Prophet Uebert Angel

Prophet Uebert Angel Biography, Wife, Children, Books, Age, Ministry, Net Worth, Children, House, Cars, Private Jets, and Contact Details
Prophet Uebert Angel

Get to know everything about Prophet Uebert Angel Biography, Uebert Angel Wife, Uebert Angel Children, and Uebert Angel Books. Also get to know about Uebert Angel Ministry, Uebert Angel Net Worth, and Uebert Angel Cars. We’ll also provide you with information on How rich is Uebert Angel, Uebert Angel House, Uebert Angel Private Jets, and Uebert Contact Details. These contact details will certainly help all those who are serious about meeting this man of God. Many people keep on testifying of the blessings they received from God through this man. And if what they testify can stand the test of time, then we believe you won’t be an exception. You’ll also receive a miracle, breakthrough, blessing, and deliverance. And above all receive the teachings of Jesus Christ that bring everlasting life.

The Prophet Uebert Angel that we know today was formerly known as Uebert Angel Mudzanire. He was born on the 6th of September 1978 in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. Today, he is not only known across Africa but throughout the whole world. He is the Founder, Senior pastor, and General Overseer of the Spirit Embassy which is part of the Pentecostal Ministry in Zimbabwe. For those who are not aware, Zimbabwe is one of the African countries. The Spirit Embassy dates back to 2007 which is the year it was fully established before men and God. The Church maintained the name “Spirit Embassy” until the year 2015 when it was re-branded to ” Good News Church”. However, this did not completely make the initial name to vanish. Today, the term “Spirit Embassy” represents all Angel’s established ministries.

Prophet Uebert Angel Biography

Prophet Uebert Angel Biography

Being a popular preacher of the good news, we are certainly interested in knowing about his background. That’s why we hereby write to reveal everything you should know about Prophet Uebert Angel Biography. The truth is that very little is known about Prophet Uebert Angel biography. Prophet Angel was born in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. It is in this very town that he grew to be a man. Although hailing from Zimbabwe, prophet Angel later moved to Manchester, England. It was actually in England that he founded the Spirit Embassy in the year 2007. Later in 2015, the Church’s name was reviewed and re-branded to “Good news Church” as we know today. However, the name “Spirit Embassy” still stands today as a representative name of all Prophet Uebert’s Ministries. At times, his ministry is referred to as the “Spirit Embassy Good News Church”.

Still on Prophet Uebert Angel biography, we’ll add that his childhood life was characterized by obedience and the love for God. It is in this light that he stepped up and took the courage to work in God’s vineyard. And today, no one can argue the fact that he has been heavily blessed by God from all angles. The fact that he abandoned his other ambitions to stand for the gospel has not crippled or made him a beggar. It has rather opened the flood gates of heaven for blessings to shower on him and his generation. We can hear him regularly testifying of the Goodness of God in his life. For anything, he lays his hands on usually turns successful. He did not only start his ministry and end there. He is also highly credited for training and releasing people who will work in the lord’s vineyard.

Uebert Angel Ministry

Uebert Angel Ministry

Just as we previously mentioned, the general name for Uebert Angel Ministry is “Spirit Embassy”. Coming from Zimbabwe, prophet Uebert began his ministry in Manchester, England. This dates back to 2007. This ministry which is known today as the Good News Church attracted numerous followers from all the corners of the world immediately after its creation. This was how prophet Angel gained a huge congregation. There was a need for the establishment of his church’s branches around the world as many people wanted to hear from him. He did not close his eyes neither did he turn his back on this demand. He stepped out and started working on extending the church to as many countries as possible. God being with him made everything possible. That’s why we can now talk of Uebert Angel Ministry International.

