Category Archives: Gospel

Christ’s teaching, Christian teaching, the life of Christ, the good news, the word of God, Christian doctrine, the New Testament, the writings of the evangelists.

The Meaning Of The Cross

The Meaning Of The Cross

The Meaning Of The Cross is deeply rooted in the mysteries of God’s kingdom. The cross of Jesus Christ is what unites Christians for God’s glory. It is one of the Christian pillars whose message is God’s power to bring everlasting life unto those who believe in Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:18 – “For the message about Christ’s death on the cross is nonsense to those who are being lost; but for those who are being saved it is God’s power“. The cross means “path to salvation through Christ”. It is the center point of Christianity which host the death and Resurrection of Christ through whom we are forgiven, loved, welcomed and given eternal life in God’s kingdom. The meaning of the cross is so deep that we find it difficult to unravel with human words.

Note here that we are talking of the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ. From a human point of view, the cross is a means of atonement. In simple terms, it host the suffering awaiting lawbreakers. Back in the days of the twelve Apostles, it represented the punishment reserved for those who were judged and found guilty of intense crimes. God used it as a means of liberating mankind from sin and guilt. It was out of love that he sent his only son, Jesus Christ to come and take our place on the cross. Although he was not guilty of sin, he was handed into the hands of wicked men who did not spare his life. They made him to suffer the destiny of the wicked and sinful by crucifying him on the cross. On the cross, he took with himself our punishment.

The Meaning of the Cross – Everything you need to know

Understanding the cross

It takes a mind which is guided by the Holy Spirit to understand the mysteries of the cross or it’s true meaning. That’s why Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:18 that the Message of the Cross is foolishness to the world but unto those who are being saved by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, it is God’s power. In order to clearly understand the meaning of the cross, we’ll recommend that you pray and request help from the Holy Spirit as you read the following points:

The Holy Scriptures are centered around the Message of the Cross

A Bible without a cross is not different from one without a peak nor one without an ending or a solution. For the Bible to be complete, the Spiral of sin which began in Genesis 3 must come to an end. Since the beginning when man had sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, a divine promise was made to reconcile him with God. This divine promise was that of the coming of God’s son to terminate the spiral of sin which began with Adam. Jesus Christ, the beloved son of God came and accomplished this promise on the cross of Calvary. On the cross, he paid the price for our sins and reestablished the possibility of experiencing a close relationship with God.

The Holy Cross is a Trinitarian Event

The Holy Cross gives the Trinitarian shape of the Christian Faith. By Trinitarian event, we mean the work of the three personalities in one God. That is God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God the Father sent his beloved son, Jesus Christ to be a sacrificial lamb that takes away the sins of the world. Jesus Christ came in full obedience and accomplished his father’s will. Today, we can benefit from the forgiveness, love, and salvation coming from his death on the cross through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. The work of redemption which was accomplished by Christ (Ephesians 1:7-10) on the cross was predestined by God (Ephesians 1:3-6). This very work is applied by the Holy Spirit as we can read from Ephesians 1;13-14.

The Cross Conquers Sin and Death

In unraveling the mysteries surrounding the meaning of the cross, we can’t afford to omit the fact that the cross conquers sin and death. The Holy Cross of Christ cancels the record of debt that stood against humanity as we can read from Col 2:14. In the same line, 1 Peter 2:24 teaches us that on the cross, Jesus Christ bore our sins in his body so that those who believe in him might die to sin and death. In Galatians 3:13, we are made to know that the curse of our sins was placed on Jesus Christ so that we might benefit from the blessings of Abraham.

The Cross is foolishness to the world

1 Corinthians 1:18 – “For the message about Christ’s death on the cross is nonsense to those who are being lost; but for those who are being saved it is God’s power“. The numerous mysteries surrounding the message of the cross can’t be understood by mere human minds without the help of the Holy Spirit. Such mysteries can neither be explained by science nor wise philosophers. That’s why some people say that “Christianity is the only major religion to have at its central focus the suffering and degradation of its God”. Until the Holy Spirit enlightens your understanding, you can’t demystify the meaning of the cross and its message. When the world looks at the cross, the perceive weakness, hate, irrationality, suffering, and disgust. On the other hand, Jesus’ follows see in the cross God’s power to save those who believe.

The cross brings peace, reconciliation, and unity

Through the death of Christ on the cross, mankind can be reconciled with God. The peace, reconciliation, unity, and joy that the world has been searching for decades can be achieved through the acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross. The Blood of Jesus Christ harmonizes the world through love, peace, and unity (Col 1:20).

The Blood shed on the cross inaugurates the new covenant

During Jesus’ last super with the twelve Apostles, he interpreted his death on the cross as establishing the new covenant. He told the Apostles that it is by his body and blood that his new community is formed. This is in the likeness of the first and old covenant which the people of Israel made with God through the sprinkling of animal blood. The difference with the second and new covenant is that the disciples of Jesus Christ get into it through the acceptance of his blood which was shed on the cross of Calvary. The son of God came to put an end to animal sacrifices as he poured out his own blood for anyone who desires pardon of his/her sins as well as everlasting life.

