Prophet TB Joshua is a worldwide renowned Nigerian televangelist and pastor. He is the Founder, General Overseer, and Senior Pastor of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). Being a prophet of the most high God, he is solicited from all over the world. The anointing in his life through Jesus Christ brings wonders and miracles on the scene. Through the name of Jesus Christ, he restores the sight of the blind and opens the ears of the deaf. He also restores speech to the dumb and strengthens the lame to walk. In addition to this, he carries out deliverance sessions whereby he sets free all those whom Satan holds captive. God uses him to bring healing to sicknesses which are more than doctors. Through the name of Jesus Christ, he has cleaned many of incurable diseases such as HIV/AIDS.
Records hold that Prophet TB Joshua is the most hated and persecuted man of God in his home country Nigeria. You might be expecting to hear that his persecutors are more of pagans than Christians. But we’ll surprise you by saying that the greatest persecutions of this man of God are from the so-called Nigerian Christians. You might ask why Christians would turn to persecute their own brother? To answer this question we’ll start by pointing out the fact that there are people who call themselves Christians while there are others whom God calls Christians. In other words, there are Christians whom Jesus Christ has approved and those who have approved themselves all alone. It’s not by believing or saying that you are a Christian that makes you a Christian. That’s why we’ll classify most of Prophet TB Joshua persecutors in the list of pagans.
Prophet TB Joshua Walking in the power of the Holy Ghost
The Power of the Holy Ghost is the main reason why Prophet Temitope Joshua is the most persecuted pastor in Nigeria. The Anointing in his life is too much. Although he does not boast because of his humble nature, I’ll say here that I haven’t seen a Nigerian pastor or prophet with his kind of Anointing. The truth is that his anointing is too much. His fellow pastor colleagues can’t afford to see him do things they can’t do. That’s why they are left with only one choice, which is to associate Joshua’s works to Satan. They do this in order to discourage people from reaching out to Joshua and receiving their genuine miracles, and blessings from God. Some do so because they can’t afford to lose their church members.
Whatever the case, one thing is sure, whoever attributes the works of the Holy Spirit to Satan would never be forgiven. These are not my words but Jesus’s. If you doubt me, simply open your Bible to Luke 12:10. The verse clearly points out that it is better to insult Jesus Christ than to say evil against the Holy Ghost which is the Spirit of the Father. You might ask yourself what prompted Jesus Christ to say this? It was the very thing that many are doing to Prophet TB Joshua today. History holds it that Jesus Christ drove a demon and the unbelieving pharisees openly said he was using Satan’s power to drive demons. And Jesus upon hearing this clearly told them that they would never be forgiven for saying evil against the Holy Ghost.
Reasons why Prophet TB Joshua is the most persecuted pastor in Nigeria.
Today, pagan-Christians are committing the same mistake which Jesus Christ warned the Pharisees against. They are attributing the works of the Holy Spirit in the life of TB Joshua to Satan. A word to a wise is sufficient. Jesus Christ said that those who do such things would never be forgiven. That’s why you should not be quick in saying that people are using Satan’s power to perform miracles (Luke 12:10). Unfortunately, the same people who read and teach these words to others do not understand it themselves. These people are too blind as the scriptures say. They think that they are teachers to those who are ignorant and leaders to the blind. But they themselves are not different from these people.
We should not condemn a teacher of the gospel because of our certificates in theology. The scriptures say that God will hide his knowledge from those who think they are wise and reveal it to the foolish. Neither should we condemn a teacher of the gospel because he can do things in the spirit which we with PhDs in theology can’t. Prophet TB Joshua does not have a degree or PhD in theology but he walks in the dimensions of God. And this is where the problem lays. Other pastors with degrees and PhDs who can’t do the things he does believe that he is from Satan. And this is the message they preach to their congregants. Haven’t you read the scriptures that say when Jesus Christ resurrected and went up to heaven, he distributed gifts to mankind? (Ephesians 4).
