Get to know Pastor Alph Lukau Biography, Pastor Alph Lukau Wife, Pastor Alph Lukau wife and children, and Pastor Alph Lukau wife and family. He is the General Overseer and Most Senior Pastor of Alleluia Ministries International (AMI). For those who did not know, he is the Man Of God who raised a dead man back to life. This made him really go viral and popular. Some trending Google searches till date are Pastor Alph Lukau dead man walking, and Pastor Alph Lukau dead man. He’s also famous in using the power of the Holy Ghost to accurately prophesy, set free the captives, bless and heal the sick through Jesus Christ.
Whatever the case, he himself does not welcome praise for these supernatural acts. Rather he directs and calls on everyone to give all glory and honor to God for being the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has already told everyone that this is nothing human but the manifestations of God through Jesus Christ in his life for the gospel’s sake. He has been into ministry for over 20 years now. And God has been using him mightily in supernatural dimensions. In short, we’ll say that he preaches the gospel with great power and anointing. May God’s blessings continuously flow in his life. May God’s Holy Will be accomplished through him for greater purposes.
Pastor Alph Lukau Biography
Knowing Pastor Alph Lukau Biography is worth it. He is the founder of Alleluia Ministries International (AMI) which is a house of gathering for many Christians from around the world. He is a prestigious renowned Bible Scholar and international speaker. This Man Of God ministers on several platforms in different areas of the world. He is a great motivational speaker and preacher of the Gospel. Through him, many have been encouraged, comforted, and motivated to keep up with their Christian race. This holds no matter the circumstances that they are going through.
He is welcomed around the world for his mighty love for God’s people. This is what pushes many to look towards knowing Pastor Alph Lukau Biography. This does not exclude the fact that not everyone wants to see him. Many criticize, mock, insult, and persecute him. They go up to the extent of calling him fake. Whatever the case, God has not given us the authority or permission to Judge or condemn him. That’s why we’ll not say much on this matter but rather call for God’s mercy and favor to mankind.
Genealogy linked to Pastor Alph Lukau Biography

Let’s go deeper into Pastor Alph Lukau Biography. Being a mentor, coach, spiritual father, and leader among leaders, this man of God previously submitted to late Pastor Jacques A Vernaud. Pastor Jacques A Vernaud was his spiritual father till his death on 28 September 2011. Jacques Andre Vernaud was the biological son of Gaston Vernaud who was also his spiritual father. Gaston Vernaud originated from Switzerland from where he was called by God to spread the gospel. He came to know God’s calling in his life upon riding his bike to a crusade which was held by Sadhu Sundar Singh who became his spiritual father. Sadhu Sundar Singh originated from Indian where he used to serve other gods until Jesus Christ appeared to him and gave him instructions to spread the gospel.
He repented from his sins and traveled around the world spreading the gospel with the visible power of the Holy Spirit. In short miracles and wonders were felt everywhere he went until he fathered and imparted the Holy Spirit in Gaston Vernaud who decide to focus in Africa as a missionary precisely in Gabon. He taught and imparted the Holy Spirit in his son Jacques Andre Vernaud who was called by God to open a church in Congo by the age of 50 years. It was in the course of spreading the gospel across Africa that he met and mentored Alph Lukau to the state of imparting the Holy Spirit in him to continue the work of God. This is what let to the Spiritual Birth of Alph Lukau. We hope that this has completely enlightened you on Pastor Alph Lukau’s Biography.
The reality of his ministry
One thing which we are sure of is the fact that through his ministry many are healed, set free, and saved through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We’ve seen God providing instant solutions to the problems and worries of many Christians in this church. Through his ministry, many broken and scattered families have been reconciled. Many enemies have been made friends. Light has been brought to the lives of many. The power of Jesus Christ has been seen in action through the healing of the sick, raising of the dead, and mighty deliverance scenarios.
Are we going to close our eyes to these great deeds? I don’t think so. Or better still are we going to attribute these works of the Holy Spirit to Satan? I don’t think so. This is certainly the worst idea. Given that the Bible says that those who attribute the works of the HOLY SPIRIT to Satan will never be forgiven (Mark 3:28-30 ). Why should we spend all our effort and energy looking for ways to bring down this Man of God. He’s been doing so many great things, but we are too blind to see. Rather we spend our time looking for what to criticize him with. Let’s rather pray for him. This is what we had on pastor Alph Lukau Biography.
His Spiritual Sons

From pastor Alph Lukau biography, you must have noticed his love for God and the spread of the gospel. We notice that he was imparted the spirit of God and ordained to do God’s work. It is in this same light that he regularly train, impart, and ordain men and women to step out in the name of the gospel. The scriptures say that the harvest is much but the workers are few. And that we should pray that the owner of the harvest sends out more workers to gather in his harvest (Luke 10:2). Pastor Alph says that he was commissioned by God to train, impart, and release men and women who will preach the gospel with the manifesting power of the Holy Ghost.
Today, pastor Alph Lukau has sent many spiritual sons and daughters to the world in response to God’s command. One might think that it is the end but it is not. God is still using him to impart and activate spiritual gifts in the lives of many through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. Pastor Alph has reassured his congregants that God is mightily raising powerful and highly anointed men and women who will do wonders through the power of the Holy Ghost. One might ask himself/herself how these men and women are trained to do God’s work? From pastor Alph Lukau Bio, we can realize that he was trained and handed a solid Biblical foundation, It is in this same light that he passes on to others what he learned from his spiritual father as well as that which God reveals to him.
The reasons why this pastor is highly persecuted

