Paul and Silas song lyrics

Paul and Silas song lyrics

Paul and Silas song lyrics

Paul and Silas song lyrics can boost your faith to obtain divine favor and intervention. Faith is developed through hearing the wonder working power of God. His mighty accomplishments and ability to render possible the impossible is what strengthens our faith. Jesus Christ said that he who has a spiritually mature faith can uproot mountains and displace seas. Many Christians haven’t yet taken their possessions because they lack the necessary faith.

The Holy Scriptures hold lots of promises for those who have a strong faith in God. Everyone wants to benefit from these promises but only a few with a strong faith end up succeeding. And for sure you’ll like to learn what it takes to grow a weak faith and make it strong. If you successfully grow your faith to as big as a small mustard seed, you’ll be able to walk in higher spiritual dimensions with Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ, you’ll render possible the impossible because we serve a God of impossibilities.

It was the faith that Paul and Silas had in God that released an angel from heaven to set them free from the prison. We can still obtain this same favor from God these days because he has not changed. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever as we can read from Hebrews 13:8. It doesn’t matter the situation that you are facing. what you truly need is faith in God. Faith is what fills the gap between you and your miracle.

With faith, you can obtain divine favor as Paul and Silas did and God sent an angel to free them from the hands of wicked men. By meditating on Paul and Silas song lyrics, you’ll greatly grow your faith. You’ll open new doors to receive divine help.

Paul and Silas song lyrics

Paul and Silas bound in jail all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me
Paul and Silas prayed to God all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me
That old jailor locked the jail all night long (3X)
Saying who shall deliver for me
That old…

Paul and Silas Song Lyrics

When Paul and Silas were praising the lord the Holy Ghost came down, Alleluia
they prayed,
they sang,
And the Holy Ghost came down

Paul and Silas song lyrics

Understanding the faith of Paul and Silas

By reading Acts 16:16-40, we learn that Paul and Silas were false-fully accused of things they did not do. This took place at Philippi when they were executing the mission that Christ had given them. As a result of these accusations in the name of the gospel, they were severely beaten and thrown into jail. They did not keep their focus on the wounds that resulted from the beatings. Paul and his companion rather chose to keep their focus on God who never fails.

They chose to walk by faith and not by sight. That is why they paid less attention to their situation knowing that God was in control. Their pains and suffering for the gospel gave them a reason to pray and sing the more. They found suffering and persecution as part of the christian journey. That’s why they chose not to complain but to thank God for giving them the privilege to partake in the suffering of Christ.

Faith as we know is the certainty in God’s yet unfulfilled promises. It is the sureness that we have in God for who he says he is and that he will do what he says he will do. Paul and Silas knew that God’s will is the best and started singing and praising him although they were in pains. They were certain that God was aware of their suffering and had already blessed them.

As they were in prison singing and praising God, their message was heard from heaven. It touched God’s heart who could not watch his faithful servants in chains before their enemies. And as a result, He sent an angel of liberation to set them free and victorious. It is on this basis that we are presenting to you Paul and Silas song lyrics.

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How to grow your faith in God

Faith is the evidence of invisible things as we can read from the Holy Scriptures. And as children of God, we ought to walk by faith and not by sight. You can be sure that Satan and his agents will do their best to make things physically tough for you. And you are bound to fall prey to their traps if you focus on what is visible. Do not entertain fear, doubt, or distress because things are not going well for you.

You should rather speak God’s mind to every situation that seems to be contrary to his Holy Will. That’s why you should start by learning about God’s promises in the Bible. You can as well learn about the key teachings of Jesus Christ. Remember to take God for who he says he is. Claim the promises that he has made to you as you dwell in his light. The scriptures say that God’s plans for you are those to uplift and not to destroy you. That’s why you should stand against every negative situation that is out to destroy you in the name of Jesus Christ. Act on God’s word in order to make your faith strong. You can as well read the following articles on how to grow and make your faith work:

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