The Cross vanquishes the devil

In addition to conquering sin and death on the cross, Christ also conquered the spiritual forces of darkness in all their forms. On the cross, Christ disarmed the powers and authorities of darkness thereby putting them to open shame before the eye’s of those who are being saved (Col 2:14). Christ in resurrecting gained all authority in Heaven, on Earth, under the Earth, and in the World to come (Ephesians 2:20-21).

The Cross is the marching order for Christians

When Jesus Christ was through with telling his disciples the sufferings that awaited him, he said “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” – Matthew 16:24. Anyone who is serious about following Christ must put to death his/her humanly ways which are contrary to the ways of God. That’s dying with Christ on the cross and resurrecting as a new being whose ways and heart desires reflect the nature of Christ. Carrying your cross and following Christ has to do with overcoming the human ways and following those of God’.

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The Finished Work of the Cross

The Finished Work Of The Cross

The Finished Work of the Cross is divine, perfect, holy and complete. It is the most perfect work ever accomplished by God for the redemption of sin and the achievement of everlasting life by men and women. Jesus’ last words on the cross of Calvary were “It is finished”. These words imply that Jesus Christ had completed the perfect work of redeeming mankind from sin through their faith in him. Before proceeding, we’ll like to ask you a question whose answer is full with wisdom. To whom was the middle cross at Calvary belonging to? A quick answer given without exercising a deep thought with the help of the Holy Spirit will be that it belonged to Jesus Christ.

It is a mistake to think that the cross in the middle was for Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ committed no sin to deserve the cross just as one of the thieves with whom he was crucified confirmed. That very cross was destined for Barabbas who was guilty of murder. But out of love for sinners and the desire to free them from sin, Jesus Christ took Barabbas’ place on the cross. The next question to ask is that to know whether we are different from Barabbas? Truth be told, sin has made us to be in the likeness of Barabbas. For the scriptures say that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory or likeness as we can read from Romans 3:23. In other words, the middle cross of Calvary was not destined for Jesus Christ but for you and me.

The Finished Work of the Cross – Everything you need to know

It was out of God’s immeasurable love for the world that he sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ to come and take our place on the cross (John 3:16). Sin had made us to wander far away from God’s presence. His son who is the author of the finished work of the cross came to renew and reestablish this lost relationship with God. Although he had no sin of his own, he was handed into the hands of the wicked who did not spare his life. They suffered and crucified him on the cross. On the cross, he took with him all the sins of the faithful. It is through him that we are made hires of God’s kingdom and are given the possibility to partake in the heavenly feast. He did not come to condemn but to bring everlasting life unto those that believe in him.

Apostle Paul’s greatest concern in ministry was to preach nothing but Christ and the finished work of the cross. 1 Corinthians 1:18 – “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” In the same light, we can say that the finished work of the cross is foolishness to those whose hearts have been kept in darkness by the evil ruler of this world but it is God’s power to bring everlasting life to those who believe in Christ. On the cross, Jesus Christ finished the long night of his suffering for our sins. By finishing the work of the cross, he validated a full course of obedience and won complete victory over the decisive battle with Satan.

Reasons why Christ completed his mission at Calvary and said “It is Finished”

To bring forgiveness

Jesus Christ completed the work of atonement on the cross of Calvary so that through him, we can be forgiven, loved, and accepted in God’s Kingdom. Once in Christ, your sins are forgotten, and you are given a new life. Everything that you need in order to benefit from the fruits of a righteousness that leads to everlasting life is in Christ. We obtain such not through our good works or personal efforts but through the unmerited grace of God. Christ came so that those who believe in him shall have everlasting life (John 3:16). Sincerely repent today of your sins and invite Christ in your life. You can be certain that he will hear and answer you.

To Bring Victory

The finished work of the cross is God’s power of victory over Satan and all his principalities in the heavenly places. Victory in Christ is victory indeed as we can read from 1 Corinthian 15:57. Through the dead and resurrection of Christ, we have been given complete victory over Satan and his agents. On the cross, Christ conquered death and brought life to those who will keep to his message.

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Christian Financial Advisors In My Area

Christian Financial Advisors in my area

Where can I find Christian Financial Advisors In My Area? This is a frequently asked question by Christian investors. Handling finances has never been the easiest thing to do. Although you can single-handle a few investments, it is still worth consulting a financial expert if you are serious about reaching higher levels. Success in investment is a result of professionalism, competency, and experience. All these qualities lay within a Financial Advisor. Indeed, these financial experts are indispensable when it comes to expanding your investment portfolios and achieving financial freedom. Trying to single-handle your investments without the necessary skills, experience, and competency can ruin your finances. Such will move you from the top of the financial sphere to point zero. This is not a situation anyone wishes to experience. A single wrong financial decision can make away with all your investments. Hence, creating need for a financial advisor.

But who is a Christian Financial Advisor? A Christian Financial Advisor is a competent, experienced, professional, and God fearing individual who understands Biblical Responsible Investing principles. He/she is a financial expert whose main objective is to recommend reliable and wise investment opportunities which you can embrace to grow your wealth. In simple terms, they provide financial advice in the sectors of investment, wealth management and planning for retirement. He/she is someone that you’ll have to trust and entrust your investments to. That’s why you’ll need to spend some time, financial resources and effort in figuring the right person. Failing to do this could lead you into financial bondage.

