The Best Love for God Poems which we hereby write to present are out to express God’s sovereign power through human words. It is without doubt that human words cannot fully describe or explain God’s power. Although the process is challenging, we can still proclaim God’s name with the few words that he puts in our mouths. Since the beginning of time, men and women have always used words to point to the supreme personality of God. Through their writings, many have found the light of eternal life that comes from God through his only son, Jesus Christ. These very writings (Love for God poems) have always brought glory to God’s name. In addition, they’ve drawn heavenly blessings unto mankind in many ways.
Love for God poems are not very different from the praises in the Biblical book of Psalms. A poem is a piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by particular to diction. It is without doubt that everyone can contribute to the list of love for God poems by simply expressing his feelings and ideas about God’s unconditional and forgiving love. By meditatively speaking out these love for God poems, we bring glory to his name as well as acknowledge his power of creation and sovereign reign over heaven and earth. God is the beginning and the ending, he is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Father of creation who made everything on Earth and in Heaven. That’s why we should sing hymns and poems of praises and worship to his Holy Name.
Love for God Poems
What you should know
It is worth noting that through the power of imaginative and creative writing, we can bring glory to God’s name. But we must always do our best to center our imagination around the Scriptures. It is without doubt that the Bible is an authoritative guide in the things of God. By referring to the Bible we can conceive and bring forth Love for God poems that honor his name and call on men and women to give their lives to Christ for salvation.
Best Love for God Poems
1. God at work – Inspiring reminder to trust God in all circumstances without doubt
The following poem reminds us of God’s sovereign power and ability to intervene in our lives. It is a call for everyone to trust God despite their situations. Trusting God is knowing that he is in control even when things are not unfolding the way we had planned. That is why it is said that as Christians, we walk by Faith and not by sight. Our eyes might fail but God never fails. He did it in the past, he is still doing it these days and he will certainly do it in times to come.
I am a work of art
In the Almighty’s hands.
The intent of His heart,
He totally understands.
He shapes and He molds,
For to Him, I belong.
The perfect plan He holds,
And He is never wrong.© Abimbola T. Alabi
2. My Angel – Understanding forgiveness and love God’s way
We serve a loving and forgiving God who is always faithful in keeping his promises. He is more than ready to welcome all those who have gone astray if they sincerely repent and turn to him. The following poem is dealing with such.
I felt the love of an angel today,
For the first time since I walked away.
I’ve felt guilt and shame for so many years,
But the angel freed me of that through my tears.
I cried to him and confessed my sin,
I opened the door and let him in.
The angel greeted me with a smile,
He held me in his arms and said, “It’s been awhile.”
He said, “My child, it is going to be alright.
No longer will you cry yourself to sleep at night,
All those times when you were full of fear,
It was I who pulled you through; I have always been near.”
He said, “I have loved you since the beginning of forever,
And my love for you will stop never.
My child, I am always there,
All you have to do is come to me in prayer.”© James Polk
3. Every Scar has a story – The marvelous works of God in my life
God is always at work in our lives even when things seem to happen far from his presence. He is in control as we’ll get from the following poem:
Every scar has a story.
What will mine tell?
What will come of this
when I’m better, when I’m well?
I want my scar to tell
of how I’ve overcome,
of how I made it through,
of where I have come from.
I want my scar to whisper
about the pain I faced,
about this very hard time,
about the marathon I raced.
But mostly I want my scar
to speak of something greater
I want it to shout
about my living Creator.
Let my scar be evidence
that there is a loving Lord
who fought my scary battles
and on whose wings I soared.
Let my scar proclaim
that all things work for good,
that by myself I couldn’t
but with my God I could.
Let them take a look.
Let them peek and see.
My scar shows God is great.
It points to Him, not me.© Kristina M. DeCarlo
4. Whispers of the Lord – The need of God in our lives
It is without doubt that we all need God in our lives for one reason or the other. The following is one of the love for God poems that is pointing to his need in our daily lives:
The Lord whispered to me, “I love you so,”
“Come follow me, my child, high places we will go.”
The Lord knelt beside me at an altar in prayer,
He wiped my tears and took away my despair.
“Come follow me, my child,” the Lord whispered to me,
“There will be no more pain, but oh so much to gain.”
