An anointed Prayer for the sick can restore their health given that by his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). Sickness was not in God’s original plan for us. But it managed to make its way into our midst through the sin in the garden of Eden. Although we wronged God and took a body that is susceptible to sickness, he did not abandon us. He is willing and ready to heal and restore us anytime we fall sick. That’s why prophet Isaiah spoke under the influence of the Holy Spirit saying that God will heal the world through Jesus Christ. Sinned entered the world through one man, Adam and it was removed by one man, Jesus Christ. He is the mighty healer who healed all types of sicknesses during his days on Earth.
Jesus Christ went further to give sight to the blind, speech to the dumb, and walking strength to the lame. While physically on Earth, no sickness was more than him. He went as far as raising the dead. An anointed prayer for the sick today is one which holds to the fact that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). This is where your healing begins. The scriptures clearly reveal that Jesus Christ is the same today as he was in the past. Thus, it is without doubt that he is still walking the streets and healing the sick. In other words, we can present our sicknesses to him for healing as it was the case in the past. Unlike those who met him physically in the past, we can meet him today through an anointed prayer for the sick. All you need is faith.
Anointed prayer for the sick
Prayer for the sick to be healed
Almighty God, righteousness is your name. You are the alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending. We can’t fully describe your majesty with words. All we know is that you are the God of impossibilities. You did it in the past and you are still doing it today. Lord, I acknowledge my position as a poor sinner before your holy throne. I request for your forgiveness through the sacrifice of your son on the cross of Nazareth. I believe that if you wash me, I’ll be whiter than snow. Lord make me worthy to stand before you through Christ so that my prayers can be heard and answered. Father, make me feel your comforting presence and touch on my forehead. Lord, may you overshadow me with your healing presence and power.
There is no place I can hide that you won’t see me. I know that you are aware of my present poor health condition. Father, who else can I turn to in such conditions. You our my only source of strength, courage, and light for living. There is no one in Heaven, on Earth, below the Earth or in the unknown world that can compare with you. That is why I can only look unto you in my state of pains and suffering. You stand as the only true healing light in my life. Lord, I believe that you can completely heal me. Father, remove any piece of unbelief in me if there is any. Lord, I know that my faith is weak, that’s why I look unto you for a greater faith. The amount of faith which is necessary to heal and set me free from this sickness.
A prayer for personal healing
Lord God, king of Heaven and Earth, I thank you for my life. I further thank you for sending your son to take my place on the cross. May you have mercy on me and bless me with an obedient heart to your commandments. Father, you created me, and I believe that there is no one who knows me as you do. Father, you know the number of hairs on my head and all my secret actions. You know my weaknesses and strengths. Father, you know all the thoughts that are being conceived in my heart before they are voiced out. All these can only keep me marveling at your mighty power and majesty. That’s why I’ll conclude that there is nothing impossible for you to do. You are the God of impossibilities. Your children call you Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals.
Lord, your created all parts of my body and best master ow they should normally operate. In case of failure of any part, there is no one better placed to assist apart from the creator. That’s why I humbly come before you today asking for divine healing. Lord, I know that if you open healing doors in my life, no creature in Heaven or on Earth can dare close it. Father, I completely believe in your mighty healing power. You demonstrated this power to my ancestors and I know you can still do it today and in the future. Father, please make me a living testimony of your healing power and grace. Lord, please wipe out of me every trace of unbelief and doubt. Fill me with the necessary believe that will bring my healing. Father, thanks for hearing and answering my prayer.
Brief anointed prayer for anyone who is sick
Lord God, king of Heaven and Earth, I have no one to seek help from apart from you. I know that my sins have made me unworthy to be in your presence. Lord, please have mercy on m and locate me in your favor and everlasting goodness. Say just a word, and all my sins will be wiped by the blood of the holy lamb. Father, my present health condition requires divine intervention. It’s more than me, that’s why I submit it unto your holy throne. I believe that everything is possible for you. You did things which were beyond human explanations in the past and you are still doing them today. Father, may you glorify your holy name and everlasting healing power through this sickness in me. Thank you for healing and making me whole. I make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
Effective healing prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, effectiveness in healing is your name. Lord and savior, may you have mercy on me and forgive my shortcomings. You did it in the past and you are still doing it today. I remember that when you were with us phonically on Earth, everyone sick person who came to you was healed. And because you have not changed and you are still the same as I can read from the scriptures, heal me. Savior, you are still my mighty healer. There is no one like you that I can turn to for healing. Lord, simply say a word and my health will be restored for your glory and the greater glory of your father. Savior, your word says that I will receive anything I ask in your name. It is in this light that I am thanking you for having healed and restored my health.