Let no one try to stop he whom God has anointed
“Touch not the least of my anointed and do my prophets no harm” are the words of the Most High (Psalms 105:15). Worth noting is that there has never been a school for the prophets from the beginning of time. For sure, there was a school to trains priests on God’s laws. God randomly picked his mouthpieces from different tribes. And so, who are you to stand against one whom God has chosen and anointed? Temitope Joshua is a prophet who was destined from birth to serve in the presence of God. He did not choose or call himself to be a teacher of the gospel that you need to certify him. God did the certification. Genuine prophets of God do not choose themselves but God chooses, prepares, and releases them. Hence, no human power is needed for one to become a prophet.
This is clearly revealed in Ephesians 4:11. It says that when Jesus Christ resurrected and moved up to heaven, he distributed gifts to mankind. He anointed some Prophets, others Apostles, others Evangelists, others Pastors, and others teachers. Note that it is not your approval that makes a person anointed or called. What matters is God’s approval. And once God has approved, you’ll be putting your life at risk of death to stand on the way. But does this mean that we should welcome anyone who comes in the name of the Lord? No, this is not what we are saying. Let’s read from 1 John 4:1 and 1 Thessalonians 5:21. Both verses which were written by the immediate Apostles of Jesus are sharing the same point of view. The Apostles call on us not to despise spirits or teachings but to first put them to test before believing it.
Miracles and wonders performed by Prophet Temitope Balogun in the name of Jesus Christ
Today, Prophet TB Joshua stands on a list of an uncountable number of miracles he has performed in the name of Jesus Christ. This is certainly the reason why he is hated by his fellow pastors who can’t do the same. His ministry believes in the scripture that says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). And because Jesus Christ is the same today as he was in the past, he is still doing the things he used to do. With this in mind, you just need to figure out anything Jesus did in the past to understand that it can still be done today. History and Faith hold that in the past, Jesus Christ opened the eyes of the blind, straightened the lame to walk, opened the ears of the deaf. In addition, he loosed the tongue of the dumb to speak.
Given that Jesus Christ has not changed, he is still doing all these things. That’s why before his physical departure from Earth, he left a message in John 14:12. It says “Anyone who believes in me will do all that I have done and even greater things” Prophet TB Joshua has never claimed or boasted of the miracles he does. He always attributes them to God’s grace in his life. What else do you need to believe? It is according to John 14:12 that he is able to restore the sight of the blind, open the ears of the deaf, and commanded the tongue of the dumb to speak. He also strengthens the lame to walk, and cure sicknesses that are more than doctors. He regularly calls down God’s blessings to his congregants, sets the captives free through deliverance, and guides his followers in the light of God’s righteousness.
Prophet TB Joshua Biography

The prophet we know today was born as Temitope Balogun Joshua on June 12, 1963. Popularly known today as Prophet TB Joshua, he hails from a humble family in Akoko, Ondo State. He attended the St Stephen’s Anglican Primary School. It so happened that financial difficulties impeded him from completing his secondary school education. Although his parents had difficulties meeting up with his school fees, he deeply desired to further his studies. Upon noticing that it wasn’t possible to further with studies, he took his life at hand as a young man. It was then that he started working extra hard to meet up with his little needs and expenses. History holds it that his special love for God and the Christian way of life earned him the name “small pastor” at an early age. He worked hard to stand among his equals despite his educational level.
Still on Prophet TB Joshua biography, we say that he tried to venture into contemporary life on several occasions without success. One of such happened when his aspiration to join the military was drowned by a mysterious engine breakdown on his way to an interview at the Nigerian Defense Academy, Kaduna. History holds it with human and material proofs that the birth of Temitope Balogun was surrounded by lots of mysteries. One of these mysteries which science has difficulties to explain up to date was the abnormality in the number of months he remained in his mother’s womb. After conception, children are normally expected in 9 months but Joshua’s case was different. He remained in his mother’s womb for 15 months. Everyone found this strange and they all knew that the child must be very special.
