Prayer for a sick child quotes

Prayer for a sick child quotes

Prayer for a sick child quotes

Get to know the best prayer for a sick child quotes that will call down divine healing. Many people end up as parents with entrusted children from God. Rearing or taking care of children has never been the easiest thing to do. Sickness is one of the challenges which regularly keeps parents worrying. As parents, we all know the feelings that come when our children are sick. It is without doubt that no parent would love to see his/her child in a sick state. However, sickness is a reality which we can’s completely avoid. Full control over sickness is not at our reach. Whatever the case, there is a mighty divine healer in the name of Jesus Christ. He has never failed and will never fail. We can count on him to restore our children to healthy states. What we need is faith which is the certainty in God’s power.

Thus, if you make a prayer for a sick child quotes, believe that God has heard and answered you. The scriptures say that there is nothing that is impossible for God to do. Hence, you can be sure that God is ready and willing to heal your sick child. It is written in the scriptures that we are healed by the wounds which Jesus Christ received on our behalf (Isaiah 53:5). And it is only through faith that we can claim and obtain this healing. Jesus Christ walked the streets in the past and healed all those he found. And because he has not changed, he is still walking the streets and healing. The scriptures say that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). With this in mind, we are convinced that Jesus Christ the divine healer is still bringing healing to those who call on him.

Prayer for a sick child quotes

Anointed prayer for a sick child quotes

Lord Jesus Christ, may you have mercy on me and my family. Mighty healer, may you locate my sick child with your divine healing power. I know you did it in the past and you can still do it today. May you receive all glory and praise for your goodness to mankind. Lord, you best know the pains that my child is undergoing. I believe that a word from you will restore him/her to a healthy state. Savior, while on Earth, you demonstrated your love for children. It is without doubt that you have a deep affection for the well being of children. I humbly present my sick child whom I use as a point of contact to other sick children before you. Lord, may you glorify you name and mighty healing power in their lives. Mighty healer, thanks for hearing and answering my prayers.

Prayer for a sick child in the hospital

Lord Jesus Christ, the divine healer, we know that you are with us because you said you will never abandon us. Although we are not seeing you physically, we are convince and certain of your presence among us. We know that you are by our sides and know our sufferings and joys. Jesus, may you have mercy on me and my family. I hereby come into your holy presence to request divine healing for my sick child and all those in the hospital. I know that there is nothing that you can not do. By your words, the sick are healed. Lord, say just one word and this illness in my child will be uprooted from the origin. Savior, I believe in your healing power. It never fails. Thanks for hearing and answering my prayer. May your holy name be praised for all times to come.

Prayer for God’s healing love

Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals, may your majesty be acknowledged and uplifted for all times. Father, I humbly come before your holy presence to seek for divine healing on the behalf of my sick child. I am certain about your immeasurable love for mankind. As your word says, it was out of your love that you sent forth your only son to come and take away our sins on the cross. Lord, if you did not even keep back your only son but sent him to suffer for mankind, I am certain that your love can bring healing on my sick child. Father, may you bring glory to your name through this sickness. May the world know that you are the mighty divine healer to whom all sicknesses bow. Lord, I believe that you have heard and answered my prayers. I thank you for your doings in my life.

Anointed prayer for a child suffering from a chronic illness

Lord Jesus Christ, the mighty healer, I am convinced that there is no sickness that is more than you. Have mercy on me and my child suffering from a chronic illness. Lord, I am certain of the fact that all sicknesses can leave at the mention of your Holy Name. Savior, my child has been suffering from this chronic illness for so long. You best know the pains I endure on daily basis due to this illness on my child. Father, it is true that I love my child but I know that you love him/her in a greater way. With this in mind, I am comforted because I know that you will not leave my child without opening the flow-gates of heaven to send down divine healing. Father, thanks for hearing and answering my prayers. May your holy name be praised for all times.

