Learn everything on how to hear voice of God and step to the next spiritual level. Many people want to hear the voice of God consistently and clearly. However, very few people end up hearing God. Does this mean that there are only some special people who can hear God? No, everyone can hear the voice of God. The problem comes from us. It is either you are ignorant of the ways through which God speaks to us or you merely reject the fact that God is still saying something. For those who are ignorant of the ways through which God speaks today to his people, we’ll help them to learn. But for those who have simply rejected the fact that God is still saying something, we can’t help them in any way.
The belief that God is no longer speaking keeps me wondering if those who belief such are reading their Bibles. As Christians, our standard for life is the Holy Bible. It is where we ought to seek for all truth about the kingdom pf heaven. Let’s not just stay back and welcome all sorts of teachings from people who call themselves spiritual leaders. We should test all their teachings to see if they are in accordance to those left by Jesus Christ. In short, no one ought to bring in new teachings in Christianity because we have only one teacher, Jesus Christ. He had already revealed all the truth. Thus anyone who claims to be his servant must only guide his sheep in the light of his teachings. So let’s get what the Bible has to say about hearing from God.
All on how to hear voice of God
Biblical support
The scriptures say that God is the same yesterday, today, and for all times to come. We can read this from Hebrews 13:8. In other words, we’ll say that God can and is still doing the things he did in the past. And for sure he will do much more in times to come. If God has not changed, then the miracles of the past are still taking place. In addition, he is still saying something as it was the case in the past. The truth is that God wants you to hear his voice and get closer. Prayer is not one sided. In other words, prayer is a conversation between you and God. That is, you speak to God and He answers you. Let’s justify this point by turning our Bibles to Jeremiah 33:3. We hear God saying that we should call on him and he will answer us.
How do you think that God will answer you if he is not still saying something. Still in that verse, the lord God further says that he will tell us wonderful and marvelous things which we know nothing about. How do you think he will tell us these things? Or better still how do you think the lord will show us things that we know nothing about? God has reserved much for us but our faith is too small to believe and obtain what is rightfully ours. That’s why Apostle Paul prayed and wished that God gives every Christian the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we can know him better. You can read this from Ephesians 1:17. Through this message, Apostle Paul teaches us that the main purpose for hearing God is to know him better.
What did Jesus say about hearing from God?
What comes to your mind when you hear Jesus pointing out the importance of eyes that see and ears that hear in Matthew 13:16? Do you really think that he was talking of our physical eyes and ears? I believe that if he was talking of our physical eyes and ears, he wouldn’t have treated the pharisees and Sadducee as blind teachers. He referred to them as blind although their physical eyes were seeing because their minds were dull and could not perceive the truth about the things of heaven. Before Jesus said this, Prophet Isiah had spoken it so many years ago that the people can’t see because their minds are dull. You can read this from Matthew 13:15. This clearly informs us that Jesus and Prophet Isaiah consider our minds as our spiritual eyes.
Still on how to hear voice of God by Jesus Christ, let’s open our Bibles to John 14:15-17. We clearly hear Jesus making a promise to all those who love him. He says that those who love him will certainly keep his commands. And as a result, he will ask the father to send on to them the Holy Spirit. He further explains that the Holy Spirit will come as a helper and companion to those who love him. In addition, he points out that the Holy Spirit will reveal all truth about God unto those who love and keep his teachings. Here are we talking about revelation again. Revelation comes from the Holy Spirit. And as Christians today, do we have the Holy spirit? Yes, this spirit is available for all those who love Jesus Christ.
Who can hear the voice of God?
Still on how to hear voice of God, we’ll say that you must not be a prophet to hear him speak. Many people today just believe that one must be a prophet before he/she can clearly hear God speak. The truth is that you don’t have to be a prophet before you can hear the voice of God. It is true that we are all created in the likeness and image of God. But this does not mean that we are the identical. Each person is God’s unique creature. And God can manifest in each person’s life differently. From 1 Corinthians 14:1, we clearly hear Apostle Paul’s wish for all the Christians. He calls on everyone to focus their hearts on the gift of prophecy or proclaiming God’s message.