The Mysteries surrounding the prophet’s birth
After 9 months of pregnancy, Joshua’s mother started laboring. Due to the complexity of her pregnancy, she was taken to Egbe in Kogi State for an operation. Egbe had the best hospital by then. While in the hospital at Egbe, she ended up spending 3 months. Luckily, Joshua’s grandmother had enough money to meet up with the expenses of her only daughter for all those three months. It so happened that each time the doctor wanted to operate her, he had an uncomfortable feeling that made him change his mind. Things mysteriously continued this way until some Christians who usually visit the hospital to pray and preach to the sick came. Upon arriving, among them was a pastor. This pastor openly told Joshua’s mother to go home for God is busily preparing the child for a greater purpose.
The pastor further added that if she goes for an operation, she won’t appreciate the outcomes. This made her call the doctor to whom the pastor explained everything. And behold the doctor started understanding why he was reluctant to operate the woman. Immediately, the doctor agreed and the woman was sent home to wait for God’s time. On the 15th month of pregnancy, his mother went into labor and finally gave birth to him. This brought much joy to the family. The news went all around the village that the mysterious child was born. Filled with joy, everyone wanted to celebrate the birth of this child. So they planned to carry out the celebration on the 7th day from his birth. It was also on this day that they had planned to name him.
God saves the life of Prophet TB Joshua from a huge and sharp flying stone
We couldn’t afford to omit the flying stone from our writings on Prophet TB Joshua biography. This is one of the top mysteries surrounding his childhood. It took place on the seventh day of his birth. It happened before the eyes of many. Today, we have human witnesses. In other words, we have people who were there, they saw and lived it. Who else could better recount this story apart from them?. Just as we previously mentioned, the seventh day was a special day in his life. It was the day that he was to be named and celebrated. It so happened that on that famous day, the activities of a stone blasting company were unfolding. Whenever this stone drilling company was to operate, they’ll advise everyone to remain indoors for safety reasons. This was because the company operated a sophisticated drilling machine which sent out flying stones.
On this very 7th day of celebration, this company was operating. People gathered and were feasting the arrival of the child. In their joy, they gave him 30 names which were all written down. During this ceremony, the child was laying on a mat that was spread on the floor. But before the feast could come to an end, a heavy and sharp flying stone came from the stone blasting company to make away with the life of the child. You might ask how and why? We can’t say much apart from what we were told by human witnesses. It is said that this stone was emitted from the blasting machine at a very high speed that it burst through the roof of the house and landed exactly were Joshua was laying. Only God knows how the 7-days child moved from one side of the mat to the other.
Father and Mother
It won’t make sense for us to talk about Prophet TB Joshua biography without his parents. His late father was named Kolawole Balogun. There are rumors out there that TB Joshua’s late father was a Muslim. This is not true. His late dad was not only a Christian but the secretary to St. Steven’s Church. His dad was a farmer who was well educated. Records hold that he served as a translator to the white-men who came to his village. He translated from Yoruba to English as well as English to Yoruba. Joshua was highly loved by his dad. And that his dad would often take him along to any place he was going. He further adds that he enjoyed going to church with his dad. The prophet’s mother’s name is Adesiji Kolawole Balogun. She worked as a secretary to the union of daily savings collectors.
Life After Joshua’s father died
Still, on Prophet TB Joshua biography, we’ll add that his dad died when he was still young. This made him suffer the most. However, it did not represent the end for him as he continued growing as a man with the lessons his father thought him. After his father’s death, his mother’s brother who was a Muslim came in as a father figure for him. We must note here that this does not make him a Muslim. For he was born and brought up in a Christian way until the death of his dad. His father dying did not withdraw the Christian doctrine he had taught his son. It is in this Christian light that Joshua continued until he became who he is today. However, life after his father’s death was not the easiest. His mother was financially down and couldn’t do big for the boy.
