Tag Archives: Message of the Cross

Message of the Cross

Message of the cross

The Message of the Cross is the best message that a person can ever listen to. It is God’s power to conquer sin, death, and all evil principalities of the heavenly places. In addition, we can as well say that the message of the cross is God’s power to bring his children to everlasting life. Confirm the saying that the message of the Cross is God’s power to save by reading 1 Corinthians 1:18. The cross in itself represents a Trinitarian event encompassing God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. You must not mistake this saying to be a talk of three gods. In Christianity, we have three persons in one God. None operates without the knowledge and contentment of the others. Note that we cannot talk of the Bible without the cross. He/she who welcomes the key teachings of Christ is given eternal life.

The Bible which is God’s Holy Word revolves around the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ to re-establish the relationship with God which was lost through sin in the Garden of Eden. A Bible without a cross is one without a solution. Truth be told, the whole Biblical message is one with the message of the cross which was revealed by Jesus Christ. This message was revealed as a sign that God’s kingdom was at hand and the lost relationship in the garden of Eden was restored through Repentance and Faith. The Cross gives shape to Christianity while conquering the devil and all his agents. It redefines power in God’s kingdom and marks the begging of the New Covenant of Grace with God Almighty. Just as Apostle Paul taught, we can say without a doubt that the cross is the marching order for Christians.

The Message of the Cross

By reading through the Bible, you’ll realize that the cross is mentioned on several occasions. It is greatly significant in the Letters of Apostle Paul to the Church. It is not only in the New Testament that we hear God’s servants mentioning the cross. A look at the writings of the Old Testament Prophets reveals that God’s son would be hanged on the cross. God’s initial plans were for man to enjoy and maintain a close relationship with Him in the garden of Eden. But because of man’s sinful ambitions of wanting to become like God, he was sent out of the garden to live far from God in his sinful nature. However, God’s love for man did not cease as He promised to send His son who will become the lamb that takes away the sins of the world through crucifixion on the cross.

Hence, we can affirm that the cross was planned since the beginning of the World. It is the blood of God’s son which was shed on this cross that washes our sins and prepares us for eternal life as we keep to God’s teachings. By message of the cross, we mean the words which Jesus Christ came down from heaven with. These words were not his but the Father’s. For he himself said nothing or did nothing that he did not learn from his father. Being one with his father, he revealed Key Teachings on what pleases God and leads to everlasting life. Long before Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross at Calvary, he regularly called on his Apostles and followers to take up and embrace their daily cross (Luke 9:23). Jesus Christ being a teacher through words and actions personally took up his own cross on a daily basis.

Understanding the Cross and its significance in the physical and spiritual world

Although Jesus Christ was nailed on a wooden cross, we can’t say that he meant such in Luke 9:23. By requesting his followers to forget self and carry their crosses to follow him on a daily basis, he meant more than a wooden piece of wood. Apart from the piece of wood that can act as a cross, we can also have persecution, suffering, and hardship in the name of the Gospel. By the cross, Jesus Cross meant the daily obstacles which his followers must overcome for the Gospel’s sake. He himself took the cross of obeying and doing his Father’s work on Earth till the day he was arrested and Crucified. It is in this light that Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 2:20 that he was already crucified with Christ on the cross and his old body died. And that he was no longer living but Christ was in him.

In simple words, Apostle Paul was pointed to the fact that he had embraced the message of the cross and denied himself in order to keep the full teachings of Jesus Christ. In other words, the cross is the crucial key or very means that followers of Jesus Christ can partake in a new life through the unmerited favor of God. Though the mighty power of the cross, God transfers us into the image of Christ as we can read from 2 Corinthians 4:10-11. It is only through the righteous nature of Christ that we can obtain everlasting life in heaven. Being the Holy Son of God who was without sin, he was handed to evil men who suffered and crucified him on the cross for our sake. We simply need to welcome and keep his teachings. This is the only way to partake in the heavenly feast.

Definition of the cross

By dying on the wooden cross at Calvary, Jesus Christ offered the chance for every human being to have their sins forgiven. But what do we really mean when we say that he died on the cross at Calvary? By death on the cross, we are referring to the manifestation of all the inner services in the name of the Gospel which Jesus Christ carried all through his stay on Earth as his daily cross. We can as well refer to it as an inner or metaphorical cross that encompassed all the suffering, hardship, rejection, and persecutions that Jesus Christ received for the Gospel’s sake on Earth. This is the type of cross that Jesus Christ is calling on us to endure for a servant is not greater than his master. Jesus Christ was persecuted and being his followers, we can be sure to drink from the same cup.