Prayer that heals from the root cause
Lord Jesus Christ, you know everything. You were there from the beginning and nothing can be hidden from you. Savior, you best know the root cause of my sickness. There is no one who better understands my health situation as you do. That’s why I turn to you for a lasting solution. Men can provide solutions that will last for a few days but you provide solutions that will last forever. That’s why I pray and ask that you have mercy on me and resolve my health issues from their root cause. Lord, may you attack the sicknesses that are disturbing me from their root causes and fully cleanse me with you holy blood. Savior, I thank you for completely uprooting all the sicknesses that have been disturbing my life. I declare in your name that as from today, a new health page is opened for my life.
Prayer for a friend who is sick
Lord Jesus Christ, the mighty healer, your last instructions were that we love God and our neighbors. I hereby stand with the authority in your name and call down divine intervention to the health of my friend. Lord, your wish for us is that we dwell in good health and happiness. And I know that you are not pleased with the suffering of my friend. That’s why I humbly come into your holy presence asking for your mercy and healing favor. Lord, may you accelerate the healing time of my friend. Let my friend’s healthy state return as soon as it is your will. Father, may you permeate my friend to be able to sing songs of praises and worship to you in good health. Lord, I know that healing is the bread of those who follow your teachings. Thanks for glorifying your holy name and mighty healing power.
Prayer for the sick child
“Let the little ones come to me, do not dare stop them” were your words lord Jesus. This is a clear demonstration of your love for children and their well-being. Lord Jesus Christ, it is without doubt that you enjoy seeing children in good health. It is in this light that we come before you to present the case of your son/daughter who is currently sick. You are the mighty healer and we know that a single word from you will heal him/her. This child came to us as a marital blessing from God. Lord, you best know how we love him/her. And for sure, your love is even greater. Lord, make this child a living miracle of your eternal healing power. Savior, have mercy on us and hear our prayers. Lord, you always hear us. We thank you for hearing and answering our prayer for the sick child.
Prayer for the sick and dying
Heavenly father, dead is a call which must be answered by all. We hereby come into your presence requesting for mercy and favor to the sick and dying. Lord, please do not turn your back from their souls. Have mercy and lead them to everlasting life with you. Father, do not look at their sins but at the blood which your son poured on the cross of Calvary for sinners. Lord, show your everlasting love and goodness to the sick and dying. Please father, have mercy on them as you look at the sacrifice of your son Jesus Christ. Father, you always hear and answer us. We thank you for having heard and answered our prayers. Whatever the case, let your holy will be done and not ours.We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ.
Powerful prayer to heal illnesses
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Divine physician and Mighty healer of all kinds of sicknesses. There is no illness that is more than your healing power. You did it in the past, you are still doing it in our days, and you will still do it in the future. Lord, I believe that you have not changed. I believe that you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. That’s why I come before you with my sickness as those in the past did and were healed. Lord, no one comes into your presence with faith and leaves with his sickness. Mighty healer, just say a word and I shall be made whole, my situation will change for the best. Lord, there is no one else that I can turn to in this time of sickness apart from you. Savior, everyone can abandon me, but you will never abandon me.
A prayer for healing and grace
Heavenly father, I come before you today and confess that I’m a sinner who needs pardon. Look not on my sins but on the blood of Jesus Christ which was spread for sinners on the cross of Calvary. Father, I need you in my life. Lord, I need divine intervention in my life. Father, please do not hold back your healing and grace from me. I can’t survive without them. My soul taste for your grace and my body thirst for you healing. Lord, please meet me just at the moment of my needs and glorify your holy name as you have always done. Father, forgive me for running in all directions in search of healing instead of turning to you alone who is the source of true healing. Lord forgive me for my doubtful and unbelieving nature. Strengthen my faith and heal me.
We hereby come to the end of our anointed prayer for the sick. It is without doubt that if you say these prayers from your heart, God will obviously intervene in your situation. We should always start our prayers by asking for mercy and grace from God because of our sinful natures. Whatever we are asking from God, let’s always request that his holy will be done not ours. This is obviously because God’s will for us is the best. You can as well read our article on the Key teachings of Jesus Christ.
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