Many people want to know about pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife or simply pastor Chris new wife. Perhaps you are among. However, wanting to know about your pastor’s wife is not a sin. So relax and feel free. We’ll unfold so many interesting things in this article. Just sit back on your wheel chair and scroll down with us. Chris Oyakhilome as we all know is popularly known around the world as Pastor Chris. He was born on the 7th of December 1963. He is the founder and general overseer of Christ Embassy which is also referred to as Love World Incorporated. Pastor Chris is an ambassador and preacher of the Gospel which was revealed by Jesus Christ. He has millions of followers from all angles of the World. This number has amplified the desire to know about pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife. Also read about Pastor Anita New Husband.
As we all know, pastor Chris Oyakhilome was happily married to Pastor Anita Oyakhilome until the Devil added the word “Divorce” in their marital dictionary. Both partners were great preachers of the Holy Gospel. They worked together as Senior pastors of Christ Embassy. Their marriage was indeed a reference to many people until they separated through divorce. It is at this point that many questions started popping up from among their church members. While some people are contented with throwing stones of condemnation at these two pastors, others are deeply praying for a reconciliation among them. Not very far from the reality, others are very happy to see them apart. Whatever the case, we hereby write to answer most of the questions you might have about this subject matter.
What led to pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife
We won’t sound serious if we just start talking about pastor Chris new wife without unfolding the details that led to his separation with Anita. It is true that we were not expecting this from them given their spiritual level and understanding of the Holy Scriptures. But now that it has happened, are we out to judge and condemn them? I don’t think this is what we are out for. God has not given us power to pass judgement on others neither to condemn them. On the other hand, we are not innocent. This is to say that we have all wronged God and merit punishment just as the scriptures reveal. Thus, instead of trying to judge or condemn our two pastors, we should rather pray and fast that God’s will be done in their lives. We must not forget that before being pastors, they are first humans.
The great shock of Christ Embassy
Upon hearing that pastor Chris had divorced his wife, his church members were all shocked. None of them was expecting him to go this far. Although the wondered why and how a man of God could do such, they quickly understood that no one is perfect apart from God. Pastor Chris divorce and Pastor Anita divorce reveals that marital issues can as well arise from Christian homes. Thus, a call for every christian couple to pray without ceasing as recommended by Apostle Paul. This will keep them safe from temptations and satanic attacks aimed at destroying their marriage. Let’s come back to our main character. Let’s come back to our main character. The truth is that nothing happens without a reason. Pastor Chris did not just wake up one early morning and decide to divorce his wife. There is obviously a long and worth reading story behind this.
Authentic pastor Chris and Wife divorce story
Pastor Chris and wife divorce story is definitely not the easiest one to recount. The present divorce which we have today started back since 2014. However, it was not that serious by then as church members could only dwell on speculations. It was on the 28th May 2014 that Christ Embassy Church members started suspecting abnormalities in the marital home of their pastor. Upon realizing that the frequency of perceiving both partners together had dropped, they were filled with different worries. In addition to this, they also noticed that both partners were not frequently attending parties and feats together as it was the case in the past. However, this could only leave them in suspense although they were not expecting to hear the worst.
Many Christ Embassy Christians around the world did not content themselves with folded arms. They gathered the courage and sent messages via Facebook and other communication means requesting to know what the problem was. Unfortunately, they received no answers to their questions. This could only leave both the church members and administrators in suspense. Things continued in this way for almost a year. Behold, Pastor Anita was not seen beside Pastor Chris for this length of time. As usual both partners maintained a silence mood. And as a result, their church members had different ideas and thoughts about this matter. Fast analyzers were already envisaging pastor Chris and wife divorce. And this is eventually what has led us to a piece of writing entitled pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife.
Pastor Chris finally breaks silence
Concerning pastor Chris divorce and Pastor Anita divorce, things were maintained under the roof until the 16th of May 2014. This was the date when pastor Chris finally responded to the worries of his followers. In this message which was addressed to his church members, he clearly pointed out the fact that he was not please with the behavior of his wife. He pointed out that his wife’s friends were causing her to take on actions that were not pleasing to him. He also added that his wife’s friends were negatively influencing her to see him in a bad light. These are some of the things which led to why pastor Chris divorced is wife.
Still on why pastor Chris divorced her, we’ll say that according to the Man of God pastor Chris, his wife Anita was not in accord with his vision of the church. In other words, we’ll say that she was not following the vision of the church. The pastor further points out that he did not appreciate this way of doing things. This did not bring back Anita on the path as she continued to reach out to her friends who were boosting her to see the worst in Pastor Chris and his church. These are some of the challenges which led to why pastor Chris divorce his wife. Perhaps there are other hidden reasons why Pastor Chris divorced her, but these are those which were revealed to the public. And this is what has led us to writing about pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife.
