Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa Christian Quotes And Sayings

Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa Christian Quotes And Sayings

Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa of blessed memory today was a blessing to his generation. Till date, his teachings and messages are still impacting in a significant way the lives of Christians. Tagged as the Father of Pentecostalism in Africa, he was known for his robust faith. In fact, Benson Idahosa was a man who took God for His Word. He believed God’s Word, practiced it and it yielded to indisputable results. His life was a source of wonders, miracles, and other manifestations of God’s power and authority through Christ. You can be certain that the following Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa Christian Quotes And Sayings will greatly benefit you in your Christian journey.

Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa Christian Quotes And Sayings

  1. The language for Christianity is faith.
  2. The Kingdom of God is not in grammar but is in power of God.
  3. If I be a man of God is a good example of the proof of a God-giving ministry. It provides the evidence which the world needs today to believe in a living God.
  4. My life has never been in danger, God is in control, and no man can plan evil against me and succeed.
  5. No matter how the world change and things change. You and I should believe we are what God says we are.
  6. What you need to succeed is already there, just lean on God. For your faith’s sake God can disappoint the devil.
  7. I believe that the most important thing in one’s life is to have encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ.
  8. I believe that it is important to have things on earth. But the most important is to have Him, who have Him have everything and Jesus is the name of that person.
  9. It is not the devil who put where you are but your lack of knowledge knowing who you are put you where you are.
  10. Find what is wrong in your neighbor’s life and meet that need. Even the strongest of us need support.
  11. If you want to preach the Gospel, don’t follow people who have failed.
  12. A Man who teaches you how to make a living and not to be alive is your enemy.
  13. When God’s hand accompany your hand, you are complete.
  14. Talk the answer, not the problem.
  15. Don’t be present in a meeting where man was seen and God absent.
  16. If you are afraid to it, it cannot be done.
  17. A big head with an empty brain is a big load to the neck.
  18. Zealousness doesn’t give you what you require from God, but faith is the raw material that gives you better thing from God.
  19. If I was not called by God, ordained and anointed, I would not be here.
  20. My life has never been in danger, God is in control, and no man can plan evil against me and succeed.
  21. God establishes His faith and confidence in what He can use you to do. This is not time to look at your weakness and nothingness. My friend, just hold on to His mightiness for the Bible says, ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord.’ (Zechariah 4:6)
  22. Do you know that the Bible points out that you and God have common enemy – Satan! God wants to use you to destroy all satanic activities in the family, business circles, the Church and around the world.
  23. If God is going to use you to break Nations, kingdoms, the horse and rider; wicked men and women as well as despotic rules, then you need to be fortified for the task.
  24. God who has chosen you will also make you capable. God will make you an unbreakable instrument.
  25. The Bible encourages us replace evil with good.
  26. The mark of a born-again Christian is his soldier status. All God’s children are warriors. God’s servants are all fighters.
  27. You must persevere in the face of all odds. Build in yourself a ‘never give up’ spirit and a success consciousness in all you do.
  28. Make no room for failure or compromise in all you do. Remain in total obedience to God’s voice. He has made you and whatever you become is by God’s grace.
  29. You are God’s battle axe. The time has come to trust God for greater things in the ministry and your Christian experience. Let us saturate our minds with the Word of God. God wants to raise you to become one of the special instruments to bring tens of thousands to Christ. Are you ready to PAY THE PRICE AND PRAY THE PRICE?
  30. Nigeria belongs to Jesus. We shall not bow to any intimidation from any quarters; if you bow, you will burn. Arise and shine, for the glory of the is risen.
  31. When it looks as if God is refusing to answer, endeavor to respond with a waiting.
  32. You are God’s battle axe to pull down satanic kingdoms and build the image of Christ. Sharpen yourself as an axe in the Word and prayer. The anointing will surely come; prepare the grounds first for the rain. Plant the seed of God’s Word in to your heart. The spirit will sweep upon you in a mighty way.
  33. If your faith says YES, and what you are believing for is in God’s will for your life, God will not say NO.
  34. Why is the Name of Christ the object of attack? Why is Jesus Christ the challenge of the day? Why have many made Him controversy? It is because His Gospel is the real thing. The Gospel brings wholesomeness and so it has become the total object of attack of the devil.