He said, “I forgive you now for all you’ve done,”
Now it’s time to receive the love of God’s only son.”
His love was so warm, so bright and so true,
I could not believe my soul he had renewed,
He repaired my soul from the inside out.
It was then and only then I knew what love was about.
The cleansing power that fell over me,
Was the love of the Lord as he carried me.
“Come follow me, my child,” the Lord whispered to me,
“In that sweet holy land someday you will be.
You will see the Lord’s face at those big pearly gates,
Where loved ones embrace and angels await.
Come follow me, my child,” the Lord whispered to me,
“I will love you always, your protector I’ll be.”© Shannon Tackett
5. Father of Creation – Comfort from God
As Christians, our comfort comes from God, the Father of Creation, who did not keep his only son from us but sent him to take our place on the cross at Calvary.
When God created you,
He knew what he would see.
Someone that wasn’t perfect,
Or in heaven you would be.
He put you here on earth
To lead this life you live,
Learning as you go,
Giving what you can give.
He knew that you would stumble
And sometimes even fall.
He knew that you would suffer
And in Jesus Christ you’d call.
Mistakes and bad decisions
He knew you would make
To live and learn from them.
Sometimes more than you can take.
He’s had a plan for you
From the very first day.
Frustrating times will be,
But soon you’ll see his way.
Love, hope, and faith.
He’ll give this all to you.
Patience please, my friend.
How only if you knew.
The love you have inside you,
All the good that you do,
This does not go unnoticed,
And he shall see it too.
He’ll carry you if he needs to
And hold you when you pray.
He knows the pain you carry
Each and every day.
What’s brought you to your knees
Some gave up on you.
God will only keep around
The ones that see it through.
One day you will see
What I’ve been telling you.
The love that he’s been saving
He created just for you.© Lisa D. Scott
6. Agape – God’s unconditional love for mankind
God loves us whether we like it or not. That’s why even when we were still sinners, he sent Christ to pay the price of our sins and bring us closer to him. This is supported by the following love for God poem:
She had never been in love;
His was from above.
She didn’t like compassion;
His was more than you could imagine.
She was depressed;
He did nothing but bless.
She pushed away,
But He told her to pray.
It took a while,
But slowly she started to smile.
She looked in all the wrong places;
He was the final destination.
She was saved;
His love had engraved.© Kjn
7. Divine Love – God’s promise of perfect love
Although God has not promised us a perfect life without struggles on earth, he has promises us one with perfect love. The love that he offers is pure and perfect. It is vast, deep, and mighty just as we can get from the following poem:
You never promised us a perfect life, but only a perfect love.
We seek you in prayer and look for you as you are,
Our everlasting savior, a bright and shining star.
Sometimes we are out there lost, seeking your acceptance,
But we know that your will for us will never be rejections.
Because I believe what the Lord has done for us completely,
His word is our life and his life is ours so sweetly.
We may struggle to make it each and every day,
But he put it in our hearts, and he shows us the way.
Our faith grows as our lives get more involved,
One small voice to guide us with issues you will solve.
Forgive us when we fall, and pick us up to start again.
We love you oh so much; you are such a dear and caring friend.
One day we will see our loved ones who have gone before your face.
The thought of us before you, just that warm and tender embrace.
Give us peace and comfort, for things we don’t understand.
Show us a serving heart, mold it into your master plan.
We live for only you, and your kingdom will prevail,
For our faith and love for you will help us to excel.
Bless our family and grant us serenity,
Because of you we now own our own identity.
Our faith, love and need is so everlasting within,
Shows how your love for us will never, never end.
Bless the less fortunate, and open their eyes to see your smile.
Give them the path to walk with you; you will make it all worthwhile.
Your love, your touch is the ultimate, until the very end,
Something we can actually never really comprehend.
Stay close to us, as you always are there when we are in need.
Bless us and our loved ones in your time, God speed.
The Lord never promised us that our life would be easily lived.
What he did promise was that his love for us would be easy conceived.
AMEN© Ralph P Quinonez
8. Because of you – I’m blessed and favored
God is doing wonders to those who welcome hos grace through Christ. Because of him, we are tuned to the reception of heavenly blessings and favors. Below is one of the best Love for God poems that best explain these things:
Because you picked me up when I struggled to get through.
