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Prophetic today

prophetic today

Learn everything that you need to know about the prophetic today. Get to know how you can activate, grow, and operate in this powerful spiritual gift from God. There are many gifts from the Holy Spirit but that to prophesy or speak forth the mind of God for encouragement, exhortation, and comfort is an outstanding one (1 Corinthians 14:3). Perhaps you were not aware but the New Testament Prophetic gift is not only about revealing future events or displaying past events with a greater understanding. It also has to do with boldly witnessing the teachings of Jesus Christ with power. In order words, it has to do with teaching the gospel with the evident miraculous and wonder working power of the Holy Spirit.

Apostle Paul encourages us in 1 Corinthians 14:1 that we should strive for love and set our hearts on obtaining spiritual gifts especially the Gift of Prophecy or speaking God’s message. This is because this gift greatly benefits the whole of Christ’s Holy Church. If we should earnestly seek to speak God’s message with all our hearts, He will eventually fill our mouths with what to say whenever need arises. You can be certain that God is still saying something. He wants to fill you with encouraging words for our fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. The lord wants to use you and manifest His presence in the midst of His people.

Prophetic today in the modern Church

It is certain that the prophetic today is not a gift which is welcomed by all Churches talk less of individuals. Many reject it because of its complex nature to understand and operate within. While others suppress it because of the past errors or mistakes that they had encountered in trying to operate in it. Many as well have misused it and led to undesired consequences. On the other hand, many are claiming to be prophetic whereas they are not. Many obtain Satanic powers and appear to be Holy fro the outside in order to derail the faiths of many with their abilities to tell the future as well as past events.

In short, there are many false prophets out there just as Jesus Christ had foretold thereby calling on us to be careful. Due to this, many Churches have completely rejected this office in the body of Christ. But is this the right thing to do? Jesus Christ had warned us to be careful and not to reject or suppress any of the gifts from the Holy Spirit. These gifts are meant to fortify and strengthen us for the Christian service of working in God’s vine yard. However, the prophetic today is taking a different dimension of growth, fire, and might in the lives those who have welcomed and not suppressed it.

Prophets today

Prophets today are there in our midst proclaiming God’ message on daily basis. It won’t make sense for us to get deep into the prophetic without first making it clear that there are Prophets today in our midst. Many have been misled to believe that there are no more prophets these days. If you are doubting, check your Bible and you’ll find out about the New Testament prophetic lineage which started with early prophets like Agabus, Judas, and Silas who came after the death of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist.

We can read about them from Acts 11:27-28 – “About that time some prophets went from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them, named Agabus, stood up and by the Power of the Holy Spirit predicated that a severe famine was about to come over all the Earth. (It came when Claudius was Emperor)” Acts 21:10 – “We had been there for several days when a prophet named Agabus arrived from Judea” And Acts 15:32 – “Judas and Silas who were themselves prophets, spoke a long time with them, giving them courage and strength” This clearly make us to know that John the Baptist was not the last prophet.

Different types of prophetic operations and callings

We cannot understand the prophetic today without first learning the different types prophetic operations and callings. The Bible tells us that there are different gifts and callings (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Each of these is freely given by the Holy Spirit for the good of the Church and society in general. In addition, these gifts are also given to better prepare us for our christian duty as we work in the Lord’s vine yard.

We’ll backup our subsequent points and views with the following Biblical passages and verses. 1 Corinthians 12:28-30 – “In the Church, God has put all in place: in the first place Apostles, in the second place Prophets, and in the third place Teachers; then those who perform Miracles, followed by those who are given the Power to Heal or Speak in Strange Tongues. They are not all Apostles or Prophets or Teachers. Not everyone has the power to work miracles.” Eph 4:11-13 – “It was he who “gave gifts”; He appointed some to be Apostles, others to b Prophets, others to be Evangelists, others to be Pastors and Teachers. He did this to prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian service.” 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 – “Do not restrain the Holy Spirit; do not despise inspired messages. Put all things to the test: keep what is good and avoid every kind of evil.”

Generalities on prophetic operations and callings

The Gift of prophecy includes different types of prophetic callings. It is worth noting here that not everyone who prophesies is called to operate in the ministerial office of the prophet. A prophet is one who comes with a prenatal calling from God. It’s a grace from God which does not depend on the actions or efforts of the person being called or chosen. That’s why you cannot work your way to the prophetic ministry. It’s not something that you earn due to human effort. Such a calling is generally recognized by the elders in the Church.

It is worth noting here that the calling to operate in the prophetic office is not something automatic. That’s why the individual will have to learn how to go about and efficiently grow in this gift. We must also add here that the gift on its own is not all that is needed to operate in the prophetic office. And that’s why a person can be called yet he/she is unable to fully operate or walk in this governmental office in the body of Christ due to issues of poor character, unfaithfulness although they might be able to prophesy accurately.

Spirit of prophecy

The spirit of prophecy has greatly influenced the prophetic today. You might be asking yourself what’s the spirit of prophecy? It has to do with the release of a temporal prophetic unction in a particular area or gathering of people who are worshiping or praising God for His Holiness, Goodness, and Might. This was what happened with Saul’s soldiers who met with the company of prophets praising God in the desert. The atmosphere was filled with the prophetic unction that not just the prophets prophesied but even the soldiers were moved by the spirit of God to speak forth His mind.

Here, even people who have never prophesied can prophesy. But in most cases, this is usually temporal. Excerpt that the individual later grows his/her spiritual level through God’s teachings. In most cases, mature Christians can easily be overtaken by the spirit of prophecy. By overtaking here, we do not mean that the person won’t be able to control him/herself. For Apostle Peter said that the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet. We rather mean that the individual will have an urge to speak out words of encouragements, exhortation, and comfort just as mentioned by Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:3. This also applies for someone who is working in the prophetic ministry. At some point in time, they’ll be more yielding to hearing the Holy Spirit because of the prophetic atmosphere in which they work.

The Gift of Prophecy

In most cases, the Gift of Prophecy develops in the person who took the spirit of prophesy serious. In order words, he/she prayed and requested for it from God. And they remained under the light of God’s righteousness through Jesus Christ as they grew the more in their spiritual lives. The Gift of prophecy is seen to manifest more in the lives of those who regularly practice and grow in the spirit of prophecy.

Whatever the case, we must add here that your character takes your gift to a higher level.That’s why you’ll have to remain humble before God and men. Respect your spiritual leaders who are helping you on how to grow in this spiritual gift. Pay attention to their corrections and learn to welcome their points of views too. Always remember that the words of the New Testament Prophets must be tested just as recommended by Apostle Paul. That’s why it’s advisable to bring forth the inspired messages before your church elders for analysis.

Ministerial office of the Prophet

The ministerial office of the prophet is a unique and special gift which comes before you are even born into this world. It is an unmerited favor from God on your life. God chooses people and blesses them with this gift so that they can fully witness the gospel of Jesus Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit. Such people are the gifts to other men. It generally requires an anointing to operate in this gift. Being the last prophetic level, it takes many years of preparation and equipment before God can fully release you into this ministry.

When God calls you, He will definitely prepare ou for all the obstacles and challenges that lay ahead of you before your release else it’ll be a dangerous mission for you. That’s why you should not find it strange that you’ve been waiting for over years but nothing is happening. God’s time is generally the best and He knows why He hasn’t released you yet. Those around you generally confirm this call in your life from the manifestations of God through you.

Those in this level are called to serve and lay their lives for Jesus Christ and the Gospel. Prophets generally work together with the other ministers in the Body of Christ for better achievements. Prophets are called to serve within and out of the Church. They can run ministries which are usually accompanied by the mighty power of God through Deliverance, Healing, and many wonders.

Developing and operating in the prophetic today

The chief key into the prophetic is love. Nothing defines God best as love. God is love. And loving God means loving his people. It means having God’s heart for the people. A bitter and offended heart cannot operate in the prophetic today. God will definitely reveal things which have never been heard nor seen to those who have dedicated their lives in loving him.

You’ll obviously gain much in the prophetic by spending time with those who are more than you in this spiritual gift. In other words, we’ll say that the environment in which you regularly spend time has a lot to play in your spiritual growth. It is without doubt that a medical school is more likely to produce a medical doctor same as a university is more likely to produce a university graduate. Environments play a lot in who and what you become. Hence, always choose wise.

You’ll certainly grow in the prophetic if you remain faithful to God and regularly get soaked with His written word in the Bible. The Bible says that the truth revealed by Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy (Revelation 19:10). So if you are serious about growing in the prophetic you must get drunk with this revealed truth and for sure, it will start flowing from you at will under the directives of the Holy Spirit. Just as we previously mentioned, you must be patient enough to wait on God’s time because it is definitely the best. Do not be discouraged, rather find it as a reason to pray the more and fast the more. Be ready to carry your cross at any moment and follow Jesus Christ wherever he leads you to.

Prophets today real or false

prophets today real or false

Are prophets today real or false? This is one of the main questions being asked by Christians everyday. However, the complex nature of this question makes it suppressed by many Church leaders. This very question has brought lots of controversial teachings and beliefs in the modern Church. While some spiritual leaders believe that the gift of prophecy which leads to the office of the New Testament is available in some chosen people, others completely reject the idea. Some people do not even want to mention it in the Church while others prefer to take a neutral point. Perhaps it is because of the misunderstandings and mistakes which have been made in the modern day’s Church in the name of prophecies or simply because some people judge it right to reject the Biblical prophetic office and teach their own laws.

