Prayer Points For Impossible Situations

Prayer Points For Impossible Situations

Below are Anointed Prayer Points For Impossible Situations. Smile and fill your heart with joy and happiness for there is nothing impossible for God to do. Do not let your heart be worried because we are serving a God of impossibilities. Relax because the Almighty is your strength. Unto Him, nothing is impossible. He will hear and answer you just as it is written in the scriptures. Whenever God’s children call on him, he hears and answers them from his heavenly throne.

God did it in the past, he is still doing it today, and he will certainly do it tomorrow. So why are you worrying? Why do you entertain doubt and fear? For sure you’ve heard how he separated the Red Sea and made a path for his children to travel and escape Pharaoh’s army which was in their pursuit. You’ve certainly heard how He miraculously provided manna from heaven in the desert for his children to eat.

As if this was not enough, you’ve heard how he walked the Earth raising the dead, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and freeing the captives. He did what no man had ever done. Through him, the world saw wonders and miracles which were beyond human explanation. Thus, look not on your strength but on God’s. For your strength can fail but God will never fail. Keep your trust in him and you will live to testify the whole of your days. He is who he says he is and he will do what he says he will do.

Whatever the situation at hand, always remember that God has not changed. We can read this from Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Let’s now embrace our topic of prayer points for impossible situations.

Prayer Points For Impossible Situations

Before we proceed, it is worth noting that what the human eye perceives as impossible is possible before the Most High. With the certainty that nothing is impossible for God to do, we can step out in faith and claim our blessings even when others are seeing no signs. It is in this light that we can choose as children of God not to perceive things from the world’s perspective but from God’s. Where the world sees no way, God can create a way.

When everyone has abandoned and lost hope thinking that it is the end, God makes it the beginning. In the midst of poverty, God brings out riches. God restores hope where there is none. In the midst of sickness, God brings healing. Within the land of tears and sadness, God is capable of restoring joy and happiness. He does all these because he is God. Heaven is his throne and the Earth is his footstool.

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It is in this light that we as children of God ought to live by faith and not by sight as recommended by the Holy Scriptures. Without faith, no one can please God. Faith is the confidence or certainty in God’s yet unfulfilled promises. You can as well read the following articles to Boost, Grow, and Mature your Faith for greater purposes:

Biblical support on God’s sovereign power to render possible the impossible

Knowing what the Bible says concerning God’s ability to render the impossible possible will fortify your prayer points for impossible situations. It will give you hope and your hope will be materialized through your faith in God’s power. Let’s start by reading from Mark 10:27 – “Jesus looked straight at them and answered, “This is impossible for human beings, but not for God; everything is possible for God.

By further reading from Genesis 18:14, we are also told that there is nothing impossible for God to do. He is capable. All we need is faith and that’s why Jesus Christ said that anyone with faith as big as a small mustard seed can move mountains and displace oceans. Do not doubt God, rather doubt your doubt because God never fails, unlike men. Below are the prayer points for impossible situations. You can as well learn how praying in tongues can render the impossible possible in your life through the power of God.

Section 1

Speak out to your heavenly father with certainty that he is hearing and has already answered your prayers.

  • King of Heaven and Earth, may you locate me in your mercy and favor.
  • Lord God, I cleanse my heart with the blood of Jesus Christ and remove every through, image, or sin that is blocking the answers to my prayers.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ, I reject every spirit of fear, doubt, and discouragement.
  • Through the authority in the name of Jesus Christ, I release the angels of the lord to pull away every stone hindering my breakthrough.
  • Father, may you grant my heart desires in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
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Section 2

Rejoice for we are serving a God to whom everything is possible.

  • In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I render possible every impossible situation in my life for the glory of God.
  • Lord Jesus Christ, do not pass me by without changing my situation for the best.
  • Father, may you answer every plan of the devil in my life by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Lord God, I thank you because you are my protector.
  • Father, may your holy name be praised for all times because you are my provider.

Section 3

Note that God will not leave you without changing your situation.

  • I receive my breakthrough in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • God is aware of my situation and will not leave me without blessing and favoring me.
  • Father, may you give me the strength to overcome all satanic attacks and temptations in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • I cancel every plan of the devil against all that surrounds me in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Divine healing is my portion through Christ.

Section 4

God’s grace is sufficient to do his will.

  • Heavenly Father, may you equip me for the mission ahead in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Lord God, may I live to accomplish my divine purpose of creation in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Father, may you always keep me humble in your service.
  • Lord God, may you bless me with wisdom and knowledge to do your will.
  • Father, I choose but your will to be done in my life.
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