Scripture for parents of sick child

Scripture for parents of sick child

Scripture for parents of sick child

Get to know the best scripture for parents of sick child. As Christians, the scriptures represent God’s voice for our lives and situations. Thus, wanting to know God’s opinion or what God is saying about your sick child should lead you to the Holy Scriptures. God is always speaking out a healing word. He spoke healing in the past and it manifested. Given that God has not changed, he is still speaking healing words to all those who are sick. This includes your sick child. Doubting the mighty healing power of the lord today will prevent you and your child from receiving divine healing. But if you can believe enough then you can be sure that you and your child will wake up from that sick bed. The scriptures say that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Given that he is the same, there is no need to doubt for he is still moving the streets and healing the sick. And you can be sure that he will not leave your child without healing him/her. All that you need is faith. Faith is what closes the gap between you and your miracle. We can perceive faith as the conviction or certainty that God will always keep to his words or promises. And the scriptures say that God’s plans for us are those to uplift and make us prosper if we will obey him (Jeremiah 29:11). There is no prosperity in sickness. That’s why we’ll say that sickness is not a permanent condition for the children of God. God will certainly heal them and bless them with good health. God wants the best for his children.

Scripture for parents of sick child

Jesus’ love for little children (Matthew 19:14)

We all know what it means to be a parent. It is without doubt that every parent wishes good health for his/her child. No parent wants to see his/her child in the suffering state of illness. That’s why every parent is ready to go the extra mile just to make sure that his/her child is in good health. If we sinful parents so much love our children in this way, what more of Jesus Christ. He did not even keep back his own life but offered it out of love to mankind. Jesus Christ demonstrated the greatest level of love. If he did this, you can be sure that he will do more for your sick child. One of the comforting scripture for parents of sick child is Matthew 19:14. In this scripture, we clearly perceive Jesus Christ demonstrating his unconditional love for Children.

This scripture also applies to your child today. We perceive Jesus Christ commanding people not to prevent the little ones from coming to him. He further explains that the kingdom of God is prepared for those who will bring down themselves as children. In other words, he uses little children to spread the good news through the christian aspect of humility. Thus, no one can access heaven without humbleness before God. Being humble before God is being humble before men as well as being their servants. This is not strange because Jesus Christ demonstrated this teaching through his words and actions. All these sayings are to demonstrate the value which Jesus has for children. You can be sure that he loves your sick child more than you. And that he will not leave the child without healing him/her.

I will help your sick child (Isaiah 41:10)

This is another powerful scripture for parents of sick child. The Holy Spirit of the Most High came on prophet Isaiah and he delivered a divine message. Yes, God spoke through him saying that you should not give shelter to fear for he will help you. That is, you should not dwell in fear for whatever reason because the Lord is your protector, provider, healer, and shepherd. And because God always keeps to his promises, we can be sure that he will help our sick children. He will not leave them to lay suffering on the sick bed. The most high has already opened the healing doors of heaven through Jesus Christ. You can claim the healing for your sick child and receive it through faith. Once you receive and believe, you’ll find it manifesting in the physical because our God never fails.

Still on this holy scripture for parents of sick child, the Lord says that you should not be dismayed or discouraged. For he will always be with you to see that you successfully go through the hardship and difficulties of life. He will uplift you with his righteous hand and see unto it that your trembling feet are strengthened to stand. God will never abandon us. He did not even keep back his own son but gave him up as a living sacrifice for the sins of the world. With this in mind, you can be certain that God will heal your sick child. His name is Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals. He will meet your family at the healing point. The Lord has not forgotten you. He knows the suffering you are undergoing as a parent whose child is sick. Faith is what you need.

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God is the healing rock (Psalms 62:2)

God is indeed the healing rock, the rock of ages, the salvation rock, the cornerstone rock. No one comes before the lord with sickness and goes back with it. He stands as the source rock of healing. The lord wants to heal you from the root cause of your sickness. He wants to free your child from the sickness he/she has been suffering from. The scriptures say that nothing is impossible for God to do. With this powerful scripture for parents of sick child, we can affirm that God’s healing hand is at work. What we need is faith. Faith will certainly call for his attention. Once God’s attention is on you, you can be sure that your situation has been changed for the best.

