Paul and Silas in Jail Song

Paul and Silas in Jail Song

Paul and Silas in Jail Song

Paul and Silas in Jail Song is highly anointed for spiritual growth. Its wordings are spirit filled as they reveal the sovereign power of God. The song can be used to worship and praise God. It reveals God’s power to save those who remain faithful to him even during trial moments. Paul and Silas song miraculously brought down all the heavily protected prison doors. It also shattered the chains which were binding the prisoners. All these happened at midnight when they were singing hymns of praise to God.

You might be wondering why they chose the midnight hour for worship. It is because midnight represents the hour of the third clock. Midnight is the hour which evil forces execute their main plans. It is also the battle hour in the heavenly places. In order to understand the power of midnight prayer, you can read our article on why Paul and Silas chose the midnight hour for prayer.

There is tremendous power in praise and worship. Instead of bitterly complaining and desiring to leave the prison, Paul and Silas embraced their suffering for the gospel as Christ did. The welcomed the suffering, pains, and persecutions as a reason to pray and sing the more. And as they were singing, their voices were heard in Heaven. Their faithfulness moved God’s heart to send an Angel of liberation to free them.

The story of Paul and Silas in jail is one that reassures us of God’s love and concern. If God did it for them because of their faithfulness, he will certainly do the same for us. All we need to do is to remain faithful to him even during our trial moments. God never fails. By Activating your Faith, you can obtain Divine Favor and Help from Heaven whenever need arises.

Paul and Silas in Jail Song

Just as Paul and Silas in Jail Song led to their freedom, you can as well be set free from whatever situation you are in by praising God. It is without doubt that there is power in praising and worshiping God. Sincere worship after confession calls for Divine Intervention which never fails. God is willing to help you in whatever situation you are into. Just keep the right attitude and faith in him. A Mature Faith is the link between you and your miracle or blessing. Learn our remedy to curing a weak faith.

From the beginning of time till date, God has not changed. We can read from Hebrews 13:8 that he is the same yesterday, today and forever. He did it in the past, he will do it in our days, and he will do it in times to come. Unto God, nothing is impossible. He is all powerful and before his authority, men shall tremble in fear and honor. Trust in him as Paul and Silas did in order to experience a change.

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Always remember that God is aware of your struggles, hardship, sickness, poverty, loneliness, and needs. In an obedient spirit, get into praises and worships. God will not leave you without blessing and delivering you from the hands of your enemies. There is power in praise and worship. Remember that Paul and Silas in jail song led to their rescue. They were praising God and He saw the need to liberate them.

Song Lyrics

Below is Paul and Silas in Jail song lyrics which you can learn and use to boost your faith in God’s saving power.

Paul and Silas bound in jail all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me
Paul and Silas prayed to God all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me
That old jailor locked the jail all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me
That old jail it reeled and rocked all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me
Hebrew children in the burning fire all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me

Songwriters: Carter Stanley / Ralph Stanley

God is the rock of ages who never fails. Praise him and believe in his helping hand. He will not let you down.

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