Bible Scriptures On Fasting

Bible Scriptures On Fasting

Bible Scriptures On Fasting

We hereby write to present the best Bible Scriptures On Fasting that will guide all those who want to experience God at a higher spiritual dimension. There is power in fasting to obtain what you’ve been asking from God and having no answer. Fasting is the key to walking in higher spiritual dimensions. It is a spiritual activity which moves the hand of God into action. What men perceive as impossible can be rendered possible through the power of fasting. For sure you’ve read the scripture that says there is nothing impossible for God to do. You simply have to move God’s heart about your situation and a change will instantly manifest for his glory. Chances are high that you are asking yourself how to move God’s heart about your situation? This can be done through fasting.

Fasting is presented in the Old Testament and New Testament as the religious act of abstaining from Food, Drinks, and other Bodily Desires. It is a way of showing God that you value him more than your own body. After a genuine fast which was led by the Holy Spirit, you can be sure that God has heard you and will certainly respond to your heart desires. Most of those who fasted in the Bible had their eyes opened to new truths and hidden things about the kingdom of God. Fasting takes you to a greater spiritual level where you operate under the power of the Holy Ghost. It creates a more intimate relationship with God and calls down his favor to a persons life. The topic on fasting is one which must be taken serious in the modern church. Let’s now present the main Bible Scriptures On Fasting.

Top Bible Scriptures On Fasting

The Importance of Fasting

Joel 2:12 – For Repentance

This is one of the best Bible scriptures on fasting that is worth remembering for all times. We hear God saying that anyone who realizes his mistakes in the mode of repentance and turns to him wholeheartedly in mourning, weeping and fasting, his sins will be forgiven. And for sure, all of us need repentance. The scriptures say that we’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. That’s why we should perceive fasting as a christian duty of repentance. We should always repent with the intentions of not moving back to commit the very sins. That’s why in repentance, we should always ask God to strengthen us to overcome sin. We wrong God in many ways due to our sinful natures. We must always ask God to have mercy on us for our shortcomings. One of the ways to do this is by fasting as revealed in Joel 2:12.

Matthew 17:14-21 – For Spiritual Growth

Genuine fasting led by the Holy Spirit has the ability to cloth God’s servants with heavenly power. It empowers followers of Christ with the necessary authority to overcome higher spiritual attacks from the Devil. These sayings are supported by Matthew 17:14-21. When Jesus was physically present on Earth, he left the Apostles on their own for a while. During the period he was absent from their midst, a demon possess man was brought for deliverance. This man had been suffering from heavy satanic attacks. The Apostles tried to drive the demon without success. It happened that Jesus Came and assisted them and when they were in private, they asked why they could not drive the spirit. Jesus told them that the spiritual level needed for such a deliverance session can only be attained through prayer and fasting. Hence, we can say that fasting creates room for higher spiritual levels.

Luke 2:1-37 – For Worship

Fasting can be a pretty nice way to show your love for God. In other words, it is an act through which you are telling God that you value him more than your own body. That’s why it is referred to as an act of self-denial. Through it, you subject your physical body to God’s Holy Will. A story in the same sense can be read from Luke 2:1-37. The story is about an 84 years old prophetess by name Anna. She consecrated her whole life in God’s holy presence and would not leave the Temple. It is said that she stayed in the temple day and night worshiping God through prayer and fasting. God was greatly pleased with her.

Jonah 3:10 – For God’s Mercy and Favor

This is one of the Bible Scriptures On Fasting that reveals what it takes to obtain God’s mercy and favor after sinning. God sent Prophet Jonah to pass judgement on the people of Nineveh for their sins and inform them of the horror that awaited them in a nearby future as punishment. When the king heard of the punishment due to God’s anger about their sinful deeds, he reacted immediately. The scriptures say that he took off his crown and royal robes to put on sackcloth. He later sat on dust while throwing some on himself and calling on all his subjects and living creatures in his city to join in mourning to obtain God’s mercy. When the day of punishment came, God realized that they had turned away from their sins and were in tears for mercy. He choose not to punishment them.

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Acts 14:23 – For God’s Wisdom

Acts 14:23 is one of the Bible scriptures on fasting for God’s wisdom. We are told how Paul and Barnabas fasted and prayed for the leaders before anointing them into God’s service. In this light, we ought to pray and fast for God’s Wisdom before taking any major decision in our lives. The scriptures make us to understand that God is the author of wisdom. And for sure, he is more than willing to bless you with the wisdom you need to be successful in life. You simply need to come into his presence and you”ll be filled with the ability to take right decisions in life which won’t keep you in later regrets.