Whatever the case, is it sufficient for us to just sit back home on our comfort chairs and reject the Gift of prophecy because of our personal convictions. We must not abandon the teachings of God to teach those of men. It’s not about us but about God. So are Prophets today real or false? To bring elements of answers to this question, we cannot do so without referring to the Bible which is our chief tool in winning the Christian race. Should you just believe a friend, spiritual leader, or family member who says that Prophets today are no more? Believing without testing and finding out the veracity of this statement from the Bible is actually putting your salvation at risk as we can read from 1 John 4: 1-6. So let’s find out what the Bible says about this matter.

Do Prophets still exist?

We can not talk of the authenticity of prophets today if you do not even know if Prophets still exist or not. You certainly have some answer clues to this question somewhere deep in your heart. Might be you’ve left your thoughts to be influenced by friends, family members, and even spiritual leaders who say that prophets today are no more. Hence, pushing you to believe that every New Testament Prophet or the Prophets of our days are all false. But before you believed their words, did you even bother to find out what the Bible says about this very matter. Believing Spiritual teachings without verifying their veracity from the Bible is actually putting your salvation at risk. You’ve got to find out what the Bible says and also pray that God may lead you through His Spirit into All Truths just as Jesus Christ promised in John 14:17.

The Bible says that Prophets are there in our midst speaking the message of God, yet we are too stubborn to listen. Led us read from 1 Corinthians 12:28 – “In the Church, God has put all in place: in the first place Apostles, in the second place Prophets, and in the third place Teachers; then those who perform miracles, followed by those who are given the power to heal or to help others or to direct them or to speak in strange tongues.” This is a clear setting of the Church which was founded by the Apostles as narrated and written by Apostle Paul. Who then are we to upset God’s house? Could it be that we are much better than the immediate Apostles of Jesus Christ who bought about this revelation from God. If we are not then why the question “are prophets today real or false?”

The Spirit of prophecy is for all times

Why do we abandon God’s true teaches to teach those of men? God is the one who puts His servants in place and not us. He chooses who becomes an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist and Pastor. Else you’ll be telling me that the Church setting above does not apply for today’s Christians. And that’s not the Case. The Bible is very clear on these things. We should stop relying on others to study the Bible on our behalves. Salvation is personal. Your spiritual leader will not answer your sins on the last day. He’ll answer for his while you answer for yours. If you are ignorant of God’s teachings, be ready to perish or you step out and seek to know what God wants. However, knowing what God wants is not sufficient, you’ll have to practice it as well.

Thus, are prophets today real or false? We’ll pour more light on this by saying that the Spirit of Prophecy is for all times. So what do we mean when we say that the Spirit of prophecy will last for all times? Let’s open our Bibles to Revelation 19:10 where we are told that the Testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of testimony. In order words, the revealed truth of Jesus Christ is what inspires the New Testament prophets as it keeps them busy in God’s vine yard till the next coming of Jesus Christ. So what can we say about that verse? That we’ll always have the spirit of prophecy with us till the next coming of Jesus Christ. Hence, saying that there are no more prophets these days is same as saying that the testimony of Jesus Christ is no more in our days. That’s why in our discussion of prophets today real or false, we’ll say that the spirit of prophecy is still in our midst.

What makes us believe that prophets still exist

Whatever we are saying or doing, we should always get our roots from the Bible. So let’s find out why New Testament Prophets still exist. This will bring light in the hearts of those who believe that John the Baptist was the last prophet. Is the Bible in agreement with this belief? I don’t think so because the Bible gives us a list of New Testament Prophets and their spiritual accomplishments in the Body of Christ for the glory of God the Father.

Let’s open our Bibles to Acts 11:27-28 – About that time some prophets went from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them, named Agabus, stood up and by the power of the Holy Spirit predicted that a severe famine was about to come over all the earth. (It came when Claudius was emperor.)”, Acts 21:10 – “We had been there for several days when a prophet named Agabus arrived from Judea” and Act 15:32 – “Judas and Silas who were themselves prophets, spoke a long time with them, giving them courage and strength.”

The above verses in the Bible are clearly revealing New Testament Prophets who came many years after the death of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist. Hence, John the Baptist was not the last prophet. Others might argue that the gift of prophecy was enabled just for the foundation of the church by the immediate Apostles of Jesus Christ. A view point which turns to be very wrong and error inducing. When we read from Ephesians 4:11, we are told that when Jesus Christ rose up from death, he shared gifts to the rest of mankind including you and me. These gifts among which is that of prophecy are given by the Holy Spirit. Thus, denying this gift is denying the presence of the Holy Ghost in or midst just as Jesus Christ had Promised to send. That’s why we could not omit this point in answering the question “are prophets today real or false?”

Are prophets today real or false

We’ve already proven the existence of prophets in the modern Church. In other words, we still have New Testament Prophets in our midst. Now that we know that prophets still exist these days, let’s focus on bringing elements of answers to the question “are prophets today real or fake?” We cannot easily say that they are all real neither are they all fake. Before the departure of Jesus Christ and all his immediate Apostles, they did not say that all prophets who will later come should be considered fake. Rather, they called on us to be careful because many false prophets will arise in the name of God to turn us from the real faith (Matthew 24:24).

False prophets can only come because true prophets are in existence. They appear to fight the good deeds of the true prophets in preparing the people of Christ for the last day. That’s why Apostle Paul called on the anointed to careful look after the flock which the Holy Spirit has made them overseers. (Acts 20:28-30). This clearly tells us that every called and anointed servant of God is given a number of people to cater and lead towards God. This is the case of today’s Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and teachers of the Gospel.

How to Know a false prophet?

Figuring out a false prophet is not that easy. Yet we are advised by Jesus Christ not to be quick in calling people false prophets or attributing their actions to Satan. It could be that they come from God and are using the power of the Holy Spirit to carry out miracles and wonders as signs that accompanying true believers in preaching the gospel (Mark 16:15-17). And if we hurriedly speak against them, we’ll be speaking against the Holy Spirit and as well being guilty of blasphemy. Our master, Jesus Christ says in Mark 3:28-30 that anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. This also applies to those who attribute the works of the Holy Spirit to Satan.

That’s why we are advises by several authors of the written Biblical books to be slow in speaking. You can’t just wake up and see some one doing miracles and you start saying that he/she is false. By saying these things, you are putting your salvation at risk. What if they are not false, you’ll be guilty of speaking against the Holy Spirit. It will only show you how ignorant you are about the God you think you are serving. In short, it will be that you do not even know the God that you are serving. That’s why the first step in knowing whether a prophet is false or real is to start by deeply studying and understanding the Bible. You’ll also need to call on the Holy Spirit to be your guide in this process. The Holy Spirit can better answer your question of “are prophets today real or false?”

Biblical passage on how to know a false prophet

If you are among those who have been asking the question “are prophets today real or false?” We’ll invite you to open your Bible to 1 John 4:1-6 “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world“. The Bible does not tell us that Prophets today are no more rather it calls on us to test the wordings, actions, and teachings of everyone who claims to be Prophet. So how do we test? The true test here is one which is based on Biblical Knowledge and the help of the Holy Spirit.

That’s why we started bringing answers to the question “are prophets today real or false” by inviting you to carefully study your Bible while depending on the Holy Spirit to help you understand as God intended it to be understood. Once you are equipped with the teaching of Jesus Christ, you’ll definitely be verse with His voice just as the scriptures say that “my sheep no my voice”. This is the only way to identify the voice of Jesus Christ through a prophet today. Hearing His voice through a prophet makes him real. If you can’t hear the voice of Jesus Christ or see his actions in a prophet, then he is fake. Whatever the case, always avoid blackmailing and persecuting men of God base on what you heard someone say. This will prevent you from error because the Bible did not ask you to rely on friends and spiritual leaders to test on your behalf.

Ways to detect a modern false prophet

We are still in the same line of bringing light on the question regularly asked “are prophets today real or false?” Let’s show you a few number of ways through which you can easily detect a false prophet and their teachings. Detecting them in time will save you from the risk of going to hell.

False prophets focus on preaching the gospel of prosperity

I’m not against prosperity because God asked man to leave the garden where he had everything for a life of hard work. And it is certain that if you work hard, you’ll definitely become rich and wealthy. The problem here arises when you begin to see yourself as a “small god”. In other words, it is wrong or sinful to offer a higher place in your heart for wealth and property than that offered to God. If you work God will definitely bless you. But you must always keep your blessings below Him and at His feet. Today, lots of false prophets have abandoned the teachings of salvation which were left by Jesus Christ to teach theirs.

They’ve made many people to believe that being a Christian implies that you won’t encounter any suffering or hardship in life. But is this true? No, for Jesus Christ said “a servant can not be greater than his master”. Himself suffered and was rejected in this world. we ought to carry our crosses and follow his foot steps without complaining. In everything or situation, let’s always give thanks to God. Work hard to make it in life but always put God first in everything that you do.

False prophets do not point out sin in the Church

We must say here that the primary role of a true prophet is to call the people back to the Christian faith. A true prophet won’t cover the sins of the people in order to win a crowd of Church members. He or she will prefer to speak the truth and better remain with the few that are willing to follow God. Hence, you should be very careful with prophets who are not out to help men and women to abandon their evil ways and follow God. This is one of the best ways to get answers to the question on prophets today real or false.

False prophets bring teachings different from those of Jesus Christ

Real prophets from God work towards propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of the world in order to bring salvation. The false prophets are more into bringing strange teachings and twisting those of Jesus Christ to suit their evil nature. They are more into causing confusion and leading people astray with unsound doctrines. That’s why you must know the voice of Jesus Christ as a christian by reading your Bible at all times.

This brings us to the end of our writing on answering the question “are prophets today real or false?” You can learn more by reading our article on Prophets today.

