or divorce is not from God. However, since it has happened, we can only pray and fast so that God reconciles both partners and brings them together.
We know with certainty that when God is involved, it is never too late. In short nothing is impossible for God to do. And only a Satan-animated man or woman will enjoy seeing broken marriages. Just as Apostle Paul said, we ought to be supportive in the body of Christ. Instead of throwing stones at our fellow brothers and sisters who have fallen, we ought to encourage, fast and pray for them. It is in this light that we’ll love to spread the news of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and Anita reconciliation.
God hates separation or divorce. His heart is filled with sadness when he sees those He has blessed in one union separating. That is why it is said “what God has joined, let no man separate”. This is why he created men and women from the beginning in pairs. On the other hand, His heart is filled with joy and happiness to see those he has joined together living in peace and love.
Let’s read from 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 – “For married people I have a command which is not my own but the Lord’s: a wife must not leave her husband; but if she does, she must remain single or be reconciled to her husband; and a husband must not divorce his wife.”
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and Anita Reconciliation
From 1 Corinthians 7:10-11, we are commanded by God to go for marital reconciliation. In other words, couples should always find ways apart from divorce to resolve their marital problems. If it happens that they are divorced, they must remain single or be reconciled and brought together through the power of forgiveness.
It is in this line of thinking that we’ll love to witness pastor Chris Oyakhilome and Anita reconciliation. For sure, this is what the large flock that God has put them in charge of is awaiting. In order to have this reconciliation manifested, we need to join hands in prayer and fasting.
By reading the scriptures on fasting, we learn that there is power in fasting. Prayer and fasting moves the hand of God and brings divine intervention on the scene as it was the case with Paul and Silas in prison. We no longer want to talk of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome New Wife or Pastor Anita New Husband. It’s time to have these servants of God working together for the advancement of the Gospel.
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