Praying at Midnight Testimonies

Praying at Midnight Testimonies
Praying at Midnight Testimonies

Praying at Midnight Testimonies are just so numerous that trying to put them all in writing will soon get us exhausted. However, we’ll write down a few of these praying at midnight testimonies to boost your faith and display the importance of praying at this particular hour. Midnight, also known as the hour of the third clock is a time when spiritual battles are launched in the heavenly places. It is the very hour in which the devil and his agents execute their major plans against human beings.

During the midnight hours, the body’s immune system is at its lowest. That’s why you’ll notice that many sick people usually die during these hours. That is from 12am to 4am. At midnight, witchcraft is at its peak. While the agents of darkness are making their patrols at this very hour, demonic creatures are roaming the Earth in search of who to devour. That is why we can say without a doubt that these very hours have led to the downfall of so many great men of God.

The midnight hours characterize the burial of great destinies and a bloody killing. But we must not fear because as children of God, we have been given sovereign victory through Jesus Christ who has already conquered the devil. And for sure victory through Christ is a victory indeed. This is a clear call for everyone to take his/her prayer life seriously. That’s why Apostle Paul wrote saying that we should pray at all times.

Keeping watch at night is Biblical. Let’s read from Exodus 12:42 – “The Lord kept watch that night to bring them out of Egypt. So on that same night each year all of the Israelites must keep watch. The must do it to honor the lord for all time to come.

Praying at Midnight Testimonies

How midnight prayers can help

Upon hearing praying at midnight testimonies, people are wondering how efficient it is. Let no one fool you that there is no power in midnight prayers. Across the Holy Scriptures, we realize that most major prayers and freedom actions from the hands of the devil were carried out at midnight. There is no need to doubt as we will detail these stories to you through the following testimonies.

Testimony 1: Paul and Silas freed from prison through midnight prayers

Acts 16:25-26 – “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a violent Earthquake, which shook the prison to its foundations. At once all the doors opened, and the chains fell off all the prisoners.” This is definitely one of the greatest praying at midnight testimonies that we’ve ever heard.

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At midnight, Paul and Silas forgot the pains received from a severe whipping for a crime they did not commit and started singing praises to God. Their praises reached heaven and touched God’s heart who did not withhold the angel of liberation from setting them free and defeating the devil at midnight. You can as well read the following articles to keep yourself updated on the manifestation of God’s power in the lives of Paul and Silas:

Testimony 2: Midnight Judgement on the Egyptians

Exodus 12:29 – “At midnight the Lord killed all the firstborn sons in Egypt, from the king’s son, who was heir to the throne, to the son of the prisoner in the dungeon; all the firstborn of the animals were also killed.” Prior to this killing, the Lord had instructed Pharaoh who was holding his children captive to let them go. But Pharaoh was too stubborn to let God’s children go. He continually held them hostage in evil hands.

Pharaoh’s stubbornness led God to take action and display his supreme power. It was precisely at midnight that God defeated Satan and gave freedom to his people. It is in this same light that you can stand with the authority in the name of Jesus Christ at midnight to defeat every satanic authority in your life. At this very hour, you can pray for God to release your destiny and uproot all plants in your life that are not from him.

Testimony 3: The power of darkness rules at night

The third testimony comes from Jesus Christ who pointed out the evil forces ruling at night. Let’s read from Luke 22:53 – “I was with you in the Temple every day, and you did not try to arrest me. But this is your hour to act, when the power of darkness rules.” Through these words, Jesus Christ is clearly pointing out that at night, the power of darkness is at work. And because as Christians, we are in a continuous battle with the evil principalities of the heavenly places, we ought to keep watch.

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The best way to keep watch is through night prayers, worships, and praises to God. Also, read our article on the benefits of night vigil. If you are always asleep when the enemy is at work, you cannot expect to defeat him. Many have embraced midnight prayers are their lives have become living testimonies. Close doors in their lives were Divinely Opened. They found favor in honoring God by sacrificing their sleep. God in his mighty ways defeated the devil in their lives and they were blessed abundantly. Listening to praying at midnight testimonies, you are likely to hear that barren wombs were opened, jobless people found jobs, sick people got healed, and those in satanic captivity were freed.

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