Anita Oyakhilome initiates the divorce procedure
It was back in 2014 that Anita Oyakhilome filed the divorce. However, things did not run as fast as she had planned since the court took much time before responding on the matter. It was in February 2016 that the marriage was finally dissolved after several failed attempts to put them back together. Not very long after their official separation, Anita’s pictures and information were deleted from the Church’s official website. As it is always the case, people gave several suggestions and thoughts why the couples divorced. Among the different reasons for their divorce, was that of adultery from both sides which was circulating and going viral on the internet. But it happened that the Church denied and classed it as a false internet rumor.
Why Pastor Anita requested for divorce
We cannot talk today of pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife without considering Pastor Anita. She had greatly contributed to who pastor Chris is today. So let’s pour more light on why Pastor Anita divorced pastor Chris. According to Anita, she had lots of difficulties living with pastor Chris whom she treats as an abusive man. She wrote on her blog that the only error she committed was that of inspiring people to be better in life. She further wishes pastor Chris success in all his activities although they are no longer together. Still on her blog, she further pointed out that life is full of lots of challenges. She listed some of these challenges to be broken relationships, job loss, and marital problems. And that only strong people had the ability to completely transform these challenges into opportunities that will lead them to starting something new.
Pastor Anita further writes that life is a wonderful gift from God. And that this gift is given irrespective of a person’s gender, age, and social background. According to her, a strong person should always follow his or her dreams. She further encourages everyone to appreciate the gift of life and to have it in mind that no condition is permanent. She concluded her blog message by saying that her mission is to inspire and encourage people towards successes. And that nothing can stop her. In other words, she’s highly determined to accomplish her mission irrespective of the things happening to her. We realize that she did not go deeper into the root cause of her separation with pastor Chris. She rather spoke out of a positive mind with the believe that live continuous. Get to know Pastor Anita New Husband.
Biblical views on Marriage
There are lots of controversies in modern Christianity about what God wants from men and women concerning marriage. In addition, there are lots of debates whether divorced people may remarry according to the christian faith. Whatever the case, we must not rearrange the biblical scriptures to suit our evil ways and intentions. The scriptures are very clear on this subject matter. And we should stop developing unhealthy and unsound doctrines which will mislead the people of God. Instead of making debates on worries that won’t take us anywhere, let’s always refer to the Bible which is our standard for life. It holds the practices which are approved by God among his people.
That’s why we’ll recommend that you open your Bible to Matthew 5:31-32 “It was also said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a written notice of divorce.’ But now I tell you: If a man divorces his wife, for any cause other that unfaithfulness, then he his guilty of making her commit adultery if she marries again; and the man who marries her commits adultery also“. This is not my teaching. It is rather that of the one true teacher, Jesus Christ. We as Christians ought to hold firm to this teaching in every situation. There is no reason for a Christian man to divorce his wife apart from unfaithfulness. Failing to respect this will make you guilty before God.
What the Bible says about Divorce
Divorce is another hot topic in the christian religion that has lots of controversies which have been generated by men and their evil nature. Let’s hear what our teacher, Jesus Christ has to say about Divorce by opening to Matthew 19:3-6 “Some pharisees came to him and tried to trap him by asking ‘Does our law allow a man to divorce his wife for whatever reason he wishes?’ Jesus answered ‘Haven’t you read the scripture that says that in the beginning the creator made people male and female? And God said, ‘for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one. No human being must separate, then, what God has joined together“. By saying this, Jesus takes the side which is completely against divorce. God hates divorce.
Biblical views on Remarriage
Remarriage is another great controversial topic in modern Christianity. Religious views differ from one christian group to another. Hence, creating lots of unsound and unhealthy doctrines. Let’s hear what Jesus Christ has to say about remarriage by opening to Luke 16:18 “Any man who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery; and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery“. What else do you want to hear about this topic of remarriage apart from your own personal teachings. If you love God, here is his voice about remarriage. It’s sufficient enough to act as a light for the faithful to travel their journey to heaven.
Still on this topic, we can read from Apostle Paul who spoke under the influence of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 “For married people I have a command which is not my own but the Lord’s: a wife must not leave her husband; but if she does, she must remain single or be reconciled to her husband; and a husband must not divorce his wife”.
Who is pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife
We’ve said much up to this level. Our wordings and points of views were supported by Biblical chapters and verses. It is in this same light that we’ll say that according to the Bible or Holy Scriptures, pastor Chris Oyakhilome new wife can only be Pastor Anita Oyakhilome. This is possible through reconciliation as recommended by Jesus Christ. Thus, instead of us to sit back and pass judgement on them or send critics, we should pray and fast for God’s intervention in their broken marriage. And that their reconciliation would make their love more stronger and long lasting.
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Recommended teachings of pastor Chris Oyakhilome
- How to put your faith to work;
- Difference between a weak and a strong faith; and
- Mastering the spirit of faith to render the impossible possible.
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