See most of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola Pictures from when he was young till when he was fully operating in God’s service. You are not the only person who wants to see the pictures of this man of God who was highly Anointed. Having Received the Epikaizo Anointing and Power of God, he shook the Earth as he moved around accomplishing his mandate. Records hold that in a period of three weeks, he healed about 100 Lepers, opened the eyes of 60 Blind People, and miraculously cured 50 Lame People. These figures are not to limit his works because he did much more than what we can write. Trying to put down all the miracles and wonders which he performed through the power of the Holy Spirit will soon get us exhausted.
The Epikaizo power of God in his life accompanied him with the evidence power of the Holy Ghost. We can perceive the Epikaizo Anointing as the highest level of Divine Power which is handed to men to operate through Jesus Christ in advancing the Kingdom of God. With this power, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola went forth to raising a dead child for the glory of Jesus Christ and the greater glory of God the Father. For more info, read our article on how to have a taste of the Epikaizo power of God. This resurrection took place in Ilesa, Nigeria. It marked the beginning of what is presently known as the greatest Christian revival that Nigeria has ever experienced. One of his followers of faith went forth to raise a dead pregnant woman. Upon hearing all these, it’s very normal to request for Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola Pictures.
Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola Pictures
Babalola’s early pictures with the prayer bell and life giving water

This is one of Joseph Ayo Babalola Pictures which was taken during the early ages of his service in God’s presence. As you can see, he has a healing bell on his hand which was given to him through a Divine Encounter. It is said that the Holy Spirit strengthened Babalola and he could pray for weeks without getting tired. When he was called by God to serve as a full time prophet, he abandoned his work at the Public Works Department to answer this call. However, he resisted just as most of the old testament prophets did before finally giving in with all his heart, body, and soul. Upon accepting this task, he was asked to fast for 7 days and he did just as instructed by God.

At the end of the 7 days, he saw the figure of a mighty being whom he referred to as Jesus Christ. This Divine Being instructed him how to go about preaching the Holy Gospel, healing the sick, freeing the captives, and bringing glory to God’s name. In addition, he was given a prayer bell with the instructions that wherever and whenever it is sounded, those with evil spirits will be set free. The Divine Creature also gave him a bottle of Life Giving water with the words that anyone who drinks from it will get well. From that day henceforth, every water that Prophet Joseph Ayo Babalola prayed for was made holy and had the ability to heal all types of sicknesses. This marked the beginning of Babalola’s service for God. He traveled all round preaching the gospel and healing the sick as instructed.
Babalola’s wife pictures

Babalola spend almost half of his single life spreading the gospel from one town to another. God was with him and did not allow his words to fall to the ground. The persecutions directed towards him did not bring discouragement in anyway. They rather fortified him and prepared him for greater missions and heavenly assignments. After one of his missionary Journey, he moved back to his home town to increase his spiritual level through prayer and fasting. While in his home town, he was issued a warrant of arrest by the officials of Ilesa for having preached against witches and wizards. He was accused of having caused disorder in the town through his teachings. After trial, he was sentenced to 6 months in jail. After completing the 6 months, he returned to his land and settled down by getting married to Dorcas.
Not very long after he came out from prison and got married, he was solicited by a pastor in Creek town for a major revival. Babalola willingly and happily accepted the invitation and traveled to Creek town where he taught the gospel and performed many miracles and wonders in the name of Jesus Christ. From Creek town, he moved to other towns and continued preaching the Holy Gospel and healing the sick. In most of his journeys, he was accompanied by his followers of faith. These followers were highly anointed through his teachings, and calling. God also used them in great and mighty ways beyond human imagination. In this light, the Holy Gospel went far and was received by many.
Joseph Ayo Babalola Pictures before his dead

This is one of Joseph Ayo Babalola Pictures before he departed from our dwelling place on Earth to meet our creator. His death was one that brought sadness to the hearts of many. However, before his death, he left behind many great memories which reflect the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. He headed the Revival Fire which is still remembered in Nigeria till date. In short, we can say that this man was really on fire for God. Nigerian Christians still have good memories of the great revival which took place in the 30’s and 40’s. Although he was highly anointed to the teeth, he remained humble and simple. Babalola was indeed a terror to the kingdom of hell and all its agents. He used the authority in the name of Jesus Christ to send many witch doctors out of business.
Babalola went to the extent of conquering the evil forest and driving out the demons from their dwelling places. In addition to turning the evil forest to his prayer ground, he also turned the mountain to his prayer gym. Historical records hold that during one of his prayer sessions, he saw a python crawling towards him and he did not shake from his prayer spot. You might ask yourself why and how? He was talking to his creator and heavenly father and nothing had the right to interrupt their discussion. That’s why he did not worry. And behold, the python did not hurt him but was found dead beside him. Yes, after his prayers, he saw the python dead beside him. This confirms the words of Jesus in Mart 16 that those who believe in him will overcome all wild animals.