Paul and Silas Sermon is worth reading by modern Christians. It reveals the truth of salvation and what it truly takes to be saved by Jesus Christ. This sermon is of even greater importance for spiritual leaders of today and those who what to experience God in a level beyond imagination. You shouldn’t entertain a doubt on whether it is possible to experience God in dimensions beyond human imagination. The scriptures are clear on this aspect, let’s open our Bibles to Jeremiah 33:3 to find out.
We can hear God promising to answer his children as well as show them things they’ve never heard or seen. God is willing to take his servants into higher dimensions and experiences they’ve never imagined. He has not changed as we can read from Hebrews 13:8. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
In the past, Paul and Silas called on him and he answered them in a way beyond human comprehension. He is still doing it these days. What you need is faith. With a mature faith that is big as a small mustard seed, you can move mountains and displace oceans. Read the story of Paul and Silas to boost your faith and make it strong.
We can perceive faith as the heavenly currency used in accomplishing higher spiritual tasks. It took Paul and Silas a mature faith to move the hand of God to send a liberation angel to set them free from the heavy chains in prison. Paul and Silas Sermon reflect God’s mighty power. You can as well read our articles on
- Activating Faith to move the impossible
- Differences between a weak and a strong faith
- The remedy to curing a weak faith
- How to put your faith to work
- Mastering the Spirit of Faith
Paul and Silas Sermon from the Bible
Paul and Silas sermon consists of two parts. The first part is “teaching by action” and the second part is “teaching by words“. We’ll demystify and render easy to understand both parts of their sermon. However, their teachings by actions and words go together as you’ll soon discover.
Teaching by Action (Acts 16:16-29)
The first part of Paul and Silas Sermon is revealed in Acts 16:16-29. This part of the sermon reveals their teachings by actions rather than words. Verse 16 of this chapter says that they were going to a place of prayer. Paul and Silas were indeed great prayer warriors. They left behind the things which could keep themselves occupied with and started a journey to a place of prayer. This is an indication that they wanted a more quiet and calm place where they could talk to their heavenly father without being distracted. We ought to learn from them the value of living distractions behind and moving to calm places where we can talk to God without being disturbed.
In verse 18, we hear Paul ordering a demon to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. It so happened that Paul and Silas came across a lady who was possessed by an evil spirit. This evil spirit gave her the ability to tell the future and work as a fortune teller for a group of men in the city who were making much money from her. This lady started following them and shouting that they were men of the Most High God and that everyone should listen to them. After doing this for several days, Paul got upset and commanded the evil spirit to leave her in the name of Jesus Christ.
Paul Demonstrates power in the name of Jesus Christ
The scriptures say that at the command in the name of Jesus Christ by Paul, the evil spirit left at once. This is another action done by Apostle Paul which reflects the mighty power in the name of Jesus Christ. We welcome this act in accordance with Philippians 2:10. It says that at the mention of the Holy Name, Jesus Christ, every knee in Heaven, on Earth, under the Earth, and in the world to come must bow as a sign of honor and respect. There is supreme power in the name of Jesus Christ. Thus, as a Christian, you are covered and backed-up from above.
Jesus Christ himself said in Matthew 28:18 that all power in Heaven and on Earth has been given to him. And because all powers in heaven and on Earth have been given to him, we are all products of victory. As we all know, victory in Christ is victory indeed. What we learn from Paul’s action here is that the name of Jesus Christ has been given to all Christians not just as a means of salvation but as a mighty weapon to overcome Satan and his evil principalities in the high places. Do not sit back and allow situations to overcome you. It’s time to take things at hand and overcome them through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
In the name of Jesus Christ, there is the power to save, the power to set free the captives, the power to heal, and build God’s kingdom. Thus. whatever be the situation that you are facing, challenge it with the victorious name of Jesus Christ. He has not changed, he is still with us and moving around to assist those who need his help. There is no situation that he cannot overcome.
Paul and Silas receive severe beatings of the year with joy for the Gospel’s sake
From verses 19 to 23, we are told that the owners of the young fortune teller got mad at Apostle Paul and Silas for putting an end to their evil business. When they realized that Paul had sent away the spirit that was revealing the future to the girl, they were so angry that they wanted to kill Paul and Silas. However, it was day time and out of fear of what the authorities might do to them, they dragged Paul and Silas to the City Square and false-fully accused them before the Roman officials.
They told the officials that the two Jewish people they had brought were teachings contrary and forbidden customers to the people. Further accusations were added that they were causing trouble and disorder in the city as well as misleading the people. The officials had them undressed and severely beaten after which they were thrown into jail with their hands and feet bound. Logic will demand that upon receiving such treatment, Paul and Silas should have been regretting why they took the Christian path. Surprisingly, this was not the case as they instead embraced intense prayers and songs of praise.
Even in their sufferings and pains, they chose to find a reason to thank God. Their persecution for the gospel instead gave them a reason to sing the more and pray the more. This part of Paul and Silas sermon is worth embracing by all Christians. Do not allow your physical condition to control your relationship with God. You should not even allow it to discourage you. Always remember the scripture that says in every condition, we should thank God. It was their praise that brought God’s angel of liberation to free them from the prison chains. Also, read Paul and Silas Song.
Teaching by word (Acts 16:30-33): Paul and Silas Sermon part two
Below is the scripture on Paul and Silas Sermon delivered through words by these great servants of the most high God.
30 Then he led them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
Acts 16:30-33
31 They answered, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your family.” 32 Then they preached the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in the house. 33 At that very hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; and he and all his family were baptized at once.
At around midnight when Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God, their voices were heard in Heaven. God’s heart was touched and he could not afford to see his humble servants in chains so he sent an angel of liberation to set them free. The scriptures say that a strange earthquake shook the entire prison to its very foundations. It was so intense that all the heavily protected doors of the prison were broken. The chains which were binding the feet and hands of the prisoners were all loosed to the glory of the Most High.
The jailer woke up and noticed that the doors and gates of the prison were all opened. Out of panic and fear that the prisoners had escaped, he drew his sword to take away his life. But before he could kill himself, Apostle Paul called out in a loud voice that they had not gone. He requested for a lamb and rushed to meet them. When he arrived, he fell on his knees trembling before Paul and Silas.
Paul and Silas Sermon saves the jailer and his family
The scriptures say that the jailer led Paul and Silas out and asked them what he needed to d to be saved. It is here that we clearly get Paul and Silas Sermon on Salvation. Paul and Silas told him to believe in Jesus Christ in order to be saved with his household. They proceeded by explaining the Key teachings of Jesus Christ to him and his entire household. They welcomed the message and believed. And at once, they were baptized with water as a sign of their conversion and decision to follow God. It is said that they were very happy to have received Paul and Silas teaching about Christ. Paul and Silas Message brought light to them.