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Powerful prayer for a sick child quotes

Most merciful and almighty God, look not on my sins but on the sacrifice of your son for me on the cross. I hereby come into your holy presence with this little child who is suffering from pain and discomfort. Lord, I know that you are a mighty healer. That is why I request for your healing power on this child and all those in the same condition. Father, I ask that in your mercy and grace, you will restore his/her health to normal state. Lord, if it is your will, may you make it a speedy recovery that will bring glory and honor to your name. Father, I know that when you heal, it is once and for all. In your goodness, may you locate my sick child and all those in the same condition. Lord, thank you for hearing and answering my prayers.

The healing arms of Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, may you have mercy on me and hear the cry of my heart for your healing arms. When you were physically present among us, you welcomed the little children on your arms and blessed them. Lord, I know that you are still the same. You said you will never leave us alone. Lord, thanks for your love and desire to see us in good health. Lord Jesus, I have been suffering with this little child due to his/her sickness for so long. I know that the definite solution lays in your healing arms. That is why I humbly request that you put your healing arms around this child and restore him/her to a normal healthy state. Savior, I believe in your love and healing power. I know that you have heard and answered me. Thanks for glorifying your healing power in the life of my child.

A divine prayer for my sick child

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the one and only true shepherd. Unlike the paid servant who will run and leave behind the sheep when threatened, you are always with us even in danger. You did not even keep back your own life but offered it to protect the sheep. Today, we call you good shepherd and we know that you will not leave us in sickness. Lord you are the one who carries little lambs in your arms and protects all those who are afraid. You strengthen the weak and heal the sick out of your immeasurable love. Lord, every new day, I helplessly watch my child suffer. I’m deeply troubled about this issue. You word says that let me bring my load to you and get help, I hereby come before your holy throne for assistance.

Prayer to request the healing power of Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, the mighty healer, I lift up this sick child to request for your divine intervention. A single word from you is sufficient to restore the health of the sick. You did it in the past and we believe that you are still doing it. Look not on our sins but have mercy on us. Lord Jesus, you are the divine healer, may you glorify your holy name once more. Stretch your mighty healing hand and restore my child to a radiant and healthy state. Savior, may you restore his/her strength so that they can join your joyous people to sing praises and worships for your mighty works. Lord, I believe that you can free my child from the root cause of his/her sickness. Father, thanks for removing all the symptoms that have invaded his/her body through this sickness. May your holy name be uplifted for all times.

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A prayer for a sick child quotes to God

Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals and restores the blessings of his children. I humbly come before your presence requesting for your mercy and healing favor for my sick child. Father, I know that you are willing and ready to respond to my prayer with a healing touch. It is not your desire that we suffer in sickness. Lord, we thank you for your healing hand in our lives. May you gain more glory through your healing power. May you manifest your authority over all kinds of sicknesses in the life of my child. I am grateful that you are a merciful and loving God who cares and answers prayers. Father, we thank you for your immeasurable love for children and your desire to see them in good health. May you keep this precious child enfolded in your arms as you accelerate his/her recovery process. Lord, thank you for answering me.

Anointed prayer to bring healing to a sick child

King of Heaven and Earth, we know that you love our child as much as you love other children. May your holy name be praised and honored on Earth as it is in Heaven. May you have mercy on us and show us your kindness. Father, we call on you to bring divine healing to our child who is not well. Lord, my you dwell on his/her side as a comforter in this difficult moment. If it is your will, may you make the restoration of his health come quick. Lord, may you continuously remind us of your unfailing love and desire to bless us in everything that we do. Father, may you bless us abundantly in your kindness and love. We thank you for hearing and answering our prayer. May your name be praised for all times.

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Short prayer for a sick child

Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals, may you locate our family in your mercy and favor. We pray that you restore our sick child to the sound health which you gave us through your son Jesus Christ. Father, we thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. May your majesty move around the world to bring you more glory.

Using the authority in the name of Jesus Christ to heal a sick child

In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Ghost, I command every sickness in this child to leave right now. Lord Jesus Christ, may you have mercy on me and exhort my prayer. The scriptures say that the authority in your name overcomes every thing on Earth and in Heaven. I stand on these words and believe that the authority in your name has set my child free from all sicknesses. Lord, I thank you for hearing and answering my prayers. May your holy will about my family be done and not mine. Father, may you continuously manifest your healing power in the name of Jesus Christ and gain more glory.

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