Best catholic church websites

Best catholic church websites

Best catholic church websites

We’ll present the best catholic church websites that exist. Within these websites you’ll be able to get any information that you need concerning the catholic church in general. The truth is that there are hundreds of catholic websites on the internet if not thousands. Having to list them all won’t be the easiest thin to do. Nevertheless, we’ll figure out the best and most reliable ones which can assist you in growing your catholic faith. They’ll also provide you with the necessary information or news about the things that are going on int the Catholic Church. Catholic Christians visit these websites for several reasons. Some people visit them to search for spiritual books and articles to boost their knowledge about the things of God. Others visit in order to keep an up to date of the things that are going on in the Church.

Whatever your reasons for wanting to know the best catholic church websites, you can be certain that we’ll help you. The Catholic Church also known as the Universal Church is one of the oldest Christian branches that dates back to the days of the Apostles. That’s why it is one of the most popular Churches around the world. It is found in almost all parts of the world and has several church members. It is one of the Churches that has been able to preserve the ancient tradition of worship which was handed down from the early church fathers. In addition to preserving the Church tradition, they’ve also been able to preserve their doctrine up till date. A visit around the major catholic Churches will show you the importance which is given to their doctrine. Visiting the best Catholic church websites will also help in preserving your catholic doctrine.

List of the best catholic church websites

With over 1 million fans on Facebook, we can class as one of the most popular Catholic Church websites. This website has been in existence for over 20 years. It has one focus which is to help preserve the catholic faith among her followers. In addition, it provides a platform where all the questions that surround the catholic faith can be answered. It is without doubt that many people have a lot of misconceptions about the Catholic Church. That’s why they provide the platform called Catholic Answers. It is out to clearly define and help her Christians to better understand and master what the Catholic Church teaches.

Apart from defending the Catholic faith through the answering of questions, they also lead back former Catholics home. They also concentrate their efforts in leading non-Catholics to the fullness of the truth. Worth noting here is that they also use their media miniseries in serving Christ and bringing honor to the name of the Lord. This platform dates back to 1979 and was founded by Karl Keating. It has a vision or goal of being the most easily accessible and trusted website when it comes to providing the truth that brings salvation, defending the Catholic doctrine, and making Christ known to all.

Catholic News Agency (CNA)

The is one of the best catholic church websites that provides updated information on the Catholic Church Worldwide. Its head office is situated in Denver, Colorado. This website reports news from every angle including the Vatican, Europe, Africa, America, and Asia. Worth pointing out here is that this updated news is offered freely. It is highly popular among the Catholic Christians and remains their where to go for updated Catholic information. They focus on publishing just a single post every week that encompasses all the top activities going on in the Catholic Church.

This website is definitely one of the fastest growing catholic news reporters in the world. It dates back to 2004 when Pope John Paul II requested for a new form of Evangelism. It is credited for providing up-to-the-minute news on everything that is affecting the catholic or universal Church from any angle of the world. In addition to this, it is also a good reporter of the words spoken by the Holy Father. Just as we previously mentioned, CNA offers free news to all Catholic dioceses, parishes, and websites. It does this with an aim of creating full awareness of the different activities that are taking place in the universal Church. All you need is an internet connection to access this website.

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Catholic Exchange

We can’t omit from our list of the best catholic church websites. It is an American website that focuses on encouraging and strengthening the gospel which is spread by the Catholic Church. Through its provision of articles, eBooks, and other spiritual items, they assist the followers of Jesus Christ in growing their faith. In this light, we’ll recommend that you read the following articles:

Coming back to the Catholic Exchange website, we’ll say that it focuses on making saints of our own time. It does this through the provision of materials needed for the spiritual growth of Christians in the Catholic faith. They regularly publish the best articles and devotions needed for your daily spiritual growth in Christ. the website is highly credited for dealing with aspects of practical Catholicism. It offers a platform where both the Western and Eastern Catholics can reach out to the union in their doctrines. They have a goal of using the social media to reach out to as many people as they can so as to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Catholic Culture

The Catholic tradition has been preserved up till date thanks to devoted men. And this is not the end neither does it look like the end of this tradition. More devoted men are being raised in the love of Christ to continue this task. This is the case with those working at They focus on preserving and passing the catholic tradition, culture, or teachings to all the faithful. The website has been existing for so many years. It works towards guiding and maintaining the Catholic faithfuls in the light of righteousness through Christ.

They also have as mission to provide all the Catholic faithfuls with the necessary encouragement, perspective, and information which is needed for an active renewal in the Church and society in general. It also focuses on shaping an authentically Christian culture and lifestyle in our circular world of today. The primary means of executing their mission is through the distribution of spiritual commentary, news and suggestions which are in conformity with the Holy teachings of the Church. This non-profit Christian organization is made up of faithful laymen who are subject to the Magisteruim of the Church. In short, they’ve done much to the advancement of the Catholic faith than we can recount. That’s why we could not omit them from our list of the best catholic Church websites.