Prophets today

prophets today

Have you been wondering what have become of prophets today? Are you wondering if prophets still exist? Do not panic about this matter. We’ll guide you through our writings to better understand what the Bible says about today’s prophets. This is one of the most complex subject matters in the modern Church. In short, a lot of Churches always avoid bringing it on table for discussion. Perhaps this is because it is one of the most complex office in the body of Christ. It is without doubt that many people have abused this powerful office. But is it sufficient for us to eliminate it as most churches have done? I don’t think so because it is there for a powerful purpose when it comes to building the managing the Body of Christ.

Are Prophets today real or false? You can be certain to always have spiritual leaders, friends, and family members who will tell you that prophets today are no more. And that everyone speaking as a prophet is false. This reminds me of Jesus’s words when he said “they are neither going to heaven nor allowing others to go there”. This is to say that you’ll always have people who are not living the truth because they do not know it neither do they want to know it. And for sure, they’ll strive to convince you to follow them. They’ve told you that modern day prophets do not exist. So what next? Are you going to blind-fully follow them or open your Bible to seek God’s opinion about this matter.

Prophets today in the modern Church

Many Christians in the modern Church have been misled by their spiritual leaders concerning the prophetic office. Might be they’ve successfully convinced you that prophets these todays are no more. In order words, they’ve pushed you into believing that everyone who claims to be a modern day prophet is fake. Whatever the case, we are not trying to argue with them. For everyone is able to achieve in the body of Christ only what he/she has first believed in their heart (2 Corinthians 4:13). You might be asking yourself what we mean by this saying? We are simply saying here that Jesus Christ is who you take him to be in your life.

That is, if you believe that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He’ll obviously do in your life all the things promised in the Bible (Hebrews 13:8). If you take Him for a healer, He will heal you. If you take Him for a savoir, He will save you. Those who take Him for one who had stopped performing wonders and miracles, He won’t perform any in their lives. So what’s the message we are trying to pass here? It’s very clear and simple; faith. Without faith we cannot please God. And you can only receive from God according to your proportion of faith or ability to believe in Him. Many spiritual leaders say that there are no prophets these today because they do not believe in the mighty working power of God.

Was John the Baptist the last prophet?

In my Christian journey, I’ve heard many spiritual leaders say that John the Baptist was the last prophet. They use this saying to convince their followers that prophets today are all fake. As followers of Jesus Christ, the Bible is our chief tool in winning the Christian race. There is no spiritual leader on Earth, Heaven, or below the Earth who will say the contrary. The teachings of Jesus Christ which represent everlasting life are found in the Bible. That’s why we should fully depend on our Bibles and the inspirations of the Holy Spirit rather than inclining towards men who call themselves spiritual leaders.

Are we trying to say here that you are not to respect your spiritual leaders? No, this is not our message. Spiritual leaders have always had their place in the midst of God’s children since creation. That’s why we must respect them just as they are called upon to respect all the teachings of Jesus Christ. But the moment they live the Holy Gospel to teach their own doctrines or those of men, I don’t think they are still considered our guides. Jesus Christ is the one and only True teacher. Hence, everyone who claims to be a spiritual leader must teach only what he heard Jesus and his immediate Apostles in the Bible teach.

Biblical proof that John the Baptist was not the last prophet

Coming back on the saying that John the Baptist was the last prophet and that all prophets today are fake, let’s find out what the Bible says. The Bible clearly denies this saying through the following verses.
Acts 11:27-28 – About that time some prophets went from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them, named Agabus, stood up and by the power of the Holy Spirit predicted that a severe famine was about to come over all the earth. (It came when Claudius was emperor.)”, Acts 21:10 – “We had been there for several days when a prophet named Agabus arrived from Judea” and Act 15:32 – “Judas and Silas who were themselves prophets, spoke a long time with them, giving them courage and strength.”

All the prophets mentioned above are New Testament prophets who came after the death of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. It is without doubt that Jesus Christ upon sending the Holy Spirit on Earth eventually shared Prophetic powers to those whom he has chosen to contribute in preparing his people for the last day. The above passages in the Bible are sufficient enough to proof the fact that John the Baptist was not the last prophet. And that many more came after him for the sake of the gospel being preached by Jesus Christ.

Did the gift of prophecy end after the foundation of the Church

Many spiritual leaders and folks turn to say that the gift of prophecy ended immediately after the foundation of the Church by the 12 Apostles. In short, they say that this gift was sent and available only during the times of the 12 Apostles for the spreading of he gospel of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Church. Truly speaking, this really sounds suspicious and incomplete. Just as we said, it is not our role to judge what has been said neither argue with those who have said it. We are rather struggling to point out what the Bible is saying. And that’s what we’ll do at this point which is obviously the duty of every Christian. We out to test every teaching through those of Christ in order to remain on the safe side of wining the Christian race (1 Thessalonians 5:20).

Biblical Support

When we read from Revelations 19:10, we are made to know that the revealed truth by Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy. In other words, we’ll say that the testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of prophecy. Hence, saying that the spirit of prophecy is no longer dwelling in the modern Church implies that the testimony of Jesus Christ is not in the modern Church. Yes, you heard me right. If we should base ourselves on that scripture, it’s very obvious to say that a Church that lack the spirit of prophecy is one that lacks the revealed truth of Jesus Christ.

Still in the same spirit of pouring more light on the existence of prophets today, let’s read from 1 Corinthians 12:28 – “In the Church, God has put all in place: in the first place Apostles, in the second place Prophets, and in the third place Teachers; then those who perform miracles, followed by those who are given the power to heal or to hep others or to direct them or to speak in strange tongues.” If we are truly the Church which was established by the Apostles, why then do we suppress, neglect, or reject the above Church setting which was given to Apostle Paul by God.

Could it be that we’ve become more better and important that the early Apostles? I guess not. In 1 Corinthians 14:26, Apostle Paul encourages us to ask and share inspired messages in Church. But today, we prefer to suppress the power of the Holy Spirit and do as it pleases us. May God have mercy on us for abandoning His teachings to teach and follow those of men. For additional information, read our article on the Gift of Prophecy.

Difference between Old and New Testament Prophets

Until we clearly get the difference between Old and New Testament prophets, we’ll continuously have a tendency of saying that prophets today are no more. For many people, it is their first time to hear that there is a difference between the Old and the New Testament prophets. This difference is not from our imaginations, you can clearly read and figure it out from your Bible. The Old Testament Prophets where more of people whom God dictated his laws and teachings through. But the New Testament prophets are more of people who testify the revealed truth of Jesus Christ using the mighty Power of the Holy Spirit (Revelations 19:10).

That’s why you’ll realize that the Old Testament Prophets use to give out their message with a beginning like “Thus, says the Lord your God……….” They were more of people who were chosen and ordained by God to speak out His authoritative message through an authoritative voice. That’s why their message was registered and preserved as Holy teachings in the Synagogues. On the other hand, New Testament Prophets have already received the authoritative message of God that brings eternal life through Jesus Christ. Hence, they can only proclaim or testify it with the evidence of power from the Holy Spirit through miracles and wonders just as Jesus Christ had promised (Mark 16).

The Holy Spirit and New Testament Prophets

We must also add here that the New Testament prophets are moved as the Holy Spirit leads them. They are highly sensitive to God’s inspired messages through the Holy Spirit. That’s why Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:26 and 1 Thessalonians 5:20 that we should not suppress or despise inspired messages from the Holy Spirit. That’s why prophets today are able to receive God’s mind or Godly messages through the Holy Spirit for a Church member or members, the whole Church, a City or Nation. There is no boundary, it depends on God to let His heart known by His servants.

The Prophetic Office in the modern Church

Prophets today are in our midst speaking God’s message, but we are too stubborn and stone-hearten to hear them. We are more interested in finding out their mistakes to shout at the top of our voices. Many are more interested in persecuting and blackmailing them. We prefer to condemn these men and women from God without first listening and testing their teachings with our reference being Jesus’s teachings. Instead of reading our Bibles and knowing the truth, we depend on others who will tel us that don’t go to that man or woman of God, they are fake. The Scripture s say that we should test every teach before concluding that it comes from God or not.

Let’s open our Bibles to Ephesians 4:11-12 -“It was he who “gave gifts”; He Appointed some Apostles, others to be Prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors, and teachers. He did this to prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ.” The whole chapter makes it clear that Jesus Christ upon raising up from death shared gifts to the rest of mankind including you and me.

These gifts were shared in order for those who have been saved through him to lead the unsaved to salvation as well. They were shared in order to equip God’s people for the Christian service till the next coming of Jesus Christ. Rejecting these gifts is another way of saying that the Christian service is over. And unto my knowledge, it is not yet over. It shall be over when Jesus Christ shall come for the second time. Hence, the prophetic office still has its place in the church today. For additional information, read our article on Prophets today are there.

Importance of the Prophetic Office in today’s Church

Prophets today are of great importance in Church. They play a fundamental and vital role in encouraging, exhorting, and comforting God’s people (1 Corinthians 14:3). In addition, they can be directed by the Holy Spirit to bring correction and direction in the Church as well as sound counseling. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, they can speak forth future events as well as display a greater understanding of past events. They can disclose secrets as well as bring solutions as to problems as the Spirit of God leads them.

An Example of today’s prophet

T.B. Joshua is one of the prophets today that we have in the body of Christ. He is the founder and general overseer of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). Through him, much glory has been directed to God the Father through Jesus Christ. He has been in ministry for over 30 years today. God has been using him mightily to heal all kinds of sicknesses (eve incurable diseases), give sight to the blind, open the ears of the deaf, give speech to the dumb, strengthen the legs of the lame to walk, deliver those under satanic bondage, feed the orphans, widows, and above all preach the true gospel of salvation.


