Joseph Ayo Babalola pdf

Joseph Ayo Babalola pdf

Joseph Ayo Babalola pdf

We’ll show you all Joseph Ayo Babalola pdf Books and how you can obtain them. Being the Great Man of God that he was, his books are worth reading. You can be sure that these books will benefit you more than you can imagine. He shook Nigeria and the world at large with the Epikaizo Anointing in his life. Babalola did this through the spreading of the gospel, healing the sick, and delivering the captives. He was heavy Anointed for the mission which God had assigned for him. Records hold that within a period of three weeks, he healed about 100 Lepers, opened the eyes of about 60 Blind People, and miraculously cured about 50 Lame People. Babalola received the Epikaizo Anointing and power of God. It is the highest level of power which is attributed to chosen followers of Jesus Christ for the advancement of God’s kingdom.

With this power, he did more than what we can write. Trying to write down all the miracles and wonders which were performed by Babalola through Christ will soon get us exhausted. With this mighty power of God in his life, he went forth to bring back a dead child to life. This resurrection became the talk of time and marked the beginning of one of the greatest Christian revivals in Nigeria. Up to date, it is believed that no other major revival like that of Babalola has taken place. For more information on the Epikaizo Anointing and Power, read our article on how to have a taste of the Epikaizo power of God. Hearing these great accomplishments can only increase our desire to want to read Joseph Ayo Babalola pdf books. He was blessed with a deep understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

Joseph Ayo Babalola pdf Books

Before presenting Joseph Ayo Babalola pdf Books, we’ll love to start with a brief presentation of his biography. Knowing his biography will better help you to understand who he was. You’ll also get to know about the mission which God commissioned him to execute. It is without doubt that his Divine Calling was primordial although it manifested at a later age. In other words, he was destined to serve in God’s Holy Presence.

Joseph Ayo Babalola Biography

Born of Yoruba parents, Babalola hailed from Odo-Owa, Kwara State, Nigeria. He was born on the 25th of April 1904 to David Rotimi and Madam Marta Talabi. His parents were both Christians of the Anglican Church. Born and brought up in a christian home, it is without doubt that Babalola loved God. His Father, David Rotimi was the Baba Ijo (“Church Founder”) of the C.M.S. Church. Pastor Medayese wrote saying that there were many mysterious events surrounding the birth of Babalola. It is even said that on the day he was born, there was a strange explosion that shook the clouds and left everyone wondering. In 1914, Joseph Ayo Babalola was registered at an elementary school at Oto-Awari on Badagry Road, Lagos State. He went up to standard five for his primary studies before quitting to learn a Trade.

It is also said that he was a blacksmith’s apprentice for two years before quitting to join the Public Works Department. While in this department, he took 15 days to learn how to drive a Caterpillar. When these 15 days of learning were over, he was able to drive without the help of anyone. He became a master steam roller driver in his class. It was on the 1st of April 1928 that he was first given a steamroller to work on the Osogbo-Ilesha road. It was during his daily working routine that he heard a mighty voice from above that called him three times. Believing this voice to be that of God, he listened attentively. The voice told him to quite everything and start serving the kingdom of God as a prophet. For more information on his calling and biography, read our article entitled Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola Biography.

Great Revivals Great Revivalist

Great revivals great revivalist

This is one of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola pdf Books which you’ll enjoy reading. It details the entire process of a Divine Revival and how to go about. We all know that Babalola was the one who led the major 1930 revival in Nigeria which shook the whole of Africa and the world at large. In other words, Babalola best knows what it takes to initiate and take a revival to success. Up to date, Nigeria has never experienced another Revival like that which he established before departing from our dwelling place on Earth to meet with his creator. The Great Revival of 1930 caught the attention of people around Africa and in the Diaspora. Having heard of the ways which God was using Babalola, people came from different parts of the world to experience God’s power. This happened even without posters and TV adverts.

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The Mantle Of An Apostle

The Mantle of an APostle

The mantle of an Apostle is one of Joseph Ayo Babalola pdf books that is worth reading by lay Christians and Ministers of the gospel. You can be sure that you’ll hardly find a book with deep insight on the Apostolic Mantle like this one. This christian book provides the essential priceless information on the life of Apostle Joseph Babalola. As we all know, Babalola was one of the Great African Prophets that shook the continent with Divine power from above. You’ll find within this book the spiritual career of Babalola. It is a privilege to learn about what it takes to become a successful Apostle. This book points out the vital points in the life of an Apostle of Jesus Christ. It is also a guide to teachers of the gospel who have been called into the Apostolic and Prophetic office.

Great Power Through Prayer And fasting

Prayer and fasting can do more than what you think. These two when merged together can take you into Divine Dimensions where your eyes are opened to see God’s glory. The book entitled “Great Power Through Prayer And Fasting” is one of Joseph Ayo Babalola pdf Books which won’t fail you. As we all know, Apostle Babalola was the Spiritual Father of Pentecostalism in Nigeria. This book will reveal the secrets to the miracle working power which was deposited by God in the life of Babalola. There is power in fasting that moves the hand of God into action. God’s calling in the life of Babalola came alongside a command to fast for 7 days in order to receive details of his mission on Earth. Babalola went into this 7 day fasting period without food and water.

At the end of his fasting period, his body was purified and God was pleased. It was then that his eyes were opened in a vision of heaven were he was given the key to go and preach the gospel and heal all kinds of sicknesses. Indeed, there are many benefits embedded in a long period of fasting and prayers. These benefits cannot be described by human words. A look into the Bible will reveal that the power of the Apostles and Prophets came after a long period of prayer and fasting. However, we do not fast for fasting sake. Let your act of fasting be one that has been led by the Holy Spirit. You can’t step out on your own to start fasting without the special grace of fasting. We’ve heard of many who tried prolonged fasting out of their will and died.

A Call to Honor, a Biography of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola by Rev Babatunde E.A

Joseph Ayo Babalola Biography

This christian book was written by Reverend Babatunde Ezekiel Ajibola in loving memory of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola. It is without doubt that Christianity Babalola greatly contributed to the advancement of the Holy Gospel. Thus, it is worth remembering him and also learning from his actions and missionary journeys. This book is for those who want to have a detailed knowledge about Babalola’s life and how he operated in his service for God.

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