  35. When you are born of God, all the curses which your physical father inherited are rendered null and avoid.
  36. When you are born of God, all the curses which your physical father inherited are rendered null and avoid.
  37. Do not fold your hands and cry against denial and persecution and stumbling blocks. If there is no obstacle, there will be no miracle.
  38. Do not fold your hands and cry against denial and persecution and stumbling blocks. If there is no obstacle, there will be no miracle.
  39. Do not stop people from starting a story, but do not let them end it without changing their minds.
  40. Do not stop people from talking about you, but do not join them to talk evil about yourself.
  41. Do not be alarmed. If the storm disturbs you, then take a cue from the eagle. Lock your wings on mount position, and ride on the storm. The same power that had threatened you will carry you higher above your problems.
  42. Do not abhor challenges when you are doing the right thing; people challenge you because they want to be like you. You must have the stamina to stand against the challenges that oppose your endeavour and your Ministry.
  43. When you succeed when others are failing, men will doff their hats for you. When you rebuke the storm when others are panicking, people will ask what manner of man you are. You will have a testimony.
  44. You never go under while you are trying to go over in the Lord. Never retreat when you have begun to go forth in obedience to the Lord’s commandment.
  45. You should not tolerate the devil in anyway. You are much better than a herd of swine. Give no place to the devil in your life, in your ministry, in your business, in your calling, in your office and in your relationship. Bind him!
  46. Do not resist when your church members do not want you as a pastor anymore. Do not lament their ingratitude for all the good that you have done.
  47. Do not afraid of stumbling blocks, but do not be sunk by them. If God has called you, no man can stop you. Jesus was confronted by storms, harassed by people, threatened by rulers, but He kept moving forward, if you are born of God, you will come.
  48. People listen for the cry of a baby, to tell that a normally baby has been born, the second birth is mark with joy: one evidence that a person is really born again is the manifestation of the joy of salvation.
  49. The success of the person you trained is your joy.
  50. People who refuse to forth cannot make any progress.
  51. The same power of God is alive today to save those who call upon Him for salvation, but it is a serious thing to reject God’s message and to oppose His servants.
  52. Don’t fight the problem; get on with the solution.
  53. First, you must recognize that the power of Christ is stronger than the power of the devil, if Christ lives within you, they cannot touch you.
  54. I knew God would not fail us.
  55. We don’t steal sheep at the Church of God Mission. But we do grow grass-and we won’t deny any hungry sheep who wants to graze.
  56. Jesus never turned anyone away, and we won’t turn any sheep away, ether. We’re only trying to reach the lost through the ministry of the Word, and through evangelistic crusades.
  57. I’ve only done what God called me to do, and I make no apology for it.
  58. If you identify your money with His own money, God will multiply it for you.
  59. If you give Him your life, He will give you renewed life.
  60. If you give Him any kind of gift, it shall bring forth fruit of its own kind.
  61. No one ever beats God at giving. He is a God of multiplication.
  62. When you give anything to God, He returns it to you in abundance.
  63. There is no shortage in God. I rejoice today that while I gave God one life, one body, one spirit, one soul, thousands upon thousands have been multiplied.
  64. The devil only roars like a lion but that he is not the Lion. There is only one Lion: He is from the Tribe of Judah, and His name is Jesus Christ, who bore our griefs and carried away our sorrows and by those stripes we were healed.
  65. LEAVE! Do not destroy the church property on your way out; and do not steal or confiscate any. Leave quietly. The Lord will give you better place. If you have done your best in the organization where you work, and at the end you are asked to leave for no just cause, ask God what He thinks. If He says you should oblige, then leave. He has a better place for you.
  66. You must know today that if you know your God, and you know that you are a product of the Gospel, no demon can oppress you and win, for in Christ you are more than conquerors.
  67. Your break-through does not start the day you see the physical manifestation of your miracle. It starts the day that God pronounces it.
  68. We want to judge people who don’t look like us. We don’t want to accept them because they look different, act different, or commit sin…(their sin is just different from the sins we’re hiding, that’s all).
  69. Here’s the point: if you really believe they need to change, let God’s Word do that. Accept them first, that’s what Christ did. After we bring people into the fold, then we can talk about lifestyle changes.
