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Benefits Of Night Vigil

Benefits Of Night Vigil

The Benefits Of Night Vigil are numerous and rewarding so much that everyone should embrace the spiritual activity. Night vigil is a booster that helps prayers to be quickly answered by God who sees every sacrifice made in his name. But what is a Night Vigil? A night vigil is a period of intentional sleeplessness which is generally characterized by spiritual activities aimed at moving God’s hand to release Divine Favor and intervention.

Vigil originates from the Italian word vigilia which literally means “eve”. A good number of vigils are usually held on the eve of religious festivals. However, it is worth noting that Night Vigils are great moments of sacrifices aimed at lowering or overcoming the physical body in order to uplift one’s spiritual being thereby pleasing God and obtaining Divine Favor.

That’s why we’ll say without doubt that there are numerous benefits of night vigil. You can be sure to obtain God’s blessings upon subjecting your body to his will and glory. We ought to feed our spiritual beings just as we regularly feed the physical. And it is only through spiritual activities like fasting and prayers that it is possible. You can as well read our scriptures on fasting and prayers.

A night vigil is a prayer which takes place all through the night. This means that the hour of the third clock (midnight) will catch you in prayers. And as we all know, there is power in midnight prayer. Midnight is the hour of battle in the heavenly places. It is the hour which Satan and his agents put in action their main plans. Also learn why Paul and Silas prayed precisely at midnight. Let’s now present the benefits of night vigil.

Benefits Of Night Vigil

Is praying at night scriptural?

Before diving into the benefits of night vigil, let’s first find out whether praying at night is scriptural. For this purpose, let’s open our Bibles to Psalms 119:62 – “In the middle of the night I wake up to praise you for your righteous judgement.” Hence, we can say that the night a quiet moment to praise and give thanks to God for his marvelous and wondrous deeds. We can as well read from Acts 16:25 where we are told that at about midnight, Paul and Silas were singing and praising God in prison. Their praises moved the heart of God. God could not hold back his angel of liberation from freeing them for they had faithful served Him till the prison yard. In other words, there is power in midnight prayers. Let’s now present the different great benefits of night vigil.

Night vigil fortifies your relationship with God

Night vigil is a Holy Sacrifice which when done with a heart full of love, it reinforces one’s relationship with his/her heavenly father. It is an act of self denial just like fasting which lowers the body for God’s glory. And because you are willing and have sacrificed your sleep because of the love in your heart for God, he will uplift you to higher spiritual levels where you can experience him at a closer range.

Night Vigil leads to quicken answers after praying

The more you are concerned about God’s kingdom, the more He will provide quick answers to your prayers. By happily embracing Night Vigils, you are developing a heart which goes after the things of God. And whenever you call unto him, he will hear and answer you just as it is written in the Holy Scriptures.

Night Vigil brings for Divine Mercy

Through a sacrificial sleepless night in order to praise and worship God, you’ll obtain his unmerited mercy through Jesus Christ. Truth be told, we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. And it is not human effort that leads to the forgiveness of sins but God’s unmerited love and grace.

Night Vigil brings Divine Favor

By sacrificing a night of sleep to praise and worship God, you’ll certainly obtain his favor and blessings. These blessings will follow you in all your activities and plans. And for sure, when God is with you, no one can successfully be against you. Your plans will end up seeing the light of the day. You will live to testify the goodness of God in your life.

Night Vigil invites the Holy Spirit in your life

When our savior Jesus Christ was physically departing from the Earth, he promised not to leave us alone but to send a helper in the person of the Holy Spirit. Partaking in a night vigil creates a Holy environment through which the Holy Spirit can provide the help and direction which you need in life.

Night Vigil strengthens your spiritual life

While on Earth, we are in a continuous spiritual battle with the devil and his agents. They are fighting to distract our hearts from the love of God through power, wealth, and other Earthly things. And for us to remain faithful to God, we need to be in an attitude of prayer asking for the grace and strength to overcome all temptations from the devil.

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TB Joshua Live (Live TB Joshua)

Looking to see TB Joshua live (Live TB Joshua) is what many people long for. He is one of the most famous prophets of the most high God in our days. God has been using him mightily to change the lives of billions of people on Earth. This man of God runs the Synagogue Church Of ALL Nations (SCOAN). Although he controls this church as a physical leader, he has Jesus Christ as the head of the church. God through Jesus Christ uses tb Joshua in accordance with Mark chapter 16 to:

  • Heal the sick;
  • Set free the captives;
  • Restore sight of the blind;
  • Strengthen the lame to walk;
  • Restore hearing to the deaf;
  • Restore speech to the dumb;
  • Bless the people financially; and
  • Above all, teach the ways of God to the people.