Christian Financial Advisors in my area – where to find them

Still on how to find Christian financial advisors in my area, we’ll guide you into directories that will facilitate your search. You can as well read our article on how to find a Christian financial advisor near me. Below are some Christian Financial Advisor Networks through which you can hire the best financial advisor:

  • Christian Wealth Management
  • SmartVestor Program
  • National Association Of Christian Financial Consultants
  • Christian Financial Planners Directory

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Christian Financial Advisor Network

Christian Financial Advisor Network

The Christian Financial Advisor Network is made up of like-minded financial professionals who respect Biblical Responsible Investing (BRI). These individuals share the Christian faith and are more than willing to guide Christian investors in growing and maintaining their wealth. They do this without negatively affecting the clients relationship with God. Handling finances is not an easy task given its complexity from a Biblical point of view. However, everyone aspiring to be successful in life must stick to wise financial advice. Such advice can easily be obtained from a Financial Advisor. You can as well take personal financial decisions and have them work for the best. But you must keep in mind that a single financial mistake can ruin all your investments. That’s why everyone needs a professional financial advisor.

A Christian Financial Advisor Network is made up of individual professional financial advisors that fear God. But who is a Christian financial advisor? A Christian financial advisor is a qualified, experienced, professional, and God fearing individual who understands the application of Biblical financial principles in achieving financial freedom God’s way. He/she focuses on providing you with reliable and wise financial advice when it comes to making investments, growing your wealth, maintaining your possessions, and planning for retirement. A Christian financial advisor guides Christian investors into investment opportunities that align with the will of God and act as a blessing to the world. They have nothing to do with immoral investment opportunities like those revolving around human trafficking and abortion.

Christian Financial Advisor Network – Everything you need to know

What a Financial Advisor does

A financial advisor is a professional or specialist in investment. He/she works in investing as a primary career. Such individuals operate in two ways, that is functioning as either an investment advisor or an active manager of your account. As an investment advisor, they help in making recommendations that you will chose to invest in (or not). Functioning as an active manager of your account implies that they will contribute to your investment security selection as well as the security of all assets that are in your portfolio.

An advisor has the ability to be completely independent. He/she can as well act as an agent for an investment firm. However, many advisors prefer working independently and benefiting from their freedom. In some cases, an independent financial advisor can as well work with a large investment brokerage firm. Such an advisor makes use of the large investment brokerage firm as a trading platform for their client’s portfolios. In such cases, they’ll require that you move all your asset positions into an account with the brokerage firm of their choice.

Reasons to hire a Christian Financial Advisor

As a serious Christian investor desiring to achieve financial freedom, a time will come in life when you need a financial advisor. Below are some of the reasons why you’ll need to do this:

  • The desire to diversify into different asset classes that you don’t entirely understand.
  • A feeling of not having the skills and experience necessary to successfully invest your own money.
  • An unsatisfactory feeling with the performance of your self-directed investments.
  • A desire to move your investments into a more professional level.
  • The desire to seek higher returns from individual stocks rather than relying on exchange-traded funds, and mutual funds.
  • A strong desire to focus on your business or career, rather than managing it alongside investments.

Benefits of using a Financial Advisor

Apart from the above listed reasons that you might want to hire a financial advisor, there are also benefits or advantages obtained by hiring them. Below are the main advantages for hiring a financial advisor:

  • A financial advisor frees up your time by taking over your investments.
  • The stress that comes from multitasking between your career and investments is eliminated by a financial advisor.
  • A financial advisor may have a successful track record, as indicated by your close friends.
  • By working full time, a financial advisor is better placed with sufficient experience when it comes to taking wise financial decisions.
  • The difficulty to succeed in certain markets is eliminated by the skills of a competent financial advisor.

What to look for in Financial Advisor

You’ll need to spend some time and effort in order to chose the best financial advisor. It is a process worth your time, money, and effort. A professional financial advisor won’t come as the first person that you meet on the road. We are talking of someone capable of offering reliable, wise, and efficient financial advice. Thus, you’ll need to set some standards or qualities to look for in a financial advisor. In choosing a Christian Financial Advisor, go for someone with references. It is wise to have received references from 3 to 4 reliable sources concerning the person in question. A professional financial advisor should be able to provide you with some sort of independent verification of his/her investment performances.

How to find a Christian Financial Advisor

You can easily find such an individual through a Christian Financial Advisor Network. Also read our article on how to find a Christian financial advisor near you. You can as well find them through the following Christian Financial Advisor Networks:

  • Christian Wealth Management
  • Christian Financial Planners Directory
  • National Association Of Christian Financial Consultants
  • SmartVestor Program

How Financial Advisors get paid

There are several ways through which a financial advisor can be compensated. He/she can earn commissions on the investment they put you into. They can equally earn on a direct compensation method than can be based on a flat fee, an hourly rate, or even a percentage of your investment portfolio. With a fee-based on percentage, you can expect to pay at least 1% of your total assets on an annual basis. In a few cases, some advisors charge a little more. Embracing a flat fee one-time financial plan will necessitate much money. Here, the advisor provides you with a detailed write up about your finances with recommendations to take actions.

