Waking up from bed with a Message of the Day that is encouraging can boost the fruitfulness of your day’s activities. A message of the day well placed in your life can change your whole story for the best. Such messages come like light shinning on the path of a successful person. They have the ability to strengthen those who have been discouraged by normal life routines. No matter how you fight to keep a smile on your face and stay motivated, life will always bring happenings that will compromise your principles. And it is without doubt that motivation is one of the chief causes of high productivity. The moment a person is discouraged, his/her productive level starts decreasing. That’s why it is very important for everyone to memorize motivating messages. You might simply pick up a few motivational messages for the day not knowing where they’ll help you.
But we can assure you that they’ll pop back in your memory the moment you need them the most. That’s why it is very important to start your day by learning or reminding yourself of a few motivational messages. These messages will follow you through out they day as they strive to readjust your mood and keep you productive. Failing to do this will make you prone to discouragement, fear, doubt, and thoughts of lack. There is no need to point out the outcome of such low value thoughts on your business plan as well as personal life. One thing is certain, they’ll lead you into low productivity and low self view. You can be sure to have a nice day when it starts with messages reminding you of God’s presence, constant love, protection, and help (Isaiah 41:10).
Message of the Day
Start your day with God and it will be one with nothing to regret. Smile because today is your day. You are off for great places and extraordinary accomplishments. Remember that not even the mountains or oceans can stop you because God is with you. Be fast in getting on your way with faith and you’ll live to testify the goodness of God in your life. Those who stand waiting for you to fall will see you rising in the name of Jesus Christ. Failure will look but not see you because God has declared you successful in his immeasurable goodness. Those who usually mock at you will find no more reasons to do so because God has uplifted and blessed you. Refuse to dwell on past failures as they can only limit you from obtaining future success.
Learn from your past failures and mistakes in order to make a better tomorrow. Refuse to dwell with those who are against your progress. Surround yourself with people who will take you to the next level of success. Do not follow bad examples. Remember that it is not because everyone is doing something that makes it right to do. Learn wisdom from the Bible and it will follow you all the days of your life. Call on God for additional wisdom and he will give you more than you can carry. Doubt everything but never doubt God’s love. His love is unconditional, forgiving, and trustworthy. God’s love never fails. He will surprise you at the point of your needs. That’ why you should put your trust in him alone. Remember that obedience to God is what brings divine favor, healing, promotion, blessings, and success.
Motivational Messages to keep you going on all levels
Everyone can abandon you but God will never abandon you. Get this message of the day and your life will never be the same. It will definitely change for the best because your hope will be moved from personal strength to reside on God. Everyone will hurt you but God will never hurt you. People will fail you but God will always remain faithful. Open your Bible and inform yourself of the promises which God has for you. Note that these promises never fail because God is God. He is who He says He is. God keeps every word of His to the last. By gaining Biblical knowledge about the promises of God for His children, you’ll be able to confidently claim them in your life. And because we serve a faithful God, you’ll certainly receive these blessings. It is without doubt that they’ll change your story for the best.
God is more than willing and ready to give you a thousand reasons to glorify his Holy Name. Without going far, just look around your life and you’ll find uncountable reasons to sing praises to God just as Paul and Silas did and were located by divine favor. Learn the Key Teachings of Jesus Christ and put them in to practice so as to be considered God’s child. Always remember that Jesus Christ has given us authority to become sons and daughters of the Most High. You benefit from this privilege by learning and keeping God’s teachings. Note that God’s true teachings came through Jesus Christ. There are lots of benefits in being God’s child. You will be certain of his promise for everlasting life, protection, help, and provision. Focus your trust on God and you’ll live to testify.
Section 1
Keep in mind that winning does not necessarily imply that you are first. The wise man perceives winning as doing better than he previously did. Refuse to envy your neighbors success and goods. You should rather step out with a hardworking spirit and God who rewards everyone will bless your efforts. Jealousy is a poison to the body and soul that kills without hesitation. Deny to be jealous of the goods and success of your neighbor. You should rather thank God for blessing them and God who knows your heart desires will bless you too. Do not be discouraged because you are braver than you think. God has blessed you with what is needed to please him through success. Do not rely on your physical strength because it can fail. You should rather find in God the strength that never fails.