Our tongues are usually in blaspheming and saying evil against men of God even when we have not tangible proof for our words. We base ourselves on what we here from spiritual leaders, friends, and neighbors to condemn prophets today. But is this the right approach? Let’s be very careful as Jesus Christ said that those who blaspheme, say evil things against the Holy Spirit, or attribute the works and deeds of the Holy Spirit to Satan will never be forgiven (Mark 3:28-30). That’s why I’ll advice you not to hurriedly use your tongue to say evil things against a servant of God who is operating under the power of the Holy Spirit. It is true that Jesus Christ warned us against false prophets who will arise and devour the children of God. They’ll bring new and contradictory doctrines to those of Jesus Christ.

Most will even hide in white cloths and habits yet having evil motives and intentions. Some will use Satanic powers to perform great miracles and turn the hearts of men from Jesus Christ. Yes, they’ll do all these. And they are already doing it. So what’s the right approach to know where you are standing or going? Let’s read from the book of 1 John 4:1-6 were we are told not to believe every spirit without first testing to see if it comes from God. You can only test a spirit by knowing the teachings and voice of Jesus Christ. Whoever teaches contrary to his teachings or uses a different voice is not of God. Gain more knowledge by reading our article on Prophets today are there and the Gift of Prophecy.


This brings us to the conclusion of our article on Prophets today and the existence of God’s messengers in our modern world. Just remember to always pray and call on God to lead you to the right spiritual leaders whom he has chosen. And our heavenly Father who is so good won’t offer you a stone when you ask for bread. He’ll certainly lead you to the right people who will assist you in deeply growing your faith and smoothly running the Christian race.

Prophets today are there

prophets today are there

Are there Prophets today? Yes, prophets today are there and are proclaiming God’s message but we are too stubborn and stone-hearten to hear them. An example of a prophet of our days is T.B. Joshua, founder of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). We rather prefer to dwell on their shortcomings to throw stones at them. Even in cases that they are innocent, we strive towards persecuting and blackmailing them. We are more interested in seeing them fail that succeed. Their efforts to spread the gospel are not seen, rather we kindly follow their teachings, and actions everyday to figure out words that are not in place to start shouting at the top of our voices that they are fake prophets.

We are more interested in killing them than listening to the divine message that they have for us. However, our behavior is not strange because we simply inherited it from our ancestors who found joy and happiness in persecuting and killing the prophets of old. The whole truth is that there exist few to no prophet that did not receive persecution and tribulation from men. The reason why we hate these men of God is because they reflect the truth from God but we prefer to remain in our darkness. If we are not careful, we’ll be used by Satan to accomplish his will of persecuting modern day prophets.

Prophets today are there in our midst

I regularly hear people ask the question “Are there prophets today?, Are Prophets today real or false?”. The search volume of this question is really high. Perhaps this is because many people are gradually abandoning the Bible which holds all truth about God’s Kingdom. They prefer to get quick answers and solutions. And in their search of quick and easy answers, they end up in the hands of spiritual leaders who have shaped the gospel to their personal taste there by misleading God’s people. You must first start by understanding that not everyone who claims to be a servant of God is truly his servant. Many have been misled by spiritual leaders concerning the phenomenon if prophets today are there. You can as well read our article on Prophets today.

Was John the Baptist the last prophet? Are there prophets today

What do we really mean when we say that prophets today are there? Many people believe that John the Baptist was the last prophet. But the New testament proofs this wrong in the following passages Acts 11:27-28 –
About that time some prophets went from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them, named Agabus, stood up an by the power of the Holy Spirit predicted that a severe famine was about to come over all the earth. (It came when Claudius was emperor.)”, Acts 21:10 – “We had been there for several days when a prophet named Agabus arrived from Judea” and Act 15:32 – “Judas and Silas who were themselves prophets, spoke a long time with them, giving them courage and strength.”

All the prophets mentioned above came after the death of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. This is a sufficient proof for the wise that John the Baptist was not the last prophet. In addition, we’ve just mentioned a few prophets of the new testament. In reality, there were many prophets whom the spirit of God operated through in the midst of the immediate 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ. They were able to reveal the secret and hidden things which God showed them. In addition, they prophesied and spoke things to come as they were directed by the Spirit of God.

Difference between Old and New Testament Prophets

In order to clearly get what we mean by Prophets today are there, you’ll need to first get the difference between the Old and New Testament Prophets. After reading the achievements and accomplishments of the New Testament Prophets in Acts 21:10, Acts 11:27-28, and Acts 15:32, you realize that they acted differently from the old testament prophets. The Old Testament Prophets regularly received God’s Authoritative instructions for His people which were to be written down as Holy Scriptures.

That’s why they use to start with an authoritative voice of “Thus says the lord”. However, this is not necessary the case with the New Testament Prophets and Prophecies. New Testament Prophets are more into encouraging, comforting, guiding, and exhorting the body of Christ or the church of Christ. In order words, everything has been accomplished by Christ and there is just no new teaching to come our way again. That’s why Jesus Christ told his Father in Heaven and men on Earth while He was on the cross that “It is Finish”.

It is finish means that he has completed all the teachings which men ought to know in order to be save and moved to eternal life. In order words, it means that He had completed the work God gave him on Earth thereby fulfilling God’s promise to save mankind. So prophets today are not called to dictate God’s laws to people. We already have the law and grace needed to be saved. Rather they are called to be witnesses of Christ through the power of the Holy Ghost. That’s why Apostle John says that “The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10). In order words, we can say that it is the truth which was revealed by Jesus Christ that inspires the New Testament Prophets.

Did the gift of prophecy end after the foundation of the church?

Still dwelling on the fact that Prophets today are there, we can not leave this vary aspect of prophets and Church foundation. Today, many denominations teach that the prophetic gift was sent by God through Jesus Christ for the immediate foundation of the Church. Most even suppress the question of “Are there prophets today”. They believe that this gift vanished immediately after the church of Christ was established by the 12 Apostles. Whatever the case, this is their point of view. And just as I’ve always encouraged Christians to dig deep into their Bibles for secret truths concerning the things of God, I’ll also advice you to hear what the Bible has to say about this point.

Biblical evidence

Saying that the gift of prophecy does not exist in today’s church is same as saying that the revealed truth by Jesus Christ does not exist in the modern Church. What I’m saying is backed up by Revelation 19:10 which clearly says that New Testament Prophets are inspired by the revealed truth of the gospel left by Jesus Christ. Still holding to the point that Prophets today are there, we’ll call your attention to 1 Corinthians 12:28 – “In the Church, God has put all in place: in the first place Apostles, in the second place Prophets, and in the third place Teachers; then those who perform miracles, followed by those who are given the power to heal or to hep others or to direct them or to speak in strange tongues.”

This is a clear organization of God’s Holy Church. Who are we humans to ca, and change this pattern? Else you’ll be telling me that the Early Church’s setting was not God’s will. Which i believe it was not the case. Before Apostle Paul died, he was guided by God’s Spirit to install order which should be respected in Church as you can read from 1 Corinthians 14:26. He clearly invites every church that gathers in worship to welcomes inspired messages or prophecies from those who are mature in the faith. And this setting still holds for us today although most of our church leaders have eliminated or suppressed it to install theirs. For more information, read our article on the Gift of prophecy.

The Prophetic Office in the modern Church

Still on the fact that prophets today are there, we’ll pour more light to the prophetic office in the modern day Church. Does it still have a place or did it end after the Apostles? Let’s hear what the Bible has to say from Ephesians 4:11-12 -“It was he who “gave gifts”; He Appointed some Apostles, others to be Prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors, and teachers. He did this to prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ.

This Bible chapter and verse is clear on the fact that when Jesus Christ went up to heaven he shared gifts to the rest of the world for the gospel’s sake. Saying that these marvelous gifts ended after the Apostles is like saying that the construction of Christ’s body also ended with the Apostles. These gifts were shared to everyone including you and me who have been saved by the unmerited favor of God through Jesus Christ so that we can use it for Christian service as mentioned in the verse above. This clearly answers the question of “Are there prophets today?”. Learn more about this supernatural gift and how to receive as well a use it by reading our article on the Gift of prophecy.

Gift of prophecy

gift of prophecy

We’ll teach you everything about the gift of prophecy. It is a unique, supernatural, divine, and extraordinary gift from God. That’s why Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:1 says that we should pursue love which is the greatest, deeply desire and crave for Spiritual Gifts, especially that to prophesy. We must say here that this gift is a blessing to the whole church. And it should not be despised talk less of quenching. This is backed-up by Apostle Paul who wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:20 that we should not restrain the Holy Spirit in God’s church neither should we despise inspired messages. Rather, we advised to test every teaching, message, and action using the teachings and actions of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ who is the True teacher.

Scriptural support of the Gift of Prophecy

“There are different kinds of gifts but the same Spirit. In addition, there are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working but the same God works all of them in all men. Now to each the manifestation of the spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another message of knowledge by means of the same spirit, to another faith by the same spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one spirit, another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.” (1 Corinthians 12:11)

Whose teachings should we follow concerning the gift of prophecy

As Christians, we all have only one teacher who is Jesus Christ. He is the only truth, life, and way that leads to God the Father. He is the only reference point of all true teachings that God wants. That’s why we should not hurry up to despise or condemn the works of the Holy Spirit just because our spiritual leaders have asked us to do so. Every christian must read his/her Bible to make sure that what is being said by his spiritual leader is in line with the true teachings of Jesus Christ. That’s why we’ll advice you to have a look at your Bible on what it says about the gift of prophecy before following the instructions of your spiritual leaders to reject it.