That’s why as Christians, we should not find it strange to be persecuted and left to suffer on Earth. Let’s always remember that our place is in Heaven. We are simply passing on Earth, our place is not here. It is with our heavenly Father in Heaven. By being faithful to the message of the cross till the end, we can be sure that Jesus Christ will welcome us in his King-place. Although the cross of Calvary marked the end of Jesus’ physical life on Earth, it is the beginning journey for anyone who wishes to serve and keep his teachings. His Resurrection was an assurance that he has conquered death and will take with him all those who keep his teachings. There are practically three different types of crosses. These crosses can’t be separated either viewed as separate by Christians. They are all connected and necessary for spiritual growth.

The First Cross (The Cross of Calvary) – Luke 23:33-43

The first cross is the physical cross that Jesus Christ suffered and was crucified on. This cross which is made out of wood is what Jesus Christ died on thereby pouring blood to wash our sins. It is through faith in the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on the physical cross that we obtain peace with God. His death on the cross is what restored the close relationship with God which was once lost. When we pray and repent, our sins are forgiven because Christ has become our atoning sacrifice to God. Note that this sacrifice and forgiveness are not rewards but unmerited favors from God. In other words, we’ve done nothing to merit God’s favor or mercy. That is, it is not through our works or accomplishments that our sins are forgiven but by God’s grace alone.

The Second Cross (Crucifying the Old Man and the Flesh with its desires and passions) – Romans 6:6 & Galatians 5:24

The crucifixion of the old man and the flesh with its desires and passions is the metaphoric cross that Apostle Paul makes mention of in Romans 6:6 and Galatians 5:24. By old man here, he meant our state of mind which agreed to do what we knew to be sin. It is on this cross that this sinful nature is crucified to death. On this very cross, our flesh which is animated by evil desires and passions loses power over us. It is through this cross that we are born again of water and the Holy Spirit. We are given new natures and new heart desires in Christ. We can as well say that through this cross, we die with Christ and are given new natures that know what is pleasing to God.

It is through this second cross that we are given the right to become the children of God and faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Through this second cross, our hearts are renewed with hearts that are after God’s will. This second cross empowers us with the necessary spiritual strength needed to overcome the flesh and its evil desires (Galatians 5:19-21). It is thanks to the second cross that we are no longer slaves of sin. In other words, we are empowered to live above sin and all its branches (Romans 6:15-23). By receiving Jesus Christ through this second cross, we are made alive through his mighty Resurrection power. This is not strange because God has given all power to Jesus Christ in Heaven, on Earth, under the Earth, and in the world to come. This includes power and authority over death.

The Third Cross (Denying ourselves and taking up our cross to follow Jesus Christ on a daily basis) – Luke 9:23

The third cross is what actually justifies or qualifies us as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Many are willing and ready to shout at the top of their voices that they are followers of Christ but at the first trial, they give up. The Third Cross is all about showing yourself worthy of following Jesus Christ. In other words, it is perceived from your ability to welcome the message of the cross and put it into action. It is also considered as the degree at which you are able to stand for the sake of the Holy Gospel as well as Heavenly things. The third cross can’t be judged by simple words alone. It goes together with actions. You cannot talk of the third cross when your life is not a reflection of the Key Teachings which were handed to spiritual men by God.

The third cross is the metaphorical cross which Jesus Christ took up every single day of his life on Earth. He denied himself and chose to go after God’s heart. Jesus Christ chose God’s will instead of his. It is in this light that Jesus Christ said that no one can be considered a true disciple of his without taking up this very cross he took. By taking up your daily cross to follow Christ, you’ll be putting to death the root of sin. The best way to kill the roots of sin in your life is to go after God’s will. Instead of dwelling on complaints because of the hardship, persecution, and suffering that we are receiving for Christ, let’s rejoice and be happy for a great reward awaits us. This was the case of Paul and Silas who found reasons to praise God even in suffering.

What does the message of the cross represent?

As we can read from 1 Corinthians 1:18, the message of the cross represents life for those who have welcomed Christ. On the other hand, it represents the standards of judgment for those who reject and despise Christ and the message which God sent through him. By message from God, we mean the heavenly truth which was revealed by Jesus Christ on how to please God and receive eternal life.

