The power of the cross lyrics

The Power of the Cross Lyrics

The power of the cross lyrics

Learn the power of the cross lyrics and get into higher spiritual levels of worship. Higher spiritual levels of worship are full of divine manifestations. There is tremendous power and anointing in worship. From the beginning of time till present date, worship has always been a great activity used by God’s children to please him. Intense worship moves the hand of God into action.

It is written in the Holy Scriptures that Paul and Silas had their hands and feet bound with chains and thrown into prison. When night came, these two servants of God went into higher dimensions of spiritual worship as they sang and praised God. The sweet melodies of their hearts touched the heart of God who could not withhold himself from seeing his servants in chain.

And as a result, He sent an angel who came and breakup all the chains that were on their hands and legs. The Angel went forth to opening all the doors of the prison and also breaking the chains on the hands of all those who were in prison. We can read the full story from Acts 16:16-40. It is a pure reflection of what men and women can obtain from God through intense and serious worships that are coming from their hearts.

Although Paul and Silas were in prison, they refused to allow their emotions in the hands of their situation. They chose not to be sad but to rely on God. Their faith in God did not fail because God never fails. He is who he says he is and he will do what he says he will do. Let’s now present the power of the cross lyrics.

The Power of the Cross Lyrics

God is highly pleased with worships and praises. Hence you can be sure to have your situation change for the best through the power of the cross lyrics. You’ll simply need to learn them and sing from your heart just as Paul and Silas in jail deed and received divine intervention.

Oh to see the dawn of the darkest day
Christ on a road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten then
Nailed to the cross of wood.

This the power of the cross,
Christ became sin for us, took the blame bore the wrath
we stand forgiven at the cross.

Oh to see the pain written on your face.
Bearing the awesome weight of sin.
Every bitter thought every evil did.
Crowning your blood stain brow.

This the power of the cross,
Christ became sin for us, took the blame bore the wrath
we stand forgiven at the cross.

Now the day light flees, now the ground beneath
quakes as its maker bows his head
Curtain torn into, dead are raised to file.
Finished. The victory cry.

This the power of the cross,
Christ became sin for us, took the blame bore the wrath
we stand forgiven at the cross.

Oh to see my name written in the woods.
For through your suffering I am free.
Dead are crushed to death, life is mine to live.
Won through your selfless love.

The message of the cross

For the message about Christ’s death on the cross is nonsense to those who are being lost; but for us who are being saved it is God’s power

1 Corinthians 1:18

The scriptures clearly point out that the message of the cross is God’s power to save those who come to him through Christ. We have all sinned and wronged God in one way or the other. Our sins made us to fall short of his glory and magnificent power. Even while we were still dwelling in sin, God did not abandon us. It was out of his immeasurable love that he sent his only beloved son in the person of Jesus Christ to come and pay the price for our sins. He took the human nature and walked on the earth with men and women. Although he had committed no crime, evil men and women did not spare his life but suffered and nailed him to the cross.

It was in this light that the son of God became a ransom for our wrongs. We must attest that we did nothing to merit his sacrifice for it was done out of pure love. Such a sacrifice is the greatest reflection of love. For he willingly gave up is life so that we might have life through him. On the cross, Jesus Christ conquered death, sin, and all satanic principalities in the high places. He has given us victory over the world and its ruling powers. And for sure, victory in Christ is victory indeed. That’s why Apostle Paul points out the importance and value of the cross. Jesus Christ on resurrecting conquered death and created a pathway to heaven for all those who believe in him. Believing in Christ has to do with welcoming and obeying his teachings.

How world’s perception of the cross today

Today, the world takes the cross as something of fun but we can assure you that there is nothing funny about it. The world mingles with the cross to come up with every kind of jewelry or beauty item. Many people perceive the cross as a beauty object but we can assure you that it is not. Others find pleasure in playing around with the cross in the form of earrings, and chains. Some make large crosses with diamonds thinking that it is a luxuries item to play around with. The sad thing is that nothing in their lives reflect the message of the cross. That’s why we’ll say here that the world has successfully made the cross to look cool with nothing exceptional. But he who has ears should note that there is nothing COOL about all manipulations.

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The cross is full of significance and meaning to the true followers of Christ. Such people carry the cross on daily basis not necessary on their physical bodies but in their hearts where Christ dwell. The cross should be a reflection of the suffering, rejection, hardship, shame, and persecution that Jesus Christ was subjected to for our sake. It should be a christian sign to call us back to the right path than an item of fun and beauty. We should always keep in mind that it was on the cross that Jesus Christ saved mankind. However, this salvation is valid only for those who welcome him as their savior and hold tight to his Holy Teachings. For anyone who loves Jesus Christ is he/she who respects his teachings. The power of the cross lyrics is one of the christian faith building tool worth learning.

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