With God all things are Possible Quotes

With God all things are Possible Quotes

With God all things are Possible Quotes

With God all things are Possible Quotes are found in the Holy Scriptures. God is able to do what he says he will do. In as much as he did in the past, he is still doing it and will continuously do it even in times to come. With him, all things on Earth, in Heaven, under the Earth, and in the world to come are possible. While our human nature can push us to see impossibilities around, it is not the case with God.

Note that as Christians, we ought to walk by faith and not by sight as it is written in the Holy Scriptures. This is because the devil and his agents are ready to surround us with so many discouraging situations which seem impossible in order to make us loose hope and faith in God. That’s why we should not always rely on our physical eyes but rather on what God says. For our eyes and senses can fail but God’s words never fail.

Read the scriptures for yourself and get to know what God is saying about you. Use his words to challenge every situation that seems contrary. And because you are God’s child, you’ll end up victorious through Christ. We all know that victory through Christ is victory in deed. Through the message of the cross and the power of the cross, Christ defeated Satan. Thus, we ought not to fear any situation that seems impossible and challenging. For we are strong and able through Christ to do all things.

Look not on your strength as it is likely to fail you. You should rather rely on the strength of Jesus Christ for accomplishing the impossible. His strength never fails. Always remember with God all things are possible quotes for spiritual strengthening.

With God all things are Possible Quotes

What it takes to experience God’s power to render possible all impossibilities

Before the throne of the Most High, everything is made possible for his glory. Thus, the word impossibility exist only for humans. But as children of God, we have been given the right through Christ to benefit from his blessings and wonder working power. That’s why we can undoubtedly call every situation or happening in our life that seems impossible to be possible through Christ for God’s glory.

What we need for such higher spiritual walks with God is faith. For the scriptures say that there is nothing impossible for he who has faith in God’s sovereign power over Heaven and Earth. Do not look at your situation and be discouraged, rather focus on what God is saying through the scriptures to his children. Note that the happenings around do not matter because you are what God says you are. If God says that you are blessed, do not look at the physical surrounding which reflects discouragement. Hold fast to God’s word and you will live to testify.

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It is faith that you need in order to experience God at a higher spiritual level where he renders possible all impossibilities. That’s why Jesus Christ pointed out that he who has a mature faith can move mountains and displace oceans. In this light, we’ll advice you to read the following articles on how to grow and mature your faith in God:

With God all things are possible quotes:

Quote 1

Luke 1:37 – “For there is nothing that God cannot do.

Quote 2

Philippians 4:13 – “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Quote 3

Isaiah 46:11 – “I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass, I have purposed, and I will do it.

Quote 4

Mark 11:24 – “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Quote 5

John 16:33 – “I have overcome the World.”

Quote 6

Mathew 17:20 – “For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move, nothing will be impossible for you.

Quote 7

Philippians 4:19 – “And God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Quote 8

Job 42:2 – “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.

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Quote 9

Mark 10:27 – “But Jesus looked at them and said, with men it is impossible, but not with God, for with God, all things are possible.”

Quote 10

Matthew 28:18 – “Jesus drew near and said to them, I have been given all authority in Heaven and on Earth.”

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