Matthew 4:1-17 – For Ministerial Preparation

Reading from Ephesians 4:11, we are told that Jesus Christ calls some to be Apostles, some to be Prophets, others to be Evangelists, others to be Pastors and some to be Teachers. These are christian ministries in the body of Christ. And unto my knowledge, it is not written somewhere that succeeding in them is that easy. Jesus himself being the head of the ministries had to pass through a period of preparation for the task at hand. When it was time to start his mandate, he retreated to the wilderness and fastest for 40 days and night without food nor water. The scriptures say that he was administered to by angels who prepared him for his God given task. The ministerial preparation period is one which cloths a person with power and knowledge from above for God’s service. This period is determined by God who leads the person concerned.

Ezra 8:21-23 – For Deliverance and Divine Protection

This is one of the Bible Scriptures on fasting which reveals how Ezra declared a corporate fasting among the people for a safe journey. They had 900-miles-trek to make from Babylon to Jerusalem. This was a very long journey which was to expose them to all sorts of dangers on their way home. But because of their faith in God as a Divine Protector, they decided to fast and pray for his favor. God heard and accompanied them safely just as he did when their ancestors were crossing the Red Sea. This is to tell us that fasting and prayers can call upon God’s protection in our lives. We simply need to makeup our minds and turn to him. God never fails and we can be sure that with favor from him, we’ll be protected in all that we do.

Judges 20:26 – For Divine Victory

Judges 20:26 is one of the powerful Bible Scriptures On Fasting that brings hope to the hopeless. We learn that in the period of two days at war, Israel had lost 40,000 men. This left the whole country in tears, sorrow, and the type of sadness that affected even their bones. It was then that they decided to move up to Bethel with sorrowful and bitter tears to sit before the Lord. The Lord did not turn his back on them when he noticed their sincere repentance and sorrow. He decided the next day to give them divine victory despite their little number due to the previous massive killings. As Christians, we are victorious through Christ. Victory is our bread. We simply have to honor God and he will fight all our battles.

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Nehemiah 1:1-4 – For Grief Expression

The scriptures say that when Nehemiah learned that the walls of Jerusalem had been broken down thereby living the children of Israel vulnerable, he was deeply troubled. He mourned, fasted and prayed asking God’s intervention concerning this great disgrace which they were facing. In his sadness and sorrow, he found a reason to fast the more so as to express his grief. We can as well apply this practice to our daily lives. Instead of lamenting as little children, we ought to fast when things are out of control. And just as God answered the prayer of Nehemiah by restoring Israel’s honor, he will answer ours.

3 main reasons why people do no fast

Although both the Old Testament and New Testament are pointing to the importance of fasting, many people are not welcoming the practice. Those who haven’t yet welcomed the idea of regularly fasting do so for a good number of reasons. But we’ll just point out the three main reasons which are preventing many people from carrying out this christian duty.


A larger segment of Christians today do not fast not because they are ignorant but because they are rebellious. They know well fully that fasting is a Christian duty which establishes a more intimate relationship with God yet they decide to ignore it. Some people find unfounded excuses not to fast at all. Many have been moved by the Spirit of God to fast but instead f yielding, they fastened their feet to the ground and refuse to move.


Although fear sounds strange, it is one of the greatest factors that keeps people from fasting. You might be asking yourself how fear is related to fasting? It is very simple. Many are afraid to start a fast and not complete it. Others are simply afraid of the unknown while others are afraid of going without food. For some, just the idea of fasting literally paralyzes them. However, we must note here that such feelings are not from God. Satan is the one responsible for inserting fear in our hearts when we want to do what God requires. It is left for us to overcome this fear and please our heavenly father.


It is sad to say but the truth is that many Christians have not been instructed on the importance of fasting. In most christian churches today, entire sermons are hardly made on the importance of fasting and how to go about. Whatever the case, we are called upon to assist one another in the christian faith. That is why it is the responsibility of every knowledgeable christian to share what he/she knows with those that are ignorant. However, we should remember that ignorance is not always a valid excuse for not doing what is right. It is our obligation to learn what we need to know in the christian faith.

Brief self denial benefits learned from Bible scriptures on fasting

  • Fasting establishes a close relationship between you and God
  • Self denial is an act of love and sacrifice made for God
  • Fasting is an act of submission before God
  • Self denial subjects the bodily desires to those of God
  • The practice of fasting is a christian duty
  • Fasting opens doors for supernatural experiences
  • The act of fasting when joined with prayers elevates our spiritual level
  • Fasting makes us more sensible to hearing God’s voice
  • Self denial equips us with what we need to overcome the Devil
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This brings us to the end of our writing about Bible Scriptures on fasting. We must note here that prolonged fasting and prayer which has been the key to major supernatural encounters with Biblical figures was God directed. Biblical figures like Moses and Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days and nights without food nor water. Such men were given the special grace to carry out prolonged fasting. And that is why they came out safe and sound. Fasting in general should be led by God’s spirit and not our human selfish desires. You should not fast because you want to beat someone’s record or because you see people fasting. Go as God directs you.

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