Because you healed my heart when it was thrown and shattered.
Because you gave me hope when it seemed so out of reach.
Because you filled me with peace when chaos flowed through my veins.
Because you showed me the light when there was only darkness.
Because you gave me comfort when my voice cried out in pain.
Because you reassured me when the doubts screamed in my head.
Because you kept me going when there seemed nowhere to go.
Because you sustained me with strength when weakness became all I knew.
Because you came and stayed when everyone else turned around and left.
Because you gave me a purpose when life seemed so pointless.
Because you restored my happiness when life seemed to snatch it away.
Because you filled this emptiness when the void echoed with loneliness.
Because you helped me let it all go when I gripped the tightest to hold on.
Because you showed me the beauty of life when the world showed me nothing but hate and corruption.
Because you gave me a better life when the old one fought to come back.
Because I am nothing without you nothing but a hopeless being.
Because only You could tear down my wall of pride, and instead build it back up with love and humbleness.
Because of all this, I give you my life Lord.
I will put all my fears and failures in Your hands, my worries that consume me, my pain that destroys me.
You were always there, even when I rejected You.
Because of all You are, my life, oh God, is yours.
© Jacqueline Burciaga
9. A sinner’s plea – The entertainment of doubt in one’s heart
Doubt is a challenge which we regularly fight. It results from our weak faith in Christ and the things of Heaven. However, it is when we are weak that we become strong again in Christ. Below is a poem on doubt that will help you to stay focus on the things of God rather than worrying in your heart:
Is God still showing me love
As He looks down from above?
He silently sheds a tear
as He longs to be near.
To be His child is my true calling,
So why am I continually falling?
The sinners eternally cry,
For their broken wings just cannot fly.
Now I long to change…that’s what I say,
But why is it that I won’t pray?
What is it going to take
To finally make me break?
Where is that longing fire
That showed my true heart’s desire?
What will be the final cost
If I forever am lost?
I still am crying out to be free,
But is this my heart’s true plea?
I have it all right in front of me,
Still my covered eyes cannot see.© Allissa Thornburg
10. My Lord told me – Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ
God is still saying something to you and me. He has not stop speaking to his children. God is always saying something to those who have ears. The Bible is his authoritative voice which guides us into knowing his heart and doing his will. Below is one of the love for God poems that reveals his message to us:
My LORD told me that HIS love would not fail,
as HE showed me a hand that was pierced by a nail.
HE told me I’m safe, started lifting the veil,
then my eyes became clear, I saw what life entails.
I saw beauty without measure and felt love’s complete peace,
I willfully surrendered but felt no trace of defeat.
I listened to my heart and caught the rhythm of its beat
as HE says our hearts are one and that this is where love meets.
HE told me that I’m HIS and HE’d never let me go,
HE just thought that I should know.
If there ever comes a time in life that’s really low,
look back to where our hearts met so that love can begin to show.
I smiled as I heard a melody of joy dancing through the sky.
It was my LORD singing this song to me of words I can’t deny.
HE said HE fought the battle and won it for me, there’s no need in asking why
because HE’s true, loving, faithful, and kind–with HIM I will never die.
I cried at the sound of HIS words for me, my tears soaking my face
HE reached down and wiped the tears away and said, “No need for tears in this place.”
I said,”LORD, why would you do this for me? My life has been such a disgrace.”
HE said, “Say no more, for it is done and my FATHER has dismissed your case.”
“Have trust in ME, as I in you, your life begins today,
though you may stumble along the path, I’LL help you keep your way.”
“I’LL never let you fall again, never lead you astray.
For your sins have all been forgiven my love, and for them you will never pay.”© Kenny C.
10. A gift from God – The power of Love
God’s love for us is a gift which we did nothing to deserve it. In his goodness, he loved us without expectation. He blesses us will all kinds of good things. His actions and words reveal the meaning of true love. Below is a poem on the power of Love:
Love can’t be described.
It has no shape, it has no form.
Love is not an object.
Love does not conform.
Love enters our lives
The moment we are born.
From the cradle to the grave,
Love’s in everyone.