His mother upon noticing that she could no longer meet up with Joshua’s studies asked him to wait on his brothers. Joshua’s brothers were a little advanced in studies and the mother was counting on them to complete and assist their last born. It happened that Joshua did not agree with this as it was not in his nature to depend on others. He refused to sit back home with folded arms waiting on others to help him. This led him to step out in order to help himself. He ferociously attacked life’s hardness and was determined to make it. Let’s now discuss the steps which the prophet underwent before reaching success.
Prophet TB Joshua Biblical Background
Many evangelical church leaders in Nigeria have put a question mark on the authenticity of Joshua. But we’ll say here that Prophet TB Joshua Biblical Background is one of the best. From childhood, he was passionate about the Bible. Since primary school, his love for God made him familiar with the Holy Scriptures. In short, his best subject which he excelled in was Bible studies. While a primary kid six, Joshua had already read through the New Testament twice. When he moved to secondary school, he read through the Bible in an average period of 2 months. It happened that every two months, he was reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. His primary or main subject of study was the Bible. In exams, he’ll score 99% in Bible studies while performing poorly in other subjects. He was the leader of the scripture union back in school.
Finding admission into secondary school was not the easiest thing for Joshua although he was second in primary school. It so happened that he ended up getting a late admission into a Muslim College. Within this college, it was forbidden to openly carry the Bible. This made it very difficult for him and his friends to read the Holy Scriptures from God. In other to do this, they’ll hide under the mango tree and when caught they’ll be purchased by the Muslim Community. They were 20 Christians in number. However, the Muslim Community did not make it easy for them. They had to hide before studying and sharing the Holy Gospel that brings life. Back in those days, he was the leader of the Christian team at Ansar-Ud-Deen Grammar School, Ikare. Knowing well fully of the danger if caught with the Bible, he left the school.
Prophet TB Joshua earlier careers
Following the hostility and religious intolerance at Ansar-Ud-Deen Grammar School, Joshua decided to run for his dear life. However, he did not only run for his life as he wanted a better and safer arena where he could freely study the Bible. This is what made him envisage moving from Ikere to Lagos. For this purpose, he met with some cassava transporters who were reputed for moving cassava from Ikere to Ibadan and Lagos. He approached and explained his predicament to them. They were moved by his story and embarked him on the journey to Lagos. But before this, they explained to Joshua that their trailer normally takes them 4 days on the road to reach Lagos. The transporters loaded their trailer with Cassava and Cocoa. And together with Joshua, they climbed and slept on top of the goods.
It so happened that Joshua’s journey to Lagos was out of his parents’ knowledge. He decided not to inform his parents for reasons better known to him alone. It took them 4 days in the vehicle to reach Ibadan. From Ibadan, they took off for Mile 12 in Lagos. Upon arriving, he was left there on his own by the transporters. These transporters told him it was all they could do to help him and that it was time that he takes things at hand. Left in the middle of a city he has never been there before, Joshua had no choice but to instantly become a man. For 5 days during the rainy season, Temitope lived in Mile 12 Lagos. Under the rain, he was stroke by serious hunger.
Prophet TB Joshua washes people’s feet for food
During Joshua’s 5 days in Mile 12 Lagos, he was seriously hungry and needed to find food. For sure, he needed to eat so as to gain energy. With no money at hand, no family or friend beside to help, he was left only with one choice. However, which choice could it be for a young boy with no professional skills or certificate at hand than washing the feet of people coming out of the muddy market? Only God knows where he even got a bucket and water to start this job. This provides us with another reason to give thanks to God. Authentic records from his ministry hold that it was from the pennies he received through the washing of people’s feet that he could purchase some little low-quality foodstuff in order to remain alive.
Things continued this way until God brought the first step of change in his life. One famous day, he overheard the conversation of two women who were speaking in his native language. This brought him so much joy and happiness that he moved to them and asked if they were from Arigidi his hometown. Lovely and caring as these women were, they answered yes. It was then that Temitope Balogun narrated his story to them. He told then that he was in Lagos to meet his sister whom he did not know of her whereabouts. God being with him, he was able to trace and find his sister in a period of 10 days. This brought him so much joy and comfort that he developed a taste for life again. He moved on to live with his sister.
