Pastor Alph Lukau Exposed

Pastor Alph Lukau Exposed

Pastor Alph Lukau Exposed

Pastor Alph Lukau Exposed before the eyes of everyone under the light of the day. It is said that no mater how long the night might be, the day will certainly come. Truth or Evil can’t be covered for all times as long as God’s spirit dwells with us. As children of God, we are destined to know the whole truth. That’s why Jesus Christ said in John 14:26 that when the Holy Spirit comes, it will lead us into truth while reminding us of his teachings. It is in the light of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures that we are going to handle the case of pastor Alph Lukau Exposed. This case has been worrying the peace of many. Doubts have been raised about this pastor who does things like raising the dead, healing all kinds of sicknesses, and voicing out accurate and precise prophecies.

You are right to be worried about the authenticity of pastor Alph. For it is our christian duty to test all spirits to know those that come from God and those that do not. This practice was initiated by the immediate Apostles of Jesus Christ who were worried about false prophets that were out to devour the children of God. We can read about the testing of spirits in 1 John 4:1-4. Thus, seeking to know whether a prophet comes from God is not a sin. The sin comes in when you reject a true man of God and attribute the holy works he is doing to Satan. As a reminder, such sins are not forgivable as we can read from Jesus Christ in Luke 12:10. With this in mind, we’ll start our case of Pastor Alph Lukau Exposed by inviting you not to be quick in condemning.

Pastor Alph Lukau Exposed Under Sun Light

Alph Lukau Exposed

Pastor Alph Lukau Exposed: Who is Pastor Alph Lukau?

Jacques Andre Vernaud Biography

It is very important that we start our case by presenting the pastor in question. Alph Lukau is the Founder, General Overseer, and Senior pastor of Alleluia Ministries International (AMI). Some call him Apostle, others call him Prophet, and others call him Pastor. Whatever the names they call him, one thing is sure and it is the fact that he is the religious leader at Alleluia Ministries International. AMI is an Apostolic and Prophetic Christ-centered Ministry which has headquarters in Sandton, South Africa. The ministry has branches in several countries around the world with thousands of members. Pastor Alph Lukau was born in the Democratic Republic Of Congo, Central Africa. He grew from childhood as a lover of God and the heavenly things. The love for God in him created the desire of becoming a Catholic priest. Little did he know that God had different plans for him.

In the quest to answer God’s call in his life, he came into contact with late Pastor Jacques A Vernaud. Jacques Andre Vernaud became his spiritual father and mentor till his death on the 28th of September 2011. Jacques Andre Vernaud was the biological son of Gaston Vernaud who was also his mentor and spiritual father. Gaston Vernaud originated from Switzerland. He became conscious of God’s calling in his life upon attending a crusade which was held by Sadhu Sundar Singh who became his spiritual father. Sadhu Sundar Singh was an Indian Idol worshiper to whom Jesus Christ appeared and commissioned him to spread the the Holy Gospel. This Divine Encounter led to the conversion of Sadhu from idol worshiping to Christianity. He went around the world spreading the gospel and winning more souls for Christ. It was in this light that his spiritual son came to Africa and established.

Do prophets still exist?

prophets today

For us to be successful in handling the case of Pastor Alph Lukau Exposed, we must first find out whether prophets exist or not. If prophets are no longer existing as many say, then it is useless for us to continue this case. On the other hand, if we find out that prophets still exist, we’ll continue our case. Before continuing, we’ll advice you to always find out what the Holy Scriptures are saying than to sit and wait for others to tell you. Failing to do this can push you into the hands of blind leaders who will help you to get into a deep pit. It is in this light that well find out from the scriptures whether prophets still exist or not.

Let’s open our Bibles to 1 Corinthians 12:28 – “In the church God has put all in place: in the first place Apostles, in the second place Prophets, and in the third place Teachers; then those who perform Miracles, followed by those who are given the power to Heal or to help others or to direct them or to speak in strange tongues“. I’ll say here that this scripture is sufficient for the wise to understand how a true church of God is organized. You’ll agree with me that there were no churches in the Old Testament. The scriptures above are talking of a New Testament Church of Christ with Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, and Wonder workers. You should rather question yourself when a church lacks the above figures. The true modern church must reflect that which was started by Christ and handed to his immediate Apostles.

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The Spirit of prophecy is for all times

The Spirit of prophecy is still in our midst. If you are doubting, open your Bible to Revelation 19:10 and you’ll learn that the truth which Jesus revealed is what inspires the prophets. Hence, saying that the spirit of prophecy is no longer in the church is like saying that there is no more truth in the church. New Testament prophets as we can read from Revelation 19:10 are men and women who are inspired by the truth which was revealed by Jesus Christ. In other words, the prophetic lineage is maintained in the modern church by the truth which was revealed by our Lord and Savior. Hence, God is still raising men and women who will speak in his name as well as make him known to the ends of the world.