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Power of the Cross

Power of the Cross

The power of the Cross or message of the cross is what holds Christianity in place. Let’s confirm this by reading 1 Corinthians 1:18 – “For the message about Christ’s death on the cross is nonsense to those who are being lost; but for those who are being saved it is God’s power“. In other words, we can say that the message of the cross is God’s power to bring salvation. The Holy Scriptures are quite clear on this Divine Truth. The cross represents the path which brings salvation to those who welcome it. We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s Holy Glory. Due to our sins, none of us is worthy to stand before God. But it was out of an immeasurable love that God sent his beloved son to come and pay the price of our sins on the cross.

Although God’s son in the person of Jesus Christ was without sin, He took the human nature to overcome sin and death. He moved from Heaven to Earth with the Holy Message from God that brings everlasting life to those who welcome it. Also learn the Key Teachings of Jesus Christ. He was handed unto evil men who suffered, persecuted, and crucified him on the cross. And in this way, Jesus Christ became the lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world. On the cross, he conquered sin, death and won victory over all satanic and evil principalities in the heavenly places. Is it because Jesus Christ died for our sins that we should continuously dwell in sin? The answer is No. In order for his sacrifice on the cross to make a path for us into Heaven, we must welcome and obey his Key Teachings.

The Power of the Cross

Obedience to the message of the cross is what purifies men and prepares them for eternal life. It is the blood of Jesus Christ which was shed on the cross that wipes our sins and make us worthy to stand in God’s holy presence. It is precisely through the power of the cross that we are given victory in the name of Jesus Christ. This victory is one that brings down every being that exalts its name above the creator of Heaven and Earth. That’s why it is written in Philippians 2:10 that at the mention of the name Jesus Christ, every knee in Heaven, on Earth, Under the Earth, and in the world to come must bow in respect and honor. By so doing, God glorifies the name of his beloved son who gave his life on the cross to save mankind from death.

Through Jesus Christ on the Cross, our sins are paid for, the devil is conquered and Christianity is given shape. It is because of the unmerited sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross that we can happily consider ourselves Christians. By dying on the cross, he gave us the right to become sons and daughters of the Living God. Through his teachings and sacrifice, we can easily make our way to meet with our creator. It is worth noting that no one can go to the father excerpt through Jesus Christ. He is the one and only truthful path that leads to the Most High. Jesus Christ freely and willingly gave up his life so that we could in turn benefit from this life in all times to come.

Significance of the cross

Message of the cross

The cross redefines supreme power in the heavenly kingdom

Jesus’s teachings till crucifixion were centered around the announcement that the Kingdom of God had come to men. His being on the cross was to redefine supreme power in the kingdom of God. The manifestation of God’s kingship on Earth is clearly narrated in the Holy Scriptures. It is said that God commissioned Adam and Eve to rule and reign over the Earth as his representatives. Instead of playing their role, they tried to seize power and make themselves equal with God as we can read from Genesis 3:5. This wrong before God went on with their children who were born in sinful natures. It was then that Jesus Christ came as God’s beloved holy son to redefine strength in God’s kingdom through weakness. By reading from Philippians 2:5-6, we learn that unlike Adam, Jesus Christ did not exploit his power but emptied himself.

The cross is the marching order for Christians

Jesus Christ explained to the Apostles the suffering that awaited him. They were all shocked and depressed. It was then that Jesus Christ told them that anyone who wishes to follow him must deny himself and take up his cross for the journey (Matthew 16:24). Apostle Paul understood this and took up his cross to the extent where he pointed out in Galatians 2:20 that he has been crucified with Christ on the cross. Paul did not only incorporate the cross in his entire ministry but also advice Christians to do same. In Philippians 2:5, he calls on all the Christians to have the mind of Christ. By mind Christ, we mean Jesus’s humility on the cross as we can all read from Philippians 2:8. Always remember that it is through the Crucifixion of Christ that Christians are authenticated and given value in God’s king-place.

The cross inaugurates the new covenant

Perhaps you were not aware but the crucifixion of Jesus Christ marks the beginning of the New Covenant. During Jesus’s last super with his Apostles, he explained that his suffering and death must come to pass in order to establish the New Covenant. This new covenant is operated on the basis of his body and blood. We can remember that it was through the sprinkling of Blood that Israelite went into the old covenant with God. But in the new covenant, it is the blood of Jesus Christ that is shed in order to restore the lost relationship between man and God. In accordance to Jeremiah 31:33-34, those making up the New Covenant have the Torah written in their hearts by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Learn how to receive the Holy Spirit and how to receive the power of the Holy Spirit.

