Christian financial advisor near me

Christian Financial Advisor Near Me

Christian financial advisor near me

How can I find a Christian financial advisor near me? This is the question of time which many are asking themselves. To start, we’ll say that it is possible to find a financial advisor near you. You just need to take the right steps and you’ll find yourself in the hands of a qualified financial advisor who fears God. Handling finances has never been something easy. Just one financial mistake can ruin all your investments and wealth. For sure, nobody will be pleased to witness the fall of all that he/she has been building all their life. This then creates need for a financial expert who is experienced enough to guide you into taking the right decisions in growing and maintaining your wealth. Note that growing wealth is one thing and maintaining it is another. It’s easier to lose wealth than to have it. Hence, the need to take precautions.

It i not any financial adviser that is solicited when dealing with Christian Finance. As a Christian in need of financial advice, it is wise to go for an adviser who fears God. In this way, he/she will guide you in successfully handling your finances in a way that pleases God. Going the other way round could get you into the hands of someone who will influence you into taking financial decisions which will make you wander far away from God’s righteousness. This narrows our path back to the question on how to find a Christian financial advisor near me? The process could be a little challenging but note that it is not impossible. No matter the amount of effort and how long it takes you to finding a Christian financial adviser, just know that it is something worth doing.

Christian Financial Advisor Near Me – Everything you need to Know

What to understand

In the search for a Christian financial advisor near you, there are a few things worth understanding. Such individuals make use of Biblical knowledge to maximize the success chances of money investments without hurting the relationships that their clients are having with God. Note here that financial advisors that share the Christian faith do not always advertise their beliefs for fear of narrowing their prospects as well as turning off other investors who do not share the same beliefs. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to find financial investors who share the same faith with you. You’ll just need to carryout your search in the right places which we’ll subsequently reveal in our writing.

What is a Financial Advisor?

A financial advisor is an experienced, qualified, and professional individual who will help you to better set and understand your investment goals, wealth maintenance plan, and retirement plan. Such a person is out to guide you into taking the right financial decisions and achieving financial freedom while enjoying the benefits of a debt free life.

What is a Christian Financial Advisor?

A Christian financial advisor is an experienced, qualified, professional, and God fearing individual who will help you to better set and understand your investment goals, wealth maintenance plan, and retirement plan without hurting your relationship with God. He/she is out to guide you into taking the right decisions that will lead you into achieving what we call Christian Financial Freedom.

What to look for in a Christian Financial Advisor near me

How do you find a Christian financial advisor? This is a pertinent question which keeps puzzling the minds of many. To others, it is more of a nightmare. This is obviously because of its complex nature. We are talking about someone you can trust the whole of your life to skillfully and wisely guide you in growing and maintaining your wealth. What if you find one just to realize later that he/she is the wrong person? The worse situation occurs when you pick one and don’t realize that he/she is the wrong person until it is too late. What a stressful process? Whatever the case, just relax because our writing on how to find a Christian financial advisor near me will teach you what you need to look for within a financial advisor. As a Christian investor, check the following in any financial advisor:

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1. Find a Christian Financial Advisor who fears God – Proverbs 9:10

This is a non-negotiable recommendation for any Christian investor in need of a financial advisor who has wisdom. The Holy Scriptures clearly support this fact as we can read from Proverbs 9:10 – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” If we are to believe the Bible, which we do because it is an authoritative guide to knowing and honoring God, only those who fear God can attain the state of true wisdom. Here, we do not mean what the world considers as wisdom for where the world’s wisdom ends, that’s where God’s foolishness begins and moves to an infinite level of supreme wisdom. The scriptures say that the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Knowing the truth from the scriptures, we can say without doubt that any financial advisor who does not fear God is simply an individual without wisdom. An for sure, if you are a serious Christian investor, you won’t entrust your success in the hands of a person who lacks wisdom. A few people might try to argue these facts saying that there are non-christian financial advisors who give good advice that leads to successful business or investment ventures. To clarify this doubt, we’ll start by asking you whether Biblical wisdom which is the true wisdom refers to the making of decisions or taking of good advice that has beneficial earthly outcomes? or it has a deeper spiritual meaning? By reading 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, we are told that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. True wisdom is rooted in the fear of God as it honors him.