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Free Christian Financial Advisor

Free Christian Financial Advisor

It’s always a pleasure to receive the services of a free Christian financial advisor. Such is of a greater importance to Christians who are struggling with their finances. A moment with a financial advisor can completely change your life for the best. Everyone at some point in life needs wise advice to grow and maintain their wealth. However, not everyone can meetup with the means of hiring a financial advisor. Any Christian in such a situation is more likely to embark on the journey of searching a free Christian financial advisor. One might ask the importance of going for a financial advisor. The truth is that managing finances has never been an easy task. A single financial mistake can ruin your wealth and investments. Such a damaging situation that brings people back to point zero is not solicited by anyone.

But who is a Christian financial advisor? This is a great question worth answering before continuing with our write-up. A Christian financial advisor is a qualified, experienced, professional, and God fearing person who understands Biblical Responsible Investing (BRI). Such an individual is out to guide you into taking wise financial decisions which will grow and maintain your wealth without negatively affecting your relationship with God. A Christian financial advisor will lead you into investments that are aligned with Biblical principles and are considered a blessing to the world. Christian financial advisors that actively apply the Biblical Responsible Investing principles have nothing to do with investments revolving around immoral activities like human trafficking and abortions.

Free Christian Financial Advisor – Everything you need to Know

Truth be told, finding a free Christian financial advisor these days is rare. Note that being a Christian is not a call to offering free services. A good number of Christian financial advisors paid a fortune to master financial knowledge. Such people won’t be willing to offer free services. Grumbling or blaming them is not founded because it is their way of earning for a living. Having said this, you’ll need to raise some cash if you are serious about obtaining financial advice from experts.

However, this does not eliminate the possibility of coming across a free Christian financial advisor who will be willing to help you. With some cash at hand, you can consult the following platforms that offer Christian financial advice:

  • Christian Financial Planners Directory
  • National Association of Christian Financial Consultants
  • SmartVestor Program
  • Christian Wealth Management


If you absolutely desire free Christian financial advice then will recommend that you read the following articles:

Christian Financial Advisor Near Me

Christian financial advisor near me

How can I find a Christian financial advisor near me? This is the question of time which many are asking themselves. To start, we’ll say that it is possible to find a financial advisor near you. You just need to take the right steps and you’ll find yourself in the hands of a qualified financial advisor who fears God. Handling finances has never been something easy. Just one financial mistake can ruin all your investments and wealth. For sure, nobody will be pleased to witness the fall of all that he/she has been building all their life. This then creates need for a financial expert who is experienced enough to guide you into taking the right decisions in growing and maintaining your wealth. Note that growing wealth is one thing and maintaining it is another. It’s easier to lose wealth than to have it. Hence, the need to take precautions.

It i not any financial adviser that is solicited when dealing with Christian Finance. As a Christian in need of financial advice, it is wise to go for an adviser who fears God. In this way, he/she will guide you in successfully handling your finances in a way that pleases God. Going the other way round could get you into the hands of someone who will influence you into taking financial decisions which will make you wander far away from God’s righteousness. This narrows our path back to the question on how to find a Christian financial advisor near me? The process could be a little challenging but note that it is not impossible. No matter the amount of effort and how long it takes you to finding a Christian financial adviser, just know that it is something worth doing.

Christian Financial Advisor Near Me – Everything you need to Know

What to understand

In the search for a Christian financial advisor near you, there are a few things worth understanding. Such individuals make use of Biblical knowledge to maximize the success chances of money investments without hurting the relationships that their clients are having with God. Note here that financial advisors that share the Christian faith do not always advertise their beliefs for fear of narrowing their prospects as well as turning off other investors who do not share the same beliefs. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to find financial investors who share the same faith with you. You’ll just need to carryout your search in the right places which we’ll subsequently reveal in our writing.

What is a Financial Advisor?

A financial advisor is an experienced, qualified, and professional individual who will help you to better set and understand your investment goals, wealth maintenance plan, and retirement plan. Such a person is out to guide you into taking the right financial decisions and achieving financial freedom while enjoying the benefits of a debt free life.

What is a Christian Financial Advisor?

A Christian financial advisor is an experienced, qualified, professional, and God fearing individual who will help you to better set and understand your investment goals, wealth maintenance plan, and retirement plan without hurting your relationship with God. He/she is out to guide you into taking the right decisions that will lead you into achieving what we call Christian Financial Freedom.

What to look for in a Christian Financial Advisor near me

How do you find a Christian financial advisor? This is a pertinent question which keeps puzzling the minds of many. To others, it is more of a nightmare. This is obviously because of its complex nature. We are talking about someone you can trust the whole of your life to skillfully and wisely guide you in growing and maintaining your wealth. What if you find one just to realize later that he/she is the wrong person? The worse situation occurs when you pick one and don’t realize that he/she is the wrong person until it is too late. What a stressful process? Whatever the case, just relax because our writing on how to find a Christian financial advisor near me will teach you what you need to look for within a financial advisor. As a Christian investor, check the following in any financial advisor:

