Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and Mary Zgambo Bushiri

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and Mary Zgambo Bushiri
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and Mary Zgambo Bushiri

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and Mary Zgambo Bushiri are remarkable figures in South African Christianity. We can’t talk of a complete list of South African Prophets without the name Shepherd Bushiri. And you can be sure that there is much to know about this man of God moving from his social to private life. If you’ve ever wanted to know him better, then you are at the right place. We pour more light on topics and answer questions like who is prophet shepherd Bushiri? Is prophet shepherd Bushiri married? When did Bushiri get married? Who is prophet Bushiri wife? How old is Bushiri? Where does prophet Bushiri come from? Who is the founder of ECG church? Shepherd Bushiri Contact Details and What happened to prophet Bushiri’s Church?

Popularly known around the world as Major One, prophet Bushiri is unique in his kind of calling. Having received a call to serve in God’s presence from childhood as a result of the primordial anointing in his life, he did not hesitate to consecrate his life for this purpose. His obedience to God’s call has led him to almost all continents in the world for the gospel. His ministry is more of a Prophetic and Apostolic one with the manifesting power of the Holy Spirit. However, not everyone believes that he is from God. We know of people who are in a restless fight with him that he is false. We are not here to judge or condemn him for God has not given us that right. Let everyone pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help him/her discern what is from God and not.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and Mary Zgambo Bushiri

Why write about this prophet?

You might be asking yourself the importance that the world is giving to this man of God. In as much as there are people to criticize him, there are also people who love and welcome him as a man of God. Being a man of God, his ministry is characterized by sharp prophecies, healing, blessings, and freedom from captivity. Through the authority in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, sicknesses are conquered, evil spirits are overcome, and blessings are restored. Above all, he is out to teach the Holy Truth which was revealed by Jesus Christ. It is this truth which is written in that Bible that informs us what it takes to live righteous lives that are pleasing to God. Let’s now inform you on the life of Prophet Bushiri through the following questions and answers.

Who is Prophet Shepherd Bushiri?

Prophet shepherd Bushiri is a man of God who operates in the prophetic office and hails from the African continent. He is a Church leader who serves in the presence of the most high.

Is Prophet Shepherd Bushiri married?

Yes, prophet Shepherd Bushiri is married. His union has been blessed by God and he is happily living with his wife. For more info, read Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Wedding.

Who is prophet Shepherd Bushiri Wife?

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri’s wife is named Mary Zgambo Bushiri. She is an accountant who previously held a senior managerial position for a NGO. Today, she has embraced business ventures and ministry work.

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When did Bushiri get married?

Bushiri got married on July 30, 2011 with Mary Bushiri. Since the day that the knots were tied, they’ve always been together in the light of love. For more info, you can read our article on his wedding.

How old is Bushiri?

As of the time of writing, prophet Bushiri is 36 years old. He was born on February 20, 1983. Note that he started ministry at a young age and since then, God has been with him.

Where does prophet Bushiri come from?

Prophet Bushiri comes from Ntcheu, Malawi. For those who do not know, Malawi is a country which is situated on the African continent. It is a very fertile land for the growth of Christian men and women. We know of many great men of God coming from Malawi.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Biography

There is much to say about Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Biography. That’s why we’ll recommend that you read our article entitled Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Biography.

Who is the founder of ECG church?

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri is the Founder, General Overseer, and most senior pastor of ECG church. The Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) church was established back in the year 2010.

What is money laundering South Africa?

This question came to existence due to the accusations which were laid on the man of God. Prophet Shepherd Bushiri was accused of money laundering in South Africa. However, he was tried and found innocent and as a result he was released. Money laundering is the process whereby criminals disguise their illegal income sources to make everything appear normal while they are making huge sums behind the scene.

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What happened to Prophet Bushiri’s Church?

When prophet Bushiri was false-fully accused and arrested for money laundering, many started asking what had become of his church. But today, this question is of no use given that he was released after being tried and found guiltless.

Mary Bushiri Birthday

Mary Bushiri’s Birthday is regularly celebrated each year. Her fans usually welcome her on this day with lots of Happy Birthday wishes. We can recall the year her husband offered her one of the latest and most expensive cars, a brand new Benz G Wagon.

Mary Zgambo Bushiri Age

As of the writing time, Mary Bushiri is still in her youthful years. She is of an age not that advanced.

Mary Bushiri Profession

Mary Bushiri is a competent accountant who previously worked as managerial leader in a NGO. As of the time of writing, she has embraced ministry work as well as business ventures.

Mary Bushiri Wedding

Mary Bushiri’s wedding took place back on July 30, 2011. She was married by prophet Shepherd Bushiri. This was roughly one year after the establishment of his ECG church.

Mary Bushiri Child

The union between Prophet Bushiri and Prophetess Mary Bushiri is blessed by God with two children. We are talking of Raphaella Bushiri and Israella bushiri.

Israella Bushiri Birthday

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri make the talk of time when he visited car sellers and purchased a K300 million Maserati Levante as a birthday gift to his 4 years old daughter, Israella. Upon presenting the car to his daughter, he pointed out that a man must always keep to his responsibilities of caring for his family no matter how busy he might be.

Prophet Bushiri Live

You can watch prophet Bushiri live on the Prophetic Channel, his ministry’s YouTube channel or on Facebook.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Contact Details

When it comes to prophet Shepherd Bushiri Contact Details, you must be very careful. The reason we are saying this is because there are many crooks and thieves out there waiting to make away with your hard earned cash. That’s why you’ll find so many fake Fake Facebook accounts and websites in the name of prophet shepherd Bushiri. It is in this same light that you’ll find lots of phone numbers circulating the internet in his name. To contact him, visit his official website.

Prophet Bushiri Jet

Being a businessman and christian leader, prophet Bushiri has lots of occupations and tasks to execute around the world. For this purpose, he is in possession of a private jet which eases his displacements around the world. Also note that his church has branches in different parts of the world.

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Major One News

Also known as major one, you can get his latest news on major news websites and news papers. His official website also has much to reveal on daily basis about him.

Prophet Bushiri Angels

This saying came into existence after the man of God called for Angels to manifest in his Church. It went so viral that it caught the attention of pagans and those that do not believe in his calling.

Prophet Bushiri’s house

Prophet Bushiri lives in a pretty mansion located in South Africa. It’s the type of house that you’ll enjoying owning due to its comfort-abilities and facilities.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Cross Over Night

This is a church service which is generally characterized by new moments of blessings, healing, prophecies, and deliverance.

This brings us to the end of our article on Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and Mary Zgambo Bushiri. Also read our article on Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Biography, Wedding, Ministry and Family.

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