Christian Financial Advice Free for everyone yet people are still struggling with finances on daily basis. God being the father of wisdom has much to say about Christian Finances. In short, what he has already spoken through the Holy Scriptures on how Christians should manage their finances is sufficient to build a successful life. The Bible is an authoritative guide when it comes to knowing and doing the will of God. It is in its light that we hereby write to reveal Christian financial advice free for everyone. The financial bondage which many are currently into can be attributed to their lack of financial Knowledge or advice. Putting the right financial advice into action will certainly lead you into living a successful financial life. In addition, it will also keep you safe from taking wrong financial decisions.
A Good mastery of Christian Finance will lead you to achieving Financial Freedom God’s Way. Learn all what you can about finances and you’ll live to testify the importance of learning. But what do we mean by achieving Christian Financial freedom? It is all about reaching a state in life whereby you no longer need to worry about monetary issues like debts, bill payments, and sudden expenses because God is in Control. Financial freedom comes with a continuous cash-flow that allows you to live the kind of life you had ever wanted. It also offers the possibility of enjoying the benefits of a debt free life. Such comes with the ability to successfully grow, manage and maintain the wealth which God has entrusted to your care with the mind of Christ through pure love.
Christian Financial Advice Free For Everyone
If you are serious about enjoying a financial free life without the stress from debts and bills, stick to the follow advice:
- Put God first in your life and all the other things will follow (Mathew 6:33)
- Go after the heart of God and he will provide your needs
- Honor God’s commands and he will bless you with more than what your store rooms can contain (Deuteronomy 28:1,3-6,8)
- Do not spend more than what you earn
- Minimize spending and maximize saving
- Never spend money you do not have at hand
- Embrace the hard way as the only way to success
- Stay away from get-rich overnight schemes
- Do not take hasty financial decisions
- Pray without ceasing
- Always pray before taking any financial step in life
- Read the proverbs and master the wisdom it has for you
- Be contented with whatever you have at hand so that the devil won’t take advantage of the situation and lead you to sin (Philippians 4:11-12)
- Strive for excellence in everything that you do (1 Peter 4:11)
- Keep aside worry and trust in God for the provision of your needs (Matthew 6:31)
- Break off the habit of borrowing and all that comes with it (Proverbs 15:16)
- Believe that God will supply all your needs in his heavenly riches (2 Corinthians 8:14)
- Please God with what you have at hand so that he can add more (Matthew 25:14-30)
- Keep in mind that a borrower is a slave to the lender
- Plan for your financial future when you still have time and pray that God bless your plans
- Create and stick to a monthly budget
- Pay off all your debts
- Track your spending
- Invest and grow what God has blessed you with
- In everything situation, give thanks to God
This brings us to the end of our writing on Christian financial advice free for everyone. You can as well read the following related articles:
- Achieving Christian Financial Freedom
- Understanding Christian Finance
- Achieving Financial Freedom God’s way
- How to receive miracle money from God
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