Why you should watch tb Joshua live or see live tb Joshua in action

We’ll provide the best places where you can see live tb Joshua or simply watch tb Joshua live. If you are not careful with what your ears hear about this man of God, you’ll easily be mislead. You might be asking yourself how you’ll be mislead? It’s very simple, those who are neither going to heaven nor want others to go will do their best to discourage you concerning this great prophet. They’ll tell you all sort of lies and false accusations against him just to prevent you from getting in touch with your miracle. There are many people who claim the name “man of God” yet they are fun of attacking Joshua. What we love is that most of them end up coming back to him to ask for forgiveness after dragging curses upon themselves.

That’s why we’ll recommend that you personally watch tb Joshua live or meet live tb Joshua in action. In this light, you’ll be able to test by yourself his teachings and power through the spirit of discernment and the teachings of Jesus Christ. One thing is certain, this man of God teaches not on his own authority but on the authority of God through Jesus Christ. He himself is not a bringer of a new doctrine but rather a servant of the one who revealed the truth about the Holy things of God. The Bible says that we should each test every spirit to see if it truly comes from God before believing it. That’s why you should not base yourself on the experiences of others or their imaginations to reject the power of God. You ought to step out and watch tb Joshua live or see live tb Joshua in action before making any conclusions or condemnations.

Where to watch tb Joshua live or see live tb Joshua in action

If you are suffering from any sickness or affliction and believe that Jesus Christ can completely heal you, then grow your faith. The next question you’ll be asking will be that on how to grow your faith? You can learn how to do this by reading the following recommended articles: How to put your faith to work, Difference between faith and faithfulness, Difference between a weak and a strong faith, and Activating faith to move the impossible. Another way in which you can grow a strong faith in God that’s capable of bringing healing and breakthrough in your life is to watch tb Joshua live or observe live tb Joshua in the action of healing, deliverance, and prophesy. You’ll be amazed by the great things which God’s power can do. This will eventually strengthen your faith and cover the gap that is existing between you and your miracle. Let us now get into the proper subject matter of where to watch this man of God who operates under a heavy Epikaizo Anointing.


If you are verse with the Bible, then you’ll have a better understanding of where we are going to. It is likely that you have already come across Matthew 1:23 which says that a virgin will get pregnant and give birth to a son and he will be called Emmanuel. This name literally stands for “God with us”. Indeed God came among us in the form of man and lived with us in the person of Jesus Christ. Upon His departure from Earth, He promised to be with us for all times. This His promise is fulfilled in the spiritual realm and not in the physical. That’s why you can’t ask to see him physically. He is living in the hearts of those who welcome him as a spirit. And for sure, He will give them eternal life. Even so, He is still acting the same as in the days when He use to walk among men physically. Miracles and wonders are still being performed today by Him through His chosen servants. And this is the case with senior prophet tb Joshua, the great man of God.

If you are serious about watching live tb Joshua operating under the mighty power of God, you’ll have to checkout EMMANUEL TV. It is the official television station of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) which is broadcasted 24/7. Broadcasting is done through satellite and the internet with aims of reaching every part of the world. This is in accordance with the command of Jesus Christ for his followers to spread his teachings to the ends of the world. Through this television channel, you can watch tb Joshua live and come to better understand who he is. In addition, you’ll end up giving more glory to God for the wonders and miracles that He does through this man.

Objectives of EMMANUEL TV

This television channel is committed in changing lives, nations, and the whole world. It is out to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ and tell people that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for all times to come. The man of God is the chief preacher through this channel but there are times that he allows his disciples to teach and manifest the power of God among the people. You can connect with them through the satellite and watch through your television. You can also connect to this channel through the internet and watch the marvelous things that God is still doing among His people.

Visit the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN)

This is another pretty nice way to watch tb Joshua live or to see live tb Joshua in action. It has to do with visiting the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). It’s a prayer temple where you can visit for spiritual  growth, deliverance, healing, and blessings. You might be wondering what it takes to visit the SCOAN. You don’t have to panic about this. Just read our article on how to visit the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN).

Social medias

You can also watch videos from this church through the various social medias. For sure, you’ll see wonders and great miracles which have never been performed elsewhere.