1. Find a Christian Financial Advisor who fears God – Proverbs 9:10

This is a non-negotiable recommendation for any Christian investor in need of a financial advisor who has wisdom. The Holy Scriptures clearly support this fact as we can read from Proverbs 9:10 – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” If we are to believe the Bible, which we do because it is an authoritative guide to knowing and honoring God, only those who fear God can attain the state of true wisdom. Here, we do not mean what the world considers as wisdom for where the world’s wisdom ends, that’s where God’s foolishness begins and moves to an infinite level of supreme wisdom. The scriptures say that the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Knowing the truth from the scriptures, we can say without doubt that any financial advisor who does not fear God is simply an individual without wisdom. An for sure, if you are a serious Christian investor, you won’t entrust your success in the hands of a person who lacks wisdom. A few people might try to argue these facts saying that there are non-christian financial advisors who give good advice that leads to successful business or investment ventures. To clarify this doubt, we’ll start by asking you whether Biblical wisdom which is the true wisdom refers to the making of decisions or taking of good advice that has beneficial earthly outcomes? or it has a deeper spiritual meaning? By reading 1 Corinthians 3:19-20, we are told that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. True wisdom is rooted in the fear of God as it honors him.

2. Find a Christian Financial Advisor who operates in Excellence – 1 Peter 4:11

Always go for a Christian financial advisor who understands and knows the importance of operating in excellence. Such is supported by the scriptures as we can read from 1 Peter 4:11 –“Whoever speaks is to do so as one who is speaking the utterance of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever.” Go for someone who has set high standards for himself and is always working on ameliorating his/her skills. However, this does not mean that all Christian financial advisors near you will give wise advice. If you meet a Christian financial advisor to get counselling on your decisions, request that he does so in excellence.

There is much to obtain from those who fear God as we can read from Psalm 1:1-2 – “Blessed is the man
    who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
    nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and on his law he meditates day and night.”
We are clearly informed by Romans 3:10 that no one is righteous for all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. But as Christians with new minds through Christ, we are made worthy to dwell in the presence of God through the blood of his son. We are trying to point out here that no matter how talented, nice or helpful a non-christian financial advisor is, he/she still lacks a renewed heart and spirit in Christ. They are likely to give inherent and spiritual flawed advice.

3. Find a Christian Financial Advisor with Godly Character – Luke 6:44

It is easier to say with the mouth that one is a Christian than to act as a Christian. Take precautions against people who claim with the mouth to be Christians yet they are not so by actions. Christianity is not only about words, it goes together with actions. For a faith without action is a dead faith. Note here that not everyone who goes to Church is a Christian. Truly, I tell you, being in a garage does not make you a mechanical engineer. You can as well read our article on Why going to church does not make you a Christian. Let’s hear from Luke 6:44 – “Each tree is known by its own fruit.” Many people claim the name “Christian” yet their actions do not bear any fruit witnessing the presence of Christ within their hearts.

Also keep in mind that some people will bear the name Christian financial advisor just because they want to make some cash. That’s why you must start your search in prayers asking God to guide and lead you to the right advisor who is after his heart. We are told by the scriptures that if you ask for anything, believe that you have received it and it shall definitely be granted on to you. It is in this likeness of faith that we recommend that you pray ad trust God who never fails. Through a person’s character and lifestyle pattern, you can deduce that he/she fears God without necessarily having them voice out words. Also be careful of financial advisors hiding under the Christian banner so as to defraud Christian investors. Such are called wolves in sheep clothing.

4. Find a Christian Financial Advisor skilled in Biblical Responsible Investing

Christian investors are advice to go for financial advisors who are skilled in Biblical Responsible Investing (BRI). BRI is the Godly practice of aligning investment portfolios to support Biblical values. BRI works by excluding companies that are engaged in immoral activities such as human trafficking and abortion. It is a practice which promotes and seeks investment in companies that are closely aligned to God’s ways and act as a blessing to the world. Today, Biblical Responsible Investing opportunities are rapidly growing. The largest multi-firm, nationwide membership network of Christians financial advisors who are supporting the development and success of BRI is Christian Wealth Management.

Christian Financial Advisor near me – Where to find them

1. Christian Financial Planners Directory

This is a friendly platform through which Christian investors can be directed to meeting Christian financial investors near them. It is one of the best Christian Financial planner directory that will lead you to the right financial advisor, investment advisor, retirement advisor and wealth maintenance advisor. To find out more, visit Christian Financial Planner Directory.

2. SmartVestor Program

This is a program run by Dave Damsey who happens to be one of the most famous Christian financial advisors. He host a syndicated daily radio show out of Nashville, Tennessee. During this program he offers Christian Financial Advice to all attendees. Through his radio show, he helps listeners to locate Christian financial advisors who share his Biblical points of views on handling Finances God’s way. You can reach out to him at

3. Christian Wealth Management

Christian Wealth Management is a multi-firm made up of Christian financial advisors who value and promote Biblical Reasonable Investing.

4. National Association of Christian Financial Consultant

The National Association of Christian Financial Consultant (NACFC) is a Christ-centered association that teaches its financial advisor members to practice Biblical stewardship in their careers.

5. Local Church or Religious organization

A local church is also a good place to pick up a Christian financial advisor. Here, you are more likely to understand the way the person interacts and runs his life pattern before trusting him/her. Make some research to be sure that the person in question reflects the fruits of a new life in Christ. Also read our article on why going to Church does not make you a Christian.

