Get to know everything about Apostle Joshua Selman Biography, Apostle Joshua Selman Wife, and Apostle Joshua Selman Children. Also get to know about Apostle Joshua Selman Ministry, Apostle Joshua Selman Net Worth, Apostle Joshua Selman Mentor, and Apostle Joshua Selman Contact Details. In this piece of writing, you’ll also get informed about Apostle Joshua Selman Age, Apostle Joshua Selman House, Apostle Joshua Selman Cars, Apostle Joshua Selman Spiritual Father and Apostle Joshua Selman Private Jets. You’ll also get answers to the following questions: Is Apostle Joshua Selman Married? Who Is Apostle Selman Spiritual Father? Is Apostle Joshua Selman Engaged? Which Church Does Apostle Joshua Attend? Most of those who are moved by the gospel of Jesus Christ know about this heavily anointed servant of God. If this is your first time in getting to know about him, we’ll say that you are highly privileged. Relax on your wheel chair because we’ll provide you with all that you need to know about this man of God.
Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmack is a highly anointed prophetic preacher and teacher of the Holy Gospel. We can as well say that he is a popular Nigerian televangelist who is highly solicited in many countries. He stands today as the Founder, General Overseer, and Senior pastor of Eternity Network International (ENI). History holds that he started this ministry back in the year 2011. He is a highly worded man of God who has dedicated his life to God’s service. His church is made up of many congregants and as days unfold, more people are adding to this congregation. He did not start his ministry with the number of followers he has today. AS the saying goes everything big starts small. He started his ministry with the few congregants he had at hand. But before he realized, God had blessed him with a large congregation.
Apostle Joshua Selman Biography

Hailing from Nigeria, he was born and named Joshua Selman Nimmack. The supernatural manifestations of God’s power in his life can only lead us to classing him among those who were born with a divine or Godly calling. In other words, before he was born on the 25th of June 1980, he had received a primordial anointing to serve God. From childhood, his love for God was one that caught the attention of many. He grew from childhood to an adult while maintaining the desire to serve God. His love for God and the spread of the gospel was developed from childhood. It is said that during his teenage ages, he would regularly allow his friends at the play ground to go and study the Holy Scriptures. Still on Apostle Joshua Selman Biography, records hold that he had a dream in which he was ministering in the university.
Hence, we can say that before the boy entered the university, he knew what was waiting for him there. And because God was with him, his dream came to pass. While he was still in the university, God opened preaching doors for him and he did not hesitate but embraced the process of making Jesus known to others. During his university days, the love of God in him quadrupled and the desire to consecrate his life for God’s service became more intense. Joshua continued studies and graduated from the Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria. He is currently the senior pastor of the Christ Gospel Church which is located in Samaturu, Zaria, Kaduna State Nigeria. He is the host of KOINONIA, a Christ centered weekly program which is regularly organised by the Eternity Network International. It is a program were people can come and experience the supernatural power of God.
Apostle Joshua Selman Ministry
Just as we previously mentioned in Apostle Joshua Selman Biography, he started with a campus ministry at Ahmadu Bello university. Everything started with his campus friends. They embraced every occasion in which they were privileged to share the Love of Jesus Christ. In addition, they preached in every university program were they had permission. While in the university, he was heavily used by God in the prophetic, in healing the sick and performing miracles. After graduating from the university, he had a call to serve in God’s presence as a full time Apostle. Carrying the Apostolic grace from God, he did not waste time but went directly to start his mandate.
It is in this light that he started the Eternity Network International (ENI) in the year 2011. Since then, God’s presence has been with him. God’s supernatural power is highly manifested in his life and ministry through great miracles, and wonders that keep people talking. His love for God and desire to understand the scriptures led him to deep prophetic encounters with the spirit of God. His life and ministry are quite strange. It is said that he does not value social media promotion. In other words, you hardly find his ministry present on social medias but he turns to be one of the most solicited Apostles of our days. This can only reveal God’s mighty power in his life. It is without doubt that God has different ways to uplift people in life. And we are certain that when God opens a door, no one can dare close it.
Apostle Joshua Selman Wife
As of the time of writing, Apostle Selman is not married. He travels across Nigeria preaching the Holy Gospel from one town to another. We must also add that he preaches with the evidence of the power coming from the Holy Spirit. During his sermons, many are healed and the blessings of others are restored. He uses the name of Jesus Christ to open new doors and demonstrate the higher dimensions of God to men. According to Selman’s words, his love is God. With this in mind, the pastor is ready to let everything go be it women, children, money, or friends.
Apostle Joshua Selman Children
As of the time of writing, we cannot talk of Selman’s children because he is not married. Perhaps he’ll get married and have children in times to come. But for now, we realize that he is deeply concerned with executing the mandate which God entrusted to him. If he ends up not getting married, it won’t be strange given that many Apostles have done that before. Such a live style were a person consecrates his/her life to serving God was highly promoted by Apostle Paul. He said a single man is concerned with the work of God while a married man is concerned about the happiness of his wife. You can read more about Apostle Paul’s teachings on Marriage in 1 Corinthians 7.
Apostle Joshua Selman House
Apostle Selman owns a pretty nice house in Samaturu, Zaria, Kaduna State Nigeria. It’s the type of house that you’ll enjoy living in. A visit to Nigeria will lead to lots of appreciations on the beauty of his house. Worth noting here is that this man of God loves a simple lifestyle. The type of life which is not too luxurious.
Apostle Joshua Selman Cars
The man of God has a good number of cars which facilitate his movements from one town to another. We previously mentioned that he moves across Nigeria preaching and demonstrating the power of God. And for this purpose, he definitely needs a fast means of transportation to move with his team.
Apostle Joshua Selman Private Jets
As of the time of writing, Apostle Selman is not having a private jet. But it is our wish that God blesses him with one so that he can proceed to other countries to preach and demonstrate God’s power. It is without doubt that his sermons are highly solicited in many countries.
Apostle Joshua Selman Net worth
His net worth is estimated at $500,000. We must acknowledge that God has greatly blessed him on the financial plan.
Apostle Joshua Selman Contact Details
Being a man of the people, it is not strange to hear people asking for his contact details. Many people seek to meet him for different reasons. While others are coming for miracles, others are coming for blessings and testimonies. Whatever be the reason behind your desire to meet with this man of God, we’ll ask you to be careful. Many people are out there using fake Facebook accounts and websites in the name of men of God. Do not let your hard earned cash to be stolen by them. That’s why you should always refer to the official websites of me of God. Given that Apostle Selman is not on social medias, the process of getting his contact becomes very difficult. However, a journey to Nigeria will increase your chances of meeting him at his church.
His teachings
Apostle Selman is one of the gospel preachers in Africa who has a deep understanding of the Holy Scriptures. Chances are very high that you’ll enjoy his teachings.
His relationship with congregants
Selman is highly loved by his congregants for his humbleness, gentleness, and serving nature. He’s very friendly and welcoming. You’ll certainly enjoy hearing from and being with him.
His Goals
Apostle Selman focuses on unraveling the mysteries behind the scriptures and winning more souls into the kingdom of God. The question of who is Apostle Joshua Selman Spiritual father is often asked by many. We’ll say here that God guided him all-through to becoming who he is today.
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