Apostle Babalola Books pdf

Apostle Babalola Books pdf

Apostle Babalola Books pdf

Download Apostle Babalola Books pdf and gain more spiritual knowledge about the hidden mysteries of God’s kingdom. We hereby write to present these books which you can download and start uplifting your spiritual level. Babalola was an Apostle not like the others, so you can be certain that his books are worth reading. You’ll gain more than what you think. His books are full of deep spiritual insight on the things of God. Babalola shook Nigeria, Africa, and the world at large through the Mighty Epikaizo Power and Anointing on him. Records hold that in just a period of 3 weeks at the beginning of the Great Revival in Nigeria by the 1930s, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola healed about 100 Lepers, gave sight to about 60 Blind People, and cured about 50 Lame People. He did more than these with the Epikaizo Anointing and Power of God in his life.

Trying to write down all the miracles and wonders that he did through Christ will soon get us exhausted. The anointing in his life was too much and he was on Holy Fire for God. He even brought back a dead child to life. This Holy Resurrection marked the beginning of the Great Revival in Nigeria. The mother of the child who was dead could not keep the good works of the lord for herself but went round the city praising God as she called others to join her. One of Babalola’s followers went forth to raise a dead pregnant woman under the same Anointing. For a deep insight into the Epikaizo Anointing, we’ll recommend that you read our article on how to have a taste of the Epikaizo power of God. With this in mind, everyone wants to study Apostle Babalola Books pdf.

Apostle Babalola Books pdf

The mighty accomplishments of Prophet Joseph Ayo Babalola have not been forgotten till date. His teachings on Christianity are highly solicited around the world. It would have been a great loss if we had no documents or books holding some of his teachings. Luckily, we have a few books which contain some of the teachings of Apostle Babalola. Before we present all Apostle Babalola Books pdf, we’ll first love to brief you on his biography and calling into ministry. In this light, you’ll better understand why he deals with certain Christian aspects the way he does. His life path and experience did influence his teachings. It is worth noting that during his long prayer hours which could last for weeks, he was taught by angels.

Apostle Babalola Biography

Babalola was born of Yoruba parents who resided in Odo-Owa, Kwara State, Nigeria. At birth, he was given the name Joseph Ayodele Babalola. He was born on the 25th of April 1904 to David Rotimi and Madam Marta Talabi. Both parents were of the Anglican Church. Babalola’s call was primordial although it manifested at a later age in his life. Born and brought up in a Christian home, Babalola loved God from childhood. His biological father, David Rotimi was the Baba Ijo (“Church Leader”) of the C.M.S. church. In pastor Medayese’s book, he says that the birth of Babalola was surrounded by so many mysteries. It is even said that on the day he was born, there was a strange explosion that shook the clouds. Babalola started his elementary studies in the year 1914 at an elementary school located in Oto-Awari, Lagos State.

Babalola proceeded with his studies to Standard Five before withdrawing to learn a trade. He spent two years as a blacksmith’s apprentice before quitting to join the Public Works Department. Babalola was a fast learner who took only 15 days to learn what it takes to drive a caterpillar. At the end of his 15 days, he was able to fully drive without the guidance of a tutor. This qualified him to become one of the company’s steamrollers driver. It was on the 1st of April 1928 that Babalola was first given a steamroller to drive for the construction of Osogbo-Ilesha road. It was during one of his normal working routines that he heard a Divine Voice from above that called him three times. For more info on his calling and detailed biography, we’ll recommend that you read our article entitled Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola Biography.

Best Apostle Babablola Books PDF for Download

A Call To Honor, A Biography Of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola by Reverend Babatunde E.A.

This Christian book entitled “A Call To Honor, A Biography Of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola” was written by Reverend Babatunde Ezekiel Ajibola in special loving memory of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola. We can say without fear of contradiction that Babalola is counted among those who greatly contributed to the advancement of the Holy Gospel. Through his missionary journeys which could gather around 40,000 people, he impacted many lives and gave Godly directions to many people. Remembering such men of God is something worth doing by Christians. This book was written as a call of Honor to the great things which he did through Christ.

