Money in the Bible how many times

Money in the Bible how many times

Money in the Bible how many times

Money in the Bible how many times is more of a question aimed at knowing how many times money is mentioned in the Bible. Unfortunately, the money topic in Christianity is hardly discussed given that many perceive it as a taboo. However, we’ll point out that those perceiving it as such are getting everything wrong about Money in the Bible. Although, being more of a controversial topic in Christianity, we’ll say that money is a precious gift from God.

Surely, you are wondering why we just said money is a precious gift from God. Could it be that we are trying to contradict Apostle Paul who wrote in in 1 Timothy 6:10 – “For the love of money is a source of all kinds of evil. Some have been so eager to have it that they have wandered away from the faith and have broken their hearts with many sorrows.“? It is not what we are trying to do.

By saying that money is a precious gift from God, we mean that it acts both as a reward for work assigned by God and as a means of sustaining the precious life which he gave us. You might be asking which work? From the beginning of creation, God’s will for man was to occupy himself with something doing on Earth. That’s why he entrusted the garden of Eden and all that was in it to Adam’s care.

And even when Adam sinned and was sent out of the garden, he was commanded by God to work the ground and eat from what it produces in order to make a living. Today, you are either working the ground to eat from what it produces or executing a job to obtain money and purchase what the ground produces as food.

Money in the Bible how many times

In handling the aspect of Money in the Bible how many times, we’ll say that the New International Version Bible displays the word “money” 113 times. The Good News Bible displays the word “money” 190 times. The word “money” is displayed in the King James Bible 123 times.

How Christians should handle the financial topic

Note that Christianity is not an excuse to become poor or feel comfortable in poverty. Doing such will only class you as a lazy person. That’s why it is written in the scriptures that the hands of a lazy person yields poverty while the hands of a hard working person lead to wealth (Proverbs). When Apostle Paul warns against money, he is not saying that money in itself is evil or bad. The problem steps in when a person puts money before God.

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Money is surrounded by lots of temptations and valuing money more than God will definitely lead you into sin. The search of money has led many people astray. Some people go up to the extent of killing human beings for money. A good number steal it while others choose to earn it dishonestly. All these ways are disgusting before God.

On the other hand, Biblical Money is that which is earned through hard work, honesty, and wisdom. For a true Christian, money comes as a secondary necessity because his/her primary focus is on God. Having money is not bad but allowing yourself to be influenced by money is bad. Always remain humble before God because the money you have can never save you from God’s judgement. If this is true then which safety are you looking behind money to the extent that you forget God?

When God blesses you financially, remain faithful to him because finances will come to an end and you will be left alone with God for judgement. Always remember that you are a keeper of wealth and not its owner. Instead of storing riches on Earth where they will soon disappear, you should rather store them in Heaven where they will last forever. Stretch out a helping hand to those in need.

Please God with your wealth

The moment that you realize that you are not the owner of wealth but simply its keeper, you’ll start pleasing God. God has blessed you so that you can in turn bless your neighbor. And if you love your neighbor as you love yourself, you will do this without hesitation. Become a father to the fatherless and a mother to the motherless. Step out and help the widows for this is pleasing to God. Become a benefactor to those in need and God will bless you with more than what your store rooms can hold.

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