Prophet T.B. Joshua Wife and family

T.B. Joshua is a famous prophet of our days. He runs the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). Hence, it’s not strange for people to seek insight about Prophet T.B. Joshua wife and family. You are right in asking this question. It’s just but normal for a man of God to also have a family. In this light, he is also fulfilling God’s command for humans to go and multiply themselves. However, the Prophet and his entire family have always preferred an isolating lifestyle over the public lifestyle. They chose to withdraw themselves away from public scandals and concentrate on the things of God at the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) and wherever they find themselves in the world.

Who is Prophet T.B. Joshua Wife

We’ll pour more light on who is Prophet T.B. Joshua wife. This will inform you about the adorable woman who stands behind the success of this great man of God. It is well known that behind every successful man there is an outstanding woman. One who has great and amazing qualities. This is the case of Evelyn Joshua who is the first lady of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). Being the wife of senior prophet T.B. Joshua, she has contributed much to his success than we can imagine. She has also contributed much to the success of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN).

T.B. Joshua wife contribution to the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN)

The prophet’s wife is well known as Evelyn Joshua. She is a beautiful woman of great character. She is the next most powerful force behind T.B. Joshua’s ministerial success. She’s also the second most influential person in the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). This woman is well known to be a powerful evangelist and preacher at the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). Evelyn regularly works together with her husband. Evelyn Joshua definitely considers herself the luckiest to have gotten married to this humble and simple man of God. She describes her husband as a very simple, loving, caring, and highly humble man. She is very happy to have ever known Prophet T.B. Joshua. Together, they have built a lovely family.

How Prophet T.B. Joshua wife came into his life (Prophet T.B. Joshua wife biography)

The whole story becomes interesting when we learn about the supernatural encounter of this man of God with his wife. No one knew of T.B. Joshua wife biography until a few years back when she was interviewed. Up to date, many people continuously wonder who is the wife of Prophet T.B. Joshua. Even when they are told that she’s named Evelyn Joshua, they still are not satisfied. This response only pushes them to seek further to know about Evelyn Joshua biography (T.B. Joshua wife biography). Whatever the case, we shall reveal all that you need to know about the Prophet’s wife. Just continuously read as we unfold in our writing.

Prophet TB Joshua’s wife encounter was a divine plan

According to T.B. Joshua, his encounter with Evelyn Joshua who is presently his wife was a divine arrangement. You’ll be surprised to learn that he proposed marriage to her on the first day that they met. This is highly strange. I’ve never heard of this before. However, with God everything is possible. Evelyn found this strange as she had never heard nor experienced such. However, she accepted the marriage proposal. And today, they are happily married with three children as a blessing from God.

T.B. Joshua wife biography and educational background

Perhaps your heart is puzzled with questions like who is Evelyn Joshua? what is Evelyn Joshua wedding date? What is Evelyn Joshua age? Where are Evelyn Joshua wedding photos? what is T.B. Joshua wife biography? You could as well be having so many questions about the marriage of Prophet T.B. Joshua and Evelyn Joshua. Do not panic or overwhelm yourself with all these questions, we shall assist you in answering most of them. Just continuously unfold our writing. The prophet is certainly a man of the people. And it is just normal for you to seek to know your prophet better.

Evelyn Joshua age

Evelyn Joshua was born on the 17th of December, 1968. As of our writing time, Evelyn Joshua age is 51 years. She is a native of the Delta state in Nigeria. For those who do not know, Nigeria is one of the African countries. She hails from Okala Okpuno which is situated in Oshimili Northern part of the country. She came on Earth as a twin, but unfortunately, her twin brother is late. May his soul rest in perfect peace. This beautiful woman was born from the family of Mr and Mrs Nicholas Akabude during the year 1968. From this year, we can regularly calculate Evelyn Joshua age in order to remain updated.

Evelyn Joshua educational background

There is much to say when it comes to Evelyn Joshua educational background. Evelyn started her primary school in Ezi, a town in the Delta State of Nigeria. She started by attending St Emecheta Primary school. She did not complete her primary studies in this school. Rather, she moved to Lagos by the year 1977 where she completed her primary education at the Orile Primary School in Oshodi. It was still in this very vicinity that she underwent and completed her secondary education. Her studies equipped her with the necessary skills to pick up something doing. She came into contact with her husband by the time she had already started working for the Nigerian Distilleries which is situated in Ota. By then, she was attending the Assemblies of God’s church. After her marriage with the man of God, she attended some management courses in Ghana.