Love burns like a candle
That sometimes flickers but never dies.
Love may be invisible,
Although it’s right before your eyes,
Love can leave you empty,
Love can make you whole.
Love can make or break you,
Love is in your soul.
Love is in your heart,
Love is in your mind.
Love doesn’t discriminate,
Love is always blind.
Love is universal,
It encompasses the globe.
No matter where you are,
Love has a language all its own.
Love is all around you.
There’s plenty of love to spare.
You cannot see or touch it,
But love is everywhere.
Love’s the greatest power,
And yet it is so small.
Love’s a gift from God
To be shared amongst us all.© John P. Read
11. Revealing real Love – Understanding God’s everlasting love
God’s love is everlasting given that it has not end or limit. It is from this love that mankind received salvation. Below is one of the love for God poems worth knowing by all Christians:
The roaring of thunder
Sent forth within your hand
Creating your image
In the likeness of man
Your eyes radiant with fire
Your mouth is the sword
We will rejoice and proclaim
Our Savior and our Lord
A love that reveals eternity
With abundance of mercy and grace
Search my whole heart
I’ll continue seeking your face
I run upon your mountain
Where you always set me free
Your words laid upon my heart
A revealing love you have shown me© Brittani
12. Have Faith – God is in control
We ought not to entertain doubts in our hearts because God is always in control. What we hear does not matter when God is telling us the contrary. It doesn’t matter what is happening or what we are seeing as long as God is saying the contrary. Before the throne of the Father of Creation, all circumstances, situations, and happenings bow in respect. The following poem will guide you in more understanding:
No matter what you have been told
God is in control
Yes, they came with a report one day
But God has the last say
Rest assured he is near
No need to fear
Hold on to Faith real tight
Know that everything is going to be alright
When God is in the midst
Defeat doesn’t exist
You serve a God who can make a bird sing a beautiful melody
A God who can calm the sea
A God who holds your destiny
He is your healing spring
And in his hands he brings
and Joy
All just for you, because his love is everlasting and true© La’shawna Howard
13. Hope – Hope comes from God and everything that he says
Every single word that comes from God breaths hope into our being. This is because He is who He says He is. He never fails nor forsake his own. When his children call on him for help, he hears and answers them in ways beyond human imagination. In the same light, we present the following love for God poem which reflects hope to all in need:
When everything seems hopeless,
Don’t focus on the whole mess.
Just count on every blessing.
Then slowly you’ll start progressing.
Never give up on your goals.
Let God take over the controls.
He will gently hold you by the hand.
Alone you will NOT stand.
Only in God do we have hope,
And only in him can we cope,
So my friend, do not despair,
You should know you have his care.© Caroline T. Wallace
14. Divine protection – Ultimate protection comes from God alone
God is our mighty protector. Under his wings of fire, we shall not fear any spear that travels at night nor the evil that reigns during the day time. With God on our side, we are victorious before getting into the Battle.
You are my protector
You are my strength
You are my light in my darkness, and my friend till the very end
You do not judge me
You never let me down
When I fall, you reach out your hand, and you lift me up to higher ground
You’ve opened my heart
and taught me to love once more
When I cry, I know you have broken through
Because all my tears are for you
You have made me, made me feel, and made me care
for your salvation has brought me here
I just want to say thank you for what you’ve done, because I know there is still more to come
What more do I need, for I have you
You are my protector
and I love you.© Julie Hird
15. Requesting our needs from God – A persona and anointed prayer
Everything on Earth and in Heaven belongs to God. And in his riches, he can give to anyone accordingly. Out of love, he makes sure that we get into possession with all our daily needs. Below is one of the best love for God poems that comes in the form of a prayer for one’s needs:
God, grant me the strength to handle life’s challenges,
In order to overcome these life long obstacles.
God, grant me the courage to stand up for what I believe in,
In order to express my true opinions without fear.
God, grant me the answers to my questions,
In order to find some understanding.
God, grant me the piece of mind I so desperately need,
In order to remain sane in this inside universe.
God, grant me the patience I thought I once had,
In order to with stand everything thrown to me.
God, grant me the guidance to be able to succeed,
In order to be whatever it is I want to be.
God, I need you now and forever, please help me.© Angie
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