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Christian Financial Advice

Christian Financial Advice

Learn all the Christian Financial Advice you can when it is still time. Doing this will keep you safe from taking poor financial advice that could ruin your wealth or spoil your relationship with God. Learning is the path of the wise. It is like a lamb that lights their path and keeps them from falling into pits. Finances are a crucial part of every Christian’s life. A good look at the happenings in your life will reveal that most of them are related to finances through one way or the other. Despite this truth, many spiritual leaders chose to avoid the financial topic as a whole. Whatever the case, failing to handle this topic as it should be will only continuously lead many into taking poor financial decisions and living their whole lives in financial struggles.

Some people are just too skeptical about Money in the Bible that they can’t perceive the truth. In general, the topic on Christian Finances is more of a controversial one in the modern Church. Perhaps this explains why many Christians are still struggling in financial bondage. Misinterpretations of scriptures on finances have led many into deep financial holes. There is much in the Bible on how Christians should manage their wealth as well as handle their finances in ways that are pleasing to God. Truth be told, it is not God’s will for his children to live lives full of financial struggles. But in most cases, we end up in financial bondage due to the poor financial decisions we made out of ignorance. With Biblical Financial Wisdom, we stand a better chance to succeed. It is in this light that we hereby write to present the Best Christian Financial Advice.

10 Christian Financial Advice – All that you need to Know

How will this advice benefit you?

Knowledge is the key to success as we can read from Hosea 4:6 which says that God’s children perish due to lack of knowledge. Knowledge on finance or financial advice is what you need to successfully get out of financial bondage. God has said much through the scriptures concerning money and wealth. There are many scriptures on financial blessings worth knowing. As we all know, it is impossible to claim ownership of the things which you know nothing about. In other words, for you to step out and claim God’s promises concerning your financial life, you need to know them. With such in mind, your prayer becomes scriptural. Note that scriptural prayers are very powerful. God wants you to prosper as we can read from Jeremiah 29:11. Below are the 10 Christian Financial Advice worth mastering:

1. Transfer ownership to God – Psalm 24:1

Psalm 24:1 NASB – “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it.” Everything on Earth, under the Earth, in Heaven and in the world to come belongs to God. Even your life belongs to God. Hence, transferring ownership of all your possessions and life to him is a way of acknowledging this Scriptural truth. Possession here includes time, money, family, wealth, and earning potentials. Seeing yourself as one to whom wealth has been entrusted to will keep you humble and always remind you of using it wisely.

2. God is source – Philippians 4:19, Proverbs 8:20-21, and 2 Corinthians 9:8

In searching for Christian Financial Freedom, always perceive God as the source of everything. Everything belongs to God and he chooses to give to anyone to whom he is pleased with. Whenever you are in need, call unto God and he will bless you in his riches. Philippians 4:19 – “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Proverbs 8:20-21 – “I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment: that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 – “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.”

3. The Power of Giving – Luke 6:38, and Proverbs 3:9

The power of Giving is so tremendous that it shaken Heaven to bless you with more than what your storerooms can contain. However, it is not just about giving but giving out of pure love. For it is love that makes our sacrifices acceptable by God. Luke 6:38 – “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Proverbs 3:9 – “Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst with new wine.”

4. Take saving serious – Proverbs 21:20, and Proverbs 22:3

If you desire a debt free life as well as the benefits of living a financial free life, you must take saving serious. Saving for rainy days or financial freedom is a wise thing to do. Savings will permit you to pay off all debts and invest to grow your wealth. Note that saving is supported by the scriptures. Proverbs 21:20 – “There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up.” Proverbs 23:3 – “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.”

5. Avoid debts – Proverbs 22:7, and Psalm 37:21

Debt is far more than what you think it is. It is more of a trap aimed at stealing your happiness and peace of mind. Debt leads to tension and lots of stress. It keeps you from ever reaching financial freedom. However, if you are serious about enjoying your finances, you must avoid unnecessary debt. Also avoid every situation that can lead you into debts like spending more than you earn. Proverbs 22:7 – “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” Psalm 37:21 – “the wicked borroweth, and payeth not again.”

6. Seek contentment through your relationship with God – Philippians 4:11-12

Philippians 4:11-12 – “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.” Learn to thank God for everything that you have at hand. This will prevent the devil from taking advantage and leading you into sin. Deduce your contentment through your relationship with God rather than physical possessions. Remember that a discontented spirit is what produces greed and covetousness.

7. Work hard – Proverbs 14:23, and Genesis 1:1

In your journey to Achieving Financial Freedom God’s way, embrace hard work as the only way. Avoid get-rich overnight schemes are you won’t loose your hard earned cash. Through work men honor God’s command. For sure, God will bless every man who works and obeys his ways. Hard work is the key to a successful life. Going the other way will get you hooked and worsen your financial situation. The scriptures support work. Avoiding work or being lazy will lead you into a financial bondage of poverty. Proverbs 14:23 – “In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury [poverty]” Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning God created”

8. Don’t cosign – Proverbs 27:13

The scriptures call on us to exercise extreme caution when cosigning. the world’s poorest credit risk is lived by someone who accepts to pay a strangers debt. Note that by cosigning a note, you are the person actually borrowing the money. Have in mind that the main reason a cosigner is needed is because the lender is not wiling to borrow to the person requesting the loan.