The cross brings peace, unity, and reconciliation

Through the power of the Cross, the whole world can be reconciled before God the Father, creator of Heaven and Earth. The peace and unity that the world has been seeking for can be obtained through Jesus Christ. The lord Jesus Christ himself is peace for all those who come to him as we can read from Ephesians 2:14. Apostle Paul further points out in Colossians 1:20 that through the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross, God made peace and brought back everything to himself.

The cross conquers the Devil

On the cross, Jesus Christ conquered sin, death, and satanic principalities in the heavenly places. In other words, his crucifixion brought victory over all spiritual forces of darkness. It is said that his Crucifixion led to a cosmic eruption at Golgatha. This cosmic eruption brought a new apocalyptic force into the World and a deeper magic conquered the old magic. As we can read from Colossians 2:14, Jesus Christ on the cross disarmed all evil spiritual authorities and nullified their powers. By further reading Ephesians 2:20-21, we are told that Christ on coming back to life was seated at the right hand of God above all powers and authorities.

The cross is a Trinitarian event

It’s no longer strange to hear that the Christian faith is distinctively Trinitarian as well as cross-shaped. In other words, we are trying to say that the cross reveals the trinity. God the Father commissioned his only begotten son to save the world. The son submitted to his father’s holy will and voluntarily gave his life to save the world. And because of this, the Holy Spirit applies the work of redemption to all those who welcome the son and his teachings. Redemption is was predestined by the Father as we can read from Ephesians 1:3-6. This very act of redemption is accomplished by the son as we can read from Ephesians 1:7-10. Redemption in all its fullness is applied on to those who believe by the Holy Spirit as we can read from Ephesians 1:13-14. Note that the three personalities in the trinity cannot be separated.

The cross conquers sin and death

By reading Colossians 2:14, we are told that the power of the cross cancels the record of debt that was held against humanity. Although without sin, Jesus Christ bore our sins in his body on the cross so that we might have everlasting life (1 Peter 2:24). By reading Galatians 3:13, we are told that the curse of sin and death was placed on Jesus Christ so that by believing in him, we will obtain the blessings of Abraham. It is through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that death is completely swallowed and everlasting life established for God’s children. By loving Jesus Christ, you’ll definitely benefit from this gift of everlasting life. But what do we mean by loving Jesus Christ? Loving him has to do with learning and obeying his teachings. By doing this, you’ll gain favor in God’s side and be blessed with everlasting life.

The cross is the basis of the scripture

The power of the cross is an unarguable one given that the cross is the basis of the scripture. Up to some extent, we can perceive the Bible and the cross as one. Both are inseparable. A Bible without a cross is one without a solution. We can as well perceive a Bible without a cross as one without climax or ending. The disgusting spiral of sin which began from Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 must be brought to an end by the son of God, Jesus Christ. And this spiral of sin can only be terminated on the cross. Jesus Christ in his holy nature accepted to become the lamb of God that will be sacrificed on the cross for the sins of the whole world.

The message of the cross demystifies the hidden mysteries of God’s kingdom

Jesus’s coming on Earth made known the ways of Heaven. He came on Earth as the son of God who took the human nature. While on Earth he did just what he saw his father doing and taught just what his father asked him to teach. He made God known to men. The prophets and kings of the old testament would have loved to hear and see him in action. He made known some of the heavenly mysteries to men. He was the first to teach and do what God really wanted from men and women on Earth. His teachings were not just by words as he also taught by actions. He was well known for teaching and revealing the mysteries of heaven through parables which could easily be understood by those whose hearts were after God.

The cross brought wonders

The message of the cross and the power of the cross were both demonstrated by wonders and miracles. These wonders and miracles were there to witnesses the presence of God through his son on Earth. Jesus Christ did things which no man had ever done or heard of. By raising the dead, healing all kinds of sicknesses, restoring sight to the blind, and freeing the captives, he demonstrated God’s sovereign power. In addition to the wonders he did, his way of teaching was different. He taught with authority, knowledge, and wisdom. He overcame all flesh desires for God’s glory. The Devil tested and found in him no weakness. His life was a wonder and one worth testifying. His joy was derived from the accomplishment of his father’s will.

The message of the cross is foolishness to the world

As we can read from 1 Corinthians 1:23, the message of the cross which was brought by Jesus Christ is foolishness to the world. At the same time, this very message is God’s power to save all those who welcome it. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to understand the mysteries of the cross and be convinced. However, those who are getting loss can only find in a cross something worth laughing and mocking.