With God being our rock source of healing, we confess with our mouths today that healing is our blessing. The Lord most high will keep us standing even when we are shaken by sickness. Being children of God does not mean that we cannot fall sick. But one thing we are sure of is the fact that he will not leave us to continuously suffer in sickness. His original intention for creating man was not for him to come and suffer sickness. Sickness came to us through our sinful nature. Even at this point, God has not abandoned us. He still loves us and that is why he sacrificed his only son in order to reconcile man with himself. Repent of your sins and claim divine healing because it is your inheritance through Christ.

The Lord will restore your sick child from his/her sickbed (Isaiah 41:3)

We are fortunate to have been given this divine message by prophet Isaiah. The Spirit of the lord came upon him and he delivered a divine message for all God’s children who are on the sickbed. God spoke through him saying that he has not forgotten his children who are on the sickbed. And that he is more than ever willing and ready to restore them back to full health. That’s why we’ll call on you not to allow your heart troubled by a sick child. You should rather remember this scripture for parents of sick child and turn towards the lord for help. Pray a scriptural prayer of faith and everything will become normal. Perhaps you did not know the importance of scriptural prayer. Scriptural prayer is one of the most anointed forms of prayer.

With scriptural prayer, you do not struggle fining the right words. You simply remind the heavenly father of his written promises for you and your children. Here, knowing the scripture for parents of sick child will definitely help you. You can be certain that God’s word never fails. He always keeps to his promises. Chances are high that you are aware of the scripture that says “my people perish because they lack knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). In other words, you cannot claim ownership of the things you know nothing about. On the other hand, if you are aware of the blessings which God has promised you, you can step out and claim them through Christ. And because we serve a God who keeps to his promises, he will answer your prayers.

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Scripture for parents of sick child: By his stripes your child is healed (Isaiah 53:5)

These are not my words but those of the prophet Isaiah. He spoke under the influence of the Holy Ghost saying that by the stripes of Jesus Christ we are healed. And for sure your sick child is included. This is anointed scripture for parents of sick child which calls down divine healing. All you need is faith. If only you can believe this scripture and the healing power of Jesus Christ, your child will wake up from the sickbed. God wants to bring glory to his name through the healing power of Jesus Christ. In short, God has already given us healing. But we are separated from this healing which was give to us through Christ our lord. Faith is the only thing that closes this gap. That’s why we’ll recommend that you grow your faith from weak to strong.

You might possibly be asking yourself what it takes to move from a weak faith to a strong faith? All Christians need a strong faith in order to fulfill their duties in Christ. You’ve probably heard of Jesus’s saying that anyone with a faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. This saying leaves Christians wondering on how to grow their faith to the small size of a mustard seed. To grow your faith, you can start by praying and asking God to bless you with a strong faith. We must also add here that the main way to grow your faith is to listen the word, believe it, put it into practice, and act on the word. By word here, we are referring to the Holy Scriptures. In the same light, we’ll recommend that you read our article on how to activate faith and move the impossible.

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Scripture for parents of sick child: It is God who heals (Psalms 103:3)

Psalms 103:3 provides a powerful scripture for parents of sick child. It clearly points out that God is a healer. That is why he is called Jehovah-Rapha, the mighty healing God. He did it in the past and he is still doing it today. The scriptures say that when Jesus Christ was on Earth, people brought sick people to him from different places. He did not waste time in healing them neither did he request for some millions before healing them. The scriptures say that he healed out of love and compassion. He moved from town to town healing all the sick that came his way. It did not matter whether they were rich or not. This is sufficient proof that our God is a healing God. He sits on his holy throne waiting to heal all those who come to him in the name of Jesus Christ.

But what do we really mean when we say that our God is one who heals? Could it be that he has some specific sicknesses that he can heal and others he can’t? This is certainly not the case. Our God is one who heals all sorts of sicknesses. This includes those you have heard and those that you have never heard about. Thus, whatever be the sickness that is hurting your child, turn to God for help. The power to accomplish the impossible is one of the things that makes God who he is. Having in mind that nothing is impossible for God to do, you should bring forth in prayers whatever situation that is bordering your mind. Get a scripture for parents of sick child and build your faith in God. He will certainly help you.

Anointed prayer for a sick child

Jehovah-Rapha, the mighty healing God, I know that there is nothing that you cannot do. Lord God, creator of Heaven and Earth, I come before your Holy presence to ask for forgiveness of all my shortcomings. Father, look not on my sins and that of my sick child but on the blood of your son. Lord, may you locate my sick child in your favor. Father, thank you for restoring his/her health and permanently healing him/her from the root cause of sickness. I make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Ghost.

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