  70. A lifestyle change isn’t required for God to accept people. All He asks for is a ‘heart change.’
  71. You can’t clean a fish until you catch it.
  72. A man who does not believes in Miracles will die in Obstacles.
  73. What you must do is give your life more fully to the Lord, and ask Him what your part in the ministry should be.
  74. We must keep our faith in Him, and He will work in His own time.
  75. Christianity is the core, heart and nature of Jesus Christ being manifested in man.
  76. Salvation affects the whole person, spiritually, physically and materially.
  77. God is speaking to you now. Please, step out of the crowd. Make a choice, one that leads to the path of success, victory and glory to our God on high!
  78. When you glimpse God’s abundance, created for you, you will never be the same again.
  79. My discovery is going to be your discovery. If we do not have the supernatural in Christianity, we have nothing to offer the heathen but a religion, and true Christianity is not a religion.
  80. As long as God keeps speaking to me and I keep listening, we will be victorious!
  81. We will leave the matter in God’s hands, and see what happens.
  82. It is the Gospel that can set free; it is the Gospel that can heal the sick, it is the Gospel that can raise the dead, and it is the Gospel that can deliver from oppression and possession of the devil.
  83. The Gospel is able to make one wise and give new life.
  84. Only the Gospel can cause regeneration.
  85. Only the Gospel can cause a transformation.
  86. It is the Gospel that can translate you from darkness into light.
  87. The Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth can and has revolutionized society and has vitalized the mental faculties of those that had been born imbeciles.
  88. The Gospel is the power of God, the Gospel is the light that can be challenged but cannot be stopped; no power of men or angels can stop the march of the Gospel.
  89. If you are a product of the Gospel, nothing on earth or under the earth can stop you.
  90. The Gospel will transfer you from failure to success; it will take you from fear to faith. It will uplift you from a downcast position, because there is power in it.
  91. The power of God is in the Gospel, the wisdom of God is in the Gospel.
  92. The Gospel enriches people and causes enlightenment and understanding in their lives; the Gospel gives knowledge of who God really is and it tells you who you are in Christ, if you are a Christian and how you can be Christ if you are not yet a Christian.
  93. The Gospel esteems you rather than demean you.
  94. The Gospel inspires, the Gospel brings aspiration and inspiration.
  95. The Gospel brings right desires and victory.
  96. The Gospel brings success and gives boldness.
  97. The Gospel is Christ, His works and His teachings. Every religion in the world believes in God, but not everyone believes in Christ. The belief in Christ is what makes Christianity real, where all others are religions. Even demon worshippers believe in the existence of a Supreme God, but they do not know or believe in Christ.
  98. You can speak life or death to your dreams and visions. That is why it is very important to study and watch carefully the word that proceeds out of your month, because God watches over it to bring it to pass. My point is, if the tree died because Jesus spoke and cursed it for not bearing fruit, then we as Christians must also speak and expect mighty big results. God speaks and expects results. And we are made in the image and likeness of Him.
  99. There are many people today who cannot speak to their circumstances because the devil continues to generate negative confessions out of their mouth. You are the speaker, God is the doer. Therefore do not let your dreams die halfway. Do not your visions die midstream. Do not reduce the scope of your thoughts and what you can achieve in life. God never gives up on His dream. You must not!
  100. Christianity supports the practice of positive faith for God’s richest and abundant life. The Bible says, The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. (See Proverbs 10:22)
  101. More often than not, I tend to think, prosperity and success for a Child of God is based on faith and hardwork. Every single thing Jesus did and said was beyond doubt to lift and inspire people. My heart aches with pain when I see Christians who do not believe in hardwork.
  102. What did God tell Moses to do? To speak to the rock. And what was going to happen? Water was going to come out. In fact until Moses carried out the instruction and spoke, nothing would have happened. But there are many rocks in your life which need only your speaking to them to release their stored contents. Why has the water not come out? Because you are looking at the rock as a stone, but God is seeing it as a reservoir.
  103. When the seed is planted in the ground, that is in good ground, it will germinate and grow. When the seed of God’s Word is planted in people, it produces its kind. God’s Word promises healing, salvation, deliverance and also prosperity.
  104. The greatest triumph in your life is for you to discover yourself in Christ-then to let Him full develop that unlimited new life of power in you. You can make it! Do not listen to the doubters. Believe the God in you!
  105. Your way of life, how you live and conduct your life, determines to a great extent your success or failure.
  106. If you have a vision and you do not act on it, it will die. A vision not auctioned is auctioned!
  107. The Leader and master you need is the one who can stand his ground in a storm. No matter the storm that confronts you, when you know who you are in the Lord, you will overcome.