It is in this same spirit that the Scriptures call on everyone to test each word, and action being executed in the name of the Lord before despising or accepting it. Remember that on the day of judgement, you’ll have to answer for your sins all alone without the help of your spiritual leader. He/she will also be called to answer theirs. We are lucky enough these days to have the Bible with us, let’s carefully learn what God wants us to know about Him and His Kingdom. We believe that if you have the desire to learn and know the truth, God will guide you through the Holy Spirit in to the truth just as Jesus Christ promised.

Today’s Gift of Prophecy Vs Old Testament Prophets

Those who have the gift of prophecy these days are by far different from the Old Testament Prophets. The Old Testament Prophets spoke what we call the authoritative word of God. Their words had much power and significance that they were registered as Holy Scriptures directly inspired by God. That’s why we hear them say “Thus says the Lord your God” at the beginning of their inspired messages. But this is not the case with those having the spirit o prophecy in the new testament. That’s why Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:29-33, and 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 that inspired messages coming from those having the gift of prophecy as from the new testament must be tested.

Apostle John also calls on everyone to test all teachings, actions, and revelations coming from those who claim to have the Gift of Prophesy before believing their message (1 John 4:1-3). This clearly tells us that God is still saying something through the Holy Spirit. It’s left for us to pray that he leads us to those with this genuine gift in order to get cancelling, comfort, and encouragement. It is without doubt that the New Testament Apostles took over the role of Scriptural Proclamation from the Old Testament Prophets. Note here that we made mention of the New Testament Apostles and not the New Testament Prophets.

Gift of prophecy meaning

Prophecy comes from the Greek word “Propheteia” which can literally be perceived as the ability to receive a divinely inspired message for one or more members in the church. It can also be perceived as the reception and delivery of a divinely inspired message to the whole church. These messages can take the form of correction, comfort, exhortation, disclosure of secrets, prediction of future events, and words to build the body of Christ in one way or the other. The gift of prophesy is manifested from the human mind through human words and that’s why it must be tested against the scriptures (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). What ever the case, we must not forget that the scriptures say that we have the mind of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit when we are born again. This makes the process of being Prophetic today very easy.

Why the gift of prophecy

The Holy Spirit freely gives this gift to some believers in order to make God’s heart known to men and women. Just as Apostle Paul says, it is also given to edify, comfort, and exhort the church of Christ. It is a supernatural gift that benefits both believers and unbelievers as it reassures them that God is in their presence (1 Corinthians 14:22-25). People who are carrying this spiritual gift are highly sensitive to the Holy Spirit and the needs of the whole church. Those carrying the gift of prophesy are called upon to remain humble, loving, and respectful before men and God. They are to regularly study the word of God in a continuous manner so as to better test all what they receive to see if it comes from God before speaking it out.

What is the Gift of Prophecy?

In the Church, God has put all in place: in the first places Apostles, in the second places Prophets, and in the third places teachers; then those who perform miracles, followed by those who are given the power to heal or to help others or to direct them or to speak in strange tongues“- 1 Corinthians 12:28 Through this verse, Apostle Paul clearly shows us the importance and order of spiritual gifts in God’s New church through Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, we are gradually moving from this Holy doctrine to one which has been installed by men. That’s sad to hear but it is the truth. May God have mercy on us and bring us back to His Holy Path of truth.

This gift is the ability to speak forth the Holy message of God. We generally perceive a prophet as a Spokesman for God. He/she is has a duty of listening and receiving messages from God through direct revelations and passing it to others. Prophetic utterances can deal with individuals as well as the church in whole. We can get an example of the New testament prophet speaking in Acts 11:27-28About that time some prophets went from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them, named Agabus, stood up an by the power of the Holy Spirit predicted that a severe famine was about to come over all the earth. (It came when Claudius was emperor.)It should be noted that both men and women can exercise in the gift of prophecy.

Did the gift of prophecy end with John the Baptist?

The Holy Bible clearly gives an answer to this question. We can read from Ephesians 4:11 It was He who “gave gifts”; He appointed some to be Apostles, others to be Prophets, others to be Evangelists, others to be Pastors and teachers” When we read the whole of chapter 4, we are clearly told by Apostle Paul that when Jesus Christ rose from death, He shared gifts to the rest of mankind including you and me. And the gifts have been listed. It’s all up to you to call on God to reveal yours so that you can develop in it and assist the body of Christ.

We can still read from Acts 15:32 “Judas and Silas who were themselves prophets, spoke a long time with them, giving them courage and strength.” This clearly shows that even after John the Baptist, the line of prophets continued. But this time around with a difference because the Holy Spirit was released from above to overshadow men and women through Jesus Christ.

The Complete Beginner’s guide to understanding and developing the Spirit of Prophecy

Unbelief restrains the power of the Holy Spirit. It prevents the power of God from being felt through wonders and great miracles (1 Thessalonians 5:19-20). Unbelief prevents you from hearing what God is saying. It creates a boundary between you and God. It prevents you from taking possession and excelling in your spiritual gift. However, if you believe that God is still saying something, we’ll help you through the Process of knowing his will. Before continuing, we must say here that this is a gift which is freely received from the Holy Spirit. It is not our good deeds or righteousness that brings this gift in our lives. Rather we receive it by the grace of God in our lives. This is to say that we receive this gift through the unmerited favor of God in our lives.

However, the Bible says that not everyone receives it. You can check this out by reading 1 Corinthians 12:29 “They are not all Apostles or Prophets or Teachers. Not everyone has the power to work miracles.” With this in mind, we can only desire and pray that God blesses us with this gifts. Above all, we must ask for His perfect will to be done in our lives. That is to say, Let Him bless us with those gifts he finds best for us and those that we will use to highly bring glory to his name. Although not everyone is called to operate in the office of a Prophet, all who desire to prophesy can do so by the help of the Holy Spirit as we are told by Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:1. So let’s get into what it takes to receive the gift of prophecy.


Before you can operate in this gift, you’ll first have to call on Jesus Christ to have mercy on you and come into your life. It is recommended to get baptized with water as an outward sign to show that you have changed inwardly. And just as John the Baptist baptized with water as a way to prepare people for the Baptism of Fire and the Holy Ghost by Jesus Christ, you’ll be made ready to receive this gift. In this same light we recommend that you read our article on How to receive the Holy Spirit and How to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You should only pray what you have first believed in your heart and God who knows your heart will grant answers to your prayers. Deeply desire this gift and get close to God in prayers to ask him to bless you with it.

Jesus Christ said in John 16:13 that once, we receive the Holy Spirit, it will lead us to all truths. That’s why you should first seek to receive the Holy Spirit which will eventually guide you to knowing your spiritual gift. It will also lead you to prophesy when necessary. God being our father will eventually give us the Holy spirit without measure if we ask Him. Ask God in prayer to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Eliminate doubts. Jesus Christ calls upon us to believe that we have received each time we pray. So believe fully that you have already received what you asked for and it will certainly be granted to you. Always remember to ask through Jesus Christ.


God will not give you what he knows is more than you. He will give you only what he knows you can properly manage and use to bring glory to his name. And that’s why at times we pray and God takes time to prepare us before answering or giving what we are requesting from him. For sure, if you carry a gun without knowing how to use it, you are putting your own life at risk. That’s why we must first yield to God’s preparation time be learning and carefully studying his ways. It’s not only about learning his ways but also putting them into practice. Carefully study what the New Testament teaches about prophecy and the prophets.

You know there is nothing that we can hide from God. He knows everything. And that’s why you’ve got to recheck the motives behind your request for the gift of prophecy. The gift of prophecy is meant to build, strengthen, correct, comfort, and exhort the body of Christ. And above all, it is aimed at reflecting God’s lovely heart to men and women. That’s why you should withdraw if your motives are different from these. God wants you to make the people feel that He is with them and that He loves them and desires that they follow His ways. The gift of prophecy is not for you to make a name for yourself but rather bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. So start by learning how to be humble and faithful to God.


This might sound strange but it is worth doing. Yes it is Biblical. You can join us in reading 2 Timothy 1:6 “For this reason I remind you to keep alive the gift that God gave you when I laid my hands on you”. This is a clear message that we are responsible for stirring and growing God’s gift in our lives. If you ask and believe that it has been give to you, you’ll have to step out in faith as one who has received. Always pray and call on God to guide all your actions through the Holy Spirit.

Can a New Testament Prophet make mistakes

We’ll love to have you answer this question all alone. But we must pour some light about it. Apostle Paul makes it clear that inspired messages from New Testament Prophets must be tested by one or two elders who will base themselves on the infallible teachings of the Old Testament Prophets and those of Jesus Christ. If he said so, it is because New Testament Prophets are not infallible as those of the Old Testament. This is to say that a prophet can make mistakes in interpreting what they see, or perceiving what the spirit is showing them. This does not eventually make them false, it is rather a call for them to come closer to God and grow the more. We recommend that you read our article on Prophets today.

A false prophet is identified from his heart motives before God. Balaalm was a prophet from God, but the moment he led his heart derailed by evil motives of cursing Israelite for money, he was perceived as a false prophet (Numbers 22). Whatever the case, it is not our duty to dwell on the mistakes an faults of Prophets. Rather we should pray and call on God to help them and use them in greater dimensions for the comfort of His people. In this same line of thinking, we recommend that you read our article on Activating faith to move the impossible, How to put your faith to work, and Having a taste of the Epikaizo power of God.

