Pastor Alph Lukau Business

Pastor Alph Lukau Business

Alph Lukau Business

Pastor Alph Lukau Business is a prominent income generating activity that is operated on a global platform. Alph Lukau is a successful international businessman who also operates in God’s service as a pastor. He is currently experiencing the light of success on both the ministerial and business sectors. We can say without fear of contradiction that he is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Africa. His Net Worth is estimated at $1,000,000,0000 ($1 Billion).

Alph Lukau hails from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Africa. He currently lives in South Africa. Upon hearing about Pastor Alph Lukau business, many are surprise because he is popularly known as a man of God than a businessman. He is the Founder, General Overseer, and senior pastor of Alleluia Ministries International (AMI). AMI is an Apostolic and Prophetic church which is located in South Africa. This ministry has branches in different countries around the world with headquarters in Sandton, South Africa.

With an estimated net worth of $1 Billion, we can only class Alph Lukau as one of the hardworking and smart African entrepreneurs. Many are surprise that he owns a private jet and runs several luxurious cars like the Rolls Royce Photom, Mercedes and many others. The wealth that we see manifesting in his life is a sum of so many years of hard work with little to no rest. He has been into preaching the gospel for over 20 years. And at the same time, he did not neglect his international businesses. Let’s now get into our main topic of presenting Pastor Alph Lukau Business.

Pastor Alph Lukau Business – ALPH LUKAU GROUP

Pastor Alph Lukau Business

Alph Lukau Group is a leading brand which was founded by Alph Lukau in South Africa. Since creation, this group has experienced an exponential growth. It is this growth that moved it from South Africa to man other countries around the world. Today, we no longer talk of a national group but an international group. The chairman of Alph Lukau Group is Alph Lukau himself. This leading group consist of the following outstanding companies:

  • AL Strategic Investments;
  • Alph Lukau C Capital;
  • AL Estates;
  • Alph Lukau Energy;
  • AL Petroleum;
  • Alph Lukau T Travel;
  • AL Mining;
  • Alph Luka General Trading; and
  • AL Training & Virtual Systems.

Alph Lukau Group

AL Strategic Investment

The AL Strategic Investments focuses on leading different investments in lucrative and promising projects in different countries.

AL C Capital

The AL C Capital is pastor Alph Lukau Business that deals with all aspects of Capital when it comes to venturing into business.

AL Estate

The AL Estate focuses on the management of land pieces across different countries and houses as well.

AL Energy

One of the most important things in the world today is energy. Have you ever taught just for a second how the world will look like without energy? If yes, then you’ll better understand why Alph Lukau ventured into the energy sector.

AL Petroleum

AL Petroleum is a company that focuses on the non-renewable energy coming from ancient fossils in the name of petroleum. You certainly known that petroleum is one of the most important resources in the world. It signifies power and wealth.

AL Mining

The AL Mining deals with the extraction of economic resources that are being trapped beneath the Earth’s surface like Diamond and Gold.

AL T Travel

The AL T Travel is a transportation company that facilitates the movement of people and goods from one area to another.

AL General Trading

The AL General Trading deals with all profitable aspects of business trades that are being practiced around the world.

AL Training and Virtual Systems

The AL Training and Virtual Systems are more into the digital world.

Pastor Alph Lukau Business Contact Details

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