how to receive the holy spirit

How to receive the Holy Spirit

The Christian journey on Earth is a challenging one. Jesus Christ knew this and decided to send us a helper in the name of the Holy spirit who will be our companion in good and hard times alike (John 16:7-8). This creates room for questions like how to receive the Holy spirit, and ways to receive the Holy spirit. For sure every Christian needs the Holy spirit in order to successfully carry his/her cross on daily basis. It was sent by God to comfort us, heal us, deliver us, and above all teach us the truth about Him.

When it comes to receiving the Holy Spirit, there are many ideologies in the Christian milieu. These different ideas brought up by several individuals have ended up confusing many people on how to receive the Holy spirit. But when we check on how to receive the Holy Spirit as per the Bible, we realize that the process is very clear, simple, and not confusing.

How to receive the Holy spirit according to the Bible

Whatever we are doing as Christians, it is highly recommended that we base ourselves on the teachings in the Bible. So let’s hear what the Bible has to say about receiving the Holy spirit.

1. Get a Bible

Getting the Bible is the first step in knowing how to receive the Holy spirit. The Bible represents the truth about the things of God. While many people have complicated the process of receiving the Holy spirit, the Bible holds the simple truth about this subject matter. That’s is why you must start studying and meditating on your Bible every day. This will keep you safe from the false doctrines that have extended throughout the whole world.

A glance at Act 2:28 informs us that if we repent, receive Jesus Christ as our Savior, and get baptized, we will receive the Holy spirit. This Biblical passage clearly reveals the whole truth about receiving the Holy spirit. But do we really understand the full meanings of the two key words in the verse? Are we able to clearly follow the two steps in order to receive the Holy spirit? Don’t stress up as we will develop and unfold these points below.

2. Get to repent

Repentance brings us into the main subject matter of receiving the Holy spirit as promised by Jesus Christ. Repentance is derived from the Greek word ‘’metanoeo’’ which literally stands for “changing one’s mindset”. By this, we mean being sorry for what you did, accepting that you were on the wrong path and turning from not seeking to obey God’s laws to obeying and bringing others to obey them too.

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3. Get to be baptized

Baptism is an outward sign that shows an inward change within the heart of a person who has decided to abandon the wicked and evil ways of this life and carry his/her cross to follow Jesus Christ on daily basis. Baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” which literary means “to immerse or to submerge in water”. Jesus Christ our leader showed us an example by being baptized in river Jordan by John the Baptist. Any spirit filled believer can get you baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

4. Ask God for the Holy Spirit

When we read from Luke 11:9-10, we hear Jesus Christ telling us that whoever ask for the Holy Spirit will definitely receive it. Having this in mind, let’s step out and request the Holy spirit from our heavenly father. He who is so good will eventually give us His spirit without measure.

After carrying out the steps above, we must believe that we have received it in immeasurable standards. We will have to live a holy life in order not to grieve the Holy spirit who is now living within our bodies which have become new temples. We ought to seek God’s face by regularly studying the Bible to know and obey His ways.

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