Paul and Silas in Jail Craft

Paul and Silas in Jail Craft

Paul and Silas in Jail Craft

By making Paul and Silas in Jail Craft as a Sunday school teacher, you’ll easily and greatly impact on the lives of children. Chances are high that you’ve already heard the saying that “Children forget what they hear, they remember what they see, and they understand what they do”. Thus, making appropriate Paul and Silas in jail craft to offer a chance of active participation to the children will lead to a better understanding.

He/she who leads or lays a christian foundation for children to walk on is doing a great thing before God and men. People are more likely to live their lives based on the foundation that they had as children. By teaching children the great works of God through His sovereign power, you are indirectly inserting the fear of God within them. Most will grow to honor and serve God. Note that there is a special blessing for those who lead children to God.

Jesus Christ wants children to be led to him without exception. That’s why it is said in the scriptures that he rebuked those who tried stopping children from coming to him. During his physical stay on Earth, he used children as a means of teaching or unraveling the mysteries of God’s kingdom. He clearly pointed out that the kingdom of God is for those who humble or see themselves as low as children in word and actions.

Hence, you’ll be offering a pleasant sacrifice to Jesus Christ by making Paul and Silas in jail craft to demonstrate his power to children. In addition, the scriptures also command every parent to teach the laws and marvelous works of God to their children. Also learn all about Paul and Silas Sunday school lesson.

Making Paul and Silas in Jail Craft

Paul and Silas in jail chains

To successfully make Paul and Silas in Jail craft, you’ll need kid friendly scissors, tape, blanket or large towel, stapler, Bible or copy of Acts 16:22-40 and Black construction papers. Use chalk to divide the papers into one and one half inch sections.

Cut strips apart and invite the children to use staplers to make paper rings. When they are done, ask them to connect these rings to make chains. If possible, encourage every child to make two chains; one to use for active participation in dramatizing the story and the other to take home. Although these activities look simple and funny, you can be certain that their impact on children is remarkable.

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Dramatizing the story of Paul and his companion in jail

By dramatizing the story of Paul and Silas in Prison, you’ll be helping the children to better understand and remember it. To begin, you can spread the blanket on the floor. Ask the children why we use blankets. Their answer will obviously be to keep ourselves from cold. Tell that Paul and Silas were thrown into prison with nothing to keep themselves warm. Add to it that they had wounds on their bodies, but there was no one to help clean and bandage them.

Paul and Silas story for kids

Call the children to come forward and use the pretend chains to show them how the hands of Paul and Silas were bound together. Dim the lights in the room so as to create a similar environment as that of Paul and Silas in Jail. Start narrating the story with simple words which can easily be understood by the children. When you reach the place where they were singing, stop teaching and invite the children to sing. You can ask them to sing “Jesus Christ loves me”. At the end of the song continue the story with their liberation. Stand up and say the word “Earthquake” with a big voice.

While mentioning earthquake, break off your chains and ask the children to do same. Explain in simple terms what all these means. Before concluding the story, there a few things to do. Let the children know that Paul and Silas together with the other prisoners did not leave the prison instantly. Tell them that upon seeing and experiencing the power of God, the jailer believed in Jesus Christ and was saved.

Teach the children the importance of prayers no matter the complexity of their situation. Reassure them of God’s love and power to protect all those who are faithful to him.

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