This brings us to the end of our writing on Christian Financial Advice. We hope that you enjoyed reading. You can as well read the following related articles:

Christian Financial Advice Free

Christian Financial Advice Free

Christian Financial Advice Free for everyone yet people are still struggling with finances on daily basis. God being the father of wisdom has much to say about Christian Finances. In short, what he has already spoken through the Holy Scriptures on how Christians should manage their finances is sufficient to build a successful life. The Bible is an authoritative guide when it comes to knowing and doing the will of God. It is in its light that we hereby write to reveal Christian financial advice free for everyone. The financial bondage which many are currently into can be attributed to their lack of financial Knowledge or advice. Putting the right financial advice into action will certainly lead you into living a successful financial life. In addition, it will also keep you safe from taking wrong financial decisions.

A Good mastery of Christian Finance will lead you to achieving Financial Freedom God’s Way. Learn all what you can about finances and you’ll live to testify the importance of learning. But what do we mean by achieving Christian Financial freedom? It is all about reaching a state in life whereby you no longer need to worry about monetary issues like debts, bill payments, and sudden expenses because God is in Control. Financial freedom comes with a continuous cash-flow that allows you to live the kind of life you had ever wanted. It also offers the possibility of enjoying the benefits of a debt free life. Such comes with the ability to successfully grow, manage and maintain the wealth which God has entrusted to your care with the mind of Christ through pure love.

Christian Financial Advice Free For Everyone

If you are serious about enjoying a financial free life without the stress from debts and bills, stick to the follow advice:

  1. Put God first in your life and all the other things will follow (Mathew 6:33)
  2. Go after the heart of God and he will provide your needs
  3. Honor God’s commands and he will bless you with more than what your store rooms can contain (Deuteronomy 28:1,3-6,8)
  4. Do not spend more than what you earn
  5. Minimize spending and maximize saving
  6. Never spend money you do not have at hand
  7. Embrace the hard way as the only way to success
  8. Stay away from get-rich overnight schemes
  9. Do not take hasty financial decisions
  10. Pray without ceasing
  11. Always pray before taking any financial step in life
  12. Read the proverbs and master the wisdom it has for you
  13. Be contented with whatever you have at hand so that the devil won’t take advantage of the situation and lead you to sin (Philippians 4:11-12)
  14. Strive for excellence in everything that you do (1 Peter 4:11)
  15. Keep aside worry and trust in God for the provision of your needs (Matthew 6:31)
  16. Break off the habit of borrowing and all that comes with it (Proverbs 15:16)
  17. Believe that God will supply all your needs in his heavenly riches (2 Corinthians 8:14)
  18. Please God with what you have at hand so that he can add more (Matthew 25:14-30)
  19. Keep in mind that a borrower is a slave to the lender
  20. Plan for your financial future when you still have time and pray that God bless your plans
  21. Create and stick to a monthly budget
  22. Pay off all your debts
  23. Track your spending
  24. Invest and grow what God has blessed you with
  25. In everything situation, give thanks to God

This brings us to the end of our writing on Christian financial advice free for everyone. You can as well read the following related articles:

Christian Financial Freedom Course

Christian Financial Freedom Course

A Christian Financial Freedom Course well offered can help you to get out of debt bondage and enjoy what we call Christian Financial Freedom. Such a course can radically change your life in a matter of weeks. This holds regardless of your current financial situation. It will provide you with the opportunity and the tools needed to embark on a journey to financial freedom. In other words, it will release the financial potentials that are hiding within you. The few people that are lucky enough to partake in this course will end up with lovely testimonies about how their financial lives were changed. Misinterpretation of Money in the Bible has led many people into cultivating skeptical mindsets about Christian Finance. And as a result, many Christians are living lives full of financial struggles. After undergoing a Christian financial freedom course, you’ll embrace a better approach to financial success.

What do we really mean by Christian Financial Freedom? It is a state of being that permits a person to dwell with peace of mind when it comes to finances as he/she knows well full that God is in control. In other words we can say that it is a state of being that comes with a dependable cash-flow. It also has to do with growing and managing your wealth in God’s way. Upon achieving such, you’ll no longer need to worry about money related issues such as sudden expenses, debt owed, and bill payments. Note that it is not God’s will for you to be in debts. God wants you to prosper as we can read from Jeremiah 29:11. It is said in 1 Timothy 6:10 that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Money in itself or having money is not a sin.

Christian Financial Freedom Course

Misinterpreting 1 Timothy 6:10 will lead you into commuting financial mistakes and dwelling in financial bondage. It is not written in the scriptures that money is evil nor having it a sin. The Biblical problem with money comes in when people start valuing it more than God who provided it for them. It is considered the root of all evil because the desire to have it has led many into wandering far away from God. Whatever the case, always remember that money earned through work and justice is a blessing from God. A blessing directed to those who honor God’s command to work for a living while on Earth.

A consistent financial freedom course reveals the Biblical principles that govern finances. Such principles are relevant for both millionaires and those struggling to get out of financial bondage. It reveals:

Financial Freedom God’s Way
Achieving Financial Freedom God's Way

It is possible to achieve Financial Freedom God’s Way and live a debt-free life. The plans God has for you are those to make you prosper and successful as we can read from Jeremiah 29:11. In return, all you need to do is to submit to his Holy Will (Deuteronomy 28:1,3-6, 8). It is not God’s will that his children dwell in debts or live in financial bondage. But what do we mean by financial freedom? Financial freedom is a state in which you rest with a peaceful mind knowing well fully that God is in control of your finances and you will never lack. Financial freedom also has to do with receiving wisdom from God to be able to grow and manage your finances in a way that brings glory to his name. It is important as a Christian to understand both financial bondage and financial freedom.

