40 Prayer Points to Attract Anything

40 Prayer Points to Attract Anything

40 Prayer Points to Attract Anything

Learn all our 40 Prayer Points to Attract Anything that you want through Christ. For the Holy Scriptures say that we can do everything through Christ who is our strength (Philippians 4:13). Always remember that we have been given the strength through Christ to stand every situation and end up victorious. We should refuse to let our minds worried because that’s not what our heavenly father wishes for us.

He has given us peace of mind and the power to speak forth things into existence through Christ. Let’s confirm this saying by reading from the Holy Scriptures in John 14:13-14 – “And I will do whatever you ask for in my name, so that the Father’s glory will be shown through the son. If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it“.

Boost your faith through the Holy Scriptures by further reading from Mark 11:24 “For this reason, I tell you: when you pray and ask for something, believe that you have received it, and you will be given whatever you ask for.” The scriptures point to God’s willingness to provide whatever we ask from Him. It is in this light that we will present 40 prayer points to attract anything that you want through Christ. The only thing to doubt here is your doubt because God never fails.

God is who He says He is and you can be certain that He will keep to all His promises. In John 14:13-14, we clearly hear Jesus Christ saying that he will do whatever his followers ask so that the Father’s glory can be shown through him. Let’s now present the 40 prayer points to attract anything that you want in Christ.

40 Prayer Points to Attract Anything

Note that what governs the success of our 40 prayer points to attract anything is a mature faith. The scriptures say that nobody can please God without faith. And if you are without favor before God, you’ll find it difficult benefiting from the promises that he holds for his children. By faith, we mean the certainty that God is who He says he is and that He will certainly accomplish all that the Holy Scriptures promise for his children.

In other words, we can perceive faith as the certainty in God’s unfulfilled promises. Ask yourself what God says about you and the situation that you are facing. Once you have the answer, hold firm to what God says and look not on the physical situation. For we walk by faith and not by sight in Christ.

ALSO READ  How Do I Get To Heaven?

Remember that Jesus Christ says in Mark 11:24 that whatever we ask, we must believe that we have received it and it will be granted to us. This is a greater demonstration of a mature faith. Here, you talk to your heavenly father and believe that he has heard and answered your prayers. This is how you should meditate and speak out words of faith as guided by our 40 prayer points to attract anything.

If possible, embrace these prayer points together with fasting. Sincerely repent and use Scriptures on fasting together with intense praises to move God’s hand into action as Paul and Silas did and received Divine Favor. Also, read the following articles to grow your faith:

Prayer points

  1. Almighty Father, may you locate me in your mercy and favor in the name of Jesus Christ.
  2. Heavenly Father, I dedicate and consecrate the works of my hands to you as from today in the name of Jesus Christ.
  3. Most Holy, let your pillar of fire go before me as it lights and clear my path in the name of Jesus Christ.
  4. King of Heaven and Earth, may you initiate a demand for my skills, talents, services, and goods in the name of Jesus Christ.
  5. Lord Jesus Christ, may you clean and purify my heart with your precious blood.
  6. Holy Ghost may you surround me with the fire of protection and fight all my battles in the name of Jesus Christ.
  7. Heavenly Father, may you bless me with Divine Favor in business in the name of Jesus Christ.
  8. Almighty Father, may you open new doors for my finances in the name of Jesus Christ.
  9. Lord God, I thank you through Christ for blessing me with all that I need to make a living on Earth.
  10. Father, let the fruits of the Holy Spirit start manifesting in me through your son Jesus Christ.
  11. Holy Ghost, may you burn down every stronghold of idolatry residing within my heart in the name of Jesus Chris.
  12. Lord bless me with wisdom in the name of Jesus Christ.
  13. Father, may you bless me with a heart that runs after your will in the name of Jesus Christ.
  14. In the name of Jesus Christ, I free myself for the glory of God from every ancestral spirit or curse.
  15. Lord, bless me with the spirit of discernment to know and do your will through Christ.
  16. Father, empower me for the accomplishment of the mission you gave me during creation in the name of Jesus Christ.
  17. In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I restore all that the devil and his agents have stolen from me.
  18. I declare Jesus Christ as the owner and master of my body and soul.
  19. Lord, open my eyes to see into the spirit and do your will through Christ.
  20. I stand against every evil plan against God’s children in the name of Jesus Christ.
  21. Father, may you strengthen all those who are in suffering for the gospel’s sake and prepare for the special blessings.
  22. Lord God, may you raise more of your servants from all angles of the world who will go after your Holy Will in the name of Jesus Christ.
  23. Heavenly Father, may you send more messengers to those who are perishing so that they can also see the light from your son Jesus Christ and be saved.
  24. In the name of Jesus Christ, I cancel every satanic verdict against me and my family.
  25. Holy Spirit may you manifest in our days as you did in the past because the Scriptures say in Hebrews 13:8 that you have not changed.
  26. Father, may you breathe your spirit of health into all those who are sick and suffering.
  27. Heavenly Father, may you guide us to live lives that will lead us into your presence through Jesus Christ.
  28. Lord, may you prepare me in answering my divine calling in the name of Jesus Christ.
  29. Father, may you be my helper whenever I need help in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  30. Lord, look not on the sins of your children but on the blood of Jesus Christ and bring us into everlasting life.
  31. In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I paralyze every spirit working against my success.
  32. Through Christ, I am victorious and have overcome the devil and his agents.
  33. My days on Earth are full of testimonies about the goodness of God.
  34. In the name of Jesus Christ, I am who God says I am.
  35. I break every satanic chain pulling me back in the name of Jesus Christ.
  36. Let my season of plenty appear in the name of Jesus Christ.
  37. In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare that I will live to eat the fruits of my labor.
  38. Father, may you shine the light of salvation in my entire family through Christ.
  39. Lord, bless me with a loving heart because you are love and nothing done out of love brings your joy.
  40. Father, may your will be done on Earth as in Heaven through Christ our Lord.
ALSO READ  Praying at Midnight Testimonies

This brings us to the end of our 40 prayer points to attract anything a person wants through Jesus Christ. For anointed prayers, get to know why Paul and Silas prayed exactly at midnight, the hour of the third clock during which battles are held in the heavenly places.

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