This innovative and courageous move of his led to the establishment of the Spirit Embassy in different countries of the world. Today, the Good news Church has 33 branches in 15 different countries across Africa and Europe. His church achievements did not end here as he moved on to starting television channels. Today, he owns and runs two television channels named Miracle TV and Good News TV. Through these channels, he can reach out to those whose countries are not yet having a branch of the Good News Church. These television channels also serve as perfect means of transmitting teachings and sermons to the whole world on the behalf of the Good News Church and Uebert Angel Ministry. In short, we’ll say that they act as a good reporter. Prophet Uebert Angel is also the founder of the prestigious Osborn Institute of Theology. This is a prestigious online Bible School.

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Uebert Angel Net Worth – $50,000,000

Uebert Angel Net Worth

Many debates and discussions have been held on the main subject of Uebert Angel Net Worth. Estimates of his net worth range from $40,000,000 to $60,000,000. This should not surprise you given that he is not only a preacher of the gospel but a well established or successful businessman. He is listed among the first top 20 richest pastors in the whole world. In addition, he owns assets in Africa, the USA, Europe, and in the UK. He also owns lots of assets in his UK residence which worth about $4,000,000. This great prestigious mansion of his is associated with a 14 acre pretty nice garden. Just from a look at his mighty mansion, no one can argue Uebert Angel Net Worth. His assets and belongings reveal how rich is Uebert Angel.

His company by name Sam Barkeley Construction recently purchased a modern electric power station in Sleaford Town. As of the time of writing, they had already started demolishing to build houses for sale. A total estimate of his real estate projects moves up to $20,000,000. This clearly reveals how rich is Uebert Angel. This estimate includes a total of 300 properties in Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa, United Kingdom, Bulgari, and the United States of America. Prophet Angel seems to have a good taste for vehicles. That’s why we can’t lack what to say concerning Uebert Angel Cars. It is said that he has a collection of over 47 vehicles around the world.

Prophet Angel Humanitarian Activities

Prophet Angel is highly perceived as a good Samaritan by many people around the world. This is obviously because he refuses to close his eyes or turn his back from the sufferings of others. Together with his wife Beverly Angel, they have been deeply involved in charity work since the begging of their church in 2007. He even has an “Adopt a family” scheme through which he pays the tuition fees of poor children across Africa and Asia. In addition to this, he also strives to provide groceries to poor families across Africa and Asia. Although it is not possible for him to reach out to all the poor, his act is really significant. And for sure if the world was made up of people like him, the degree of poverty and suffering would have dropped.

Prophet Uebert Angel is aware of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s sayings:

  • They are fatherless so that you can be their father;
  • These people are poor so that you can be their benefactor;
  • They are motherless so that you can be their mother;
  • Everyone has something to give; and
  • They are in need so that we can provide for them.

It is in this light of love and giving that Prophet Uebert founded the Free Earth Humanitarian Organisation. This Christ-centered organization focuses on seeing that the less privileged are able to meet up with the basic need of life.

Business or Entrepreneurial Activities

Prophet Angel apart from being a preacher of the gospel is a well established and accomplished businessman of a higher class. He began his career back in 2005 as a businessman or entrepreneur. This was when he founded Club Millionaire Limited which was aimed at providing concierge services in Britain. It is in this same hard-working spirit that he entered into real estate business within which he developed residential properties. As if this was not enough, he moved to commercial establishments as well as land and building acquisition. He further added the buying and selling of properties in his business activities.

In 2006, he made his first-ever property sale. Later in 2008, he founded Sam Barkley Construction. These achievements did not represent the end as he further established the Angel Organisation which is the parent company of his business interest. He leads and heads this Mega-company as the CEO. Under this parent company, he runs several business enterprises some of which include the Brits Bank and the Atom Mobile. This man of God is also the founder of the Millionaire Academy. This financial institution is aimed at teaching and training people on how to become successful business owners by establishing their own businesses.