Financial freedom comes with a dependent cash-flow that allows anyone to live the kind of life that they ever wanted. It is a state in which you no longer worry about money-related issues like debts, bill payments, and sudden expenses. It is desired by everyone but very few people end up experiencing it. Others are too skeptical to perceive the truth behind Money in the Bible. The misinterpretation of what the Scriptures say about money has led many into committing lots of financial mistakes. Such people end up struggling with finances all their lives. It is true that 1 Timothy 6:10 points out to the fact that the love of money is the root of all evil. Note that money in itself is not evil nor having money a sin. Sin related to money comes in when its love leads you to wander far away from God.

Financial Freedom God’s Way – Everything you need to know

Achieving financial freedom God’s way can be embraced by any Christian. It is more of a reality these days. Although challenging to achieve, it is not impossible. Many have successfully made it to a state of financial freedom God’s way. For sure, we do not think that you will be an exception. God is willing to bless all those who honor his command to work. Step out in a hardworking spirit of justice and righteousness. God who knows the hearts of men will certainly bless your efforts and make your heart desires to see the light of the day. With God on your side, you are able to overcome all the obstacles that are on the way to financial free life. Do not be discouraged by your current financial situation. Call on God and he will answer you just as it is written in the Holy Scriptures (Isaiah 41:10).

Guard your heart and remain under God’s light

Before embarking on the journey to achieving Christian Financial Freedom, figure out the reasons why you want to become financially free. Your reasons will act as solid and fundamental motivational factors to achieving your heart desire. Embracing this path will release you from the tension, bitterness, anxiety, and sorrow that are derived from debt bondage. Achieving your financial goals helps you to be financially free to serve Christ without a heart full of money worries. In your journey to becoming financially free, avoid relying on your personal effort but on God’s. Remember the scripture that on our own, we can do nothing but in Christ, we can do all things. Work hard but boast of nothing because all you have comes from God. Trust him for a financial blessing and he will not let you down. Go after his heart and he will bless you with all that you need.

Achieving Financial Freedom God’s way

If you are serious about achieving financial freedom God’s way and enjoying a debt-free life, stick to the following steps:

1. Transfer ownership to God (Psalm 24:1)

Psalm 24:1 NASB – “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it.” Everything on Earth belongs to God. The understanding of this scripture is the key to obtaining wealth and becoming prosperous in life. Acknowledge the truth from this scripture by transferring the ownership of all your belongings to God. This includes your time, family, money, wealth, possessions, and earnings. Even your life belongs to God. By transferring ownership, you are acknowledging his sovereign authority over the Earth and Heaven. Doing this will release divine favor on you in all sectors. The ability to see yourself as a keeper of wealth and not its owner will help in maintaining you humble before God. Failing to do so will lead to pride and thoughts of being equal to God. Such thoughts call on God’s punishment.

2. Get out of debts – Proverbs 15:16

Proverbs 15:16 NASB- “Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and turmoil with it.”A person cannot experience financial freedom with the habit of getting into debt. That’s why you’ll need to break off from all habits that regularly get you into debts like spending more than you earn, and borrowing. Desire a debt-free life and start working your way to achieving it. You can as a well read the following related articles:

3. Accept God’s provision for you – Matthew 6:31

Matthew 6:31 NASB- “Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ “ It is true that at times, we make the mistake of trying to help God, but this is completely wrong. God is far wiser than we are. He is aware of all our needs and he will provide them just as he promised. God never fails. What we need in order to benefit from his promises is a mature faith, By faith, we mean a certainty or absolute trust in God that he will fulfill all his promises. You can as well read the following articles on how to obtain a mature faith:

4. Overcome temptations to make hasty financial decisions – Proverbs 21:5

Proverbs 21:5 NASB – “The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.” Avoid making financial decisions when the information at hand is not sufficient or convincing enough. In your journey to achieving financial freedom God’s way, embrace the hard way as the only way. Avoid going near get-rich-quick schemes as they’ll end up worsening your financial situation.

5. Strive for excellence in all what you do – 1 Peter 4:11

1 Peter 4:11 NASB – “Whoever speaks is to do so as one who is speaking the utterance of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever.” An Outdoor look will reveal the beauty and quality of the work which was made by our heavenly father during creation. He did not limit himself until the best was obtained. In his likeness, we should all strive for excellence in all that we do. Note that humility does not mean second best. Hence, you should set high standards for yourself and your household.

6. Seek Contentment through your relationship with God – Philippians 4:11-12 

Philippians 4:11-12 – “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.” Greed and covetousness are the fruits of a discontented spirit. Derive your joy from whatever you have at hand and give thanks to God. Remove your focus on material things and put in on God. He knows that you need those things and will certainly provide them. But you must not allow them to keep your heart troubled. Also, read Bible verses about Money and Greed.

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This brings us to the end of our writing on how to achieve financial freedom God’s way. We hope that you enjoyed the article. Also read: