A prayer for the sick catholic is a call for divine intervention. In sickness, Christians do not have anyone to turn to apart from Jesus Christ. He is the mighty healer who did it in the past and is still doing it today. As a christian, you should be verse with his wonderful healing miracles all through the New Testament. The scriptures say that when Jesus Christ was on Earth, there was no sickness that he could not heal. It is in this same light that the scriptures say that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). In other words, we’ll say that Jesus Christ has not changed. Although he is not physically present with us, he will always be with us in the spirit. And you can be sure that he is still performing the healing miracles just as he did in the past.
The Scriptures say that we are healed by his stripes (Isaiah 53:5). If we are healed by Jesus’s wounds, we can unarguably say that God’s will is to see us in good health. That’s why we should always feel free to reach out to God whenever we are experiencing poor health. If our creator did not keep back his only son from us, what more of mere healing. It is with Joy and happiness that God wants to heal you. He was to free you from that sickness you’ve been suffering from. It is time for you to experience the mighty healing hand of the Lord. He wants his glory to be manifested in your life through a healing miracle. God did not create man to suffer in sickness. It is because of our sinful nature that we are strike by sickness. But through Christ we are healed.
Anointed prayer for the sick Catholic
Short prayer for the sick catholic
Almighty and Everlasting God, I give you all the honor, glory and adoration. I acknowledge my shortcomings before your holy presence. Please have mercy and locate me in your divine favor. Father, look not on my sins but on the blood of your son which was shed for me on the cross. Lord, I am in deep pains, help me out of this situation. I know that you best understand my situation more than anyone else. Father, hear my cry and heal me. I know that if you heal me, I shall completely be healed. Father, please restore my health so that I can join my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to give glory to your Holy Name. Lord, Thanks for restoring my health and bringing glory to your holy name. I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer for a brother or sister in poor health
Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals, we hereby come before your holy throne because of our conviction in your healing power. You did it in the past, you are still doing it, and we know that you will continue doing it. Father, have mercy on us from your holy throne and choose not to punish us. Lord, do not turn your back on your child who is suffering in sickness. Mighty healer, stretch out your healing hand and our brothers’/sisters’ health will be restored to normal. Father, your son welcomed inhuman suffering so as to teach us the importance of patience in sickness. We know that you are able to grant healing and freedom to our sister/brother. Father, may you look down on Earth and bring healing to all those suffering in sicknesses. Lord, let it be done according to your will and not ours. We thank you for answering us.
A catholic blessing for the sick
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the mighty healer. We honor and glorify your name. When you where on Earth, sick people were brought to you from all places, and you healed them without exception. Lord, it is in this light that I came before you today to ask that you bless all those suffering in sickness, pain, and weakness. Lord, have mercy on me and hear my prayer. Savior, look down on those whom blindness prevents them from perceiving the sun’s light and the beauty of God’s creation. May you be their comforter and guide. Lord, we know that nothing is impossible for you. If you will, they can all see. However, let it be done according to your will and not ours.
Lord, we call for your blessings on those who are deaf and cannot hear the voices around. You did it in the past and we believe that you can still do it today because you are the same. We glorify you because you are the God who opens the ears of the deaf. Lord Jesus, we call for your blessings on those who helplessly lay-down on their sick beds with no one to comfort them. You are a God who heals the sick and we believe that you can do something. Savior, we also call for your blessings on those who have lost their sense of reason and those who are troubled by anxiety. A single word from you will bring divine intervention in these cases. We thank you because you are God. Lord Jesus, we also call on you to bless those who are near the hour of death.
Anointed prayer for a friend who is in poor health
Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth and power. May you come like a dove with divine healing for my friend. I make this prayer for the sick catholic friend I have. Shield and protect him/her from all sicknesses. Holy Spirit, may you cover the wounds of my friend with your healing wings. You were send from above as a mighty helper to all Christians. Please do not forsake my friend. come from your heavenly dwelling place and restore his/her health. May you give my friend a reason to glorify God’s healing power for the rest of his life. Holy Spirit, come in your goodness and free my friend from pains. Do not allow him/her to suffer in sickness. Helper, thanks for locating me and my friend in your mercy. We lift our voices in happiness for the divine healing you’ve granted to us.
An anointed prayer for personal healing
Lord God, king of heaven and Earth, I give you all the honor and adoration. May your holy name be praised today and forever. Father, thanks for creating me. I am aware that you know all the hairs on my head. Lord, you know the thoughts in my heart before they are voiced out. You know me better than any other person. Father, you created every part on my body. That’s why you stand as the only person who can bring amelioration to any failing part. Lord, you are aware of my current poor health condition. I have no one to turn to apart from you. You are Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals. I believe in your mighty healing power. I know that you can speak words of healing in my life and they materialize. Father, have mercy and heal me. Glorify your healing power in my life.
Jehovah-Rapha, I humbly come before your holy throne to make this prayer for the sick catholic. Lord, do not turn your back on me. Please grant me divine healing. I’m highly troubled about why life presents itself to me the way it does. But I know that one word from you will change my situation and make me whole. Father, I need your Holy touch. Cleanse me of my unrighteousness and stretch out your healing hand to touch the root cause of my sickness. Lord, I am current searching for your face about my health. I know that your plans for me are those to keep me in good health and success. That’s why I call on you to speak a word of change to my situation. Lord, please wipe my tears and give me more reasons to appreciate the goodness of life in sound health.
Powerful healing prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, savior of the world, I am certain of the fact that you are a mighty healer. You demonstrated your healing ability in the past. Given that you have not change, I know that you are still walking the streets and healing the sick. One of your last words was that you’ll always be with us. And because you are with me, I know that you’ll not leave me without administering divine healing to my sick body. Lord, have mercy on me and manifest your mighty healing power just as it was the case in the past. Savior, I make this prayer for the sick catholic knowing well fully that you hold my life in your hands. The final divine healing solution that I’m looking for is in your hands. Savior, glorify your name once more in my life through a miraculous healing.
Lord Jesus Christ, may your holy will be done and not mine. I know that your will for me is the best. Your plans for me are those to bring me into eternal life where there shall be no more sickness. Lord, I’ll welcome whatever answer you send concerning my poor health. I know that your grace is sufficient for me to make a happy living in whatever condition you allow me in. That’s why I can only sing songs of praises in all conditions that I am facing. Lord Jesus Christ, your word says that whatever we ask from you, we should believe that we have received. I base myself on this word to thank you for having healed and relieved me from the pains of sickness. May your holy name be praised on Earth as it is in Heaven. May all generations come to know about you.
Prayer for healing faith
Lord Jesus Christ, your word says that if I have faith as little as a mustard seed, I can command a mountain to uproot and throw itself into the ocean. Lord, I do not count on my faith but I count on your ability to assist me in my weak faith. Savior, strengthen and grow my faith to that which is necessary to bring me healing. If we can remove mountains with faith, sickness won’t be more than us. That’s why I claim divine healing through the authority in your name. Savior, I believe in your mighty healing power, please help my unbelief. May you erase from me any trace of doubt or unbelief. Lord, in your name, I speak divine healing to my present situation. I know that you will for me is to live in good health. Thanks for hearing and answering my prayer for the sick catholic.
Anointed prayer for the sick catholic
Lord God, creator of Heaven and Earth. May your Holy Name be praised on Earth as it is in Heaven. May all generations sing songs of praises and worships before your holy throne. Father, I know that I’m not worthy to be in your holy presence. But I beg on you to have mercy on me and choose not to punish me. Father, do not look upon my sins but on the blood of your son which was shed on the cross for my sake. Lord, I know that you always hear and answer me. That’s why I come before your throne of glory to ask for more grace upon my life. Father, you are aware of my current sickness. I know that you will not leave me until I am completely healed from the root cause.
Lord, I am sorry that I did not turn to you much earlier for my healing grace. Forgive me for thinking that I could obtain healing else where. Lord, I humbly submit before you knowing that you will open heaven and pour divine healing on me. Father, you are the only person who better understands the pains I am undergoing now. You created me and your wish was not that I suffer. But because of my evil ways, I’m suffering. I know that you won’t leave me in this condition. You are a merciful and loving God. We glorify and praise your name for your goodness to mankind. You are the mighty healing God. I thank you for haven heard and answered my prayer. May your will be done and not mine. I make this prayer for the sick catholic in the name of Jesus Christ.