Category Archives: Daily devotionals

Short biblical teachings to reflect on in order to start your day with God.

Mastering the Spirit of Faith to render the impossible possible

The scripture says, “I spoke because I believed”. In the same spirit of faith, we also speak because we believe – 2 Corinthians 4:13


This verse from Apostle Paul gives us the foundation of the spirit of faith which is first believing and then acting on the belief or simply speaking out what we believe in our hearts. If you desire to learn how to grow your faith, you must take this verse serious.

The spirit of faith does not come in to confess things to happen neither does it comes in to help convince you of their existence. Rather it comes in when you first believe in your heart that what you desire is already in existence before even voicing it out.

When it comes to the spirit of faith or how to grow faith, many people get it all wrong because they are not speaking what they have first believed in, rather they are speaking to believe. In order words, their believe is as a function of the results they’ll get after speaking. This is the case were we find people confessing God’s word yet struggling to believe what they are telling themselves. It is for this reason that they’ll get frustrated whenever things fail to come out as desired.

When we read from Genesis 17:5, we notice that God called Abram and promised to make him a father to many nations. God also changed His name from Abram to Abraham (meaning father to many nations). Abram demonstrated the spirit of faith here by welcoming and referring to himself as Abraham even when he had no child. In short, he simply demonstrated what he believed in his heart and it finally came to pass.

With the spirit of faith, you do not walk by sight or by physical manifestations. You do not wait to have the results before believing. You completely believe and stand firm on the fact that what you believe in has already been realized. We can read from Apostle Paul in Hebrews 11:1 were he makes us to understand that faith is the evidence that the things which we hope for are now realities.

As Christians and ministers of the word of God, we should only confess what we have first believed in our hearts and not the other way round. First believing here means cultivating certainty in the word God. Imagine what you will do if someone pops up claiming that your vehicle is his when you know fully that you have all the legal documents attesting that you purchased the vehicle from the manufacturer. For sure you will laugh out loud because of the certainty you have as owner of the vehicle.

In the same spirit, if you believe and take God for His words, you’ll step out with certainty to declare and manifest your convictions boldly without fear of any failure no matter your circumstances or challenges that Satan is using to stop you. You’ll be able to go an extra mile because you have a proof of what you are saying within you. If you are certain about the promises of God for your life, not even the toughest physical situations around you can turn your attention from God. And for sure you’ll end up inheriting the benefits reserved for those who rely fully on the Lord.


  • I believe in every word which was spoken by Jesus Christ;
  • In the name of Jesus Christ, my faith is producing fruits;
  • In the name of Jesus Christ, I am what God says I am;
  • In the name of Jesus Christ, I have what God says I have; and
  • In the name of Jesus Christ, I can do what God says I can do.

The remedy to curing a weak faith

“I assure you that whoever tells this hill to get up and through itself in the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him” – Mark 11:23


This Bible verse is one that makes my heart to shade tears due to our ignorance about the power that Jesus Christ has given us. Indeed, He has given us the necessary power to change situations around us for the best. All that we need in order to accomplish this is faith. If we can stand on the words of Jesus Christ and act on them, we will reach the impossible.

Many people claim to know the Bible yet they are not acting on it. It is very common to hear a Christian say something like “by His stripes we were healed” yet they are still laying on the sick bed. This is an example of weak faith. It is useless to know the word when you cannot apply or act upon it. We must always remember that Jesus spoke spirit and life giving words which are still capable to wake you up from your sick bed, free you from suffering, and above all give you everlasting life.

Weak faith comes as a result of not exercising the spirit and life giving words of Jesus Christ. It is said that by his stripes we were healed, then what are you still doing on the sick bed. If Jesus Christ has given us the power to command mountains to uproot themselves and be deposited in the oceans, we can also exercise this very power in changing the situations that are around us. The main problem that we have is our unbelief and inability to take Jesus Christ for His words.

This creates need for you to learn how to grow your faith and make it mature enough to walk in the impossible dimensions before the eyes of men. It is only through faith that we can reach the impossible. The gap between the physical and the spiritual dimension is linked by faith. The miracle you are looking for can be achieved through faith. You’ll just need to grow your faith and put it into action.

If you are serious about learning how to grow your faith, you’ll have to start by saturating your body and spirit with the word of God. By regularly studying the word of God, you gain consciousness of the promises He has reserved for us. With time, these life giving words will create an unbeatable faith within you which will allow you to speak and make the impossible possible.