Catholic world report

This is one of the best Catholic Church websites that reports the different major events taking place in the Church. publishes articles which are all approved in the light of the Church’s doctrine. It focuses on keeping all Catholic Christians around the world informed about what is taking place in the universal Church. Unlike many, this website is more of a free online magazine that analysis and presents news from a faithful and holy point of view with respect to the Church’s teachings. For so many years today, this website has been a leader in analyzing and publishing news from a Catholic Christian point of view.

They regularly publish articles on the different issues, circumstances, or activities affecting the Church from any angle of the World. They take their analysis to greater depths in order to provide just that which is accurate and trust worthy. In addition, they embrace and explore those complex subjects that are avoided by most Christian magazines. They work hard in order to keep their publications truthful and under the light of holiness. In other words, they have a goal of winning the trust of their visitors as a reliable source of information on the things taking place in the Church.

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OnePeterFive features among the best catholic Church websites that seek to restore the true oneness in the Church. It is a modern Christian forum which is aimed at revitalizing the Catholic culture. The unity of the Church and it’s doctrine have been subjected to several attempts of destruction. This website came into existence to address mos of the issues that are risking the unity, oneness, and sound doctrine of the universal Church.

It is base on the words of Apostle peter who said that we ought to keep our guard because the enemy is always roaming and seeking for who to devour. Since creation, it has greatly brought clarifications on many subjects which were challenging the Catholic faith. It focuses on promoting the original and authentic teachings of Jesus Christ and his immediate Apostles. In addition to this, it focuses on preserving the tradition and doctrine of the Church in all its forms.

Catholic Mom

We can not argue the role that has been played by women in the growth of the Catholic faith. An example of a website that comes in to pour more light on this aspect and keep the catholic faith advancing is the It is one of the best catholic Church websites that was built to acknowledge and celebrate the role of Catholic women for their contributions to the well being of the society under the light of the Catholic doctrine. The platform encompasses all about faith, love, fun and above all the well being of a family. And we all know how important it is to maintain a happy family in the Christian faith. In this same light, we’ll recommend that you read our article on How to successfully bring up your children.

This website is part of a ministry which was founded by the sainthood candidate known as Father Patrick Peyton. He is popular among many Catholic Christians for his slogan, “A family that prays together stays together”. The website itself was dates back to 2000 and was created by Lisa Hendey. This was her way of creating a platform through which Catholic Parents could freely and easily share among themselves what it takes to live the Christian faith within the family. Although it started small, it has gone to a different level thanks to its efficiency in providing vital Catholic information. Today, it is one of the best places to go whenever a person needs resourceful or rich Catholic items for spiritual growth. In addition, it assist the Catholic Christians in growing their faith through regular publications of content that reflects the Church’s doctrine.

Crux is undoubtedly one of the best catholic Church websites. Its popularity among catholic Christians is one which is difficult to match by any other Christian website. It has its head office in Denver. The website focuses on providing ethical habits which are necessary to leave a catholic life that testifies the nature of Christ in you. They write and publish over 50 articles every week. Hence you can be sure to find Catholic answers to whatever spiritual question you might have that needs Biblical guidance. They focus on providing all that the followers of Jesus Christ should know as Catholic Christians. In addition, they provide all the governing laws of Catholicism needed to leave an exemplary life that reflects the love of God.

Crux also focuses on delivering smart and truthful Catholic news on all the major events taking place in the Church. They do not only focus on bringing surface stories but rather focus on digging deep to the root of the story. Hence, you can expect to read the details of the story from them. They also claim to know and have people in the Catholic Church moving from top to bottom. This is to say that their news or information is deeply backed up from the source.

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Zenith features among the best Catholic Church websites which Christians can consult for spiritual teachings. It was built in Rome and constitutes of a staff that is made up of professional believers in the catholic doctrine and faith. This website is subjected to the wisdom of the pope or to the Magisterium of the Church. It has a clear mission which is that of helping individuals to find the truth via the catholic faith.

Worth noting here is that this website is more focused on the wisdom, wordings, and actions of the Pope. In order words, it acts as a reporter of the evangelical trips of the Pope, his meetings, and instructions to the Church. This is to say that it focuses on keeping you updated with the wordings and actions of the Pope who is the leader of the Universal Church.

Integrated Catholic life

We won’t sound serious if we omit the from our list of the best catholic Church websites. Being unique in its kind, it has contributed in helping millions of Catholics around the world in one way or the other. It focuses on teaching and showing how Catholic faithfuls can successfully manage their faith with work and family. The whole truth is that managing these three things is not the easiest thing to do. You can expect lot’s of challenges but with the right approach from this website, you’ll find it easy.

They publish a total of 9 articles every week in order to keep the spiritual fire within their readers burning. These posts are aimed at teaching their visitors how they can use the catholic doctrine or faith to better improve life within their families as well as job sites. They have already helped many people. And they are still helping and will continuously help under normal circumstances.

This brings us to the end of our writing on the best catholic Church websites. Christians should regularly visit these websites for spiritual nourishment and growth. You could as well read our article on How to find or encounter a Catholic priest near you.

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