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History and Ministerial Life of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola (1904-1959): Africa’s Great Evangelist and Revivalist (Christian counselling series)

The History and Ministerial Life of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola reveal the wonders and mighty things that God used him in doing. This is one of the best books to read about this great servant of God who happens to be one of the most famous African Christian fathers. His lifestyle was a testimony of God’s mighty power. He humbly accepted the divine call in his life and worked hard in order to follow Christ on a daily basis.

Apostle J. A. Babalola

Apostle J. A. Babalola is a title to one of the best books that unfolds the calling and mandate of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola. This book will sharpen your understanding of the life and teachings of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola.

Joseph Ayo Babalola-thoughts of an Apostle

Joseph Ayo Babalola-thoughts of an Apostle is a book that deals with a deep reflection of the office of an Apostle. It is a book worth reading by all who are interested in knowing how a servant of Christ proceeds with the mission at hand.

Joseph Ayo Babalola the Foundation of an Apostle

Joseph Ayo Babalola the Foundation of an Apostle is a book that unravels what it takes to successfully answer the Apostolic call in one’s life. It presents itself as a foundation guide in following Christ and answering His call to spread the gospel to the four corners of the world.

The Mantle Of An Apostle

The Mantle Of An Apostle is one of Apostle Babalola Books pdf which you can download and improve your journey with God. It is an interesting book worth reading by both Lay Christians and Ministers of the Holy Gospel. It is without a doubt that there is much to learn from this book which holds the teachings of a Christian Father. Truth be told, you’ll hardly find a Christian book with deep insight on the Apostolic Mantle. This is a book on the calling of an Apostle and his walk with God. We all know that Joseph Ayo Babalola was an approved Apostle of Jesus Christ who shook the world with power from above. Hence, you should count yourself lucky to read his book on what it takes to become a successful Apostle of the Most High.

Apostle Babalola Books pdf: Great Revivals Great Revivalist

Great Revivals Great Revivalist is one of Apostle Babalola Books pdf which can be downloaded and read by anyone who is interested. It reveals the purpose of a Divine Revival and the procedure on how to go about in obtaining a successful Christian Revival in our days. This book was written out of experience and so we can trust the author. We all know that the Major Revival in Nigeria which took place in the 30’s and 40’s was headed by Babalola. This revival was a successful one that affected the whole world.

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So we can say without fear of contradiction that Babalola through his experience knew what it takes to initiate and take a Christ-centered Revival to success. Since the Great Revival in 1930, Nigeria has not experienced such till date. Without TV adverts, it caught the attention of people around Africa and the Diaspora leading to about 40,000 attendees per Revival session.

Great Power Through Prayer And Fasting

It is evident that the key to experiencing higher levels of spiritual authority lays in prayer and fasting, the reason for this book entitled Great Power through Prayer and Fasting. When prayer is combined with fasting, both can do more than what you think. A glance through the Bible will reveal that there is a mighty power in prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting get you into higher dimensions of walking with God. Fasting and Prayer get you into a Divine Dimension where your eyes are opened to see God’s Glory. This Christian book will teach you what it takes to successfully handle prayer and fasting at the same time. Prayer and fasting, when directed by the Holy Ghost, moves the hand of God into action. When God called Babalola, he instructed him to fast for 7 days after which he will be given instructions on the mission he had on Earth.

For 7 days, Babalola went without food and water. Upon the successful completing his 7 days dry fasting, God opened his eyes and he saw a heavenly vision. In this vision, Jesus Christ gave him the key to spread the gospel everywhere as he healed all the sick who came his way. Babalola went forth preaching the gospel, healing the sick, and driving out demons. Even in the Bible, we realize that Apostles and Prophets could not do without prayer and fasting. They regularly refueled their spiritual level and authority through prayer and long fasting period. However, we do not fast for fasting sake. You must always fast as directed by God’s spirit. Prolonged fasting without the special grace to fast for long has led to the death of many. Do not fast to beat someone’s record. You should not fast because you see people fasting.

Also Read

For more info, we’ll recommend that you read our article on Apostle Babalola Biography.

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