Prophet TB Joshua NGO for motor park boys
Prophet TB Joshua being a successful man today has not forgotten his old days as a park boy who used to wash feet in order to make a living. It is with this in mind that he decided to start a non-governmental organization or a not for profit organization aimed at assisting motor park boys. Today, we can openly say that these not for profit organization has changed the lives of many for the best. It steps out in God’s likeness of love to meet up with the basic needs of young boys who are stranded.
Joshua’s point of view on Giving and Receiving
Not very long after he started staying with his sister in Lagos, he realized that his sister had her own bunch of burden. With this in mind, it was not his intention to add to her burden which already seemed to be overwhelming her. It is in this light that Joshua decided not to be an additional burden to his sister. You might ask yourself why and how? Joshua is not the kind who prioritizes receiving. Temitope prefers giving than receiving. He is the kind that will hand over an envelope to you if he visits your house and you give him a soft drink. According to him, we make a living by what we give and we make a life by what we receive. He deeply believes in this as he further adds that in life, we should not only spend our time collecting from others.
The man of God believes that over-collecting destroys life. That’s why he advise us to prioritize giving over receiving for giving builds life. He further supports this point with the Bible which says that giving is an assignment from God. Giving, in other words, is a form of displaying or putting our faith into action. However, we must note here that not all giving pleases God. You can give all that you have to the poor yet God is still not pleased with your action. And on the other hand, someone who gives just a penny to the needy is pleased with God. You might possibly be asking yourself why? Asking this question has its place. That’s why we’ll say that you are right in asking it. That answer is very simple. What makes our offerings acceptable to God is the love and nature of our hearts.
Did you know that Prophet TB Joshua carried Shit to make a living?
This is certainly strange to hear but he actually carried shit to make a living. You do not have to stress yourself by trying to find out the truth about this saying. This is a fact which we have thoroughly verified its veracity. It all took place when he decided not to be a burden to his sister in Lagos. Upon noticing that his sister had lots of responsibilities, he moved from her place to live with a friend of his. While living in his friend’s house, he had to figure out something doing in other to meet up with personal needs. The only better opportunity which popped up that he embraced was that of working as a poultry farm attendant. The poultry is still there and can testify. The job he had in this poultry was that of carrying shit. Yes, he was commissioned to displace fowl shit.
If you have had to rear fowls, then you better know how fowl shit smells. It turns to smell more terrible than human faeces. And this is the job which was done by Temitope Balogun Joshua. He did it together with many Ghanaians who were in Nigeria by then. While working as a shit carrier, Joshua had to present himself as a Ghanaian. He kept his Nigerian identity secret. This was so because no one was ready to believe that a Nigerian in his home country is caring shit to make a living. Upon working for three days, Joshua’s body odor had completely changed. Even after a thorough bath, people will still perceive fowl shit odor on him when he is walking. And it was in this same way that flies became his companions. Almost everywhere he went, flies were after him. He did this for 1 year.
Prophet TB Joshua desires to further his studies
At the same time that Temitope Balogun was carrying fowl shit, he enrolled in an evening school with the little cash he was able to make. This school was named New State High School. Apart from this school, Joshua attended so many schools in Lagos that he has forgotten the names of some. All these movements and school instability were not intentional. They narrow down to financial difficulties. Records hold that Joshua would attend one school for two months just to be sent away for fees. Some of the schools which he attended are New State High School, Isolo, Ansar-Ud-Deen Grammar School, and Metropolitan. Luckily enough, he was very good at athletics. This led him to win gold, silver, and bronze in athletics.