TB Joshua Live (Live TB Joshua)

Looking to see TB Joshua live (Live TB Joshua) is what many people long for. He is one of the most famous prophets of the most high God in our days. God has been using him mightily to change the lives of billions of people on Earth. This man of God runs the Synagogue Church Of ALL Nations (SCOAN). Although he controls this church as a physical leader, he has Jesus Christ as the head of the church. God through Jesus Christ uses tb Joshua in accordance with Mark chapter 16 to:

  • Heal the sick;
  • Set free the captives;
  • Restore sight of the blind;
  • Strengthen the lame to walk;
  • Restore hearing to the deaf;
  • Restore speech to the dumb;
  • Bless the people financially; and
  • Above all, teach the ways of God to the people.

Why you should watch tb Joshua live or see live tb Joshua in action

We’ll provide the best places where you can see live tb Joshua or simply watch tb Joshua live. If you are not careful with what your ears hear about this man of God, you’ll easily be mislead. You might be asking yourself how you’ll be mislead? It’s very simple, those who are neither going to heaven nor want others to go will do their best to discourage you concerning this great prophet. They’ll tell you all sort of lies and false accusations against him just to prevent you from getting in touch with your miracle. There are many people who claim the name “man of God” yet they are fun of attacking Joshua. What we love is that most of them end up coming back to him to ask for forgiveness after dragging curses upon themselves.

That’s why we’ll recommend that you personally watch tb Joshua live or meet live tb Joshua in action. In this light, you’ll be able to test by yourself his teachings and power through the spirit of discernment and the teachings of Jesus Christ. One thing is certain, this man of God teaches not on his own authority but on the authority of God through Jesus Christ. He himself is not a bringer of a new doctrine but rather a servant of the one who revealed the truth about the Holy things of God. The Bible says that we should each test every spirit to see if it truly comes from God before believing it. That’s why you should not base yourself on the experiences of others or their imaginations to reject the power of God. You ought to step out and watch tb Joshua live or see live tb Joshua in action before making any conclusions or condemnations.

Where to watch tb Joshua live or see live tb Joshua in action

If you are suffering from any sickness or affliction and believe that Jesus Christ can completely heal you, then grow your faith. The next question you’ll be asking will be that on how to grow your faith? You can learn how to do this by reading the following recommended articles: How to put your faith to work, Difference between faith and faithfulness, Difference between a weak and a strong faith, and Activating faith to move the impossible. Another way in which you can grow a strong faith in God that’s capable of bringing healing and breakthrough in your life is to watch tb Joshua live or observe live tb Joshua in the action of healing, deliverance, and prophesy. You’ll be amazed by the great things which God’s power can do. This will eventually strengthen your faith and cover the gap that is existing between you and your miracle. Let us now get into the proper subject matter of where to watch this man of God who operates under a heavy Epikaizo Anointing.


If you are verse with the Bible, then you’ll have a better understanding of where we are going to. It is likely that you have already come across Matthew 1:23 which says that a virgin will get pregnant and give birth to a son and he will be called Emmanuel. This name literally stands for “God with us”. Indeed God came among us in the form of man and lived with us in the person of Jesus Christ. Upon His departure from Earth, He promised to be with us for all times. This His promise is fulfilled in the spiritual realm and not in the physical. That’s why you can’t ask to see him physically. He is living in the hearts of those who welcome him as a spirit. And for sure, He will give them eternal life. Even so, He is still acting the same as in the days when He use to walk among men physically. Miracles and wonders are still being performed today by Him through His chosen servants. And this is the case with senior prophet tb Joshua, the great man of God.

If you are serious about watching live tb Joshua operating under the mighty power of God, you’ll have to checkout EMMANUEL TV. It is the official television station of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) which is broadcasted 24/7. Broadcasting is done through satellite and the internet with aims of reaching every part of the world. This is in accordance with the command of Jesus Christ for his followers to spread his teachings to the ends of the world. Through this television channel, you can watch tb Joshua live and come to better understand who he is. In addition, you’ll end up giving more glory to God for the wonders and miracles that He does through this man.

Objectives of EMMANUEL TV

This television channel is committed in changing lives, nations, and the whole world. It is out to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ and tell people that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for all times to come. The man of God is the chief preacher through this channel but there are times that he allows his disciples to teach and manifest the power of God among the people. You can connect with them through the satellite and watch through your television. You can also connect to this channel through the internet and watch the marvelous things that God is still doing among His people.

Visit the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN)

This is another pretty nice way to watch tb Joshua live or to see live tb Joshua in action. It has to do with visiting the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). It’s a prayer temple where you can visit for spiritual  growth, deliverance, healing, and blessings. You might be wondering what it takes to visit the SCOAN. You don’t have to panic about this. Just read our article on how to visit the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN).

Social medias

You can also watch videos from this church through the various social medias. For sure, you’ll see wonders and great miracles which have never been performed elsewhere.

Prophet T.B. Joshua Wife and family

T.B. Joshua is a famous prophet of our days. He runs the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). Hence, it’s not strange for people to seek insight about Prophet T.B. Joshua wife and family. You are right in asking this question. It’s just but normal for a man of God to also have a family. In this light, he is also fulfilling God’s command for humans to go and multiply themselves. However, the Prophet and his entire family have always preferred an isolating lifestyle over the public lifestyle. They chose to withdraw themselves away from public scandals and concentrate on the things of God at the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) and wherever they find themselves in the world.

Who is Prophet T.B. Joshua Wife

We’ll pour more light on who is Prophet T.B. Joshua wife. This will inform you about the adorable woman who stands behind the success of this great man of God. It is well known that behind every successful man there is an outstanding woman. One who has great and amazing qualities. This is the case of Evelyn Joshua who is the first lady of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). Being the wife of senior prophet T.B. Joshua, she has contributed much to his success than we can imagine. She has also contributed much to the success of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN).

T.B. Joshua wife contribution to the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN)

The prophet’s wife is well known as Evelyn Joshua. She is a beautiful woman of great character. She is the next most powerful force behind T.B. Joshua’s ministerial success. She’s also the second most influential person in the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). This woman is well known to be a powerful evangelist and preacher at the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). Evelyn regularly works together with her husband. Evelyn Joshua definitely considers herself the luckiest to have gotten married to this humble and simple man of God. She describes her husband as a very simple, loving, caring, and highly humble man. She is very happy to have ever known Prophet T.B. Joshua. Together, they have built a lovely family.

How Prophet T.B. Joshua wife came into his life (Prophet T.B. Joshua wife biography)

The whole story becomes interesting when we learn about the supernatural encounter of this man of God with his wife. No one knew of T.B. Joshua wife biography until a few years back when she was interviewed. Up to date, many people continuously wonder who is the wife of Prophet T.B. Joshua. Even when they are told that she’s named Evelyn Joshua, they still are not satisfied. This response only pushes them to seek further to know about Evelyn Joshua biography (T.B. Joshua wife biography). Whatever the case, we shall reveal all that you need to know about the Prophet’s wife. Just continuously read as we unfold in our writing.

Prophet TB Joshua’s wife encounter was a divine plan

According to T.B. Joshua, his encounter with Evelyn Joshua who is presently his wife was a divine arrangement. You’ll be surprised to learn that he proposed marriage to her on the first day that they met. This is highly strange. I’ve never heard of this before. However, with God everything is possible. Evelyn found this strange as she had never heard nor experienced such. However, she accepted the marriage proposal. And today, they are happily married with three children as a blessing from God.

T.B. Joshua wife biography and educational background

Perhaps your heart is puzzled with questions like who is Evelyn Joshua? what is Evelyn Joshua wedding date? What is Evelyn Joshua age? Where are Evelyn Joshua wedding photos? what is T.B. Joshua wife biography? You could as well be having so many questions about the marriage of Prophet T.B. Joshua and Evelyn Joshua. Do not panic or overwhelm yourself with all these questions, we shall assist you in answering most of them. Just continuously unfold our writing. The prophet is certainly a man of the people. And it is just normal for you to seek to know your prophet better.

Evelyn Joshua age

Evelyn Joshua was born on the 17th of December, 1968. As of our writing time, Evelyn Joshua age is 51 years. She is a native of the Delta state in Nigeria. For those who do not know, Nigeria is one of the African countries. She hails from Okala Okpuno which is situated in Oshimili Northern part of the country. She came on Earth as a twin, but unfortunately, her twin brother is late. May his soul rest in perfect peace. This beautiful woman was born from the family of Mr and Mrs Nicholas Akabude during the year 1968. From this year, we can regularly calculate Evelyn Joshua age in order to remain updated.

Evelyn Joshua educational background

There is much to say when it comes to Evelyn Joshua educational background. Evelyn started her primary school in Ezi, a town in the Delta State of Nigeria. She started by attending St Emecheta Primary school. She did not complete her primary studies in this school. Rather, she moved to Lagos by the year 1977 where she completed her primary education at the Orile Primary School in Oshodi. It was still in this very vicinity that she underwent and completed her secondary education. Her studies equipped her with the necessary skills to pick up something doing. She came into contact with her husband by the time she had already started working for the Nigerian Distilleries which is situated in Ota. By then, she was attending the Assemblies of God’s church. After her marriage with the man of God, she attended some management courses in Ghana.

Prophet T.B. Joshua marriage proposal to Evelyn Joshua

According to Evelyn Joshua, the man of God proposed marriage to her within their first 45 minutes of meeting for the first time. This marriage proposal came when she was 22 years old. You’ll obviously be asking yourself how they came to know each other. It all started when God’s mighty power came upon Joshua who was residing in Ikotun-Egbe. Everyone in that area was marveling about the wonders which God was doing through His Prophet. It was by then, that Evelyn visited her sister at Ikotun-Egbe. Upon arriving at her sister’s place, she learned about this prophet whom everyone seemed to be talking good of.