2. Find a Christian Financial Advisor who operates in Excellence – 1 Peter 4:11

Always go for a Christian financial advisor who understands and knows the importance of operating in excellence. Such is supported by the scriptures as we can read from 1 Peter 4:11 –“Whoever speaks is to do so as one who is speaking the utterance of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever.” Go for someone who has set high standards for himself and is always working on ameliorating his/her skills. However, this does not mean that all Christian financial advisors near you will give wise advice. If you meet a Christian financial advisor to get counselling on your decisions, request that he does so in excellence.

There is much to obtain from those who fear God as we can read from Psalm 1:1-2 – “Blessed is the man
    who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
    nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and on his law he meditates day and night.”
We are clearly informed by Romans 3:10 that no one is righteous for all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. But as Christians with new minds through Christ, we are made worthy to dwell in the presence of God through the blood of his son. We are trying to point out here that no matter how talented, nice or helpful a non-christian financial advisor is, he/she still lacks a renewed heart and spirit in Christ. They are likely to give inherent and spiritual flawed advice.

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3. Find a Christian Financial Advisor with Godly Character – Luke 6:44

It is easier to say with the mouth that one is a Christian than to act as a Christian. Take precautions against people who claim with the mouth to be Christians yet they are not so by actions. Christianity is not only about words, it goes together with actions. For a faith without action is a dead faith. Note here that not everyone who goes to Church is a Christian. Truly, I tell you, being in a garage does not make you a mechanical engineer. You can as well read our article on Why going to church does not make you a Christian. Let’s hear from Luke 6:44 – “Each tree is known by its own fruit.” Many people claim the name “Christian” yet their actions do not bear any fruit witnessing the presence of Christ within their hearts.

Also keep in mind that some people will bear the name Christian financial advisor just because they want to make some cash. That’s why you must start your search in prayers asking God to guide and lead you to the right advisor who is after his heart. We are told by the scriptures that if you ask for anything, believe that you have received it and it shall definitely be granted on to you. It is in this likeness of faith that we recommend that you pray ad trust God who never fails. Through a person’s character and lifestyle pattern, you can deduce that he/she fears God without necessarily having them voice out words. Also be careful of financial advisors hiding under the Christian banner so as to defraud Christian investors. Such are called wolves in sheep clothing.

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4. Find a Christian Financial Advisor skilled in Biblical Responsible Investing

Christian investors are advice to go for financial advisors who are skilled in Biblical Responsible Investing (BRI). BRI is the Godly practice of aligning investment portfolios to support Biblical values. BRI works by excluding companies that are engaged in immoral activities such as human trafficking and abortion. It is a practice which promotes and seeks investment in companies that are closely aligned to God’s ways and act as a blessing to the world. Today, Biblical Responsible Investing opportunities are rapidly growing. The largest multi-firm, nationwide membership network of Christians financial advisors who are supporting the development and success of BRI is Christian Wealth Management.

Christian Financial Advisor near me – Where to find them

1. Christian Financial Planners Directory

This is a friendly platform through which Christian investors can be directed to meeting Christian financial investors near them. It is one of the best Christian Financial planner directory that will lead you to the right financial advisor, investment advisor, retirement advisor and wealth maintenance advisor. To find out more, visit Christian Financial Planner Directory.

2. SmartVestor Program

This is a program run by Dave Damsey who happens to be one of the most famous Christian financial advisors. He host a syndicated daily radio show out of Nashville, Tennessee. During this program he offers Christian Financial Advice to all attendees. Through his radio show, he helps listeners to locate Christian financial advisors who share his Biblical points of views on handling Finances God’s way. You can reach out to him at

3. Christian Wealth Management

Christian Wealth Management is a multi-firm made up of Christian financial advisors who value and promote Biblical Reasonable Investing.

4. National Association of Christian Financial Consultant

The National Association of Christian Financial Consultant (NACFC) is a Christ-centered association that teaches its financial advisor members to practice Biblical stewardship in their careers.

5. Local Church or Religious organization

A local church is also a good place to pick up a Christian financial advisor. Here, you are more likely to understand the way the person interacts and runs his life pattern before trusting him/her. Make some research to be sure that the person in question reflects the fruits of a new life in Christ. Also read our article on why going to Church does not make you a Christian.

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