It is without a doubt that pastor Alph is one of the most persecuted pastors around the world. While others are giving glory to God for the things which are done through this man in Christ, others are busily throwing stones at him. Many go as far as accusing him even for things he is not guilty of. You might think that he is being fought by pagans or those who are ignorant of Christ. But we’ll surprise you by saying that the majority of those who are against him are people who call themselves followers of Christ. For sure those who call themselves Christians but associate the manifesting power of the Holy Spirit to Satan are not different from pagans. Such people do not really know the Jesus Christ they are following. In addition to being ignorant, they stand to block the way for those who want to know God.
Jesus Christ has not changed. The scriptures say that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). If Jesus Christ is the same, we should all agree that he is still doing the things he used to do in the past. That is, his miraculous power is still healing the sick, opening the eyes of the blind, raising the dead, and doing the impossible. Jesus Christ said that anyone who believes in him will be able to do all that he did and even do greater things in his name (John 14:12). So why are you doubting and throwing stones at men of God who are manifesting the power of the Holy Spirit?. If Jesus Christ was not accepted what more of his servants? Do not attribute the works of the Holy Spirit to Satan for such sins are not forgiven (Luke 12:10).
Jesus’s teachings on prophets
Let’s open our Bibles to Luke 4:16-30 and hear what Jesus Christ has to say about the way prophets are treated. We clearly hear Jesus Christ saying that a prophet is not accepted in his home town talk less of his own house. Ask yourself if there is any prophet who did not receive stones thrown at him by the people. God is always sending his prophets or messengers but the people are quick in persecuting and killing them. Whatever the case, we shall all answer for our actions on the last day. That’s why you should not be quick in taking action or speaking. You can find this wisdom from the proverbs. Always take time to analyze things before speaking out. It is not because a spiritual leader has asked you to persecute someone that you must take action without thinking.
Always remember that each person will answer for his or her sins alone on the last day. It is without a doubt that you have to respect spiritual leaders and listen to what they have to say. But their teachings must not go against those which were left by Jesus Christ. Spiritual leaders are there to remind us of the teachings of Jesus Christ and not to generate new and unsound doctrines. The scriptures did not command us to be quick in condemning anyone who comes in the name of Jesus Christ. We are rather told not to believe anyone who comes in the name of Jesus Christ without first testing the spirit that is in them (1 John 4:1). How do we test their spirit or teachings to see if they come from God? We do this by matching their voice with that of Jesus Christ in the scriptures.
Origin of Alleluia Ministries International (AMI)
Alleluia ministries international (AMI) started on February 24, 2002, in Lyndhurst, Johannesburg, South Africa. This ministry since its creation has significantly grown in its number of Christians. Today, the ministry can boast of thousands if not millions of members in different branches of the church that are found around the world in different countries.
Pastor Alph Lukau Wife

This man of God is married to Celeste Lukau who serves with him in the ministry. What we can say concerning Pastor Alph Lukau wife is that she is the first lady of Alleluia Ministries International (AMI). She is a very young lady yet highly mature when it comes to spirituality. Many people love her calm, loving, and welcoming person. She’s affectionately known as “Mama Celeste”. Most Christians perceive her as a spiritual giant who was born and efficiently brought up into a christian family. It is without doubt that she has played a great and major role in the success of her husband’s ministry.
Pastor Alph Lukau Wife and Family (Pastor Alph Lukau Wife and Children)

I frequently hear people asking about Pastor Alph Lukau wife and family while others are asking about Pastor Alph Lukau wife and children. It is just but normal to seek information about your favorite or beloved pastor. We’ll help you with getting the information you want. Just as we previously mentioned, he is married to Celeste Lukau who assists him in the ministry. Both are spiritual giants. God has blessed their marriage with a child called Deri Lukau. Although still young, the knowledge on the things of God that this boy knows is really amazing. We can simply say that he is following the footsteps of his father.
Alph Lukau Nationality
This great man of God originates from South Africa. For those who might not know, it is one of the highest developed countries in the African Continent. And it is from this country that one of the greatest world leaders by name Nelson Mandela evolved.
Alph Lukau Net worth
He has an estimated net worth of $1 Billion dollars. Don’t be shocked or start questioning the origin of this money. What we’ve not yet told you is that Pastor Alph Lukau is one of the leading world’s successful and accomplished businessman or entrepreneur. One of his greatest business achievements is an international company that he owns and runs.
Pastor Alph Lukau dead man walking (Pastor Alph Lukau dead man)

This is strange right? Yes of course it is. You are not the only one to find it strange for us to talk of Pastor Alph Lukau dead man walking. We were initially overwhelmed with this phrase which went viral on the internet. It has to do with a dead man whose body was removed from the mortuary and brought to Pastor Alph lukau to manifest the power of God. And behold he raised this man back to life through the power in the name of Jesus Christ for the greatest glory of God the Father. We recommend that you read our article on how to activate faith and move the impossible.
This brings us to the end of our article on Pastor Alph Lukau Biography, Wife, Children and Ministry. Apart from reading pastor Alph Lukau biography, you can as well checkout the following books.
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- How to receive the power of the Holy Spirit; and
- Moving the impossible through the power of speaking in tongues.