How can you proclaim God’s message if you haven’t received it from Him? If we must proclaim, it means that God has given us the message. And from the words of Apostle Paul we can all proclaim God’s message. This is a way of saying that we can all hear from God. Perhaps, what will differ is the way we hear from him. He has blessed men and women with different gifts. You can be sure that God wants to speak to you in order to convey a message of guidance, love, comfort, and warning. He is doing this because of his great love for mankind. He doesn’t want us to perish. Rather, the lord wants to speak to us on daily basis to guide and maintain us on the right path that leads to eternal life.
The secret on how to hear voice of God
Have you ever wondered about what it takes to hear the voice of God? Many people regularly ask if taking prolonged fasting together with other spiritual duties is what makes a person to hear from God? We can not answer this question with a big yes or no. This is because hearing the voice of God is not as complex as you might think. It is neither the easiest thing to do. Fasting and other Christian duties make the environment spiritually conductive enough for you to hear God’s voice. Whatever the case, you can be sure that God is saying something and that you are the one who is not hearing him.
So what is the secret on how to hear voice of God? Just as we previously said, there is nothing magical about how to hear the voice of God. In addition, there is no hidden or deep secret about how to hear the voice of God. All that we’ll advice you to do is to remain in the light of obedience to the lord. Obedience displays your love for God. And your love for God will open heavenly gates so that the Holy Spirit can come and reside within you. This is in accordance to Jesus’s promise in Jon 14:15-17. And once the Holy Spirit lives in you, you can expect regular revelations about God’s Holy truth. Another fact worth pointing out here is your ability to believe that God speaks. If you lack this believe, you’ll hardly hear his voice.
Ways on how to hear voice of God
There are several ways to hear the voice of God. In short, we cannot list them all. This is probably because God’s ways are not those of men. God can use anything to speak to you and at any moment. His power is not limited by time and space. God does as he likes. That’s why Apostle Peter wrote under the influence of the Holy Spirit that God is not a respecter of men. With this in mind, we can only exploit most of the main ways through which God has been using to speak to his children. This is not to limit God’s ability. That’s why we’ll call on you to have an opened mind so as not to miss the voice of God.
The Bible
The Bible is the Christians standard of life. It holds and preserves the foundation of Christianity. The Bible is the Holy Truth about God which was revealed by the Prophets and later accomplished by Jesus Christ. In addition, is the main Christian tool used in knowing the will of God. The Bible represents the most common way on how to hear voice of God. Through the Bible, you can hear the voice of God on daily basis. Hearing the voice of God through the Bible is regularly manifested the perception of a particular verse or chapter that addresses your situation. God’s voice goes in accordance with the principles which were written down in The Bible. God’s voice can not push you into breaking Biblical principles or doing anything illegal.
Impressions and pictures
This is another way on how to hear voice of God. It is greatly exploited by those who are matured in the faith. It has to do with receiving spiritual projections on the mirror of your mind. God regularly speaks to his children through impressions and pictures. You can receive this internally i your mind our actually see a picture with your eyes. For internal cases, you can have an impression or a picture which flashes in your mind. At times this picture quickly pops and before you realize, it is gone. In most cases, it is not necessarily a complete taught. However, you just get that feeling to have received it from God. Whatever the case, you need to be discerning because not all thoughts come from God. That’s why you must always pray and ask God to guide you into the truth through the Holy Spirit.
Dreams and Visions
When discussing ways on how to hear voice of God, we cannot omit dreams and visions. They’ve always been a major way through which we observe biblical characters hearing from God. Dreams at night regularly convey a message from God to us. However, we must also note that not all dreams are from God. But you must not worry about this issue. Once you are able to understand the symbolic language regularly used by God to convey messages to his servants, you’ll stand a greater chance of hearing him clearly. That’s why you should pray for the special grace to understand God’s symbolic language. We must also drag your attention to the fact that almost one third of the Bible is made up of dreams and visions from God. We also find Jesus using parables in his teachings which are not very different dreams. Learn more by reading Job 33:14-17.
His servants
At times we turn to neglect God’s messengers but that’s a big mistake of ours. Jesus Christ said whoever welcomes a man in his name welcomes him. It is in this same light that he said whoever rejects a man who comes in his name also rejects him. Thus, we should not be quick in judging, condemning, and classing any preacher of the gospel as false. The scriptures say that we must first test their teachings to see if they go in line with those of Jesus. If they teach sound doctrines, we must welcome and listen to them. But if they teach unsound doctrine, we ought to flee from them. We must also note that one of the ways on how to hear voice of God is through his servants and messengers. Also read our article on the Key teachings of Jesus Christ.