She heard about the prophet and how he brought spiritual light and guidance to the lives of many. At this particular moment, she needed spiritual guidance and taught it wise to make a visit to the prophet with her sister. They agreed and went forth to beseech spiritual guidance from the man of God. However, on their arrival, he was not in his office. Perhaps he was praying in the mountain as this is one of his hobbies. This did not discourage Evelyn but gave her more courage to beseech assistance from the prophet. She returned home and a few months later, she decided to visit the prophet again. And behold she met the prophet this time around. And this is the encounter that made her Prophet T.B. Joshua wife.

First encounter between Prophet T.B. Joshua and Evelyn Joshua

Evelyn successfully encountered the prophet upon failure to meet him the first time, she was welcomed. She was very surprised to find out that the man of God was rather young. She says that she was expecting to see an old man with some long white beards. Unfortunately, that was not the case. As she entered his office, he picked up a paper on which he had previously written a word from God on it. This word was “Ejide” meaning twin. Evelyn was deeply shocked when she saw this because that single word said many things about her life. She came as a twin although her twin brother is late. In addition, the man of God told her many things about her life. Some of which are those she knew and those she knew nothing about.

This overwhelmed her with Joy and happiness. And she knew that she had made a true man of God who could give her spiritual direction. After discussing for about 45 minutes, the man of God proposed to get married to her. She says that although this was strange to her, her heart accepted. And it was later that she questioned how he can meet a woman for the first time and propose her marriage. It was then that the man of God told her of a vision he had some days backward concerning her as his wife. This proposal led them to where they are today.

Prophet T.B. Joshua marriage

Concerning prophet T.B. Joshua marriage, we’ll say that after the proposal, he got married to Evelyn. This happened a few months after their first encounter. Although Evelyn found the proposal frightful and strange, she affirms today that she did not make a wrong decision. She’s happily married to the man of God and they are heavily blessed. They’ve been enjoying their marriage for over 25 years today. Prophet T.B. Joshua marriage is presently serving as a role model for many. Out of his experience and the Grace of God in his life, he regularly provides tips for married couples to live peacefully and happily.

Prophet T.B. Joshua wife and children

Prophet T.B. Joshua marriage with Evelyn is blessed by God with three beautiful children. All three biological children of Prophet T.B. Joshua are females. Unlike others who complain and seek for solutions to get male children, it is not the case with this man of God. The prophet and his wife are satisfied with their children as they deeply thank God. They are deeply convinced that their family is complete. They thank God for their beautiful and intelligent children.

Their first daughter is called Sarah. She studied Law and successfully graduated from the London School of Economics. Their second daughter is called Promise and she followed the footsteps of her sister to the London School of Economics. While in the school, Promise studied international relations and politics. The third daughter’s information has not yet been disclosed to the public. The biological children of Prophet T.B. Joshua are all working towards making him happy.

What the Prophet does

The Prophet is using the power in the name of Jesus Christ to heal the sick, set the captives free, open the eyes of the blind, open the ears of the deaf, loosen the tongue of the dumb, and above all teach the gospel of salvation. Perhaps you’ll want to read our article on how to visit the SCOAN. Each time that people persecute him, the power of God in his life is doubled.

He has helped millions of people on Earth be it financially, spiritually, or morally. Yet many are turning to fight him. Whatever the case, the Bible says that we should test every spirit to know if it comes from God. That’s why you should not condemn him base on what others are saying. Read your Bible and with the help of the Holy Spirit, listen to him speak to see by yourself if the teachings are not biblical.

Hence, if you have any problem which is more than you, seek God’s face. And one of the ways to seek God’s face is to consult his prophets. For sure, God will make a way where there seems to be none in your life. New doors will certainly open. There is no problem that Jesus Christ cannot solve. There is no sickness that Jesus Christ cannot heal. There is no infirmity that Jesus Christ cannot readjust. Jesus Christ is the solution to all our problems. We should always turn to Him in our moments of joy and sadness. He will welcome us, comfort us, and relieve us from all pains and hardships. Also, read Prophet TB Joshua’s Biography.

Difference between faith and faithfulness

“No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek Him” – Hebrews 11:6 Properly figuring out the difference between faith and faithfulness will help you to better run the Christian race and strive towards obtaining the ultimate gift of everlasting life. Although the Bible provides us with clear differences, a lot of people still find it difficult to properly figure them out. That’s why we hereby write to assist everyone in perfectly knowing the difference between faith and faithfulness.

The consequences of not properly knowing the difference between faith and faithfulness can lead a person to slow down in the Christian race or develop doubt about the power of God. A lot of Christians today who are faithful in serving God often ask themselves a lot of questions when they are plunged into hard times. After prayers, many ask themselves why God is not coming to their rescue whereas they have been doing their best to faithfully serve Him.

At some point in time, they’ll even ask themselves why God don’t want to help then out of their problems whereas they have abandoned most of their personal things to focus on His’s. Such situations have greatly led to the development of sadness and bitterness from within many Christians today. This sadness and bitterness even increases when they perceive those whom they believe to be less faithful than them enjoying successful and fulfilled lives.

Difference Between Faith and Faithfulness – What you should know

Whatever the case, we must not mix up things in our minds. The whole truth is that faithfulness is one of the greatest virtues which every serious Christian must develop and exhibit. And we can also be certain of the fact that God will bless and credit everyone who remains faithful to Him. But we must not also forget that the more faithful you are to God, the more responsibilities and charges you are given to exhibit. That’s why you should not be comparing yourself with someone who is not faithful to God. In short he has very little to no charge. That’s why Jesus Christ explained in Luke 16 that the more our faithfulness becomes, the more our responsibilities will become too.

Still in the same light of thinking, we’ll say here that faithfulness does not necessarily change your life or brings solutions to the challenges that you are facing. That’s why you can be faithful yet still being sick or experiencing some other challenging issues. What you need here is faith. Faith is what actually changes your hopeless or challenging situation into a joyous one. But we must also say here that it is impossible for us to separate faith with unfaithfulness. Because faith comes as a result of being faithful to God. It comes as a result of learning God’s word, putting it into action, and taking Him for who He says He is.

The Supernatural Gift From God

Faith is a supernatural gift reserved for the faithful. That’s why it is said in 1 John 5:4 that faith is the victory that overcomes the World. Note here that it is not faithfulness but faith. That’s why your sickness, challenges, hardship, poverty, and sadness won’t necessarily respond to your faithfulness but will certainly respond to your faith. It is faith in God’s words that eventually brings changes to your situation.

Although we cannot fully separate faith from faithfulness we can at least bring out the clear difference between faith and faithfulness. And that’s what we’ve been doing since the beginning of this writing. Hence, you should eliminate the negative feeling of being neglected by God despite your faithfulness to Him and start speaking life into every challenging situation that you are facing through the power that Jesus Christ has given us and in accordance to His Word. Remember to build a strong faith in God and you’ll stand a better chance of successfully facing any challenge in life. We must note here that challenges are not there to kill us but to fortify us to better appreciate the blessings of God when they come our way. We recommend that you read our article on activating faith to move the impossible.

Also Read

How to put your faith to work

“To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see.” – Hebrews 11:1

When it comes to ways on how to put your faith to work, you can only turn to the Bible for instructions. It completely teaches us on how to go about growing our faith and putting it into work. The Bible tells us that faith is the substance of the things which we hope for and a certainty on God’s promises. In addition, it refers to faith as a supernatural gift from God which permeates us to fully depend and relay on His promises even when what we are perceiving with our physical eyes is proving the contrary.

Faith means that the things which we hope for are presently in our reach through Jesus Christ. This is a call to the demonstration of faith on the scene. And for us to demonstrate our faith, we must put it into work. At this point, it’s just obvious that you are questioning yourself on how to put your faith to work. The Bible answers this question in a clear manner. Faith is also taking Jesus Christ for His words. It has to do with acting upon the words of Jesus Christ.

If we should take Jesus Christ for His words when He says that what we hope for is now ours, then we do not have any reason to sit back. Rather, we out to step out and receive our blessings from God. We act on the words of Jesus Christ because we have first believed in Him. What is He saying about your present situation? Step out and receive it with faith because He never fails.

Still on how to put your faith to work, we’ll take an example to bring more light for a better understanding. Let’s take a case where you pray and ask God through Jesus Christ to make you bold and give you a better understanding of the gospel as well as feed your mouth with His words whenever you are talking to His people. This is a very nice prayer, perhaps you were not initially brave enough in being His witness. But there is something that we must point out here which is your attitude after prayers. It is without doubt that your attitude after prayers greatly influences and determines if you have received the answers to your prayers or not.

Jesus Christ says in John 14:14 that whatsoever we ask in His name, we must believe that we have received. Hence, after prayers you must not only believe that you have had your answers but also start acting as one who has received the answers. On coming back to our example, you cannot pray it today, tomorrow, and forever. Once you have requested boldness and knowledge from God in doing His work, you’ll have to step out and start doing it. This is how to put your faith to work and open the flow gates of heaven for additional blessings.  This also applies to all your prayer requests which are directed to God through Jesus Christ.

Always remember that faith acts now because it has already taken possession. It is for this reason that Apostle James says that faith without action is dead (James 2:17). Hence, genuine faith is that which takes God for His words and acts upon them. Genuine faith goes with a corresponding action. And it is in this light that you can learn what it takes to put your faith to work.

If you say that you have a genuine faith that can move mountains, then you are saying that you truly believe God for who He says He is. You completely believe that He has done all that He says He has done. And in the same light, you trust in all His promises to come. By this we mean that you know God will do all that He says He will do. If you are then serious about how to put your faith to work, each time you’ll finish praying, you’ll have to believe that your prayers have already been answered.