The Prophetic is a gift from God to the church

AMI miracles

Still gathering information to properly address the case of pastor Alph Lukau Exposed, we’ll find out what the Bible says about the prophetic gift. Let’s open our Bibles and read from Ephesians 4:11 – “It was he who “gave gifts”; he appointed some to be Apostles, others to be Prophets, others to be Evangelists, others to be Pastors and Teachers“. From this scripture, we clearly learn that you do not chose to become an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist or Pastors. These are offices in the body of Christ. We are told that Christ is the only one who appoints people to take duty in these offices. Note here that he appoints as he likes. Thus, in as much as we have pastors today, we also have Apostles and Prophets who have been appointed by Jesus Christ to do his work.

We should note here that being an Apostle or Prophet is not a reward but rather it is an unmerited gift or favor from God. Prophets are called because there is need for them in the house of God. Note that God uses the hands of men to accomplish his will. Whenever God calls a man and he submits, wonders and miracles will follow him. You can verify this by reading the stories of Prophets and Apostles in the Bible. When God calls and commissions a man, he equips him with all that is needed for the accomplishment of the mission. In short, a man whom God has ordained for a mission is no longer an ordinary man. That’s why we should not be alarmed when we see such men accomplishing impossible things.

Why do we believe that prophets still exist?

Our believe in the existence of prophets is Biblical and well founded in the Holy Scriptures. That’s why we’ll invite you to read from Acts 11:27-28 – “About that time some prophets went from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them named Agabus, stood up and by the power of the Holy Spirit predicted that a severe famine was about to come over the earth, (It came when Claudius was Emperor)“. Acts 21:10 – “We had been there for several days when a prophet named Agabus arrived from Judea“. Act 15:32 – “Judas and Silas who were themselves prophets, spoke a long time with them, giving them courage and strength“.

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The above scriptures clearly reveal some of the Prophets who operated in the New Testament after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This eliminates the false teaching that John the Baptist was the last prophet. After the death of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, many prophets came just as we can read from the scriptures above. These prophets were not coming with new doctrines but they were rather inspired by the truth which was revealed by Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:10). This is a clear proof that prophets in the New Testament are in existence. They are in our midst and are mightily used by God. But we are more into condemning them than listening to their divine messages. This will serve as a strong base to handle the case of Pastor Alph Lukau Exposed.

Handling the case of Pastor Alph Lukau Exposed

Many people are quick in condemning men of God. I guess they do so out of ignorance. While the scripture is not against the process of testing those who come in the name of the lord, it is fully against false accusations. That’s why we should not be quick in shouting that a person is not from God or he is from God. We should pray and ask God to enlighten our minds through the Holy Spirit to make the right judgement on what is his and what is not. The scriptures say that we’ll know them by their fruits. This is very true because a mango tree can not produce beans. It will always produce what is of its kind. But it keeps me wondering why some people are too blind to see the raw miracles which are being manifested these days.

Prayer for healing

Today, people are more likely to attribute genuine miracles made by the spirit of God to stage-managed miracles. It is in this light that they turn to call everyone who comes in the name of the lord a false teacher. It even becomes a bigger problem if a teacher of the gospel shows up with the manifesting power of the Holy Spirit. People will quickly start throwing stones at him and shouting that he is false. Haven’t you read John 14:12 – “I am telling you the truth: those who believe in me will do what I do. Yes, they will do even greater things, because I am going to the father.” Rather than throwing stones at others, you should better blame your faith for being weak. The words of Jesus Christ are clear, if you strongly believe in him, you can raise a dead and even do more.

Pastor Alph Lukau Dead Man Walking

Who is a false prophet?

Please do not allow yourself to be led by blind people. Do not consider a teacher of the gospel false because your spiritual leader asked you to. Never rely on your friends to conclude that a person who comes in the name of the Lord is false. You should rather rely on your Bible to know the truth. It is the truth that will help you recognize those who come in the name of the lord. How can you rely on others to say that a messenger of God is false without listening to his teachings and confessions about the nature of Christ? Remember that Jesus Christ did not say that there will be no more prophets after him. He rather said we should be careful because many false prophets will come after him. The Bible is our standard of living. It represents the whole truth.

Scripture to know a false prophet

It is in the light if the scriptures that we’ll teach you how to know a false prophet. Let’s open our Bibles to 1 John 4:2-3 – “This is how you will be able to know whether it is God’s spirit: anyone who acknowledges that Jesus Christ came as a human being has the spirit who comes from God. But anyone who denies this about Jesus does not have the spirit from God. The spirit that he has is from the Enemy of Christ; you heard that it will come, and now it is in the world already.” This scripture clearly offers you what it takes to resolve the case of Pastor Alph Lukau Exposed.

Our Christian Mission

Do not let your heart troubled by false prophets because you are God’s child. The spirit that is in you is far greater than them and it has already given you victory. You can read this from 1 John 4:4. Just be careful not to turn and lunch battles at your fellow Christians in the name of fighting false prophets. Let’s focus on pleasing God and making him known in the right way to the four corners of the Earth. For this is the mission that was given to us by Jesus Christ. Let’s accomplish this mission in love because God is love. We should love God with all our heart, body, and soul while we love our brothers and sisters as ourselves.

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