As a result of his skills in athletics, he was given some sort of scholarship. However, he still needed to work in other to meet up with his expenses at school. This was what led him to pick up the poultry job. Luckily, it was possible for those who were busy during the day to attend evening classes for their WAEC and GCE. And it even seemed that evening classes were more intense than day classes. It is in the spirit of hard work that Joshua took his studies which he was financing seriously. He was also teaching children Bible studies. There are records that his athletic skills took him to the Baptist Academy. This was after he had attended 15 schools in Lagos for less than a year.
Prophet TB Joshua confronts a madman at school
Joshua’s first attempt that led him to discover God’s spirit in him occurred when a madman came to the school he was. Back in those days, he was called “small pastor”. He recounts that one day, a madman came to their school with a cutlass. This took place in the morning hours and it kept everyone on the run. When Joshua arrived at the school campus, he encountered this madman while perceiving everyone on the run. It was at this time that the Spirit of the most high God spoke to his heart and not to his ear. He heard the voice of God telling him to go and collect the cutlass. This same voice told him to tell the madman to bring the cutlass.
Upon hearing the voice of God, Joshua was obedient and moved towards the madman. While he was approaching the madman, everyone was yelling at him not to go. Others were like “this young boy wants to die”. Others called him back for safety reasons. Knowing well fully that God was his protector, Joshua did not fear anyone neither did he fear the madman with the cutlass. When he arrived before the madman, he commanded him to give the cutlass in the name of Jesus Christ. Behold, the madman peacefully gave the cutlass without hurting anyone. He did not even resist before giving the cutlass. This left everyone amaze and astonished. They could only marvel at the spirit of God in Joshua. It was from there that they started calling him “small pastor”.
Prophet TB Joshua Ministry

Prophet TB Joshua Ministry started back in St. Steven Primary School after he collected the cutlass from a madman. Immediately after this action, his teachers will call him to pray in the assembly. His school mates and friends would come to him requesting for prayers. He did group prayers as well as individual prayers. This led him to lead the scripture union, teaching the Holy Scriptures, and executing other Christian related tasks. This is how he gained consciousness of God’s presence in his body. And as it is said, everything big starts small. Since them, one thing led to another up to the man we have today as Prophet TB Joshua.
Today, Prophet TB Joshua is the Founder, General Overseer, and Senior Pastor of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN). However, Joshua humbly considers himself as a simple servant of God. He attributes the head and foundation of his Church to Jesus Christ. His ministry has headquarters in Nigeria. By the grace of God, he moved from a couple of congregants to millions. Today, people come from different parts of the world to worship with him. Many travel long distances to come and get their healing, blessings, and breakthrough. He stands today as one of the most popular and influential pastors in Africa and the world at large. He has spiritual sons whom he trains and refers to them as wise men.
How TB Joshua received his calling from God to start the Synagogue Church Of All Nations
Although Joshua had previously been leading Bible studies and Christian associations, it was actually in 1987 that he received instructions from God. During that year, he visited the prayer mountain to seek God’s face about the path to follow. On the mountain, he prayed and fasted for 40 days and nights. It was during this time that he received a heavenly vision in which God commanded him to start the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). It was in this vision that he was anointed and given instructions. To make things more clear, we’ll say that Joshua was in a trance for three days. This trance opened his spirit to heavenly beings and things.
In his vision, he could see the Apostles of Jesus Christ and other prophets sitting in heaven with their names on their chests. They were sitting around a huge man whose face he could not see because it was shining like the sun. This man whom he considered to be Jesus Christ inserted a Bible into his heart and gave him a small cross. Jesus commanded him to take the gospel to all places and that if he does his work rightly, the small cross will be replaced with bigger ones every year. And since then, he has been receiving bigger crosses every year. This cross shows the level of responsibility that is added to him. Jesus also said that if he failed in his task, a smaller cross will be given in the place of a big one.
