We’ll present the best Christian financial resources reviews that you need to know in order to make the right decisions. This platform provides a Christian friendly environment for investments, capital campaigns, loans, and estate planning. There are lots of write-ups out there which look at this very aspect with biased eyes. If you are tired of such, just continuously unfold our writing as we won’t use the same approach. We’ll show you where to get the best Christian resources for starting new ministries, churches, and religious organisations. For sure this will certainly boost the flow of the gospel to the four corners of the world just as Jesus commanded. And you can be sure that it will greatly improve and ameliorate the lives of many.
What is Christian financial resources?
The Christian financial resources abbreviated as CFR is a not-for-profit organization. It has a very simple and clear mission which is to fund ministries and change lives. In other words, CFR focuses on fully assisting independent Christian churches together with their related ministries. They are out to see churches and ministries succeed rather than making profits. CFR currently serves around 3,000 investors and owns assets worth over $400 million. Their ministry model is quite simple. It is build on the sharing habit which was practiced in the first century church. We all know that believers in the early church shared their belongings or possessions with other believer who were in need.
The practice of sharing among believers was highly encouraged and practiced in the early Church. It is in this light that the Christian financial resources operates. At this point, you might be asking yourself how? It is very simple, whenever a person opens a CFR investment account, he/she is eventually assisting in funding a ministry project. CFR has been in operation since 1980. Today, they are happy to have funded hundreds of ministry projects across the world. These projects generally include loan refinances, land acquisitions, schools, parsonages, churches and structures owned by those they serve. It has its headquarter in Lake Mary, Florida.
History of CFR
The history of Christian financial resources is one worth knowing. Everything about this not-for-profit Christ centered organization dates back to July 3, 1980 in the beautiful state of Florida. Before this date in question, many visionary Christian leaders gathered in Florida for a meeting. During this encounter, their discussions were focused on how to start a not-for-profit Christian ministry which would assist churches with their challenging financial needs. By then, many churches were undergoing several financial challenges. This eventually created the need for a partner who could step in so as to finance land acquisition and construction projects. Not long after this meeting, a new ministry was formed.
This new ministry in question was unique in its type. It had as mission to facilitated the availability of finances for the creation of new churches and related ministries. In addition to this, it also had to facilitate the construction of schools, parsonages, and family life centers. In short, its goal is to make sure that there is enough finance for the creation of facilities that boost growth in the body of Christ. From 1980 til date, this organization has maintained its focus or main goal. The Christian financial resources receives funds through contributions and investments. These funds are subsequently made available as loans coming at affordable prices for the growth of churches and ministries.
Why Christian financial resources?
Over the years, CFR has proven itself as a worthy financial partner for the growth and well being of churches and ministries. Since creation, they’ve been funding ministries and changing lives for the best. CFR’s size today is very far fro what it was back in 1980. This is obviously because the size of the community which it serves has significantly increased. CFR provides efficient consultation in the areas of church growth, stewardship, budget creation, capital campaigns, staff development, and leadership. This organization also seeks to better the lives of Christians who are suffering from any natural disaster.
Types of CFR loans
The Christian financial resources has established several loans. It is very easy to understand how these loans operate. Their highly competent employees will analyze your church’s needs and guide you towards picking the best loan. They are always working hard in order to formulate the best funding solutions that will meet your ministry or church’s needs. CFR offers fixed rates as well as variable rate loans. With this organization, you are completely free from prepayment penalty charges. Part of the interest which they generate is used to plant churches and boost the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Term loan
Tern loans offered by the CFR are destined for refinances and property purchases. Amortizations for this loan can move up to 20 full years. Here, your collateral is a first mortgage which is completely based on the Church property.
Line of credit
This is a special Christian financial resources loan which is destined for special projects. Your collateral with this CFR loan is a first or second mortgage which is completely based on the Church property.
Construction loan
These are loans which are destined for new construction projects and renovations. Your collateral with this loan is a first mortgage which is fully based on the Church property. It is only during construction that you will be required to pay interest. After construction, this loan turns to a term loan.
Individual retirement accounts (IRA)
A young wise man/woman will invest for their retirement. At some point in life, we have the necessary strength to work and generate wealth. However, this is not going to last for very long as age comes with tiredness. It is not all about investment as everyone wants to make sure that their funds are in good hands. With CFR, you’ll know where your money is and how it is being used. The funds that you invest in this Christian organization are used to finance the growth of churches and ministries. In other words, we can say that they are used to change lives. IRA which is offered by CFR is a special personal saving plan. It provides user-friendly income tax advantages to all those who desire to save for their retirement.
Traditional IRA
With this account, you can make a maximum contribution of $5,500 per year. It is very possible to transfer any qualified retirement plan into a traditional retirement account without necessary owing taxes. Unless you have an early distribution exception, you’ll be subjected to a penalty tax for any distribution before the age of 59. After the age of 70, mandatory distributions and further contributions are no longer allowed. Those who are aged 50 and above can make catch-up contributions for an additional $1,000 per year. With the traditional IRA, contributions can be tax deductible. In earnings grow tax-deferred.
Roth IRA
With Roth IRA, contributions are not tax deductible. In addition, you’ll also benefit from earnings grow tax-free. You can make a maximum contribution of $5,500 per year. With this account, you can withdraw your contributions at any time without facing any tax charges. People aged 50 and above can make catch-up contributions of an additional $1,000 per year. During the lifetime of the original Roth IRA owner, contributions are not required.
General knowledge on Christian financial resources
How do I open an account with Christian financial resources
Start by reading their Offering Circular in order to gain knowledge on how they operate and the different services that they offer. After this, you can freely complete the investment application. Lastly, you should scan and email a copy of a voided check. You can also do this by enclosing a check payable with CFR and mailing it to their office.
How do I open an IRA with CFR
You can do this by completing the investment application and the W-9 form. Being an IRA applicant implies that you must also complete the TMI IRA application form. Note here that all checks for IRAs must be made payable to the TMI Trust Company.
How to carryout business transactions with CFR
Carrying out business transactions with CFR is one of the easiest things you can do. You simply need to call their office and have everything done for you. You can as well login to the CFR app and submit your request online. Apart from these two ways, you can also visit their office, fax your request, or mail your request.
Does the Christian financial resources charge for bank transfers?
CFR does not charge for electronic fund transfers. Worth noting here is that the processing time for these transfers can range from 24 to 48 hours. What CFR charges is wire transfers. The customary fee which is associated to wire transfers in the USA is $25. Note that all wire transfer requests must be made no later than 2:00 PM East.
How often does CFR pay interest?
CFR does not deduct fees for investments. Your invested funds will be used as church loans. Hence, boosting the growth and development of churches and ministries around the world. You might be asking yourself how often you’ll receive interest for your investments? CFR’s interest is compounded daily. This interest can be paid monthly, quarterly, or yearly. It can as well be left to compound and grow.
Christian financial resources reviews
There are lots of positive christian financial resources reviews out there which are testifying of its credibility. Most of those who have been assisted by this Christ-centered organization say that it has brought a huge difference in God’s kingdom. No matter the size of your church or ministry, they are able to tailor a loan that will meet your needs. Their team members are highly qualified and friendly for the task. By investing in CFR, you are using your money to make a difference as it will be used in constructing Churches around the world. In short, they are a reliable partner to churches and ministries as well as other christian religious organizations.
This brings us to the end of our write-up on Christian financial resources reviews. We hope you enjoyed the article on how to get finance for your Church or ministry. For more information, feel free to contact their main office or visit their website.