Uebert Angel Cars

Uebert Angel Cars

No one will argue the fact that the man of God has a very good taste of prestigious cars. That’s why we can’t lack what to write on Uebert Angel Cars. There is really much to write if we want to go in detail. It is reported that he has over 40 vehicles in different parts of the world. And behold it’s not any kind of vehicle. We are talking here of the latest models and prestigious vehicles. To make things brief, let’s list a few Uebert Angel Cars:

  • Lamborghini worth $280,000;
  • Black Badge Rolls Royce;
  • Mercedes Coupe;
  • SL 500 New Shape Mercedes;
  • Audi Q7; and
  • Spyder F3 CAN – AM.

Uebert Angel House

Uebert Angel House

Concerning Uebert Angel House, we’ll say that very few people in the world own the type of mansion he has. This mansion is reported to worth $4,000,000. For a person who understands currencies, he/she will perceive that we are talking here of a house worth huge sums of money. This house is linked to a 14 acre pretty nice garden. However, do not let the cost of Uebert Angel house worry. Apart from being a preacher, he is the CEO of several companies among which is that which deals in construction.

Uebert Angel Private Jets

Uebert Angel Private Jets

Talking about Uebert Angel Private Jets should not be strange given his social status. It’s just but normal for him to own private jets given that he’s a multimillionaire businessman. In addition to having churches all around the world, he also has businesses in different countries. And for sure he needs the fastest means of transportation in order to properly manage his activities. Prophet Shepherd Bushiri who is his spiritual son owns a jet what more of him. That’s why it’s very normal to talk of Uebert Angel Private Jets.

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Uebert Angel Wife

Uebert Angel Wife

We won’t be talking of all these accomplishments if Uebert Angel Wife was not there to support him. She has greatly contributed to the success of his ministries as well as businesses all around the world. His wife was with him from the beginning of his struggles to the success level he has achieved today. Both of them join hands in doing the works of God and serving men as well. Thus, it’s just but normal to want to know the woman who is behind the success of this great man. So who is Uebert Angel Wife? She is named Beverly Angel.

Uebert Angel Children

Uebert Angel Children

Given that it is not a sin for a man of God to have offspring, it’s normal for us to talk about Uebert Angel Children. After officially marring his wife, God blessed both partners with four children. These children are being instructed in the light of God’s Love and Truth. Today, Uebert Angel’s children bring him much joy. In addition, they also give him a reason to continuously strive ahead in all his activities.

Uebert Angel Contact Details

Uebert Angel Contact Details

Being a man of the people, it’s very normal to get people asking for Uebert Angel Contact Details. His congregants and followers around the world want to reach out to him for different reasons. Some seek for spiritual blessings while others want deliverance and healing. For whatever reason you might want to get Uebert Angel Contact Details, we’ll advise you to be careful. This is because many people are out there ready to use the prophet’s name as well as photos on Facebook and websites to steal your money. That’s why we’ll recommend that you get these details from his official website:

Uebert Angel Books

Uebert Angel Books

Prophet Uebert Angel is also a christian author, motivational, and inspirational speaker. He has written many christian books that are geared at making his follows better in all activities that they undertake. He has also written several business books aimed at training and preparing its readers with entrepreneurial skills needed to succeed in the business world. Indeed there is much to write about Uebert Angel Books. Soft copies of these books can be purchased online from Amazon. Below are some of his best selling and worth reading books:

How to hear the voice of God: Secrets to hearing directly from God

How to hear the voice of God Secrets to hearing directly from God

This is one of his best selling christian Uebert Angel books. It is aimed at equipping Christians with what it takes to hear from God directly. In the book, the man of God teaches how to identify and pick out the voice of God from the many voices that are surrounding our minds. It is a book worth reading.

Supernatural Power of the Believer

Supernatural Power of the Believer

The Supernatural Power of the believer is another christian book which was written by Prophet Uebert. He came up with this book so as to help Christians out of ignorance of the power God has given them through Jesus Christ. And you can be certain that this book will help you in understanding the authority of a believer over Satan and all his agents.