Anointing water (Morning water)
The anointing water from the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) is popularly known around the world as the morning water. This water is prayed for by the prophet who believes that after prayers, the water is changed to the blood of Jesus Christ. What makes this water capable of healing the sick, delivering the captives, and bringing blessings is one’s faith in Christ. Without faith, the water is not different from that which you know. With faith, it is transformed into the blood of Jesus Christ which brings healing, deliverance, blessings, and freedom. There are testimonies every week about the blessings received from God through this morning water.
Prophet TB Joshua Net Worth -$15 Million
Prophet TB Joshua Net Worth has been estimated to $15 millions. Although Joshua features among the richest pastors in Africa and the world at large, he remains one of the most humble. A look at prophet TB Joshua cars reveals that he’s not into luxury. Everything moving from prophet TB Joshua private jets to Prophet Tb Joshua house reflects his humbleness.
Prophet TB Joshua wife

We can’t complete our writing without mentioning Prophet TB Joshua wife. She has greatly contributed to Joshua overall success. Records hold that she has always been there to comfort and encourage Joshua especially when his fellow preachers are throwing stones at him. She has also contributed to the great success of the SCOAN. Joshua’s congregants love her in a special way because of the pretty nice character she has. You might be asking who is this lovely and kindhearted woman? She is called Evelyn Joshua.
Prophet TB Joshua Children

Prophet TB Joshua Children can’t be left out from our writings. They are a source of comfort to the man of God. His marriage with Evelyn was blessed by God with three children. He brought them up in the Christian faith and today, they fill him with joy and happiness. Prophet TB Joshua family is one that has been blessed by God.
Free donations
Joshua is well known for his philanthropist works. He is one of the most generous pastors if not the most generous pastor in Africa and the world at large. Joshua has not kept for himself the blessings he received from God. But rather, he shares these blessings with the needy, the oppressed, the poor, childless, orphans, widows, and those who can’t meet up with the basic needs of life. His free donations are not limited in Nigeria or Africa. He extends his philanthropist works across Asia, Europe, America, and Dubai. He shares food items and money to those who are in need. In certain cases, he provides houses and scholarships to those who are are in need. He even offers vehicles and capital for people to start their businesses. We pray that may God continuously bless him.
Joshua’s philanthropist works are irrespective of whether you are a Christian or not. He believes that we are all God’s children and that no one should turn his back to a neighbor because of religion. The Bible supports this. Jesus Christ recommended that we love our neighbors. Not here that he did not ask Christians to love Christians. He rather asked Christians to love everyone. It is in this same spirit of giving that Joshua regularly teaches his congregants on the importance of giving. Some of his sayings are:
- They are childless so that you can comfort and pray for them;
- These children are fatherless so that you can be their father;
- They are in need so that you can be their benefactor;
- Feed those who are hungry;
- We should prioritize giving over receiving;
- Everyone has something to share and if you doubt ask the poor widow in the Bible; and
- Give out of love and not because you have been asked to.
Awards and Achievements
Joshua was conferred with the National Honor of OFR by the Nigerian government for his consistent humanitarian works. This was in the year 2008. A predominant Muslim Organization by name Arewa Youth Forum honored Joshua as an Ambassador of peace. The Pan-African Magazine recognized him as one of the most influential people in Africa.
Prophet TB Joshua teachings
The demand for prophet TB Joshua teachings has increased. The world holds him today as one of the best Christian preachers. He preaches under the influence of the Holy Ghost. You can listen to his teachings from Emmanuel TV which is his ministry’s television channel. The channel runs 24/7 and it is the best reporter of who Joshua is. Do not be misled by what people are saying, watch him for yourself. You can also watch him from his ministry’s YouTube channel.
Prophet TB Joshua Contact Details
Being a man of the people, it is not strange to hear people asking for prophet TB Joshua Contact Details. The high demand for Prophet TB Joshua Contact has sent lots of thieves to create fake Facebook accounts and websites with his name. Their motives are to make away with your hard-earned cash. That’s why we’ll recommend that you visit Joshua’s official website to get any required contact detail. His official site is WWW.SCOAN.ORG