Difference between faith and faithfulness

Difference between faith and faithfulness


“No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek Him” – Hebrews 11:6 Properly figuring out the difference between faith and faithfulness will help you to better run the Christian race and strive towards obtaining the ultimate gift of everlasting life. Although the Bible provides us with clear differences, a lot of people still find it difficult to properly figure them out. That’s why we hereby write to assist everyone in perfectly knowing the difference between faith and faithfulness.

The consequences of not properly knowing the difference between faith and faithfulness can lead a person to slow down in the Christian race or develop doubt about the power of God. A lot of Christians today who are faithful in serving God often ask themselves a lot of questions when they are plunged into hard times. After prayers, many ask themselves why God is not coming to their rescue whereas they have been doing their best to faithfully serve Him.

At some point in time, they’ll even ask themselves why God don’t want to help then out of their problems whereas they have abandoned most of their personal things to focus on His’s. Such situations have greatly led to the development of sadness and bitterness from within many Christians today. This sadness and bitterness even increases when they perceive those whom they believe to be less faithful than them enjoying successful and fulfilled lives.

Difference Between Faith and Faithfulness – What you should know

Whatever the case, we must not mix up things in our minds. The whole truth is that faithfulness is one of the greatest virtues which every serious Christian must develop and exhibit. And we can also be certain of the fact that God will bless and credit everyone who remains faithful to Him. But we must not also forget that the more faithful you are to God, the more responsibilities and charges you are given to exhibit. That’s why you should not be comparing yourself with someone who is not faithful to God. In short he has very little to no charge. That’s why Jesus Christ explained in Luke 16 that the more our faithfulness becomes, the more our responsibilities will become too.

Still in the same light of thinking, we’ll say here that faithfulness does not necessarily change your life or brings solutions to the challenges that you are facing. That’s why you can be faithful yet still being sick or experiencing some other challenging issues. What you need here is faith. Faith is what actually changes your hopeless or challenging situation into a joyous one. But we must also say here that it is impossible for us to separate faith with unfaithfulness. Because faith comes as a result of being faithful to God. It comes as a result of learning God’s word, putting it into action, and taking Him for who He says He is.

The Supernatural Gift From God

Faith is a supernatural gift reserved for the faithful. That’s why it is said in 1 John 5:4 that faith is the victory that overcomes the World. Note here that it is not faithfulness but faith. That’s why your sickness, challenges, hardship, poverty, and sadness won’t necessarily respond to your faithfulness but will certainly respond to your faith. It is faith in God’s words that eventually brings changes to your situation.

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Although we cannot fully separate faith from faithfulness we can at least bring out the clear difference between faith and faithfulness. And that’s what we’ve been doing since the beginning of this writing. Hence, you should eliminate the negative feeling of being neglected by God despite your faithfulness to Him and start speaking life into every challenging situation that you are facing through the power that Jesus Christ has given us and in accordance to His Word. Remember to build a strong faith in God and you’ll stand a better chance of successfully facing any challenge in life. We must note here that challenges are not there to kill us but to fortify us to better appreciate the blessings of God when they come our way. We recommend that you read our article on activating faith to move the impossible.

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