Christian Business Principles are there to guide all entrepreneurs into success. Many young entrepreneurs aspiring success regularly wonder where to find the best business advice and counsel. Good advice, counselling, and experience is what makes a successful business man or woman. They cultivate in a person the skills needed to take a business from ground level to success. This leaves our minds puzzling on where to find such business wisdom? Although good business counsel can be found in a plethora of books, only one book truly contains all the business secrets that lead to success while remaining in God’s light. Within this book, leaders can learn and master what it takes to build a successful business life without hurting his/her relationship with God. This books which contains the best Christian business principles for success is the Bible.
As Christian entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals, we are all called by God to conduct our businesses with morals and ethics. God has entrusted into our hands all the resources we have and it is our duty to mage them in ways that are pleasing to him. It is everyone’s responsibility to skillfully run his/her business to honor God by respecting his principles. Failing to do these things will lead you astray and far away from God. Such will result to God’s anger and judgement. As a father, your heart will be filled with happiness if you find your son or daughter correctly managing the resources you’ve entrusted in their care. This is the same relationship that we have with God. He is happy to see us rightly managing his resources. Doing so will call down divine blessings on you and your household.
Christian Business Principles – Everything you need to know
Understanding Business
Being able to differentiate between God and business is something worth doing. Failing to do this will lead you into compromising the relationship which Christ established between you and God. Human words can’t describe God nor can they describe his ways. The one thing which we are certain of is the fact that as followers of Christ, we must give the first position in our lives to God. By so doing, every other thing comes after thereby placing us within God’s saving grace. This also holds for business ventures. Never offer more value to a business venture than God. For it is God who gives you life and the strength to do business.
Carrying out a business to meet with your needs is a divine commission. By so doing, you are honoring God’s command for man to work in order to make a living. That’s why you can be certain that God wants you to prosper. If you have plans of getting into a business venture, give thanks to God and ask him to bless your plans. He will definitely bless them and lead you into success. God is full of wisdom and he is willing to counsel you to take the right decisions. Knowing well fully that the Bible is an authoritative voice of God, we’ll reveal the following Christian Business principles from it which when taken serious lead to success:
1. Faith
Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”. From this scripture we clearly pick-out the call of God to trust him in everything. God does not only want us to trust him in our personal or spiritual lives, he also wants us to trust him in our professional lives. As a Christian entrepreneur, let the Lord be your guide and wisdom in embracing any business venture. Actively pursue God’s grace and blessings in your business life. Never give up because God never fails. He/she who trust in the Lord will live to testify the goodness of God in their life. By faith here, we mean trusting God to provide you with strategic direction, resources, and finances in handling your business.
2. Integrity
Proverbs 21:3 – “To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.” Our Lord is Just in everything. He requires that we conduct business in integrity and fairness. A fair treatment to everyone is not only a Biblical principle for spirituality but one which will boost your business relations with co-workers, employees, and clients. Such a quality creates an environment for transparency, happiness, and high productivity. As a Christian Business owner, it is important to stay away from actions that can be profitable but morally wrong.
3. Diligence
Romans 12:11 – “Do not be lazy but always work hard. Work for the Lord with a heart full of love for Him.” Hard work is the key to success. Earth and Heaven are results of God’s work. He worked for 6 days and rested on the 7th day. If God himself worked, then what more of us who are his creatures. It is his command that we should work. Working is honoring God. All the great men and women of the Bible were working people. God called most of them when they were working. Note that God calls the busy and not the lazy. God is expecting everyone to be productive as they use their knowledge, gift, talent or skills irrespective of how great or small they are. He who makes use of what God has given can expect to receive more.
4. Generosity
1 Peter 4:10 – “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” God is generous, gracious and merciful. It is our abilities to reflect his qualities through Christ that make us his children. That’s why we’ll say without doubt that all godly businesses ought to reflect the qualities of generosity, love, and mercy. Christian business owners go beyond worldly expectations of generosity. They clearly understand the fact that God has blessed them so that they can be a blessing to their generation. This might sound foolish to those whose hearts have been attached to the things of this world. Whatever the case, always remember that everything on Earth and in Heaven belongs to God.
We are able to have anything at hand only because God has given it to us. Knowing well fully that everything we have belongs to God, it is important that we correctly manage them so that on the last day, we’ll be able to give a good account. Let’s generously give as our hearts are guided by the Holy Spirit. In every act of generosity, let love be our motivating factor because it is what makes our sacrifices acceptable before God. The scriptures are clear on the fact that God will always bless a cheerful giver and see unto it that he/she never lacks. Correctly managing the little God has given you will open new doors for more. In addition, your riches will be stored up in heaven.
This brings us to the end of our writing on Christian business principles. You can as well read the following related articles for more information:
- Achieving Financial Freedom God’s Way
- What the Bible says about Money Management
- Christian Financial Freedom Course
- Money in the Bible
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