  108. Believe in the Gospel and in the power of God, possess the resurrection power of Jesus within you and the same power that raised Jesus from the dead will quicken your mortal bodies, and cause resurrection in your life and business.
  109. Believe the Gospel, and He that sits at the right Hand of the Father shall plead your case.
  110. Believe the Gospel and you shall fear no evil; believe the Gospel and witches and wizards shall free from you, believe the Gospel and poverty will die in your life.
  111. Believe the Gospel and the Christ of the Gospel shall become your El-Shaddi, for he that has Christ has everything.(John14:4).
  112. No attack on the Gospel can never succeed. The Gospel is the truth and the truth can never be suppressed for long: it resurfaces, no matter how deep it is submerged. It rises again even if it says in the grave for three days.
  113. No man or devil can stop the Gospel of the Kingdom.
  114. Believers don’t make resolutions, they act with determination. Act in faith, step out in faith and walk on in faith for there is no other way the just shall live by faith.
  115. Too much playing safe has destroyed the aspirations of men and women headed for success.
  116. Glorious results can only be produced when your actions are based on God’s plan.
  117. A vital key to success is that achievers risk their lives.
  118. Divine decisions are followed by divine directions.
  119. Prayer and waiting upon the Lord in the midnight hour is the result of consistent self-discipline.
  120. The keys to success and prosperity are grace, faith and hardwork.
  121. The secret of faith is to plant the seed of belief.
  122. Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. Sow love and reap love. Sow joy and reap joy. Sow encouragement and reap encouragement. Whatsoever you sow, it will come to you a hundredfold according to the Word of God.
  123. Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.
  124. Christians can face heavy trails of the enemy. We can be knocked down but we can never be knocked out.
  125. The life of success is one of going forward to posses our possessions. It has been said that God’s will does not send a man to where His grace cannot sustain him. God’s will and His grace go hand in hand.
  126. Do you have faith to go forward and do what God has told you? What are you waiting for? Go tip now! Faith clears all obstacles before it.
  127. Riches in a limited sense may be associated only money and the possession of material things, but success means more than this.
  128. I have pinpointed two reasons why men of God do not preach on prosperity; they are ignorance and lack of understanding of God’s Word on this crucial issue.
  129. Religion in all cases associates poverty with piety; suffering with holiness; and burdens with humility. That is pure religious stuff and not full Gospel message as presented by Jesus Christ. (John 10:10). My dear friend, don’t ask for prosperity if you will not use it for God. This has been my maxim whenever I think of prosperity in Christ.
  130. Beloved, God is faithful, who will not suffer you to fail. Live for Him one day at a time. He will prosper the labour of your hands.
  131. You don’t need all of God’s promises right here and now. The fact is, it is impossible to claim all God’s promises in one split second, but any promise you need that fits your situation is available to you now!
  132. The first thing God does for you in conversion is to take your darkness and give you light. The power of light destroys and fills the vacuum left in you.
  133. You must speak what God has already ordained you to be and it will come to pass. Change it from dream to reality. Turn excuses to uses. Turn your inabilities to God’s ability.
  134. Religion offers nothing; it is a dark alley leading nowhere.
  135. Christ came to turn your life from slavery into Kingdomhood.
  136. Believing something does not in itself alter its validity or otherwise. The basic difference therefore is to believe something that is true, valid and trustworthy.
  137. Religion leads men to bondage, fear and bleakness but through Christ, grace and faith lead men to success, prosperity and fulfillment.
  138. Living in faith simply means putting the full weight of our lives on Jesus and being led by the Holy Spirit to appropriate all the promises.
  139. The Bible is a precious book; it contains nuggets of gold for your life.
  140. When God created man, in His wisdom, grace and knowledge He added a manual(The Bible) to show us the way to fruitful and successful living.
  141. This generation is one of laxity and carelessness; no wonder many people are not making much headway in life. Go and read the manual(The Bible) and correct the errors in your life; then shall you make your way prosperous. Read the Bible daily, sow the seed of faith and blessings in the Word in your spirit.
  142. A man can influence the destiny of his nation if only he can believe God, believe himself and set out in determination to succeed where others have failed. If only men would turn their stumbling-blocks into stepping-stones, it would make all the difference.