Prophet T.B. Joshua marriage proposal to Evelyn Joshua

According to Evelyn Joshua, the man of God proposed marriage to her within their first 45 minutes of meeting for the first time. This marriage proposal came when she was 22 years old. You’ll obviously be asking yourself how they came to know each other. It all started when God’s mighty power came upon Joshua who was residing in Ikotun-Egbe. Everyone in that area was marveling about the wonders which God was doing through His Prophet. It was by then, that Evelyn visited her sister at Ikotun-Egbe. Upon arriving at her sister’s place, she learned about this prophet whom everyone seemed to be talking good of.

She heard about the prophet and how he brought spiritual light and guidance to the lives of many. At this particular moment, she needed spiritual guidance and taught it wise to make a visit to the prophet with her sister. They agreed and went forth to beseech spiritual guidance from the man of God. However, on their arrival, he was not in his office. Perhaps he was praying in the mountain as this is one of his hobbies. This did not discourage Evelyn but gave her more courage to beseech assistance from the prophet. She returned home and a few months later, she decided to visit the prophet again. And behold she met the prophet this time around. And this is the encounter that made her Prophet T.B. Joshua wife.

First encounter between Prophet T.B. Joshua and Evelyn Joshua

Evelyn successfully encountered the prophet upon failure to meet him the first time, she was welcomed. She was very surprised to find out that the man of God was rather young. She says that she was expecting to see an old man with some long white beards. Unfortunately, that was not the case. As she entered his office, he picked up a paper on which he had previously written a word from God on it. This word was “Ejide” meaning twin. Evelyn was deeply shocked when she saw this because that single word said many things about her life. She came as a twin although her twin brother is late. In addition, the man of God told her many things about her life. Some of which are those she knew and those she knew nothing about.

This overwhelmed her with Joy and happiness. And she knew that she had made a true man of God who could give her spiritual direction. After discussing for about 45 minutes, the man of God proposed to get married to her. She says that although this was strange to her, her heart accepted. And it was later that she questioned how he can meet a woman for the first time and propose her marriage. It was then that the man of God told her of a vision he had some days backward concerning her as his wife. This proposal led them to where they are today.

Prophet T.B. Joshua marriage

Concerning prophet T.B. Joshua marriage, we’ll say that after the proposal, he got married to Evelyn. This happened a few months after their first encounter. Although Evelyn found the proposal frightful and strange, she affirms today that she did not make a wrong decision. She’s happily married to the man of God and they are heavily blessed. They’ve been enjoying their marriage for over 25 years today. Prophet T.B. Joshua marriage is presently serving as a role model for many. Out of his experience and the Grace of God in his life, he regularly provides tips for married couples to live peacefully and happily.

Prophet T.B. Joshua wife and children

Prophet T.B. Joshua marriage with Evelyn is blessed by God with three beautiful children. All three biological children of Prophet T.B. Joshua are females. Unlike others who complain and seek for solutions to get male children, it is not the case with this man of God. The prophet and his wife are satisfied with their children as they deeply thank God. They are deeply convinced that their family is complete. They thank God for their beautiful and intelligent children.

Their first daughter is called Sarah. She studied Law and successfully graduated from the London School of Economics. Their second daughter is called Promise and she followed the footsteps of her sister to the London School of Economics. While in the school, Promise studied international relations and politics. The third daughter’s information has not yet been disclosed to the public. The biological children of Prophet T.B. Joshua are all working towards making him happy.

What the Prophet does

The Prophet is using the power in the name of Jesus Christ to heal the sick, set the captives free, open the eyes of the blind, open the ears of the deaf, loosen the tongue of the dumb, and above all teach the gospel of salvation. Perhaps you’ll want to read our article on how to visit the SCOAN. Each time that people persecute him, the power of God in his life is doubled.

He has helped millions of people on Earth be it financially, spiritually, or morally. Yet many are turning to fight him. Whatever the case, the Bible says that we should test every spirit to know if it comes from God. That’s why you should not condemn him base on what others are saying. Read your Bible and with the help of the Holy Spirit, listen to him speak to see by yourself if the teachings are not biblical.

Hence, if you have any problem which is more than you, seek God’s face. And one of the ways to seek God’s face is to consult his prophets. For sure, God will make a way where there seems to be none in your life. New doors will certainly open. There is no problem that Jesus Christ cannot solve. There is no sickness that Jesus Christ cannot heal. There is no infirmity that Jesus Christ cannot readjust. Jesus Christ is the solution to all our problems. We should always turn to Him in our moments of joy and sadness. He will welcome us, comfort us, and relieve us from all pains and hardships. Also, read Prophet TB Joshua’s Biography.