Unification of world Christianity

Unification of world Christianity (The Unification Church)

Unification of world Christianity

The unification of world Christianity terms up from the Unification Church. This church is also known as the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. It is a religious movement which was founded in Pusan, South Korea. It was founded by Reverend Sun Myung Moon by the year 1954. This church claims to teach a unique Christian theology. Over the years, this association has developed and led to lots of controversies in the Christian faith. They are also well known around the world for their mass weddings. Many people refer to them as the “Moonies” although the church seems not to be very ok with this term.

How the unification of World Christianity or Unification Church came about by Sun Myung Moon?  

Just as we previously mentioned, the founder of the unification church is Sun Myung Moon. He was born in 1920 from a Christian family. Sun Myung Moon grew up in the Presbyterian church. Unfortunately, he did not last long in this church as he was excommunicated for heresy. According to him, while he was still a teenager, he was given the task of completing Jesus’s unfinished work. And upon accepting the call, he stepped out and started preaching. This task led him into lots of trouble and persecutions from the government. However, he persisted up till the extend of starting a church which has grown popular around the world.

Should you trust the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of world Christianity?

Personally I don’t like to intervene in the lives of people who claim to have been sent by God. God has not made me a Judge over them neither has he given me the authority to speak against them. But just as every Christian, we are called upon to point out the truth using the Holy Bible which contains God’s teachings. Reverend Sun Myung Moon claims to have received a task from God since birth to complete the unfinished work of Jesus Christ. He is trying to say here that Jesus Christ did not finish his work. I’m sure we are all on phase up to this point. Are you also ok with the fact that Jesus Christ did not finish his work? As for me, I’m ready to put up my life in defense of the fact that Jesus Christ completed his work on Earth.

You might wonder why I sound so certain about my convictions that Jesus Christ eventually finished his work. The Bible is y source of information, strength and hope to see God through Jesus Christ. I’m advising you to do likewise. That’s why I’ll strive to pour more light on this false belief coming from the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Let’s open our Bibles to the Gospel of John 19:30. The verse is very clear in saying that Jesus Christ shouted loud to the hearing of men and God that “His work on Earth is Finish”. The Bible says that it was only when he said that he had fully accomplished his work on Earth that God the Father gave him permission to die.

The Unification Church brings false doctrines

The whole truth is that Jesus Christ could not die without completing his work on Earth. That’s why the Bible says in the Gospel of John that the Jews, Pharisees, and teachers of the Law had tried killing Jesus Christ on about 3 times without success. The Scripture even goes up to saying that they could not killing him because he had to accomplish what God sent him for. In short it was not his time. And we can see that Jesus Christ finished the work assigned to him and even prayed for us the unborn Christians before being arrested. So I say with all confidence, anointing, and power received from Jesus Christ to preach the gospel that every doctrine that claims Jesus Christ did not finish his work is definitely a false doctrine on Earth and in Heaven. May God have mercy on their founders and help them to realize their mistakes so as to stop leading His children astray.

Read your Bible

It pains me to see Christians easily led astray by false doctrines even when they sleep day and night with the Bible on their head bed. I feel like saying that the Christians of old who had no Bible were much better than us today. The Bible says that there is no teacher apart from Jesus Christ. So if I stand in front of you in the name of the Gospel, I must completely reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ and nothing else. Not even one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ ever taught a gospel which was not from Jesus Christ talk less of bringing a new one in the name of completing his teachings. And so how can we blind fully follow people who are trying to make a name for themselves through Jesus Christ.

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How Judgement will look like

As Christians, we should always keep in mind that religious leaders will not answer for our sins on the day of Judgement. Everyone will be held responsible for their wrongs and shortcomings. If found guilty, you’ll be sent to dwell in hell for eternity. If found innocent through Christ, you’ll be sent to dwell in heaven for eternity. And the moment everyone is responsible for their acts, it’s each and everyone’s responsibility to learn and know what Jesus Christ is truly teaching through the Four Gospels. Listen what your Spiritual leader is saying but always make sure that what they are saying is in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ. The gospel is at the reach of everyone, that’s why you should not allow people carry titles and mislead you.

Always remember that spiritual leaders are not very different from us and they’ll be judged just as everyone. They’ll be called upon to answer their acts as well. They are not Holy Men and Women. They do not have the full or complete understanding of God’s ways. They are not Gods. It’s true that we all owe respect to our spiritual leaders but we must all make sure that we execute only what they teach in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Sun Myung Moon of the unification church or the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity is a mere human like you and me. He’ll answer for his sins just as you and me. That’s why you should not blind fully follow him without testing hi teachings with the standard and true teaching of Jesus Christ. If he teaches anything different from what Jesus Christ taught, then he’s leading you.

The controversial facts about the unification church

We’ll start by saying that unlike Christians who believe in one messiah, Jesus Christ the way, truth, and life that leads to God the father, they believe in many messiahs. Yes, you heard me right. The Unification of world Christianity church believes in more than one messiah. This is definitely horrible to think. This spiritual entity is indeed one of the most powerful business empires that pumps in money to Rev Sun Myung Moon’s account and that of his extended family.

We must notify you here that the movement all started as the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of world Christianity and later changed in the 1990s to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Unfortunately, it has attracted lots of members worldwide in over 100 countries. But I believe that when people will start reading their Bibles, many will withdraw from this association. Another controversial fact about them is their ritual of choosing life partners for their members. They work towards randomly picking members from different angles of the world in and joining them in marriage. As they believe that this is a way to make the world one without boundaries. 

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The Believe of God’s Kingdom on Earth

As if the above points were not enough, there is still much to say about them. Unlike Christians who hope for an eternal and better life after death from Jesus Christ, they rather believe that Jesus Christ came and established God’s kingdom on Earth. And that it is unto them to inherit and live this kingdom. This is clearly another controversial point of view which goes against lots of biblical verses. For sure, anyone who regularly reads his/her Bible will realize that this theory or belief does not make sense.


This brings us to the end of our article on the Unification of world Christianity also known as the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. If you are serious about being a Christian, it’s not by men that you become one neither is it by men that you gain eternal life. Rather go after the Gospels of Jesus Christ and study them in order to understand what it takes to follow God and gain eternal life after death. Jesus said it clearly that many false teachers will come after him, so we ought to be careful not to be misled. It’s not because a religion has a few ethics in it that makes it come from God. At times ethics is used as a cover in false religions. Once you start getting involved, you’ll see and learn but different things. We’ll recommend that you read our article on How to repent from such doctrines and that on How to receive the Holy Spirit.

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