  143. Aspiration is of man; inspiration is of God. One is externally generated, other is internally stimulated.
  144. God puts His desires for good into your heart when you have His viewpoint on life and when you follow the awareness of His work in you.
  145. The harder the enemy fights you, the harder you must fight to succeed.
  146. To put faith into action is the secret which leads to the fulfillment of all God’s promises.
  147. The devil (God’s enemy and ours) steps in to create doubt, fear, confusion or hesitation in order to delay or prevent God’s fulfillment and our joy.
  148. God sees our action, which justifies our faith before him, and He steps into the scene to fulfill His promise.
  149. God always demands that we act our faith first. This proves our believing. Then He steps into the scene to make good His promise.
  150. God does not know the word setback! If you face problems, use them as opportunities to glorify His name.
  151. If you are walking in the ways of God, His presence goes with you every step of the way. God is the owner of the vehicle of your life. He directs the steering of your life as He desires.
  152. When you say ‘yes’ to Christ living in you, amazing things begin to happen to you.
  153. God gives you grace and power to acquire riches and wealth, but He also requires you to stand upon His Word. Only if you live in daily obedience will you see His blessings upon your way.
  154. When you work for 24years in the Civil Service and you reach retirement age, they give you retirement benefits. But when you work for God, He gives you daily benefits.
  155. Anytime you attach yourself to God you are connected to light, health, purity in Christ, peace and all the spiritual benefits of heaven.
  156. Beloved, riches in Christ means standing where Christ is; taking sides with Him who is able to abundantly more than you expect.
  157. You must be a testifier rather than a complainer. God assures you that blessings will chase after you when go in and out obediently. You will be overtaken by blessings.
  158. We have nothing to offer the heathen but a religion, and true Christianity is not a religion. Religion is only a form, a ceremonial observance, but Christianity is a life itself. Christianity is the core, heart and nature of Jesus Christ being manifested in man.
  159. The living God stands behind the living Word. That should sound logical to your ears.
  160. We must look to God as the source of our needs. Whenever we take our eyes off God and His will for our life, we immediately begin to attempt to do things our own way.
  161. Prayer must be your way of life, then success will-overtake you.
  162. God’s plan is for you to be saved, happy, blessed, successful and prosperous!
  163. We are saved? From what to what? Death to life! Sin to righteousness! Darkness to light! Poverty to prosperity! Fear to faith! Failure to success! And more and more!
  164. Success is a road you must travel because God wishes it so (3 John 2). Be encouraged to renew your mind and thinking according to the Master’s promises. Look up and reach out for excellence.
  165. Life is for the living in the presence of God.
  166. A believer who will not till the soil and plant the field may seem spiritual and may pray for miraculous harvest, but he or she will end up in poverty.
  167. What are some of the mischievous lies the devil puts across to confuse people about prosperity and success? First, he suggests that material poverty fosters spiritual humility. Don’t allow such a thought to reign in your heart; it is sickening and defiling.
  168. Don’t forget, it is not only the rich who are in danger of being infected by pride.
  169. If God places so much value upon you, surely he wants you to benefit from the abundance of His creation.
  170. A believer who is undisciplined and slothful in business principles will not prosper.
  171. God never intended that anyone should go through life imprisoned by their own superstitions. He opens the door of success to every believer who will dare to step out and go after the good life. No one in God’s family was ever destined to exist in sickness, fear, ignorance, poverty, loneliness or mediocrity.
  172. Once you have set your eyes on God’s lifestyle, you will no longer cower and retreat when the going gets rough. You will transform each problem into an opportunity for growth.
  173. If your hopes are dashed by opposition you will not cringe in fear of judgment. Instead you will pick up the pieces, learn by your mistakes, profit by learning your enemy’s strategy and set even higher targets the next time around.
  174. Success is coming your way in Christ, who became poor that you might be rich. Until we have a dream, we can never know what it is to have a dream come live.
  175. God entrusts every generation with seeds to plant, soil to cultivate, oceans to sail, mountains to scale, deserts to conquer, rivers to harness, minerals to mine and forests to utilise. He also gives each of us a brain and a spirit with which to receive His creative ideas. With Him at work in us we can be, have and do, anything He puts into our spirit and mind.
  176. Your choice is very important. You cannot afford to fail. To fail, you must quit first; to quit you must decide not to continue. But the will of God is that you prosper and be in good health(3 John 1:2).