In order to grow your faith, you must regularly exercise it. Don’t worry about the number of times that you fail neither dwell on your mistakes because it is not about you but about Jesus Christ. Call on Him to strengthen your faith to the level that He wants. And for sure He will give you faith in an unmeasurable amount because He said anyone who asks for anything from Him without doubt will definitely have it.

Not exercising your faith or not walking on the word of God can be compared to a person who regularly eats huge quantities of food but does not exercise his muscles. It is without doubt that his muscles will grow big but remain weak due to lack of exercises. In the same light, if you continuously listen God’s word without acting upon it, you’ll always have a weak faith. Every life challenge is likely to overcome people with weak faiths. Weak faith creates fear and allows room for Satan to manipulate those having it.

The chief cure for weak faith is acting and walking on the word of God. In order words, we are trying to say that you need to take God for who He says He is. One of the best ways on how to grow your faith is to start acting on the words of Jesus Christ without any doubt or fear. By reading from 1 Thessalonians 5:18, we are called upon by Apostle Paul to give thanks to God concerning every situation in our life. This is a perfect place to start. Challenge yourself to see beyond the troubles and hardships that you are presently facing by living a life of praise and worship. Allow everything in the hands of God because nothing happens to us without His knowledge.

Prophetic decrees

We should learn to speak the words of God into our lives. It is time for you to confess that by his stripes you were healed and that your place is not on the sick bed. By the authority in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth:

  • wake up from your sick bed;
  • be set free from every satanic bondage;
  • may your faith be strong;
  • may your faith in God stand the test of time;
  • may fear leave your life; and
  • may you succeed in the things you are doing.


Heavenly father we beg on you to have mercy on us, show us the light of your favor, and above all strengthen our faith to take you for who you say you are. May our faith prevail as we put your words into action in our daily activities. We ask all these in the name of Jesus Christ.

How to repent

The act of repentance is part of a Christian’s life for the scriptures say that there is no one who is righteous (Romans 3:10). We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. That is why we must learn how to repent in order to remain in His presence through Jesus Christ who paid the price for our sins on the cross of Calvary.

Before we knew God, we were living in sin thereby implying that we needed repentance. Now that we know God, we regularly fall prey to sin due to our weak bodies hence in need of repentance. Even the scriptures say that the righteous falls 7 times a day hence in need of repentance. It is true that our spirits are willing to follow God’s ways but we must not forget that every day, we are fighting against our body which is weak.

With all these at hand, we must acknowledge that we are poor sinners in need of repentance through the Blood of Jesus Christ on daily basis. At times we sin without even knowing. And these sins can disrupt our relationships with God. In some cases, they even prevent our prayers from reaching God, that is why we must always start our prayers by asking God to forgive us of our wrong doings.

What is sin?

Before we get into how to ask for forgiveness from God properly, it will be wise to start by pouring more light on the definition of sin. Should in case we are asked what is sin, we’ll say it is anything that we say, think, or do that does not please God neither does it brings glory to his name.

How to ask for forgiveness from God

As Christians who want to remain in a close relationship with God, we must learn to regularly repent and strive to do what is right before God.

1. How to repent: Cultivate humility

Being humble to recognize your faults before God is the first step to repentance. It is possible to lie to yourself and other people but it is not possible to lie to God. He is everywhere and He knows everything. There is just nothing that we can hide from Him. Thus, if we are guilty of wrong doings before Him, we should always acknowledge and be sorry about these wrongs.

2. How to repent: Reflect on the things that you have done wrong

Find some free time and isolate yourself for repentance. Do your best to remember the things you have done that are not in accordance with the Holy will of God. Try to remember every detail as this will help you to gain consciousness of wrong doings and better take precautions to avoid them in the nearby future.

3. How to repent: Desire not to get back to your wrong doings

Although we turn to fall prey to sin on daily basis, we must desire not to do the wrong things over and over. Here, we ought to pray and ask our Heavenly Father to give us the necessary strength in order to stay away from wrong doings.

4. How to repent: Ask God to forgive you

God is your Heavenly Father, talk to Him, confess your sins and beg for His mercy and forgiveness. Let your request for forgiveness come from the bottom of your heart.

5. How to repent: Trust in God for forgiveness

Although God hates sin, He loves us and He is willing to welcome us back to Himself after we have requested for His pardon through Christ. But does this mean that we have to regularly dwell in sin because God will forgive us? I don’t think this is what we are trying to say here, rather we are saying that you must be deeply sorry for your wrongdoings and desire not to get back to them. And when you ask for forgiveness from God, trust in His forgiveness and ability to help you in living a better life.

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