Glorify God because He has made you smarter, strong, and wise than you think. Hold tight to this message of the day and you’ll start realizing changes in your life. Keep in mind that things always seem impossible until they are done. That’s why you should never be discouraged before trying. Remember that we are serving the God of impossibilities. In other words, we are serving a God to whom nothing is impossible. And because we are his children, he will happily lead us through paths that others perceive impossible to go through. He will guide us in accomplishing things which are perceived impossible by the normal eye. And in so doing, the world shall know that we are serving a Living God. He did it in the past and you can be sure that he will do it in our days and even in days to come.
Section 2
If you are courageous enough to pursue your dreams, then you can achieve them. Whatever be the dream that you have in accordance to God’s will, hold tight to it. Plant your feet at the spot of your dream because it is possible to achieve it. With God on your side, all your dreams will come through for his glory. He did it for Jacob’s children and he will certainly do it for you. Do not entertain doubt or fear because we are serving a God who never changes. That’s why we hereby speak with confidence that He is doing it in the present as He did in the past. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let’s give him honor and sing praises to His Holy Name because he is the one who materializes our dreams. He raises us from nothing to something because He has the power.
Replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts in order to start obtaining positive results. This is another message of the day which will help you more than you can imagine. If you keep on dwelling in negative thoughts, chances are high that you’ll keep on experiencing negative results. That’s why we hereby invite you to purify your mind off negative thoughts and start entertaining positive thoughts. By so doing, chances are high that you’ll receive positive results that will restore the smile on your face. Note that entertaining negative thoughts usually arise from fear which is not necessarily from God. This is a sign that your whole trust and confidence in God’s helping power is weak. You can as well read our article on how to cure a weak faith.
Section 3
True failure is refusing to learn from your mistakes. As long as you keep on doing the same things, you’ll keep on obtaining the same results. Hence, if you are in failure and refuse to learn and leave, you’ll keep on failing. In other words, if you keep on using the same strategies, there is no need to expect different results. Refusing to learn from your errors can aggravate situations. Do not entertain shame while finding for ways to better your life and boost your productivity. Humble yourself and learn all that you can in order to make it in life. Go closer to successful people and learn from them what it takes to be successful in life. The more you surround yourself with successful people, the higher the chances you’ll have to be like them. And in some cases even become more successful than them.
You are never too old to dream a new dream. A man is never too old to set new realistic and achievable goals. This is another powerful and motivating message of the day which you should always remember. It eliminates the fear of dreaming new dreams or setting new goals because of old age. Remember that with old age comes wisdom. And abandoning that business or plan because of age could just be the worst idea. Who knows? It could be the moment to explode in success due to the experience you have been gathering from the other failures. That’s why you should not be quick in giving up. Hold your patience and call on God just as Abraham did and was given a son at the age of 100 years. Remember that what the eye perceives as impossible is possible to God.
Section 4
Happiness is an attitude; we either chose to make ourselves happy or miserable. This is a life changing message of the day which can boost your health in great ways. We know that it is strange to say but it is the simple truth. Not linking it won’t change the fact that it remains the truth. We mean our words when we say that Happiness is an attitude. Human beings have the freedom of choice to chose between happiness or sadness. Hence, you can chose to be happy or not. The problem comes in when people start allowing their surrounding happenings to be a determining factor for their happiness. If your happiness is conditioned by the events or happenings around, you can be sure that you’ll always be upset. If your happiness is generated from within, you can always chose to be happy just as Paul and Silas.
Ultimate success is the sum of little efforts made on daily basis without discouragement. The struggles which you are facing today are preparing and depositing in you the necessary strength to manage tomorrow’s success. That’s why you should never allow yourself discouraged or distracted along the way. Get this message of the day and you’ll live to enjoy. Success does not come overnight. It takes time and lots of sacrifices to achieve success. And even when this success comes, you’ll still need to build strength and effort to maintain it else it will vanish. If you want to be successful in life, you must embrace the hard way as the only way. However, hard work without a smart mind hardly pays. That’s why you should sharpen your mind on the happenings while working hard. God will certainly bless you.
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We hereby conclude our message of the day.