  177. Our God reigns: He brings you from discouragement to new courage, from fainting to strength. Be strong.
  178. We are given power to do something about something that is not moving the way we want it to be.
  179. Faith does not make things easy, it makes them possible.
  180. Character isn’t built during victory celebrations. Character is built in the trenches when you are strategizing and working your dream.
  181. People, we get it all wrong. We think that if God wants it to happen in our lives, that He will just magically do it.
  182. It doesn’t work like that. He plans great things for us, but requires our faith and strategic action to activate His purpose and promises.
  183. When you meet an obstacle along the way (and you will) it doesn’t mean that you should give up or that it wasn’t part of His plan in the first place. Activate your faith to overcome the obstacles you face. Use your faith as a booster to push you past the difficulty.
  184. In fact… the process / journey that we pass through is also very much a part of His plan. There are lessons we are to learn on the road to every victory.
  185. Faith is not a superstition or an intention; it is an action.
  186. I was made in Heaven assembled in Nigeria and dispatched to my generation.
  187. You are made for life and not for death. You are made for health and not for disease. You are made for success and not for failure. You are made for faith and not for confusion. You are made for love and not for fear.
  188. I am part of God’s plan. I am vital to His dream. I am an instrument in His kingdom. I am a member of His family. I am the proof of God’s love. I am evidence of His life. I am the temple of His spirit. I am the expression of God’s faith.
  189. God made me. God believe me. God loves me. God paid for me. God never gives up on me. God gave His Son for me. God redeemed me. God values me.
  190. Today it is your turn to speak and God will honour the words of your month. Bless yourself. Bless your business, bless your family with what you say, for what you bless on earth is blessed in heaven(See Matthew 16:19).
  191. God created men and women for a better life than many are experiencing. It is not His will as erroneously propagated, that we live a life, guilt, near-nakedness and future.
  192. Salvation, we must understand, satisfies all of man’s fundamental needs.
  193. God created all the wealth on this earth and it is His. And He can by His provident will place it in your empty hands for His work’s sake as you claim His promises and act upon them by faith.
  194. When you rebuke the wind while others are panicking people will look at you and Bonder.
  195. Learn to fight even when you are not willing to fight, because the day you cease fighting, you star losing.
  196. When God gives you a weight, he gives you a spring, or grace to carry it.
  197. When you don’t pray tithes, things become tight for you.
  198. The spirit of God in you tells that visions must receive provisions.
  199. God is looking for a voice not an echo.
  200. Anyone who plans your demise will go under, even under the earth. There is nothing to fear. Only Jesus is Lord.
  201. No matter how deep you have been in the pit, upward is your goal.
  202. Zealousness doesn’t give you what you require from God, but faith is the raw material that gives you a better thing from God.
  203. God can take you from ‘who are you’ to ‘how are you?’
  204. No man ever wins when he is afraid to fight.
  205. When you are so weak, that is when you can do all things.
  206. It is better to die while trying out something good than to die lying down doing nothing.
  207. Train yourself to say I am expecting God’s visitation in my house.
  208. Life is full of choice but faith in God will affect them all.
  209. You either believe and live OR doubt and die.
  210. The words of your mouth can give you a turn around.
  211. God specializes in stopping people’s tears.
  212. Don’t tell me how big your mountain is. Tell your mountain how BIG your God is.
  213. I don’t worry, I don’t fear, I know that God is on my side.
  214. Whatever you admire in life, desire it, and whatever you desire in life reacquire it, and whatever you require in life, aspire for it, don’t retire, but refire, when you refire, the acquire that which you desire that you admire in life.
  215. Anything taller than you is under the feet of God.
  216. Learn how to release your bullet and believe that it is going to hit the target.
  217. When you ask God for something do not worry over the doing.
  218. If you listen too much to what people say about you, you will not listen to what God is saying to you.
  219. Prayer for Dangote in 1970s ‘The World will get up for you, My God will bless you! God will take you and your business beyond Africa and bless you beyond measure. Amen’
  220. No situation is so ugly that it cannot augur well for God.
  221. Do not sow and go to sleep, watch over your seeds, and tend them.
  222. The secret of your power lies within your heart.
  223. The words of your mouth can give you a turn around.
  224. Learn how to release your bullet and believe that it is going to hit the target.
  225. When you ask God for something do not worry over the doing.
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