The Greatest Secret God Told Me About Money

The Greatest Secret God Told Me About Money

This is more of a Christian financial book than a spiritual book. We all know that the man of God is also an accomplished or successful businessman. HE even has a school that trains entrepreneurs. It is in this light that he wrote this financial book to reveal the secrets about having money, investing money, and growing money wisely. If you are into business, then this is the book for you. A serious businessman won’t afford to miss reading this book among Uebert Angel Books.

Praying for the Impossible

Praying for the Impossible

This is another book from the Man of God. As Christians, we all know that we are serving a God of the Impossible. A God to whom everything is possible. It is in this sense that the man of God wrote this book titled praying for the impossible. Within the book, he teaches Christians how to request for what the human eye perceives as impossible from God. There is a saying that if our God did only what is possible before our eyes, it won’t make him God.

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Prayer Banks: Ancient Secrets of making prayer deposits and withdrawals

Prayer Banks Ancient Secrets of making prayer deposits and withdrawals

This is one of the best selling Uebert Angel Books on prayers. It reveals the keys to having your prayers answered. The man of God uses the bank system which we are more familiar with in his explanations. For wherever there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer. And God is always ready and willing to hear and answer our prayers. That’s why it’s worth reading this book in order to know how prayer functions.

Defeating the Demon Of Poverty: How to break free from the spirit of lack

Defeating the demon of poverty

I’ll repeat the words of Prophet T.B. Joshua by saying that until we realize that Satan is the cause of poverty, affliction, and hardship, we’ll be fighting the wrong battle. It is in this light of thinking that Prophet Uebert Angel wrote this christian book on how to defeat the demon of poverty. By reading the book you’ll learn what it takes to break free from the spirit of lack.

God’s get rich quick scheme: Secrets to the quickest way of getting rich God’s way

God's get rich quick scheme: Secrets to the quickest way of getting rich God's way

This is one of Uebert Angel Books on Christian financial wisdom. He himself stands out as a successful christian in terms of finance. And for sure he wants to share the secrets he learned on his way to becoming rich God’s way. It is in this light that he wrote this book.

Becoming a millionaire in real estate: How to go from broke to millions in real estate with or without money

Become a millionaire in real estate

Prophet Uebert has made it in real estate. He speaks today as an expert and as one who has generated millions from the real estate business. It took him years to find out what was working and what was not. And behold, upon finding out what worked, he decided to put it down in writing for everyone to benefit from.

Provoking the Angels of money: Exposing the error in the sowing and reaping doctrine

Provoking the Angels of money: Exposing the error in the sowing and reaping doctrine

This is one of Uebert Angel’s books that comes in to expose and correct the errors in the sowing and reaping doctrine. Within this book, he reveals how one can be blessed financially.

The Prayer that God cannot Ignore: How to ‘force’ God to answer our prayers every time

The Prayer that God cannot Ignore: How to 'force' God to answer our prayers every time

There are rules and ways to pray. In other words, we’ll say that there are better strategies and techniques to incorporate in your prayer approach that will move the hand of God into action. You won’t regret having read this book. It will change your prayer approach and point out the best ways to pray and have God answer you. This book is one of the best among all Prophet Uebert Angel books on christian finance.

The relationship between Prophet Angel and Miracle Money

The popularity of prophet Angel moved towards the sky when reports circulated the news that he had generated miracle money. This very act made him so popular that even those who did not know him were interested in knowing him. This miracle hails from Botswana were a report reveals that the man of God miraculously generated an estimate of P2,4 million which was distributed among his congregants. Miracle money as they called it had to do with the congregants having their bank accounts filled with money. This very scene of miracle money also took place in South Africa where congregants were reported to have received between R20 and R100,000.

However, the theory of miracle money was not welcomed in Zimbabwe as the then reserved bank of Zimbabwe governor, Gideon Gono said it was against financial laws. And as a result, he called for a press with Uebert and prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa who was also performing such in his church. When questioned at the press, prophet Uebert Angel denied the accusations made on him for creating money. He told Gideon Gono that he did not create any money but simply restored the money which was illegally taken from his congregants. In other words, he simply restored what his congregants had previously lost.

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