We’ll conclude by saying that we can also perceive faith as obeying God’s instructions. That’s why we cannot separate faith from obedience. And with obedience you can be sure that you truly have faith in God. And faith in God is irrespective of what we see in our surrounding. We suggest that you read our article on activating faith to move the impossible.

Praying in tongues open the supernatural dimensions

“Those who speak in strange tongues do not speak to others but to God, because no one understands them. They are speaking secret truths by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – 1 Corinthians 14:2

The power of speaking in tongues dates back to the teachings of Jesus Christ through His Apostles in the Bible. We are clearly told that praying in tongues makes a believer to move in the supernatural and impossible dimensions. There are lots of ways through which praying in tongues will change your life forever. The importance of speaking in tongues as well as the benefits of speaking in tongues are amazing. Unfortunately, praying in strange tongues which was a major spiritual tool in the mouths of the Apostles of old has become one of the most controversial topics in modern Christianity.

Whatever the case, we can be certain that the lots of resentments surrounding the aspect of speaking in strange tongues have all arisen under the supervision of Satan in order to fight its ability to take believers into a higher spiritual dimension of overcoming the impossible situations of life. This rejection goes into the same light with that of the prophetic ministry which some modern Christians have kept aside due to bad experiences, misuses, and misunderstandings.

It’s quite evident that Satan is working to keep the believers ignorant of the power that Jesus Christ has released on to them. That’s why this horrible creature works together with its agents to create misunderstandings, bad experiences, and failures on the way of Christians who are trying to benefit from these gifts. But one thing that we are sure is that these gifts create disorder in the Satanic kingdom else they’ll no be fighting it. As a Christian, you must have probably asked yourself how important is speaking in tongues. On the other hand, several Christians regularly ask from their leaders the importance of speaking in tongues or the benefits of speaking in tongues. The whole truth is that praying in tongues will change your life for the best and increase your spiritual level in Jesus Christ our lord and savior.    

A Biblical look of praying in tongues

If we must be honest enough to speak or reveal the Biblical truths about the power of speaking in tongues or its importance, we’ll base ourselves on the New Testament starting from the day of Pentecost when this special gift marked the birth of Christianity. When reading through the New Testament we notice that the majority of writings and teachings were sent out by Apostle Paul who deeply encouraged Christians to speak in tongues as he himself spoke more than any other believer in those days.

Apostle Paul tells us that the process of speaking in tongues equips the believers and creates a direct communication line with God the Father on a unique level and also empowers the believers to live a supernatural life in Jesus Christ. Speaking in tongues creates confusion in the kingdom of darkness and overpowers the Christian to overcome every evil spiritual force. Speaking in tongues takes you into a spiritual dimension and allows the Holy spirit to rightly pray through you as it uses the mind of God.

Speaking in tongues is not a one-time experience or something we do once after our baptism of the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul saw it as a way to express what his mind could not express before God. He saw it as a way to communicate directly to God without having Satan hear even a single word talk less of getting its meaning. And the moment Satan cannot get what you are speaking with your heavenly father, he’ll be fighting the wrong fight. Regularly praying in tongues does well in fortifying your body and spirit to successfully go through the Christian race. As a believer Jesus Christ who is one with God lives within you through the Holy Spirit. Hence, you can always request the Holy Spirit to take control of you and talk to God through you in a language not understood by men neither by Satan and his agents.

Ways by which praying in tongues take you into the supernatural and impossible dimensions

As a believer who adopts the act of praying in tongues, you can expect a supernatural divine intervention in your life. This act will greatly open new doors in your life and boost your Christian faith. Below are the main aspects which are brought into existence by speaking and praying in strange tongues as the spirit of God leads.

Praying in tongues create a direct private communication line with God the Father

Apostle Paul teaches us in 1 Corinthians 14:2 that by speaking in strange tongues as moved by the Holy Spirit, we are not speaking to men but directly to God. In addition, this process is also known as the act of carrying out the Anonymous Prayer. By anonymous here, we mean that not even Satan can monitor or hear a single word from your prayer. Hence, he won’t know what you were saying or requesting from God, talk less of being able to develop a successful strategic plan to fight your heart intentions.

Still in the same line of thinking, we’ll add here that when you are praying in tongues, you are speaking through a direct line to the President of the Universe. Here, we are not trying to discourage anyone from praying to God with their native language. You should always feel free to talk to God with the language of your choice. But you must not forget the power or benefits that reside in praying to God using strange tongues as directed by the Holy Spirit. The whole truth is that at times we do not really know how to pray to God. Prayers that go in accord with the perfect will of God are the best prayers and are instantly answered (Romans 8:26-28). God’s spirit that resides within us best knows the heart of the Father. That’s why we are recommending you to yield to the power of the Holy Spirit in order to efficiently Pray.

Praying in tongues reveals God’s supernatural mysteries

“But it was to us that God made known His secret by means of His Spirit. The Spirit searches everything, even the hidden depths of God’s purpose” – 1 Corinthians 2:10

Speaking in tongues is a spiritual exercise that awakens the spirit of God from within us and puts it into work and action. The Holy Spirit knows everything in Heaven, on Earth, and below the Earth. In short, the Holy Spirit knows everything including the Secret taught and things of God. And we can all remember that Jesus Christ said in John 14:26 that when the Holy Spirit will come upon us, He will teach us everything that we need to know.

In other words, we can perceive the Holy Spirit as the spiritual search engine of the things in heaven, on earth, and everywhere. If you are verse with Google, you’ll better understand what we mean here by search engine. Thus, let’s welcome the act of praying in tongues so as to awaken the Holy Spirit in our lives which will reveal to us the mysteries of God. That’s why God spoke through His Prophet in Jeremiah 33:3 saying that we should call on Him and He’ll answer us and show us so many things which we know nothing about.

Praying in strange tongues opens your mind to a new living understanding of the Bible

“When, however, the spirit comes, who reveals the truth about God, He will lead you into all the truth. He will not speak on His own authority, but He will speak of what He hears, and will tell you of things to come.” – John 16:13

In as much as the Bible can simply be a historical book in the hands of many, it can also be a spiritual book that brings life in the hands of others. Are you perceiving the Bible as a historical record of facts? Or you are simply perceiving it as a novel worth reading? If this is how you perceive the Bible, then you are wrong. And that’s why you are not experiencing any major divine intervention in your life.

Praying in tongues will boost the Holy Spirit to guide us into the revealed living truths that are recorded in the Bible just as Jesus Christ did promise. That’s why we must always pray and ask on God to reveal His Holy Will to us as we read His teachings. The power of praying in tongues is enormous.

Praying in strange tongues will open doors for the other Revelatory Gifts of the Holy Spirit

“The spirit gives one person a message full of wisdom, while to another person the same spirit gives a message full of knowledge. One and the same Spirit gives faith to one person, while to another person he gives the power to heal. The Spirit gives one person the power to work miracles; to another, the gift of speaking God’s message; and to yet another, the ability to tell the difference between gifts that come from the Spirit and those that do not. To one person he gives the ability to speak in strange tongues, and to another he gives the ability to explain what is said” – 1 Corinthians 12:8-10

Praying in strange tongues will likely open heavenly flow gates to release other Revelatory Gifts of the Holy Spirit into your life. These revelatory gifts include a word full of wisdom, a word full of knowledge, prophecy and fully discerning of spirits. When you pray in strange tongues, you are not praying on a natural dimension but rather you are praying on a purely powerful spiritual dimension. That’s why you should not be alarmed when praying in tongues to receive a supernatural insight about something. In such spiritual dimensions, you can be led by the spirit to pray over specific situations in the lives of others, you can get a revelation on how to bring solutions into issues that people are experiencing in their lives, you can also receive revelations about cities, countries, and nations. Whatever the case, when God reveals a situation to you, always get back to Him in prayers to ask what He wants you to do about it. In addition, while praying in tongues, you can discern evil spirits around that are disturbing the lives of some individuals. In most cases, the Holy Spirit will lead you on how to drive them away.

Praying in tongues empowers you for spiritual warfare against the principalities in the kingdom of darkness  

“Do all this in prayer, asking for God’s help. Pray on every occasion, as the spirit leads. For this reason, keep alert and never give up; pray always for all God’s people.” – Ephesians 6:18

Praying in strange tongues eventually empowers you to completely agree with God’s everlasting victory over all the powers and principalities in the kingdom of darkness. As Christians we are not free from attacks coming from the kingdom of darkness. Being Christians even gives Satan and his agents a greater reason to attack and destroy our faith in Jesus Christ who is the savior of the World. It is now left for us to strive and stand firm in our faith so as to overcome him through the victory of Jesus Christ on the cross. Unlike the false doctrine that teaches that being Christians implies wealth, fortune, no suffering, no hard times on earth, Jesus Christ himself told us in John 16:33 that we can be sure that tribulations will come our ways as His servants but we must hold to our faith because He has already overcome the world and supreme victory is His and that of His followers.

The Holy Spirit who is our companion in the Christian race is always there to provide us with gifts and blessings to overcome all challenges and attacks from the kingdom of darkness. One of these spiritual warfare gifts is the ability to speak in strange languages which are not understood by the enemy neither by men but only by God. That’s why we should regularly invite the Holy Spirit to pray the heart of our Heavenly Father through us so as to overcome the Devil and his malicious attacks in our lives.   

In conclusion to our writing on the power of speaking in tongues, we’ll say that the benefits of speaking in tongues are so numerous and important in our Christian journey. We hope that we were able to answer your question on how important is speaking in tongues. We recommend you to read our article on how to be filled with the Holy Spirit.